PAGE FOURTEEN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Pnernilipr 11, 11M1 SI AP BOMBERS START FIRES li By RUSSELL BRINES . MANILA, Dec. 11 (Jap anese four-motored bombers smashed at military objectives and shipping moored In the har bor Wednesday In a prolonged assault on the Manila area that started huge fires at Cavita naval base and sent columns of smoke spiraling up from Nichols air depot. ' American interceptor planes and Japanese dive-bombers fought a brisk battle over Nich ols iield and one plane was be lieved to have been hit. . I watched the entire attack from a beach house li miles from Nichols. Hundreds of other persons along the beachfront huddled against fences and be neath trees during the four separate afternoon attacks. . :From where I stood, nine miles " directly across the bay from Ca 'f'vite, flames roaring high in the air could be seen at the end of .-the raid. Smoke also rose trom - a smaller fire at Cavite an hour , after the assault. Another Cavite fire apparently was extinguish ed. Black smoke hovered over Nichols field. Hornet's Nest tr -After first circling the city in i two formations of 27 planes each the Japanese returned seaward, then split up for the assaults. High in the clouds above the bay at least six dive-bombers peeled off from the main units and roared swiftly toward Nichols, .-The bomb blasts shook my house. . The attack stirred alive a gi gantic hornets' nest as American .interceptors which had droned "over the air base throughout the morning went Into action. After i their swoop onto the field the "bombers climbed high and split ud. Individual dog-fights devel oped, with the Americans trying - to get onto the tail of the Jap anese planes. The fighting could De seen through scattered clouds directly over my head. Anti-aircraft guns cracked throughout the city and the machine-guns of the combat ant planes rattled Incessantly, The fight lasted at least 15 minutes. One plane emitted light stream of smoke from its motors and disappeared inland Some witnesses reported that it had glided toward McKinley field, after which a high burst fxt smoke was seen. Another plane slanted seaward beyond ' Cavite, straightened near the water, then disappeared over the horizon. The fight ended when the fast bombers climbed high and headed seaward with the Americans following. Heavy Gunfire Meanwhile, smoke began spir aling up from Nichols field. This attack started about 12:40 and ended at 1 p. m. S Heavy gunfire ceased momen -tarily then burst out again at planes hidden in the clouds off Cavite. As a second wave of bombers came on the smoke rings of anti-aircraft shells puffed out far below them. The planes dropped 40 bombs at columns of merchant vessels, sending up high waterspouts. GETWONDERFULRELIEF Vr Ban and Itch of SimpU fP'l-LE-S!! .v - Utasrle p!U need not wrtflt and tortore . www wiin maoavninc tien, torn and frrita r HL Pyramid Seppoiltartea bring Uon means real anmfnH J. i Jfp tighten relaxed membranes, frently 'lubHeatea and aoftens. Protective and antU rjiaflnavao y to u. It'e wonderful to be .1' 7 " w wnure arain. (jet trenutne taart Pyramid SttppoaltorlM at your drug mmmlZ.' aeiay te and 11.20 on - - -vi7iiB miaraniet. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulston relieves promptly be lt goes ngni to tne seat 01 ini le to help loosen and expe -trouble cerm laden phlegm, and aid naturi to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamftd bronchial mucous mem. fcranea. Tell your druggist to sell you m Dome 01 wreomuision wiin tne un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys Tf backache and Iff palm ara making yod. friiaeniblfi, don't JiwtcompUin and do nothin bout (hem. Nat ura may ne warning you thai Jfnur kidnaya nwl attention. ThvkidnpyaaroNature'aeblof way of taking Eveeea artda and poieonoiie waata out of tie lood. Tbay Uctp meet peoplo paaa about 3 (intaadey. If the 1ft tnllof of kidney tube and Altera fjoo'twork wrll.poiitonoiw waste mitterataya ntbahlood rueae polaona mayatart naggmf paekarhw. rhumatie pain, legpaina, Ion of fH and enertcy, getting up tiighta, awelling, iuffineaa under the eyre, headachea and dlisi turn. Fraqunnt or aranty paean gea with nmart Ing and burnlni unmet imeaith own there la noma Ing and bornlnjf eornet tmasohown there la noma filing wrong with your kidneya or bladder. Don't wailt Ak your dmegtat for Doen'a flue, uaed urreeafully by tniUTona for over 40 veare. Tby give nappy relief and will help fha Iff tnilea of kidney tubes flush out polnon gaif vaau from the blood. Get Doaoe filla, MAN LA Highway Blackout Order Official Regulations for Control of Vehicular Traffic During Precautionary Blackouts Highway traffic within city limits will bo restricted to emer gency vehicles such as fire, police and ambulance; commercial vehicles engaged in essential service such as milk trucks, news paper delivery trucks, mail trucks and the regular transport freight services; and such private cars as those of physicians on emergency call and those required for transporting workers to and from employment. Metropolitan areas nmy take further pre cautions if considered advisable by local police authorities. Highway traffic outside city limits will be subject to the re strictions noted above without exception. Pending issuance of permits for operation during precaution ary blackout periods, employers should furnish credentials to drivers of commercial vehicles and private cars which come un der the permitted classifications. For city driving, it is directed that as soon as possible after receipt of this order, all motor vehicles permitted to operate must be equipped with dark oilcloth or rubber masks or hoods attached securely to headlights, with a horizontal slit in the lower portion about Hi-inch by 3 inches, covered Inside with not less than two thicknesses of blue cellophane or one coat of blue lacquer paint. License lights must be blacked out with an opaque covering. Tail lights must be hooded with an opaque material, leaving an aperture at the bottom not more than U-inch in diameter. Side and clearance lights on trucks must be extinguished or completely hooded. Use of fog or spot lights with or without covering is pro hibited. For operating on the open highways, beyond the corporate limits of cities, removal of the lower one-half of the hood will be permitted for the time being, provided the unhooded section is covered by at least two thicknesses of blue cellophane or one coat of blue lacquer paint. In an amergency blackout during an air raid alert all vehicu lar traffic on all roads and highway! must cease, except for emergency, fire, police and first aid cars. All motor vehicles must proceed to the curb and all lights must be extinguished. Official: December 10, 1941. CHARLES P. PRAY, JERROLD OWEN. Superintendent of State Police. State Defense Coordinator. The above regulations, released through the local defense coordinator's office, are for precautionary blackout periods ONLY. Tbey do not apply until public a period Is In existence. Columns of dirt and smoke also shot into the air from the di rection of Cavite and flames roared up, apparently from an oil tank fire. Several bombs fell into the water off Cavite. A third flight of nine bomb ers attacked some 15 minutes after the first assaults. Flying in close V formation they ap peared over Cavite, apparently safe from anti-aircraft shells bursting below them. The attackers dropped a clus ter of bombs, sending up two new smoke plumes from Cavite, swung toward the merchantmen and dropped another salvo, then bombed the Fort McKinley area and sped back out to sea. This attack was followed by a fourth In which eight planes in close formation dropped some 30 bombs on Cavite. Pendleton Has Blackout Trial PENDLETON, Dec. 11 VP) This home of a US medium bomber base held its first black out last night, a 15-minute prac tice that put business and resi dential districts 100 per cent in the dark. Police and emergency air raid wardens reported no disturb ances and few cases of slowness in responding to the alarm Downtown crowds shouted at the few laggards and all lights wer; out in 10 minutes. 'America First' Units Disbanded PORTLAND, Dec. 11 VP) Local chapters of the America First and the Ministers' No-War committees were disbanded here last night. Dr. Paul Cotton, Al bany college professor, an nounced. He was chairman of both isolation groups. SISKIYOU CHIEF MEDFORD. Dec. 11 VP) Herschel C. Obye, assistant su pervisor of the Itcgue River na tional forest, has been promoted to supervisor of tha Siskiyou na tional forest at Grants Pass, suc ceeding Edward P. Cliff, Super visor Karl Janouch of the Rogue announced todsy. HOUND-UP DATES PENDLETON, Dec. 11 VP) The Pendleton Round-Up board this week set Sept. 16-17-18 as round-up dates for 1942. The tuberculosis mortality rate is now approximately 47 per 100,000 of the population. In the early IDOO's it was close to 200. REASON IT OUT AND YOU'LL PREFER THIS In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are diflerent act different. Purely teerlablt a combination of 10 vegetable ingre dients formulated over 60 years ago. Unposted or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as ",,...., u, nave proven, u a iu Lonvincer Box. Larger economy sizes, too. CNDY COATED r REGULAR! UH TQ.NIQHT; TOMORROW tLRIOHT announcement is made that such SPOKANE, Dec. 11 (J) -Trachoma, ar eye disease pre valent among Indians of the northwest, is being attacked with some success through use of sul fadiazine, an Indian service re port disclosed today. Clinics were operated late this year at Warm Springs, Umatilla and Chemawa, Ore., and Fort Hall, Idaho, under Dr. Polk Rich ards, national director of Tra choma work, assisted by Dr. R. S. Lloyd, special Indian service physician. Dr. Richards said the sulfa diazine was proving more ef fective and less unpleasant than sulfanilamide, used earlier. The disease, he said, was char acterized by inflammation and granular lids and was extremely painful. Until recently surgery was used in treatment. With sulfadiazine, the drug is admin istered in pill form and the pa tient hospitalized for 72 days for observation. At Umatilla, Dr. Richards said, 429 cases were treated of which 168 showed definite indications of trachoma. Eighteen of these had improved vision at the end of the treatment. At Chemawa, Dr. Lloyd reported 529 patients with 153 having symptoms or positive trachoma. Immediate improvement in the vision of 30 was noted. The report said Dr. Richards was believed the first physician using sulfadiazine in treatment of the disease. Chicken Coops Must Blackout SALEM. Dec. 11 VP) Defense Coordinator Jcrrold Owen said today that lights in chicken houses in rural areas have not been turned off during black outs. Ho said that these lights must be extinguished to permit police officers to check on any rural fifth columnists who leave lights on to guide enemy air planes to their objectives. CHANEL Famous Perfumes . 8 Worldly, brllllont, chic the "great lady of perfumes," (he aura of ophittieofed smartness throughout the world Oardenla Lavish, lush, luxuriant so xotlcally heady Its vital fragranco lingers tike a memory of love. Russia Leather A perfume of adven furo dashingly flirtatious the perfect fillip for summer suits and playful out door hours. No. 92 Exciting "two-toned" chal lenge. Recklessly gay on the surface alluringly deep with subtle "come hither." , t'HSv ' Hee.0..fat.Off. $2.75 to $12 Plus Tax Main ot Fifth No i ti i i- -i i u74 Hnd Skoal y ft To buy "her" a gift she'll love you should go to the store where she prefers to buy herself ... So that's why I'm suggesting here that you be sure to drop in at Long's when you're looking for something for your mother, wife, daughter, or good friend! Long's anticipated Christ mas 1941 as the biggest in years, and bought according ly .. . You'll find numerous gifts in exquisite taste, and yet inexpensively priced . . . From Lingerie and leisure robes to handkerchiefs, cos tume Jewelry, hosiery and many lovely novelty gift items. Several different organiza tions have profited by the experience of other groups during the last couple of years . . . And have held their dinner dances at Cal Ore recently . . . The only thing wrong that I can see is that I didn't get to go to any of them! In fact, the chairman of the dinner-dance committee of one club telephoned me to find out whom to call for details and I tried to hint politely that special guests would enjoy it, too . . . But I guess I was too polite. The best gift you could give anyone who has Vene tian blinds is a way to dust them easily! And you'll bo blessed for your thoughtful ness. At F. R. Haugcr'g Janitor supply department . . . 515 Market St. . . . You'll find a special Venetian blind duster . . . It's tilted Just right . . . And made of os trich feathers . . . For $1.25. And for the man who washes his own car ... A huge imported English chamois skin that will last for years! Incidentally, F. R. Haugcr has every kind of household cleaning help for housewives. lee Jlend'Uclil "Buy the low way on the hi-way" is the slogan of Lee Hendricks Drug Store . . . (You'll find it next to Beck's Bakery on South Sixth) . . . And a peck at the. price tags on the hundreds of Christmas gifts there shows it's true. Wrist watches from $2.95 to $10.95 . . . Pottery vases, 49c to $1.79 . . . Ornawood novelties, 25c to $1.00 . . Musical powder boxes, $4.59 to $8.50 . . . Dresser sets, $6.75 to $22.50 . . . Manicure sets, 60c to $10.00 . . . Sta tionery, 29c to $3.00 , . . Bill folds, 59c to $3.50 . . . Elec tric wreathes, 6Bo to 98c. m n t k i4 i i n 1 11 Have you seen the new Christmas package bath sets that Rubinstein has put out? ... I saw them at Currin's, of course . . . Both the new Heaven Sent fragrance and the Apple Blossom that the whole country took to its heart last year and still loves. You'll find boxes in cither fragrance, containing cologne, soap and dusting powder, for $2.50 ... Or dusting powder, cologne and an atomizer for $2.25. Richtfl $wImM. Refugees from over run Europe smuggled out dia monds when they found that their money would be taken away at inspection points . . . And in the United States, the money from the sale of the diamonds keeps them from becoming public charges. So there's a little lesson in investments . . . Because almost nothing under the sun has a re-sale value like a diamond . . . Although few people think of that when they are selecting a lovely diamond ring of the kind you will find at Rickys Credit Jewelers, on the corner of Seventh and Main. VaA Gam&ta Stt&p. What does a camera fan want for Christmas? Here are some suggestions from Van's Camera Shop: Camera cases 25c to $15 Tripods from $4.75 Dark Room Outfits $3.05 Hand Flash Outfits $1.00 Enlarger . $22.50 and $26.50 Movie Cameras from $30.50 to $142.50 Movie Reel Cases, for 12 $3 00 "Folding" Cameras from $8.25 to $50.00 Brownie Cameras from - $128 Jlte Soan California glazed fruit, as put out under the Lyons brand, is one of the nicest gifts for friends and relatives living in other parts of the country ... Or for people here, for that matter ... So I must tell you that The Swan has it boxed from $1.00 to $2.50. This place, Just across from the courthouse, carries the most famous lines of, boxed candies, too . . . Miss Saylor's, Whitman's and Socicte . . . Littlo boxes and big ones, variously priced from 50c to $8.00. Overnight kits of cosmetics are wonderful gifts, becauso most gals yearn for one . . But seldom buy them for themselves . , . You'll find a score or more at Currin's, from $2.00 to. $35. Tho $7.50 size put out by aTussy has room for a nightie 'as well as the rcmovablo tray of eight Tussy make-up and cleansing preparations . . . While the $17.50 size is three times as; big and has 10 Tussy items in a separate kit that can be removed and carried by Itself If you wish. , , i , i fci i , Med-5bttal foauiy You'd better hurry and make an appointment for a permanent if you want your hair to look nice for the holi days . . . Having it dune now will give you a chance for a softening shampoo before the festive days. And don't forgot what I've told you before . . . That my hair right now is curled by a Crcmc-OII machlneti-Ni thul I got at the Medical Dental Beauty shop ... It cost $6. although a friend of mine paid $10 west of the Cascades for the same per manent ... Or you can have another good "plain oil" ma chlnclrss for $5 . . . Phono 3448. Afoe'i. GMmtiU You'll find Elizabeth Ar den, Elmo and Charles of tho Rltz cosmetic kits at Moc's Cosmetics department . . . Fully equipped handbags with space for a nightie, priced from $12.00 to$27.50 . . . Smaller ones, some that look like "vanity cases" of 20 years ago, cosmetically equipped, too, with no excess space, are $2.50 to $7.50. To put your own cismctlcs In while traveling . . .Thcre are the little Rolfs bags, un fitted, for $3.50 . . . They're collapsible, too. lake The gift that attracted the most attention from our rela tives and friends last year was a 10-pound box of Klam ath Netted Gem potatoes . . . This year Swan Lake Mould ing company is having the wooden boxes packed ugain, with each spud individually gift wrapped, for $1.00 any where In the United States. These beautiful baking po tatoes are an advertisement for the Klamath country in themselves . . . And the wooden boxes are, too . . , Which is the reason why Swan Lake goes to the trouble to gel them ready at no profit to themselves. MuAfUteyL Seed A full stock of tho famous Bauer line of pottery vases and flower pots is carried at Murphey's Seed Store at 422 Main St. . . . Colorful ones (either vivid or pastel) as well as black and white . . . And with them you can brighten up a friend's houso very in expensively. No one ever has succeeded In finding a good substitute for a basket . , . But thcy'ro scarce . , . The only ones In town are at Murphey's . . . For sewing, knitting, or for carrying odds and ends. 4- Kimua Hi. Qlall This is the last call for madc-to-ordcr mirrors . . . And since the exactly right size for particular people is hard to find, a mirror order ed to Individual specifications is a wonderfully thoughtful gift. Kimball's Glass Shop at 527 Walnut St. Is tho only place In town that I know of where you can get made-to-order mirrors . . . And De cember 15 Is the last day on which Mr. Kimball will take orders for Christmas delivery . . . Becauso last year thero was too much of a rush tho week before Christmas for such dellcato work. . i X , n kX iLinlriA ff S3 k fcat.O 1ati Gamla Shop. Did you know Ihut Shi-uf fvr desk nets cun be bought this year for the price uf a pen In formrr years? Well, that's what I learned at Vun'a Camera Shop . . . The desk sets of this famous pen an na tow as $1.05 . , , And up to $35 at Van's. Plain Slirnffcr urns arc $1 to $15 . . . Shftiffer pencils, $1 to $6 . . . And Sheiiffer pen and pencil sr-t are $1 05 to $20. You ran have the name stamped in gold on the n or pepcil, or both. e JlendMckl People who llvo south of town and trade regularly at Leo Hendricks Drug Store on South Sixth Street have gotten so they cxpfrt to find just about everything there . . . And If you haven't been in this modern community drug store you're going to bo mighty surprised at the hun dreds of Christmas gifts dis played. Tho prices aro very low. too . . . For Instance, gumes from 25c to $2.50 . , . Stuffed plush animals, 59c to $4.39 . . . Toys, 10c to $1.08 . . . Dolls, 59c to $4.08. I Jotted down some of the things I found at Margot's for Christmas giving . Robes, hostess coats, break fast coats . . . Zippers and wrap around styles in silk and crepes, quilted satins, cotton seersucker and wash able printed silks . . . From $2.08 to $14.08. And lingerlel . . . Lovely gown sets at $1.98 . . . Gowns from $1.98 to $3.08 . . . Slips from $1.29 to $2.25 . . . There are so many different kinds tlmt you'll have to sec them yourself. 1joui Stole, 3hc. Unusual costume Jewelry is a joy to every gal who wears It . . . And If you aro looking for an inexpensive gift, yet a "different" one, be sure to notico tho hand made and hand-carved wood en Jewelry at Your Store. Some of It .Is made of myrtlewood, which grows only In Palcstlno and Western Oregon . , . Those I saw cost from 50c to $1.25. Anyway, drop In nt Your Store . . . Because there aro simply hundreds and hun dreds of things for every body . . '. Except small chil dren! You'll bo sure to find many suitable gifts there. Shan StatlOHfuf. You can still get plenty of Christmas cards at ' Shaw's, even to having your namo Imprinted . ; . Tho store bought henvily becauso there would be no chance to gel in a supply nt tho last min ute, so you'll find an oxcol lent selection there still. Shaw's special Is a box as sortment of 24 for $l.lfl... With your name Imprinted . . . I also like the sparkly assortment of 30 for $2.50, with your namo , . , And the Christmas stationery to write Individual notes to friends. dm GwiMhI jot 24uyA This Is a buby year, I read the other day, hecniiMi the amazing luimhrr of 2.500,0(111 hnhtrs wi-rc horn lu the United Slliti'a (lining the lnut 12 month . . . So here are some suggestions for gifts for bnblcn thnt I found nt C'urrln'H: Hotlle sterilizers, baby fti'iilc, baby book, co lib and brush setK. nursery sets, div posnbln diaper, both si'ls . . . In flirt, there n about everything a baby oulH iii-rd . . . Kvrn rattles . . . And you in pay anywhere frniii 15c to $1110 fur these Infants' gilts. Qalcelonl () Maybe the answer to your .' gift problem Is a pln-lt-up i lamp . . . Tho handy kind you put on the wail where It doesn't need table or floor space . . . Garcelon's has a big stock of them, for every room of the house. I'm It up lamps are espc dally good Pennine they can be set out of the way, and yet In a plate to give good Indirect light ... To climln- ; ate dark corners . . . And ' generally bo useful. Those I saw at Garcelon's ! . . . In all color seheines . . . Were priced from $2.10 to $5.00. SitluM. QuM I noticed the price tags on the famous Sltkln fur coats at Long's this week . . . And the prices still are low . . . Which Lawrence Silkln told me is dun to tho fact thnt their stock of fine furs stl'l Is full . . . But, he said, the Sitklns don't know when they're going to gel liny more! There's a lesson to bo learned there ... If wo take the advice of economists and buy normnlly, we'll bo bettor off than if we wait . . . When things get scarce, prices arn sure to rise . . . So, since C'hrlstmns is coming anyway, why not enjoy It as usual? jbel&y'l Muiic People who have, phono grnphs would appreciate rec ords or complete albums . , . Which ought lo solvo tho ChrlstnuiH gift problem in many homes! At Derby's tho other dny I found tho complete Tschal kowsky Concert In B-flat Minor . . . Four 12-Inch rec ords, both sides ... In the splendid Victor selection the storo carries, And children's nursery rhymes In album form . . . As well -ns popular swing records . , , Low-priced, many of them . . . While others In the storo ore riot Inexpensive, although all records aro much lower thiin ihey woro b coupln of years ago. W i)