The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 11, 1941, Page 13, Image 13

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    December 11, 1041
Wiir with Jnniin linn brought
iwlft development on the fnrm
front More In United l'rr
luminary of It effect hiuI Im
n Some Ciirni prlre luive lieeii
Triiznn. Future priced of wliout,
oybeang, butter, eug and flux
ood cannot go above ycatetday'
rlnao. The price will bn allowed
10 fluctuate within their muni
limit but with ycatcrcliiy' dual
price on tho top limit.
Tha action came on a result of
d'verlth trading Monday thnt
miw wheat climb tho limit of S
rriitK a bushel In Chicago. Soy
bean unrl (lax were up the limit
if a cents. Corn advanced three
11 ud a half cent; outa one and a
hnlf, and rye nearly 8. Butler
wa up a half cent. Egga were a
full cent higher. And liveittock
price remained steady in aplle
nf huge inurltct alilpinenK
There'll bo hange In tho farm
production goal outlined In Sep
tember, Hut the change will be
orderly. There'll bo no rush of
aroctucilon nut- merit win in
orld war number one. As Sec
retary of Agriculture Wlckard
put It, "Wo enter thla struggle
equipped with greater reaerven
of food, feed and fiber than at
any other period In our history."
Wlckard met with department
of agriculture officials lo Ulacuaa
these production change re
quired by tho altuatlon. Then he
aent meaaagca lo each ntulu farm
defenio board chnirmiin iiaklnii
for quick completion of tin: farm
production cimaun now under
way. Ho want lo know tho exact
production puma oi mc iimnni 9
farmers Juat aa soon aa poaalblc.
When those reirort.s are In, the
new requirement will bn match
ed with tho production promised
mid then now goals will ba an
nounced. It may not be necessary
lo aak for greater production In
aome ltnca because farmers arc
promising far more than Hie
goals called for.
nut u-nr In tlm t'nr Ku.t mi-llll
aUuatlc change in some larm
fajroduct. Cocoamit oil and palm
nil from the Philippine Islands
will have to be replaced In full
by soybean, cotton, and flaxaeed
oil. All our flaxscsd production
is needed to meet normal re
quirement and..jCPltan already
is a iiirplu commodity.
Bonanza High to
Hold Follies Show
BONANZA On December
18. at 8 p. m. the Junior class
will present their annual follies
Kach cla of the high school
will present a number. Tho
folly cup will be awarded to
the class presenting the out
standing skit.
Thl year's program includes
the following numbers:
Mt-lncarnatlon of Columbus,
seventh grade; Tho Initiation,
eighth grade; Freshman Flushes,
ninth grade; Klondike Days,
Pnth grade; Super Saturation,
eventh grade; Fashion Show
Deluxe, twelfth grade.
Tumbling, twirling and mu
sic will supplement the class
skit. Jumes Bract-thaw will act
as master of ceremonies.
Thirty year ago tubcrculosl
wbi responsible for 11 out of
every 100 deaths occurring in
tho United State. Today it is
nponlble for les than five
out of every 100 death.
To try to put the lid on labor
organization In thl country ot
It in time would, In my opinion,
he dlsostrou. William H.
Dnvls, chairman, defense media
tion board.
a $trrtn wm to
in 1408
ths eerren. way to ircat
connect we caus of tub
Trouble with a
reuaous ceneAL.
O it evew vm
n ...... . mm.h.
Mii.uniiii; m
Midland ZnupUsie
high school will be closed for
the Christmas vacation at (he
end of the school day, Friday,
December III. The school will
le-npen again on Monday, .lim
itary 5.
The White and fluid confer
ence held Saturday at Weed
was a very Interesting confer
ence, It was stated. The theme
of the HM2 White and Cold
was chosen to he "Pan-Amerl-raiilsm,"
anil the dedication was
"Good Neighbors." Each year
the pupils from the high schools
In the district have a competi
tion In art work, poems, ossay
and stories.
Saturday, the Unite Valley
Bulldogs traveled to Altura to
play basketball. The games
turned out lo be two of the
best ones the boys have played
tills season. Tho "11" team lost
by the close score of 20-22.
The "A's" won 21 18. Decem
ber 111 the Bulldog will play
the Sacred Heart academy here
at Butte valley.
The glee club will have a
skiillng party Friday, December
12, at II 30 p. in. at Poole's rol
lerdromo. Next Saturday the 10
students and two teacher will
go to Yreka to attend the tu
denl conference and to repre
sent Butte Valley high school.
Those students will give a re
port of the conference to the
student body the week follow
ing the conference.
It is reported that approxi
mately $:!." was cleared on the
Junior annual class play last
Friday. The students arc plan
ning to put the money with that
accumulated In the next few
weeks, coupled with more work
by the class of 043. so that the
Junior prom will be an assured
Langell Valley
Rev. unci Mrs. Gordon Kmp
for. Mrs. W. D. Campbell. Mr.
Helen Noble, Mr. Therza
Ward, Mrs. Majelne Cox and
Mrs ftuth Martin motored to
Medford Inst Tuesday for an
all day fellowship meeting at
tho Assembly of God church
Mr. Daisy Huntley enter
tained at her home in upper
Longell Valley recently -kwlth
a shower in honor of Mr. Er
nest Wolf. A social time waa
enjoyed followed by deliciou
refreshment. The honored guet
received many nice gifts.
Harry R. Boyd of Klamath
Falls spent last weekend at the
home of his alstcr and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House.
Norma Cambrldgo of Poo
Valley spent Friday with Lor
mine and Mildred Martin.
The Full Gospel church will
have their Christmas program
Sunday night, December 21 at
7:30. There will bo special sing
ing and everyone la cordially
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welch and
sons have moved into Mr. Kate
Phillips house for the winter.
Miss Willie Mae Randall
spent Sunday with Lorraine
Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Gift pur
chased a new sedan last week.
They will leave for Arizona
where It is hoped the climate
will benefit Lloyd' health.
Mr. and Mr. Guy Sheldon,
accompanied by Mr. Sheldon's
parents, Mr. and Mr. Jess
Dieter left Wednesday morning
for Pendleton for a brief visit
with W. J. Dieter. Mr. Shel
don's brother, In tho 05th bom
bardment squadron in Pendle
ton. The squadron has been or
dered to report for duty at a
destination unknown within a
day or two.
Tho JOC clas met Wednes
day afternoon at ths homo of
Mrs. Lawrence Mltchelmore, the
members deciding tt buy a pul
pit Blblo for the church. Mrs
Lucy Taylor, a guest, gave an
interesting account of the na
tional JOC convention held re
cently in Inglewood, Calif.
A gnu I nn antelope.
Tou'ra won hnlf the battls against
rnltl tlliicomforta If you can opan
tlitwo etiifly noatrlla and hreatha
through ymir noil without that
imiothorv faalinf, If your noatrila
ars cIotrciI lip, lnart,
Nota how affrotlvwy It, sasaa your
breathing and rellavaa t.ha anaealn.
animins, aoranaaa, awallln, ana
redncis, With all thana tnnoyanoaa
oheckfd, you can go about your ac
tlvttiH In comfort. Jars or tiioaa, 30a
Funeral Services
Held for Pioneer
MlSHfilLL The memory of
Mr. Hoetla Bywmtn, beloved
pioneer of tho Merrill commun
ity, wa honored hero Wednes
day afternoon when friend gath
ered In Iho Merrill Presbyterian
church fo hrr funeral servlcee
Taking his text, Rev. Lawr
ence Mltchelmoro recalled her
generosity toward the entire
community, her benevolence and
her long association with the
church. Mrs. Bowman Joined the
church in Merrill one year fol
lowing her arrival and was a
constant and devoted member.
During the service Mr. E. E.
Kllpatrlck, Mlsa Mildred Ship
man, E. E. Kllpatrlck and John
W. Taylor sang, "Abide With
Me" and "In the Sweet By and
By," with Mr. Lillian Thomas
at the piano.
Pallb.-rers were Warren
Fruit, R. H. Anderson, Jes B
Kldwell, W. r. Jlnetto, George
Carleton and Ben Faus.
Burial wa In the Oddfellows
cemetery beside her husband,
Columbus Bowman who died
two years ago.
Legion Post Holds
Meeting in Merrill
MERRILL Residents of the
Merrill community g a t h e red
Tuesday night at the regular
meeting of tho Merrill post,
American Legion to pledge co
operation In civilian defense
activities In the county wide
program that I to be planned
to keep civilian alert to the
fact that America i at war.
Response was spontaneous and
hearty. The meeting was held
In the Legion hall.
While It Is not expected that
Klamath county will bo in the
path of Japanese bombs, the
need for constant vigilance wa
stressed and committee which
will function If the need arises.
Similar session are being held
in Tulelake and Malin this
4-H News
The third meeting of tho Plev
na Poultry club was brought to
order by the president, Donald
Olson, November 30, 1941. After
the roll call and minute were
read, we discussed due. Alio
wa talked about conducting a
meeting. After all tha import
ant matter were finished, we all
piled into Tommy Duke (our
leader) p'ick-up and drovo to the
fish hatchery. Tho keeper, Bert
Gray, showed us how he separ
ated the bad from tho good fisli
eggs. We saw the fish in dif
ferent stages. They were most
ly all rnir.oow trout. By this
time everybody wa hungry so
we ate and then we started for
homo. At this meeting we all
had a very enjoyable time.
Eleanor Sergent, news reporter
Wo organized our club the
latter part of September and we
now have seven members in it.
The officers are Lydia Carnini,
president; Lois Graham, vice
president; Evelyn Christenson,
secretary-treaurer; and Betty
Harey, new reporter. Other
member are Maxlne Stevens,
Corgia Spore, Alice Robertson.
All the members are making two
projects tills year for their room
The vice president called the
meeting to order because the
president was absent. Secretary
Evelyn Christenson called the
roll and read the minutes. We
decided what projects we were
going to make and to have our
materials ready next meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned
and the meeting ended with a
gong and a yell by our song and
yell leaders.
Betty Hargey, news reporter.
This Is the 38th annual Christ
ma seal sale held In the Unit
ed States.
uch has been written about feminine
hygiene. But too often women eve r
look hvalene In the REAL sense of
the word underarm cleanliness and
tweetness, You cannot be attractive with
underarms moiit, stained and smelly.
U Attid, the new cream deodorant,
t. Arrld dots oot roc drams, don eot
Ittitite kln.
I. No willing to dry, Caa be used tight
aftlf iharios.
g, Initaotly checks tiinplntfoo t to 5 days.
Ramorei odot from piripliirjoo, kpa
armpits dry.
4. Arrld It a pure, white, gtaaatleai, stalo
Im rinlihfag cream.
I. Awarded Approval 8t of Amir lean hmV
lute of laundering aa harmless to fabric
Women uie mora Arrld than any etber
deodorant. Try 10d. S9d or i?4 )ar to-
- r -i" store which tells toilet goods.
MERRILL Merrill folk arc
aked to put shoulder to the
wheel In the new call for Red
Croa funds, It wa announced
thl week by Mr. Frank E.
Trotman who wa present at the
meeting of Klamath county Red
j i'.'i. ..' rl-. - V Wl
1 r
.m m m ' . closely If j I
Seors Fomous Blankets ct SAVINGS! 1 '-
The luxury of a much higher priced
blanket at only $3,491 The sheen of
teca rayon with the cozy warmth of
rayon, and wool, on a sturdy cotton
warp 'or years of sleeping comfort!
Duck - Down
Enjoy the luxury of a down filled
comforter at thla amazingly low
prlcel Give the finest in sleeping
comfort! Gold, rosedtist or copen taf
feta, filled with bouyant white duck
133 So. 8th
Cros chairman In Klamath Fall I
Tuesday afternoon when it was
learned that a call had been Is
sued for $10,000 In addition to
tho county quota, raised In the
recent membership drive.
While. Merrill has not ct a
quota the public Is asked to re
spond to the call and In tho near
future wooden boxes to bo built
In Klamath Falls will be placed
In advantageous places in tovn
into which contributions may be
dropped. Cash may also be left
at the home of Mrs. Trotman,
Mrs. C. A. Taylor, Mrs. E. E.
Kilpatrick, Mrs. W. J. Grove,
at Castleman' pharmacy or at
the office of Dr. F. E. Trotman.
Any amount may be donated.
There will be no buttons Issued
TCTctS FOR EVERYONF at or--.,. r...n.ic c&VINGS ZA
. -
Light a a
Filled Comforters
Also Term
but a receipt will be given and
names of contributor will be
publlhed. There will be no per
sonal solicitation, unles the
quota fall short of the total.
A Red Cros table will be
featured at the Christmsto ar
rangement exhibit next Satur
day, sponsored by the Lost River
Garden club to stimulate en
thusiasm for the immediate need
of donations.
Help Kidneys
nil Nihil, HervOTinew, U f !". a0"',;
An and lel worn out. to non '" 0
and non-lTiKrnle Kidney end S'M ihonld try CpUt aj f "
Iotmi Ml thon.anrli. MMef.fM"
iitm.7 back unlaia
JuJ tout druMlrt tor CjiUx todaj. Only J5-
. Pound. ga-QQ
Rich, tangy cake, full of
nuts and fruits . . . topped
with candled cherries and
quartered pecans. Moist
and fresh.
- - - lie genna rMlil' " - - rr- ':..v--
I i'V ' f,3 I - . Mn.ii. At.. and
Save. Time! Money!. Effort!
Sears Carry Everything
in the Catalog Order
Shop the Sear, wayl Save houn-of abopptn
for hard to find itma I Sean iplclal lervh-a
bring, 100,000 Itemi to yon through tha Catalog
rtpstcl Ona day - telf t.yp service, no money -order!
Phona It It la more convenient I
HnrKtaomt Bllvvr Plated Sflrvlng Sell
deltitht auy hoitepal Four beautiful
piecca, for only
Quaint Musloaf Powder Box, for th
your Hit who "hai everything"!
Dellshlfulty diftuanti
Pa mom "Ronton" Lighter t
win oieaa you ior reniamuenng inem
with a K on ion! Only
Pen and Pencil Oaak Bet, gift of
writing luxury foe year to come!
ihmAiiI NfciAaO LTULiLi
Tree (ell on an Indiana artist,
breaking hi arm. That' noth
C9 ' 21 SI TJ" at
Gift Towel. Handsomely Boxedl fQ
rnh XAntt-hed Sets VOC
glWIIIIWia .Tawaa.-
Two hrgflaffy Cannon quality btth taweli.
two dainty gut toweli and two wash cloths
elflttrty ityled In green, gold, peach or blue, at
ftl.Bt.! Two Cannon bath towela with matching
wash clot hi, boxed, at ose.
Mr. and Mrs. Gift Sets
Smt!y lettered HI3 and HER leta. MJ. and
HPS. and flowM d-iliml In larsa lott bath
. toell. baautllul colon! OU boiedl
Kitchen Glow Gift Sets
Sir ictnilr Htchra t letl Two ay prist
taweli, two terrr pot helden. matching dim
cloth! Chooia srten. red or blual
Embroidered Pillow Cases
Mr. and lire., HU and Hira, colored floral
Hand drawn, fine quality muslin
Pillow Cases - '
Plain and Striped Outing Flannel,
36 In.
I lift to
girl on
Boyn tn the
ing, compared to what ome at
1st have done to trees?
Cedar Chest
Fine quality linen station
ery 24 sheets and en
velopes. Tennessee Cedar
Chest. Decorated.
aMaax".. '5 1
tl OK nr. i
10c yd.
Dial J148