SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD COPYKtaHT. I4f, MSA eSRVICK. INC .I THH STOHYl 1 aart hallara .. H. aara Kill Jarfcaon, childhood ' arralaart nf Mrs. atraara Cnrt, arkra aar, Illatia. trill hint that , her marriatre to tho fantona writer lid commentator ! lor alx moatha and SIO.OOO, her part of . lha .atranaa banrnln that aaved for Btrphcn a aa,OOO.nuO InhcHt ' aaoa ha would have loat had ha not married before ho waa SA ; Othcra who haow of tho arrange ment arc Mr. Tocher, Hlana'a farmer father! whoac admiration for atepberi a greafl atephena atrpmolher, Rllen Cart, who honra tho couple will come to lovo each otheri Stephen' apltefal. apolled alatrr, Adrta. vt bo drapl.ra lllaaal ' fUehard Thorpe. Illana'a former amploxer. who dUmlaaed her w hen ahe restated hla advaneeai Bvalra Thorpe, hla heanlllnl blind wife. The lore of Ntrphen for Kralrn whom be and I'bll Brncc bare - known alnre rhlldhood. la andrr atandahlo to Diana. She and ttra Ira hara become faat frlenda. a a a LTJNCITEON WITH EVA1TN ' CHAPTER XIII V)N Thursday Diana went to Just a kindly gesture which she had been mora than ready to mis Interpret. Evelyn told her a great deal about Stephen, too, whom ahe had known since childhood, speaking of him with warm admiration. "There Is not a finer mind Any where than Stephen's," she said. "I hope you appreciate what a treasure you've married. And I'm sure he must love you very much!" Diana felt like a traitor, but Evalyn attributed her confused reply to the natural reticence of a bride. Diana wondered what Evalyn would think a few short, weeks hence when she learned of the divorce that Stephen would arrange. It was late when ahe rose to CO. "I want you to come here when ever you can," Evalyn said. "I like you. Diana, and I want you Blent with Evalyn Thorpe. They to know you are always welcome. . 1 1 - j i.. - .. .ij n, . n r,., - I . , i i t . r mi mI hallway and was about to pass on up to her own room when she heard low voice In the drawing room. More from curiosity than anything else she paused to glance In. Then she stopped short in amazement I'or there, closely clasped In each other's arms, stood Adela and Richard Thorpe! (To Be Con tinned) There are mora than 863,000 civil service employes in the United States. New York, Ohio and Vermont produce three-fourths of the ma ple sugar in the United States. New York city has opened IS tracks for bicyclists to keep them off the streets. Rumania's salt mines are capa ble of supplying tthe demands ! of the entire world. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla A drinking glass was used only by the wealthy In ancient times. ton Square which enclosed lovely park. The big Curt resi dence in Green street was only five blocks away and Diana walked the distance, reveling in the crisp air and thin winter sun shine. On the morning after her inso : lent outburst, Adela had come to Diana's room wearing a disarm ing air of meekness. In quite the most polite tones she had ever used to Diana, she begged her pardon humbly for her behavior of the night before. Diana, genuinely surprised and touched, assured the unhappy girl , she had quite forgotten the Inci dent After Adela left the room, spurred by a sudden generous im pulse, Diana ran after her to ask her to attend a matinee with her that afternoon. Perhaps, she thought If she exerted herself a little more, she and Adela might be friends after all. But In the upper hallway, she ; stopped short, halted by voices ' coming up clearly from below. In the stillness of mid-morning Ste 1 phen's voice said, "Did you apolo gize to Diana as I told you to?" Adela laughed unpleasantly. . "Of course! I told her I was . veddy, veddy sorry for my ugly ' behavior! That I would be a good ; girl in the future. I would have lied twice as much to keep from having my allowance cut!" Diana turned slowly back to ' her room. It was, after all, quite -useless to try to make Adela her friend. And in the future she would know better than to trust Adela under any circumstances! She was thinking of these things as she approached Evalyn Thorpe's house. Remembering, I too, Richard's words, "Stephen (has always been madly in love twith my wife!" TT was this remark that closed Diana's lips when she wanted to ask Stephen to tell her more of Evalyn. It had seemed like in truding into the privacy of a shrine, a sanctuary. If he really (loved Evalyn, she could not blame Bum, for she was certainly the a imost beautiful person she had asver known; but Stephen's lips (remained closed the night Diana bad mentioned the blind girl to Slim. She dwelt upon his words, "There is no one whom I care to snake my wife literally." Easy . to understand, if his heart was in ' (the keeping of Evalyn Thorpe. She wondered a great deal about when and how the estate (Stephen was to Inherit was being (settled. Stephen had told her pothing regarding it Had the ad lminlstratora accepted the fact of' (his marriage as genuine and was she, Diana, serving the purpose I for which she had been brought into the Curt household? How Imuch longer was she to stay? She (hesitated to ask, believing that (Stephen might think her unhappy land restless, might terminate the larrangeshent sooner than other wise. And she had no wish fori Diim to do that She wondered! at her strange contentment at--fributed it to her enjoyment of I the unusual luxury with which ahe was surrounded. "I'm like a cat" she thought wryly, "hamw when I've got a soft pillow to lie : ,oni" At the Thorpes' Diana was -ushered into a charming living! room oi no especial design or ar rangement Jivalyn rose from a I low, cnintz-covered chair bf the I aire ana came iorwara with out stretched hands. Her face was ' eagerly alight and Diana was - struck anew with her beauty. "You're late. I was afraid you'd forgotten," Evalyn said, clasping Diana's hands warmly. "But you must know I couldn't forget," Diana assured her eager ly. "I've been looking forward !to this moment ever since you lasked me." "You're Sweet." Evalvn amMorl "I knew you would be. Sit down. We're to spend the day quite alone, and I shall do evm-vthino- in my power to keep you from being bored!" As the day wore nn. niana n that she could happily snend tho h-est of her life in this woman's company, tier conversation was gay, charming and interestine-; hor Ibusy fingers flew over a knitted Isweater In a deep, sea blue. And when Evnlyn spoke lovingly of pichard Thorpe and his many flna tiuiiiiiies jjiana icit a little tashamed that she had despised him so. In spite of everything, Richard began to take on a glow of respectability. Surely ahe had misjudged him. But she had never pictured him as the kind hus band, the loving companion Eva lyn painted. . ' -N ( gHE shut her thoughts resolutely to rumors she had heard of (his "affairs." Office gossip, she Jold herself. E-en the invitation be had given Diana to go to din tMr with. turn, had probably been out much and I shall consider it a special privilege to have you come!" Diana's eyes blurred. "As If the privilege weren't all on my side! This has been one of the happiest days I have ever known. I thank you for it" "I'm glad," Evalyn smiled, her soft sightless brown eyes shining. All the way home Diana was aglow with the warmth of the blind woman's friendship. What did it matter if Adela were rude and unkind, as long as she bad Evalyn? Still in this exalted mood, she reached the Curt home. Larkin told her that Stephen had not yet come in. She ran through some mail lying on a small table in the Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phons 5S20 1 THINK THEY'RE OH, THAT SHOWS I ( A-LAUOHlW AT Y lOtO'T HAVE THE RIGHT BIO ICK A-ETTIS' I SEWSe OF HUMOR-- ) I OKI COLD ROCKS, 1 WA-S LAUOHIWO AT I A-TRYIW1 TO GIT THEIR. FUR COWS, AMD WARM.' y BAPE LESS AMD SHOULD ) V HAVE BE6M LAUOWIMO IVi VjZS"" NO DIFFERENCE, -. I SW. LEADER WAK-KMrFf WHEN VOO.ER, EMPTIED THE SWEEPER THE OTHER DAV, DID SDL) OBSERVE ANY IrA THE DUST f iv hAR-RUMPhc -SOME OF M.V ASTRONOMICAL, NOTES HAXIE. BECOME L06T AND I X THOUGHT SOU MISHT HANE DUMPED THEM INTO TUE RUB3ISH BARREL.' NOPE, UNCLE BULGY X DIDN'T LOOK VERY CLOfcE, BUT OIR.T AN CISAR ASHE6 WAA ALL X 6AW THIS PONV REALLY IS PINKY FOSTERS,, BUT TnE BEEN KIDDIN& EVERYBODY I BOU&WT IT FOR, MABBlNS SOME STA&E COACH ROt RED RYDER THA.T SUCSl FROA IERS A 7wihew,V Vr JOl:-:. Xk ( HOW MUCH DID T Jr -SYV?' Lrde WOULDN'T THINK TO look in1 the Rubbish BARREL-, THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson s 7o a eamsH soldiece; , I WHAT IS A AHAeCaAsay , OAOV !?2a V-' CASTOR. POLLUX. THE TWO STARS K9MOWN fOtt CENTURiES AS 7ri-- aTAVSeVVSV' TWINS? ARB &j3wcy vec7rsso . Itrmo rr.tT. C0fK.lMiaTMCAacllVKC.a1C. 12-11 Y"J 1 Lo,m I uitir. Ain't NoeoDi is rr . but m Xf TJlSGlNG J jf( THERE MiOL pE VjAK II 15 lUltJ WHERE , bu buried Jk f MS,5ifmR' l THE C5OL0 rl IOu'lL ?CK5 I CACHE TEil III F''D OUT ' -i YEARS J kfc l"1 aa By Frd Harmal LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE GAD! WHEN I THUK OP THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU. DOC THAT LITTLE DRESSING STBTION- MUO AND BLOOO AND BOMBS-NEVTO THOUGHT WED MEET AGAIN" SAME HERE- HOW DID voy GET OUT OF SPAIN ALIVE -rtiO WHERE DID YOU GO? ' OH. I WAS LUCKY" OR I THOUGHT WAS UNTIL I DISCOVERED SPAIN WAS ONIV A KINDERGARTEN BY COMPARISON VES--I GUESS NO MATTER WHERE WE FIND OURSEIVK, THERE ARE ALWAYS CBS PLACES -BUT ITS QUIET I - ntKfc. CM Y ffj By Harold Groi MM-M-M-VES-THATlS ONE THING I DONT UNOERSTONO YOU. WTTH 6KILL. TRAINING BURIED HERE IN THIS QUIET LITTLE VILLAGE ( YOU DOMT EVEN CEFM puteyc NO - I HAVENTAMY PATIENTS HA I HA) EXCEPT ANNE. OF COURSE- mm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ' 1. IT I ..r . n - Bl .'..-r DONT TRY TO UNDERSTAND It OLIVER. MY FRIfNO--MAYBE I JUST WANT TO 66 ALONE O. K FOR A WHILE ---TO THINK" S DOC OR JUST TO DO NOTHING J ITS YOUR T ALL - - - ANYWAY, HERE BUSINESS I QM dNn urea I crmv- fl Afar, uva . . , - . . ST, " . KtJ- , ... ,..-r,V Of MINE- aaaaaaiajs raaaV ANSWER: Hurricane, a British fighter plane; Archie, a British anti-aircraft gun; Flaming Onion, a German anti-aircraft projectile; Jerry, German fighter or his plane. NECT: When aa assassin's rim mined fire. MOUNTAIN GOAT HORIZONTAL l,TPicturel anunaL - 12 Choice pari 13 Analyze. 15 Whirlwind. 18 Shy. 17 Senior (abbr.), - 18 Zest 20 Fish. 21 Watched narrowly. 23 Land measure 24 Air (comb; form). 26 Palm lily.. 27Hevates. ' 28 Former Answer to Previous Puzxle Bi n Els t y-IlElae IrIoI IeII n ni ifi a 45 Agitation. 46 Smallest slate; (abbr.). Russian rnrer. 47 At sea. 29 Belonging to it. 30 Eskimo snow hut 34 European Tnountainji 38 Actor. 40 Italian coin. 41 Consumes. 42 Eagle's nest 48 Male parent 50 Doctor of Divinity , (abbr.).' 51 Scoffed. 64 Their habitat Is in the. 57 Porticos. 8 Lists of names. zenith. 16 Company (abbr.). 19 Exist 20 Peruse. 22 Greek letter. ' 25 To debar (law) 30 Roman roads. 31 Minute . particles, 32 Distinct portion. 83 Belief. ' 35 Lighted.. 36 Conceits,' 37 Variety of carnellah (pi.) 39 Comforts. 43 Sun god. 44 Epic poetry. 47 Constellation. 49 Perform, VERTICAL 2 Image. 8 It Is a goat 4 Pronoun. 5 Cereal arass. 6 Ream (abbr.). 82 And I LatlnV 1 Utter.' "53 Dawn (comb. 8Hour (abbr.). form), 0 Fundamentals 84 International 10 Weird. language, 11 Essential oil. S5Kae. 13 Seed covering. 58 Iridium H Opposite the (symbol). . BUTT- . HWSEO1, WASH TUBBS TO OM VVVr FH1 J VOUNb HON u By Martin IM Itrur.Q iu OHM' era, TjocTikw &CNTVV.tAt. V1UUT HERES TrIE. TRUCK 1 THE DRIVERS i JUPIM6 1 rABMWWLE.'UV WE CAUHOT Wa.lTi') BLUB BLAT-zS! HE'S SUCCEEDED IM PLANTIM6 EVHRy I .. V MFBei IVEN NOW 1 HEAC I Ar--1. i rj-.u (in nn ajiiiiiirjaj iiiari , J ONIY KLE6- IHUKKYJsioe 4' SlS v Qfrt . 1 WARTS , IS aNTRAWCE,C0U.Aft. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS HEV. Tr POOQ 16 Y PIEA6BV ,V , . 1 5rTHMWlf YBikPPFDi'i U5CKE0J AND OMLy ) 6TAMD X T -?, - CWMM ItVlVi f rtP TUC SHIWUT 'CaffmmuBiS lrfl LJlL -"jHffll By Cran B2 i I 15- 16 I 7 . la b llO I I Jr if 7 Wi5 3 22 30 a " T" 33 I W 35 136 137 ' 39 " I 'fA 40" 451 144 1 4T" 47 W 9 ' 55""" 5i 5T753 ' r !i " bis? H I 1 I 1 ,M 1 I I I I ,.J Amo, dado, we MK3HT AS VJBU. rr u,as all A pur up.JoeV THAT VOUNO KlLOWl yOU MET HEBE WAS N'T RFAUY MILUES SON A wasnt no we jusr Asked mim Tt PRETEND ME WAS. IN ORDER IO BREAK UP YOUR ROMANCE' With MILOB J Mou T Put. DADD", we wbrbnt really 9HOULDMT 1 VERY FAR WRONG MILLIE HAS GOT HAVB DONE i A 60M TAKff OFP YOUR DARK IT, HILDA GLASSES AND SBB WHAT HB OO TO r. LARD'S Ej By Blossei Am 1 SUPPOSED Its Look at WHAT MB DID 'ID MOO ,OR ARB YOU SUPPOSED IO LOOK AT WHAT HB DID 70 rvie.' ALLEY OOP JC: ni.rv g. J 1 ton, mi iy nr nnmt. inc. t. m. to. n. . at. orr. ml. HAH , BUMPKIM.' MY HAT.7 YOOV CUT HOW'O VOU LIKB 1 1 rr PLUM halp in I I THAT POP A V TWO WHY, , S SAMBj6H -ygUU- it ft "t-Kw4W.i By V. T. Hamfin o