1 comber 11, 1941 Or- Tenpin : fUs- STOCK MARKET fSs- HEADS UPWARD mien- ... .. .u i;, 7i yij Kiiii in Mi hi ft.wi Wriinr m; nil in am Ii oil 171 lan vri AM . . 4 fx in m IUh.ii-i ... au an iu j t ii tm vrii unim. Qamt i lltutil ... M j- vi j hm rti im io; s Unlit , IM III A)u Hr in; n jid mi I lUI'r . . . .. U0 im T ftV) iUhiu-i . w aj si im THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 9t uv-A vu r4 Mall Plnnlgtn rUfh . h-.m vi.lonr 1I m IM IM 1 7(1 IM if) . - IM IM IM . . u; ift. i. Ml M M IM Ml W RTI 1419 ITT . IM ITS IU MA Pirt ID it! 411 Ifflt 1 all IU ltnllrp I attnl. . HI IT IM All IP1 '. T ai r "i jo . IVi 11 tit MO . lo no i;i an a as as U7 m it ivf i .n m tio i in im oi l y I Ml .UA .. n? IT HI . 61 U M IM tl M rt UiK f Hrll-IM I'm ( I II II HI II afcj.Wt Vnf 11 mtllr h ajiil -I m r.iio II Mt'ep I .1 IU ).i fit i:t iw ia: im im tit Wabtt Kwmtlt via mi , tu i:i ir? no ... in t i: j no in i;s in Wl m wr tit ina MaAheil and Uuutcud OOMMCIICIAl LtaOUC HtM Clly Launder "It" Ti"iittf f ll,t,,lr.i . HI IM fjl.rttft limit . , , I V) 4 111 IM (03 IM Ml in i hi i: 111 in nt fcU v wn n sua it; hi oi .. Il UT IV 111 . IM IM 118 . 1 M IM 111 IM ii in m m: ni in i aw ari im a -mm im if r na )liDHI4p M Kmiih Lmn Lumhtr IU K IT IM 111 IM . IM 111 IU IM HI HI IJI SM M P Mi TTSI J. Hifllih I . Mind let p HO 9 iai in im ito ..lift iu lis ao .11? iia ?m a?r .im u ITS vi 9i i i; P.'t a 99T SMS Km SET OUT OTRJE when guests "drop Inl" li'l t hoiplnblo cuitom that wlm jrou complimenis ne ciilly oomdijrt when folio prefer to relix in moderate wnjr. With crening rrfrejh menu iccvc rich mlOlilornit Port or pour mher-colored, nuilika Sherry. Wino Advliorr Boird. 65 Second St.,SinFnndico. UQp, 1 AS WAR VOTED NEW YOnK, Dec. 11 (UP) Fliinnclal mnrkrln nwting up wnrd todny a the nnzl IUllim ronllllnn rlrrlnrrd wr on the United StutM nnd conurowi (uli'Kiy rnllrd llin bet with unnnlmoiix vote to imuh the xl by air. land and ea. Tramfera lacked the volume or the prevlotM nemlon and ap. proxlmatod 1,300.000 harc thf flrnt time thin w-ek the turnover lind been under 2,000,000 iliaren t-ommodltlci were Btronu, with aom agricultural itaplei nimn the upper llmlta permit- cn in a lni(le dny i tranaac. tlonii It n 1 1 bondi rarne bnck. Iradinu wnn luLipi-mli'd in dnl lnr liiMim iif Itnly and Germany Prominent atocka on tne move Included US Steel, Bethlehem. YouiiKiftown Sheet, Anncondn. Kennrcott, Phelpii Dodge. 3oe inn, Dnuglun Aircraft. United Aircraft. Dow Chemical. Du Pont, Kaatman Kodak, Union Carbide. Wcstlnghouae. J. I. Cane. International Harventer. N. Y. Central. Southern Pacific and Wnolworth. American Telephone dipped to a new 1041 low but eventually revived for a net advance of around 4. Inclined to lag were Ciencral Motora, Chrysler, Mont gomery Ward and Goodrich. doling Quotation: Air Reduction 371 Alaaka Juneau li Al Chem & Dye 142a Allla-Chalmera 271 American 70! Am Car & Kdy 281 Am Had Sta San 4 Am Roll Mills lOt Am Smelt & Ref . 38i Am Tel & Tel 135 Am Tob "D" 481 Am Water Works ... 3 Am Zinc L Sc S 41 Anaconda 25 Armour III 3 Atchison 221 Aviation Corp .. 31 Bald Loco 12 Bondlx Avla . 361 Beth Steel 86il Boeing Airp .. 18 Bordun .. 20 Borge-Warner 191 Calif Packing 181 Callahan . L . i Calumet Hec 511 Canada Dry - 13 a Canadian Pacific 3a Cat Tractor 3BI Celancse . . 21 Ches &. Ohio 33 Chrysler 4Ba Coi Gas ti El II Com'l Solvents 81 Comm'nw'lth St Sou 522 Conaol Aircraft 211 Consol Edison 121 Consol Oil Si Cont'l Can ..... 301 Corn Products 471 Crown Zellerbach 11 Curtlss Wright 8 Doug Aircraft 641 Dupont De N 141 Eastman Kodak 133 El Pow Sc U 1318 General Electric 261 General Foods ... 381 General Motors .... 331 Goodrich 161 Goodyear Tire 13 i Gt Nor Ry pfd 20i Greyhound 121 Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Dec. 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 IB 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 20 30 31 Heaaon 11)41-42 Sanson 1040-41 Dec. to Seuaon Dec. to Scaaon Dally Dute to Duto Dally Date to Date SI 21 2006 3 2079 9 30 2675 ii 31 3007 23 63 2608 24 59 3031 31 iT 272B 31 ii 3062 21 105 2750 32 UB 3094 24 I2B 2774 28 140 3122 0 120 2774 41 187 3163 25 154 "27011 4 193 3187 24 178 2823 40 23l 3207 : Month Shipments by Truck (1040) Grand Total Oirtar't Pint Peeda MrlUnUI FWhr R Kaithura Handicap IM Ml lit SI? nt ast io aw i ur HI 4U ritkatt . DaLurr . Amnrllnf MoOarao Uirnlk llandlrap ana m rai ssm Kniania al Mlumbua n n isa oi m ia im tat na isa im in iu in ita IM 110 IM I At aa aa at tot ;n sal asl tin Morrla jAhnaon . Clark Tflfnrit InfnM H Handicap Ktamalh Maoh, Uartliind -I,. Blaehlj rhii Oalmar Wakftnan . Handicap i LMt nutf Dairy ., ,i. ir ia lai mi " 1ST iit soa .. . ,, im im ati ara 117 IIT 171 IU im iaa lit tpa 71 71 71 III ItO tTS lOOt !7Sa ik koaomotlva ma ira im aos im im aia ai7 i its Itl 4M iiw iu ita m isn its im mo u u u ni aw t7s not aiuo FOA TH CONVENIENCE OF OlA GUESTS the opening of San Fratia'sco's most modern parage directly adjacent to . Mac M( SAN FRANCISCO OVHiQHT 76 Illinois Central 51 Insp Copper 01 Int Harvester . 45 i Int Nick Can . 24 k Int Tel & Tel 1 i Johns Munville 54 Kennccott 34 Lib O Ford 23 Lockheed 231 Loew's 351 Long-Bell "A" i ur. 2 Montgomery Ward . . 281 Nosh-Kclv 31 Nat'l Biscuit 15i Nat'l Dairy Prod 13 Nafl Dlst 221 National Lead 131 N Y Central 8 No Am Aviation 121 North Amer Co lOi Northern Pacific 41 Ohio Oil 8 Otis Steel 41 Pac Amer Fish 8 Pac Gas & EI IBs Pac Tel & Tel 101 i Packard Motor 2i Pan Amer Airways . 141 Paramount Pic 131 Penney (J C) 731 Penna R R .... 181 Phelps Dodge 251 Phillips Pet 431 Proctor It Gamble 52 a Pub Svc N J . 121 Pullman 211 Radio 21 Rayonlcr Bt Rayonier pfd 251 Republic Steel . 161 Richileld Oil .9 Safeway Stores . , 411 Sears Roebuck . .. 60i Shell Union 141 Socony Vacuum i,......... 8 s Sou Cal Edison 181 Southern Pacific ....... 10 a S perry Corp 29 J Standard Brands . 4i Stand Oil Callt 211 Stand Oil Ind . .... 304 Stand Oil N J 44 i Stone tt Webster Si Studebakcr 3J Sunshine Mining 3t Trans-America 4 Union Carbide 70s Union Oil Calif .'. 13 i Union Pacific 821 United Airlines ; IU United Aircraft : 33 United Corporation 932 United Drug - .... i United Fruit 71 U S Rubber 211 U S Rubber pfd . 85 U S Steel 501 Vanadium 181 Warner Pictures 5 Western Union 23 Westlnghouse 74J Woolwortli 25 S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCiSCO, Dec. 11 P) (Fed. -State Mkt News) HOGS: Salablo 050. Mostly 5 cents lower; one load 210 lb. $11.75, early top; bulk good to choice 185-235 lb. bar rows and gilts, $11.55 to pack ers; good sows $9.00-25. CATTLE: Salable 50. Steady; one load medium 93S lb. steers $10.25, good fed grades quoted $11.00-25; package BOS lb. me dium cows $8.25: cannera and cutters, $5.50-6.50; medium saus age bulls, $8.00-75. Calves: Sal able nono. Nominal; Rood to choice vcalcrs quoted $12.00 to $1 J.oo; medium to choice slaugh ter calves, $8.50-10 50. SHEEP: Salable none. Nomi nal; good to choice wooled lambs quoted $11.00-50; medium to choice shorn ewes, $4.50-5.50. Neither interest, poverty, per sons, nor prejudices will be al lowed to stand in the way of achieving victory. Ernest Be vin, British labor minister. Near Jackson, Wyo., 54 hunt ers shot a prankster's decoy elk, each one leaving it to fool some one else. Passing the buck! Whan la Madiord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modara Joa and Anne Earley Proprietors HERE T COMES CHICAGO, Dec. 11 tip, Wheat prices shot up almost 5 cents a bushtl today to peaks alnce 1937. Although American-axis dec larations of war were received calmly in the grain pits at first, buying enthusiasm cxpunded af ter mid-session and prices of all cereals soared to top levels for the pasf two months and, in some cases, for the past four years. Soybeans were up 8 cents, the maximum permitted In one dny, the emergency ceilings nnving been lifted. Buying of wheat was attribut ed to mills and other consuming interests as well as investors and professional traders. Wash ington reports that price control legislation may be delayed at tracted attention. Late profit taking reduced the wheat gain but prices closed 21 31 cents higher than yesterday, December $1,261-1, May $1,291 1.30. Corn was l-llc up, De cember 791c, May 84i-lc; oats 1-Hc up; rye 2l-21c up; soy beans 8 cents higher. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 4 Califor nia, 5 Oregon arrived; 10 unbro ken, 20 broken cars on track, market firm, offerings very light, very few sales; Klamath Russets No. 1, 1 car, $2.15; com bination grades, few $1.65-1.75. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 1 California. 4 Idaho arrived, 33 unbroken, 24 broken cars on track: market showing firmer tendency; no Klamath quotations. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. Dec. 11 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 74; on track 234; total US shipments 483; supplies moderate, demand rather light; market slightly stronger on best quality stock; Idaho Russet Burbanks, US No. 1, $2,471-721; Nebraska Bliss Tri umphs, US No. 1, $2.65; Color ado Red McClurcs, US No. 1, $2.20-25; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $1.55-2.05; Cobblers US No. 1, $1.45-50; Early Ohlos, US No. 1. $1.45-50; Wisconsin Chippewas, US No. 1, $1.50-60; Katahdins, US No. 1, $1.45-60; Rurals, US No. 1, $1.30. Dog's Life rS ,y V'v;, j i V v Jane Russell, Hollywood's lead ing feminine advocate of the virtues of the great outdoors, cools off while on her regular morning bike with the pup. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 11 (AP-USDA) Demand for domestic wools in Boston today was limited mostly to wools urgently needed for im mediate consumption. Mills and topmakers generally were appar ently not anxious to make exten sive purchases at this time to cover future needs. Sales of graded three eighths and one quarter blood bright fleoccs were made at 51-52 cents, in the grease. Fine territory wools of good French combing length brought mostly $1.12, scoured basis. . Maybe hooks were invented so men would have some place to forget to hang their clothes. New York night club laughed at the law and had a padlock slapped on the door. Now they can try to laugh it off! PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. U (AP-USDA) HOGS: Salable 500, total 2800; light market steady with Wednesday; bu'k 175-215 lbs., $11.15-11.25; 1 choice lot $11.35; 230-250 lbs., mostly $10.50; 300 lbs down to $9.75; packing sows $7.5011.25. CATTLE: Salable 150, total 450; calves salable 65, total 150; not enough corned for market; all nominally steady; good fat steers quotable $11.00 1200; good heifers $1.80 down; good cows $7.25-8.00; canner and cut ters $4.25-5.75; common and me dium grades, $6.00-7.25; medium good bulls $7 50-9.00; good choice vealers $11.50-13.00. SHEEP: Salablo 150, total iiOO; nominally steady: good-choi:c wooled lambs uuoiable to $10.90; good ewes quotable $5 25. It is the country's productiv ity in terms of modern machines of warfare that will decide the outcome of what is going on. K. T. Keller, president, Chrysler corporation. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE INVITING BIDS The Corrtmon Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will receive separate sealed bids at the Police Judge's Office in the City Hall up to and includ ing 5 o'clock P. M., December 22nd, 1941, on the following: 1. Requirements for 1942 of approximately 30,000 gallons of standard gasoline and approxi mately 500 gallons motor oil, oil mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm to be delivered in barrel! and gasoline in tank truck deliveries) to the City Garage, and the City Fire Station aa needed. 2. The yearly servicing of city office equipment for the calendar year of 1942, consisting of; 14 typewriters , .', 2 Marchant calculators 1 Allen Wales adding may chine ' 1 Sundstrand adding may chine 1 Dalton adding machine (Bids to include services only, and needed parts will be paid for separately). 3. The City's requirements for the calendar year of 1942 for electric light globes, to bo taken by the City as needed from time to time. 4. Prisoners' meals for the cal endar year 1942. All bids must include menu for one week. The city reserves the right to have the meals taken at the success ful bidder's place of business or delivered to the City Jail. The Common Council reserves) the right to reject any and all bids on the above equipment and supplies, and each bid will be awarded to the most satisfactory bidder. L. M. ACKERMAN. . ' Police Judge. ' 1 D 11-17. No. 188 FOR HIS CHRISTMAS . N UNFITTED LBATHIfl . TRAVEL CASE $3.50 to $7.30 DREW'S MANSTORE 7 Main ) OLD OSCAR 5AY-WHAT5 THE OCPPfcR BEST WHISKEY fSA. VAU,E ' Ij - Old Oscar Pepper ! lawt.a . : : i Whhktry a MM1 e6pnaf-n straight , f rj '.- : ubakitt, 49grain nmtral spirits 4 truth. ... . ( - 5115 P,NT MMt (5LSE-U1T IP1MSE On All Overcoats and Suits MilL. t I aa . tratr f Hardy's Have Re-Grouped All Clothing to Assure Fast ' PRE-XMAS . SELLING! In view o! the present world conditions -We believe you won't get such good clothing values lor a long time to come! COME EXPECTING A LOT. WE WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU! THE OVERCOATS AH New Styles Patterns, Colors Coverts, Twills, Fleeces Prices as low as $1350 No Coat Over $26.95 ' THE SUITS Guaranteed extra value. Tail ored by leading makers All from our regular stock SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS On Every Garment! 620 Main Street CHRISTMAS STORE FOR MEN Formerly "Hardenbrooks" 820 Main Street