f. i I f i i C 5 i I SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD COPYHIOHT. t4t, NIA SIRVICI. INC . TMH (TORTt At U.t K . r V k r M Cart k a nw whom aar aaaaail lovra toralra Taarpa. m-aallfal Hind wife ttt Slrlatloaa Htr-karA. Thorpe, who had SrrA Mra. Curt thea hi aeerrtarr, , whoa oho had been Jnat Dlaaa "Faeker, hat with apajik aoasa to roolat kla adraaeea. That aaaak etaaaaa, a famoaa wrltar and aaaamaatator, had admire. Whca ho oacred Dlaaa (10,000 to ho hi wtfo for ala aaoataa, loaa rnonira v to Clara hla laacrttaara of S2.000, aoa for which ho maat mmrrr r ; . foro th ajr of aft. ah arrrota - aftrr drat taaanltta her eraalbla fathor. Both Mr. Tackrr aad ' htahaa atrpmotarr, Kllea Ctort, Bopo tho eoaplo will come to lora r. . oath other. Adcla, Strpata-a aplte fal, apolled alatcr. la afraid that they will, rail Brace, atcphcaa Wat frlead who la atroaalr at tracted bj- llanaa aparkllaa; lieaatT kaowa aotalaa? at the ar taiiemnt, Tala 1 the altaatlea whoa tho Tvorpea eoato to dta mm aad Dlaaa meetn and lauae- dlatelr makaa trleada with the lovely Kralra. Thla aaw frlead Bhlp Bwootha IMaaa'a hart whea rat Adela and taea Thorpe, who have heea drlnkln- too mark, la aalt her. At that moatrat Bill Jaekaoa. Dtaaa'a ehlldhood awert heart, arrlrc at tba Cart homo. o o , UU ASKS QUESTIONS .. CHAPTER Xn A ITER the guests had gone, Bui suggested, "Let's walk." And Diana, after a word to Stephen, vent with him. "Diana, I've come her (or only, eoe reason." A "Yes, Bill?" "I want to know if you're happy!" She glanced up at his big, over eoated figure, and realized that Bill was very much disturbed. Bis hand beneath her arm held her body strongly against his own. There was assurance and deter mination in his touch. Diana sighed. How much simpler it would have been if she had fallen ' in love with Bill! .-."Of course. Bill. Why do you ask?" He went on. "It struck me as just a little queer your marriage. Ton see, I remembered distinctly that day sitting by the stove in my store, when I asked if you loved anybody else and you said no.' Then in less than a week you'd married this Curt Can you blame me for being a bit curi ous?" She hedged. "Maybe it was love at first sight." "No," he answered, "if It had been if you and the man you married were genuine lovers, you wouldn't be coming out with me like this!" "You mean I shouldn't have come? Nonsense! I felt the need of a little air after an evening indoors and I've known you all any life. Stephen understands that" . "Maybe. Still, loving you as Ii do, I figured I had a right to know : where I stand. I ve never for: nt given up the thought' day youll come back , remember that I'm waiting you a lot of devotion : I cm make you comfortable. this marriage doesn't to make a lot of difference mind. Tour father, too l I questioned him, he evaded "AD right. Bin." Diana said. rril tell you the truth." In a few words she told him W - the business arrangement she mad with Stephen Curt. He was la-Dent when she had finished, ao ; .TfTELL?" ; w Still he did not answer. . "Bill, don't stand there like a . Lttrmmyl" ' - "Words fail me," he said finally. "T wouldn't have thought you'd be so mercenary!" How exasperating he was. She ' wished he hadn't come wished atw wouldn't have to spend the : Bight with the thoughts be bad , Marted in motion. .. When Larkin let them in, Bin Btepped inside for a moment Just as Stephen was crossing the haH- aray from the library. He stopped, ; came toward them, smiling pleasantly. "Too bad you didnt come . asarlier, Mr. Jackson. Any friend of Diana's is always welcome. To -be sure it was a rather dull ef . (air." BiU looked at him steadily and Diana, watching them, realized (that they were something alike. :"I think I ought to tell you, Mr. Curt," Bill was saying, "I came tonight because it struck me las rather queer that Diana should feave married you out of a clear ky, and because I wanted to be (sure of her happiness and well (being. You see, I love her very (much." I Stephen's face did not change (by so much as the flicker of an (eyelash. "I see," he answered after a moment. "And I think I ought to teU you that Diana did mot mention to me that there was .another man in her life." Then it was that Diana's tem per, held in leash, but fed now by a sort of nervous exhaustion, fashed forth. "And m. teU both of you that B01 knows I am not in love with fclm and never have beenl And whafs more, never will be) Oh, Dtn fond of him have known him alnce childhood. But that doesn't give him the right to come here and question my motives!" gHE turned angrily to Stephen, the bright tears glistening on er lashes. "And there's no part of our bargain that gives you the (right to question what I do or do not tell you IH have you both ! remember that I'm quite able to manage my affairs without assist ance from either of you!" She stood there trembling, and suddenly Stephen laughed. "There's no use in getting all wrought up like this," he said, "I think it's very commendable that. Mr. Jackson here took th trouble to find out if you were all right" He turned to Bill. Tor give Diana, won't you? She's (tired. And won't you come again when you're in town?" BUI knew that h was being quietly, efficiently dismissed, and after a few words for Diana ac companied by a look of misery, he made his departure. Stephen turned to her. "Want to talk about it?" She got up and walked about picking up an object here and there, while he watched her through half-closed lids. "Oh, life's so muddled! Just when you think things are straightening out they snarl up again. Nobody seems entirely contented. Every one wants something they havent got "I remember quite wen your saying. The worn, a I love married another man.' And tonight Ste phen when I saw Evalyn Thorp when I saw the look on your face I knew." . - He said nothing. The firelight playing on his features revealed nothing of his thoughts. It was very quiet now in the big book lined room and Diana came to sit on a small hassock near Stephen's knees. For a long time they gazed quietly into the flames, each ab sorbed in his own thoughts, feel ing no need of speech. Finally, not knowing why, she turned to him, slipped her fingers beneath his, felt them close about her own warmly. All the turmoil of th evening seemed to be dissolved in that firm, sure grasp. "All my life ITl be grateful for your friendship, Stephen," she said softly. He stood up, drew her gently into the circle of his arms, placed his lips for a brief moment on her forehead. "I'm going to see that things com out right for you, (Diana, If there's anything I can do about it," he muttered a little fiercely. "And now, my dear child, do you realize it's nearly rooming?" (To Be Continued) The United States, during the second quarter of 1940, import ed 8,112,815 pounds of cod liver oil. "Howling of the wind" Is due to the change of pitch, as wind passes through cracks and crev ices at varying velocities. On its closest approach to the earth, Haley's comet came with in a distance of 14,000,000 miles. on May 20, 1910. THIS CURIOUS WORLD Mat t JOHNTL. mum NEVER HELD THE WORLD'S HEAWWEI&HT TITLE UNDER THE LOSING TO JIM COCBSTT IN 1892 IN FIRST BOUT UNDER THAT CODE. HE .DID HOLD THE TITLE UNDER LONDON PRIZE RING RULES, HOWEVER. 1 i A LAKK. ? SCrveTHIr4e THAT IF VOU GO OUT ON VOU CANT GET UP WITH Sy MBS. EOVUASO CAIN, , . TOULON, lU-JNOlS. T.M.ic.tta.rT. orr. ' . HORIZONTAL I Pictured percussion instrument ' 8 Reverberating sound played on it Rent for a definite period 10 Coalition. 12 Five plus five. 13 Rub out 15 Obtained. 17 Exclamation. 18 Interest ' (abbr.). IB Unit of weight' 31 Tree. 23 Fashion. 25 Roman emperor.1 26 Excuses I (law). 28 Inclosed. 30 Observe A. 81 Barrier to prevent flow of water. 32 Hopes to IqhwrL i E H lOIMUSiOl WIPIOPEPPEiT. IMIOIXII IFICI " attain. ti Respects, 0 Gaseous , element used tn electric signs. ' 41 Free. 43 Place. 44 Organ of hearing. ' 45Negativ.-. 49 Speak. 47 Golf device. 49 Insect. 17 26 a 3T 4 33 147 34 IS 27 a 51 4& 153 62 49 !iusupsforabrief momtonhr OUTOURWAY By J. R. WilliomJ OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Moior HoodIo ) II WHAT'S THIS I' it WAS OUMPLIN&S, V f, ( UET'ft RECOMfcTRUCT THE cTSAD.TWG&S, YOUR OE.OLCTIONo !i VOJ GOT yll' BUT IT'S MUSH NOW.' ' CRlME.!Y0u U(M3 300Al FORGE &N IROM CHWN fBOUT , . ! COOKIn NOUR DAUGHTER JUST 1 YOU TOOK rV IsIPsP-m MARTHA LEANDER.'-"- 6TllL,I ONMOT J j jlV HERE? PADDLED IT - VOU PAODL6 A W0K6 YOU TO EMPTY THE THINK THE LrVO WOULD FIND ALL ll "vf JT NOW I'D BETTER TAKE V ' 6WEEPER,wWELL, THH V THAT MOMEY AMD NOT REPORT IKOOPT XL4g ) f MOMEY MIGHT MAVB 'oROPPEoX P6HAN 6UCM A 111,1 HI' V REAPER PAP l IT ' ,( ON TME FLOOR, ESCAPED Jl 5U6PIC0N I v-mW?, , V, yKEAPER PMVgrrf ; MARTHA'S EAOLE EYE AND REVOLTIMG M 10 i sS7 I I KThr0& h', l SOME INTO THE SLEEPER.' J BUT-- , g 4ft- ' .,r$ A ' flJL1 V7tffifi 4 YOU PAID UEANDER V THAT P0MY,' JfVjff Great Britain consumes ap- 9 9J I flWitA tl TOTil - "t VI? I A J r. ' 3 Jl proximately 40,000.000 gallons CW$4W ltfM II gfegg , X'tt i tl6) " i once cream ,,y in norma, Wi MMN " iyfV rfflSLi .vr.r,- mothecs get gpav n-o J lW;l-"o tfgSa--. KjiJYiVi ) leawoer J (ONfaM? "ED RyPER B1FJHo,n,,n vr1 L'7LE RPHAN ANN'E BvHorotdGrcn 7 TV ? rJrflr J2 W 91 1, J ELDEEN GAVE HER- I 16 MV OLD ABOUT SOME OME CAN UflPfRCW .. SSSS. , zr P JSI7-?10 1 GET MAVB6 THAT- f. WAS I? BLA-A-At I HERE, ANNIE J FRENO. I BACOM ANO EGtB? I EH ANNIE? i XV EASY FOR A WEEK OR ( THIS AWFUL WHY YOU HAVE 1 THIS TASTE PRINK THIS - IT f PR 7EE--- !1 """1 C (JnmU X SO ANO YOU GOT A TASTE IN SORT OF A FURRY J IS AFFERENT- OUGHT TO HHUP- j Jvl If GPP ((Quy, i ftavg,.., Jlr-. z5J I ':':A (w x v.. . 7 S: ROrtTC AUn lied minnirr . I f W I VI nni Man DUUUIH o , . . ,rrir7i i sk in nsg&'qgb i c i i vv3x omcve rrz . - ,1 V totc CNrtw 1 T- r-ii J -S. 1 CITUCD I . l A tn, - Comt J VL. " .3sf MICHIGAN, S?tycp "itTTwJ i. gf V HnVVW i, the crrv of sault stb. ST&fZrJw iw HX 'i&'i'S&f aSSr2! ''liwijs-w I IV if 'Nif'! I'-'-'i.-A ( ILiv v ywARw is on c-stvmuu. i jTL jKV 4" "kXEJ mm LJr But the cuyoF hancock, ffl;;'&-9 w1- N ., 'JL--- irMkcfti x (.W TWO HUNDRED WILES It h,f7fpmmwmi tfj aa,anjT J TWr aTTTi TH -y WASHTUBBS ' By QaS W 25 Title. M.--s' --ww- S5ferNg- y APnViSTA ..... II V I ii ii i tr Mf t r' ivuiMNi. ii n: . . m i j-t-.-x.-v?-" i FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDi -tBKU . . BlOSSOf f ANO MS 1&LC Mf HP WAS 'Juc' MCCOY THBN SHE DID -HHk - . , . ' t t MILLIE SON 1 WAS SO SURPClSeO.VOU COU10A HAVE A SON SpPAK FO Up 11 T Auwn an . m i?, CjyaV RUN KNOCD CW WfTM A LEFT HOOT" AFTER IS SSr? MoJIk. I YRA? feAM BUT I COULOnT , WELL. I'M OLAO MONEY OABB- A FEW QUESTIONS - N4MB? -ftv-A KFEP AHpD Oa HIM 7 I W I ' hi f .) 1 (- i WE FOUND IT SPPAK FOR THEN 1 TOLO HIM F a r asfir ,w ' , ALLEY OOP ' D am a a tW WwellWdomt V ' . y V T Hamf,n WMi (So'm&? I f that is, if you can rroH , rKTN- ,rw S I F-'iV: U.U'-r B ' "r.-rr'-r ' Jww '-''"-crv-"V. . SO HAUL OLIT A IH'-.' S-yi?. "rwrSE l t i iltt I I MORETHAk .1 . nT . 1 I -311 I I I taf?l9 -fl . nfcAitl E D, En VOL! 7 - wro r,r-T . . I I V I I IfcKESTIFSJQ a - - ,w. iKrTtr-rik iW ff MAT I NE2CT: What world-famons twins are dritfair spsrt? I MUSIC INSTRUMENT : Answer to Previous Puzzle UiPlRIAr' 3 ljRBEP DEUifiHgl n lyHMii AMDNiniNl BP" IAIN 8 Ship's 9 Tilts. 11 Brief excerpts 12 Pronoun. 14 One of a number. 16 Ripped apart 17 Animal. 20 Affirm by shaking the head. 22 Dye stuff. 23 Gibe. 24 Finishes. 25 Title. 27 Noun suffix 29 Feline. 32 Chemical suffix. 33 Chair. 80 Article. 81 Valuable fur. 83 Rip. VERTICAL 1 Animal's lair. 34 Skin openings t -gypuan sun 39 one who sins. god. 3 Employ. 4 Deserves.' 8 Sound made by leaves. -8 Unit 7 Chinese measure. 37 Literary . composition, 88 Ill-natured. 39 Pig pen. 42 Small speck.' 48 Dine. 49 Winglike part 52 Exist 75 35 3? 19 ZO