December 9, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE efV 1UNCIL GE IS POLICE, FIRE RESERVE BILLS HIGH SCHOOL Newt Notes ond Comment Kinergcncy defense measures received major attention of the city council at night's meet tin: OTho council pnnxocl throuilh rat iiikI second rcacilii(a or dliiimces creuting police and fiiimir-n rom-rvrs lotullnil up to lino nu'ii. lloth measures car ried tli rmcrtfeiicy clause, piiiiitlnK out tliiil the Unllod .ynlwi ' ul wnr with Jiipun, iiihI iiuiUliitf possible flnul action iirxt Monday night. Tlir polled reserve would total up to 130 mrn, appointed by the police chief and mayor. Tlic manpower reserve (or the lire di'piirtmi'nt would aggro gate up lo 10U. Tho reserves would servo without conipcnsa Unit except a provided by the council. ' Kin' Clnrf Keith Ambroui In formed the council ho had or- ilernl all llremcu to remain In Wuwn, to lc avnilabla 24 hours il day- "aid ulo ha had colled meet l ni! (or Tuesday diiimt In thn council chambers Jku tho niuiiigr of till tho mujor afiintr luduntrli'ii hero to tlls Vtisi (Ire protective measures. ; To Buy Siren t Chief Ambrose said thut there Ji a reserve of $:i()4S In the lire department' fund and Vski-d (or parinliuilon lo buy a iCt-ncriit (ire ularm siren. The louncil approved thut purchuao. There wan discussion o( the hi.. wliiu of a laundry slrcii hero .ml louiHllmen and (Ire chief nUteed it should not be blown. I mi .lin n, It wji mild, In mhiib limes blown at 1 p. in., but not always. A siren. Chief Ambrose miuI, in an ulurin (or emergency nxantiiir.i, and should not font lion a" a routine whistle. i'lie council reduced Main -tieet parking splices by 20 from B a. ill. lo 1 p. ill. tlirouuh its action In establishing load ing .ones from Fourth lo Twelfth streets on both sides of the direct. There will be our one (or each block on each BUlo of the street. The zones ae two passenger cur lengths UK Mayor Houston questioned III police committee und 1'nllce t hief Krunk llamm ut length uhout the propositi, lie said he diMikcd lo see passenger car parkin spaces drastically ro- tlut-el in this manner. Hut the police commltteo rti.nrmiiii. Councilman Dussmnn, tiiul the meosuro was neccisury h older to mnko It possible (or delivery trucks of all kinds to load and unload at business houses without doublo parking Chief Ilnmm and City Engineer y A. Thomas upprovcl, and the council adopted the pro posal. No Double Parking Mayor Houston asked the street commltteo to make an immediate study of the use of curb space by service stations, funeral homes and other pluces of business. City offlcluli cmphasiicd In tlic discussion that when the fb-ifflc signal system is placed Vol operation. It will bo neces sary to eliminate all double parking. Trucks will not be permitted to back Into spaces for loading, but will use the loading rones. These, rones, from 1 p. m. on, will bo open to the general nilhlle for nnrlrii0 Tho council adopted tho li quor license ordlnnnco decided upon a week ago. A resolution from the Junior chamber of commerce approved tho council'! efforts to solve the soot problem In Klamath Falls. It was stated that sample or dinances covering this problem arc to bo studied. By MAURICE O'CALLAGHAN For the first tlmn In their lives, and wo hope the lant, tho present students o( Klumulh high heurd tho President of the 1 United States ask congress to declnro war on an enemy. At 0:10 a bell rung and the seniors, Juniors and sophomores gathered In tho a u d itorlum of KUIIS. Iloforo them on the stage was a mull tubla model radio playing some tune or other. For 10 min utes the gathorod students mumbled together about tho war In general und the effect on the school und personal effects; then tho music stopped at 9:311, and un announcer went through tho formulltles of Introducing the president. As the president begun his short, historic message to con gress the room becaino stilled and the students sut through the entire speech with little or no emotion. They applauded only once In the course of the pro grum. This occurred at tho point In Hep. Hamilton Fish's uddress when he suld something about annihilating the Japanese devils. Those who heard the speeches left the assembly in tin unusual ly ipilel mood und left Immed iately (or their clusses. ltadlos were brought to school by muny students und the event uf the voting und results were soon known by ull. Probably the rooms will find almost per manent radios in them if the present emergency continues for any length of tune as it now ap; peurs It is going to do. Some talk uf enlisting was heard. Tho students seem to be of the opinion that they should finish thulr schooling In high school at least, unless It comes to the place where all mule mem bers of the populutlon must fight to preserve our freedom and our land. Several huvo unlisted, it ii rumored, however. It has been heard from In formative sources that In the near future, tills week sometime, tho students will be Instructed In air raid precautions and so forth. This has not been con firmed by the office, but Is very probable. . The war ut present Is not mak ing much (uss with the running of the high school. The Boys' Alliance is still worrying about finances" and might be glad to know that tlic carnival has made Uicm happy once again. The alliance took In $241 on their carnival last Friday night and about $100 of It is profit. As soon as all bills are paid the boys will have about $73 in tho bunk. The clubs are functioning as usual. Tho French club had a meeting Monday night. The Art club held an initiation for new members Tuesday. Hello Americans! Lawrence Slater, exalted ruler of Klamath Falls lodge of Elks,' through his national defense committee, and In keeping with the grand lodge program of "Keep 'Cm Flying," has set a quota of 20 young men between tho ages of 20 and 20 Inclusive, to bo known as Klamath Falls' own flying unit. Men who have hod two years of college or a completed high school education uro eligible for enrollment In the army air corps as flying cadets. High school graduates arc offered a refresher course in the subjects necessary to pass the education al examinations, which will be held at a later date. This course will bs given without cost to tha applicant through the coop eration of Klamath Union high school. Thli la an excellent opportu nity for patriotic young Amer icana to serve their country and In addition obtain training which will lead to a successful and Interesting career through out llfo. Completion of the course of training will guaran tee the applicant a commission as second lieutenant In the army air corps reserve with the monthly pay of $245. In add! tion to this generous pay rate the applicant will also receive $10,000 in government Insur once, the premium to be paid by the government during the training period and thereafter by the applicant, and the rates are exceptionally low. He will also receive a uniform allow ance of $130 upon receiving his commission. Interested persons are invited to investigate this opportunity. Contact Angus Newton, chair man, Elks national defense com mittee, phone 4648, or the army recruiting officer, 219 Postof fice building, for full particulars. T! ADOPTED BY COME WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (JPh The text of the Joint resolution adopted by congress today de claring war on Japan follows: Declaring that a state of war exists between the imperial gov ernment of Japan and the gov ernment and the people of the United States and making pro visions to prosecute the same. Whereas, the Imperial govern ment of Japan has committed repeated acts of war against the government and the peoplo of the United States of America; therefore, be it Resolved by the senate and the house of representatives of the United States in congress as sembled that the state of war be tween the United States and the Imperial government of Japan which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby for mally declared; and that the president be and he Is hereby $50 REWARD wis be pais by Dr. earlier Laboratories. IpofcirM, Waeh., for any com or eallue that aarmot tM ramovad with OR. PSHKER'S CORM REMOVER ' CASTLEBERRY'S THE SUPER CUT-RATE ORUO 33c IM Main 33c authorized and directed to em ploy the entire naval and mili tary forces of the United States and the resources of the govern ment to carry on war against the imperial government of Japan; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all of the resources of hereby pledged by the congress, of the United States. During the second quarter of 1940, the United States Imported 1,344,371 pounds of crude glycer. Ine. The Australian national bird. the country are ' the emu, cannot fly. II mmiwn - i lilLiiZiilJIIlXilii "iiaU'lyVsiiJ LABELED KANSAS CITY, (P) When customers refused to enter the elovotors at a downtown depart ment storo yesterday, the man ager Investigated. Soon everything returned to normal, . Smiling elevator operators ,fho had been mistaken for Jnp Wieso wore tiny American flags and cards which read: Tm a loyal Filipino." You can hit Texas by going straight south from any one of H states. SI Wtianmnrnmt.rllubM'OTn)! ritated, stuffy due to colrta or duet, liiat iniwrt s little Mcntholntum In tliem. Now how quickly It aoolhee tho Irritated memttriinr-B and re lieves the etiimiioiw. It WUI alao chock aneexlng. once you enjoy MimtholMiim'e comforting Teller, you'll eiwnye went to keep this pon tie ointment handy. In Jsrs or tunes, flfoi. liMiM!lillrA.IHI BONDED BA1RD, Tex., The 49 members of tho senior class at Bnlrd high school had planned to use their $37.80 for a picnic, perhaps, or a class memorial. But news of war with Japan yesterday changed their minds. "Wo arc buying a $30 defense bond immediately," said Ona Dell Ashton, faculty sponsor. who drove 22 miles to Abilene with the news because "we feel like this will interest others." WEST HOLDS EDGE SAN FRANCISCO West has won 10 of the 16 games in the annual East-West Shrine series, One game ended In a tie. More than 700 acres are occu pied by the Carlsbad Caverns, in New Mexico. Complete Feminine Hygiene demands: Ml I I 1 I Feminine hyfllenein theREAL tense of the word demands underarm cleanliness nil iwKiness. You cannot be sltraciivo with armpits molsr, stained and smelly. use una, uie new cream deodorant. I, Arrld does not rot dresaei, does not irritate akla. JJ. No welling lo dry. Can he) used right nvr NMYing. SL Imtanllv chtrke ewMnlrailnn 1 in t Rrmoves odor (torn peiipliailon. keeps a), Arrld re a pure, whlre, (reeaeteae, etalo- TMiMiiua; uaam. Awarded Approval Seat American tnitl uie of Laundering aa harmless to fabric. Women us mora Arrld than any oinei aeoouuant, lij a Jai todayl ARRID 37 J (ii0 1. io,j u3 at 59) ju.) in '.-aft !tWT W4 Ltfi -y ' .-i..;.efcit: eisaXlsj, ka lama M XiJ fomovi King Air IUfta Sing' Skt Has walnut. finished stock blued-finlsh barrel I seo-lhot sins .. .. Top'Gntn CowtWt llasketball A Gnat Glhl v4WawAMJ 3 30 Official site, standard 4-pc pattern I Double-lined to hold shapal A miracle value I A Gilt fo, HIM I Gladstone ling 14"1 WWi tow Prce Made of shark-grained split cowhide I Shirtfold and pocket on center divider I Value I Save MorwAcWWif 2-Sltce Toaster HothAuttmoUtl )39 Tuet lower doors to turn bread for toasting on other side I Easy-to-clean, chrome-plated finish I For VWf of CredMve fun Hand Tool TCVt-watt output 193 An excellent gift for man or boy I For carving wood or met al. Ask about our complete sets I Blue Flash Safety Ugh! Flashes on whan brake is appliedl '-( .1 - Inion kf Lynn WaUorll uK3Stm Wildcat Football 239; Bookkt"Pmlig m If (cling" (neuoW An official sise cowhide ball recommended for boys by the . famorn Northwestern coach I . Same low Prf,. D w ,tJ' - wtu uke its eTfll Bntm ftaturea and WI" 1 the IQw Pneef See it WITH KNEE 2 EXTRA ACTION Floats over bum pi like new carl s a . . . ru"-$J2E ua, FuB-Sia, 8-Ox. Boxing Gloves For FrWV Bouts 6 89 Usual price In Sports Stores would be $8. Select wine colored sheepskin; prcj design! ' J "men', wn y 3.BS NkW-pfoWf Roller Skates 175 Pr. For fast, smooth skating! t rows of ball bearings in each wheel I Adjustable stsel A... --a W.J9 8 iron . . via f.ut. estJ bat, oeh hiiMi.iiiaii jiinei'aiii jsa. .i n r mmmtBt."""-'" W'S B, .! -WW, e ffli Compare With Any $7.00 Carpet Sweeper 5 Bol-tWhof Sweeps thick or thin rugs, bare floors! Combkeeps brush clean I Top removes or easy emptying I -Za s. s. - & 470s 'at 0 . Jerms "ssorie,. ."ions "'anJrS Xanrfi:""1" th. ??'" a ..Aero..: :r:n,sre.,,"'ose. of YES . . . You Can Still Buy on Wards Convenient Monthly Payment Plan 1 Get the thlnse yon want TODAY , , enjoy them while too are paring for them a little each month. Ton will fled the Federal Regulations of Is stallment Ruling ham not Increased the monthly payments 701s make on Montgomery Werd'a convenient pay ment plan.- let na tall yon about this simple way to (ray ell your needs. Come to our catalog order department for thousands of other gift values. NINTH STREET,, Corntr Pino "GIVE CHRISTMAS GIFT COUPONS . . I You Can Take Months to Pay , TELEPHONE 3118