The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 09, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    Pftcomber 9, 1941
MiMattd mpto& New.
Ity crowd witnessed tlm two one
ad comrtllrs and niiislrul rntnr
tiiliimrnt lmll KrWIny night, Dp
rvmtjcr fl. In tho irhiiol utl
torfum. 01 To brain the evetilnii's rntrr
lulnmenl tti school I)mii1 lncl
u mtntiiluro coprrrt of nmrchn
Kollowlnit the conciTl Kit' !y
' KlillHipliiK Hetty" was glvm.
The play told Iho atory of
rcmlcal affair Involving Hetty,
tha school tcBcher, ployed by
lorle Cnrnlnl; Dan Fielding, Iho
cowboy, lnyrd by Clntulo Par
rljh; Old Nat Meadows, tho Iretn
fnthor, played by Lomnr Detwil
lr, and Surah, the man chaser,
played by Forrest Rcrlyht.
Between tin' nets Mlu Flor
ence Stone played two numbers
on tha violin showing the com
parison of early dance music and
tlm modern tempo. The flrat
number w "Indian Dance" fol
lowed by Hithliiotf s "Flddttn"
the Fiddle." KulluwinK Una feu
Ittire Mr. Fthrl J.len Mnrrlwm
kept the audience In a rour with
her rendition of a Swedish iflrl'a
love affair, fiho gave the reading
Gfn Swedish dialect. The Sprtttftie
Hlvcr hliih school MarmnueUca
then sang "In the Evening by
the Moonlight," "Some Folks
Do," and a medley of southern
Tho second play lold of the an
tics of Elmer, phiyed by Fonio
1'urri.ih, and his troubli; in giving
h! younger sistrr a brciiK
against his older good looking
twin sisters, who got everything
and left nothing for Susan the
Cinderella member of the
Doth plays were dlrerted by
Mrs. Helen Hoffman, English In
structor In the high school. As
sisting In the production were
the following non-cast members:
Hubert Carnlnl. Wilfred Bark
ley, stage maruigera; Jimmy Bti
methart, Peter Chlpps, advents
ing; properties, Elwyn Hal!, Jim
ml Rumelhart.
a Harry Sandqulst Is leader of a
H beef club organized Decem
ber 5 at the union school. Bar
bara Dunham was elected presi
dent of the club; Junior I'nrdue.
vice president, and Ora Jean
Down, secretary; Kalph Unlh-y Is
I he other member of the club, al
though Dale and Zell Rlggs plan
to Join soon.
Plans are that a similar club
win be organized at the Vernon
school the evening of December
Members of the Weatatde
grange are mnking arrange
ments this week for a Joint In
stallation of offlorrs at the West
side hall the evening of Decem
ber J3. The East Side grange will
Install offlceri of Thomai creek,
Westside, and East Side granges
for the coming year. Dancing
and a midnight supper will fol
low the Installation ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Dcane Home,
Betty Pardue, Florence Reed,
and Ted Struck took the first
and second degrees of grange
Vork Saturday night at tho West
Htide hall. Plans are to give the
third and fourth degrees of
grange work at the regular meet
ing of the Weatslda grange De
cember f.
Elmo Angrle has purchased
the blneksmlthlng shop and tools
from the Home Supply company
In Lakevlcw, He will use them
for the repair of machinery on
his place in tha Vernon district
It Is reported that a Mr. Coop
er has purchased the old Nets
Angele place in tho Vernon dis
trict. Mrs. Walt Roberts entertained
members of the Westside Home
Ke eltib at her home November
27. Mis. Jo Martin wua a guest,
Mrs, Elmer ileUboig ami dau
ghter JeuriuUu, who luive been
i.tiiymg with Mia. Kdna i'lpor In
the Vunion district, lt-it for Port
land with Mr, Hod berg lost
Thursday morning.
Miss Uetly liemard, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hodnny Bernard
ol l.ukeviow, spent Sunday aft
iirnnoii at the homu of Mr. and
Mis. Jim Ik-nmnt. ,
Mrs. Loron iiyiiU entertained
members of tho Westside 13. tl.
club at her homo In Lnkevlew
lust Thursday. Plans were made
for the club's annual Christmas
dinner to be held this year at tho '
home of Mrs. John Crowl on Do- j
comber 10. The dinner, which
will be entirely potluch, will be
followed by an exchange of
twenty-five cent gifts among
numbers )ri:;ent.
Chester Diiins and his brother
Jr. arrived Friday from Kansas
and are at tho Mert Bellus place.
Mr. Umfer, a fur buyer from
Hums, spent some time In tho
Westside district Inst week. 1
The Christmas program of the !
union school will be presented
at the school honae the evening j
of llrrember IB Vernon students
will present their program the
evening of December 19.
Talk and Stitch
Club Holds Session
DOHHISMrs. Joe Young was
hostess for tho Talk and Stitcn
club tins week and a busy after
noon whs enjoyed. Members who
wore present were Mrs. Charles
Laws, Mrs. Larry Kerwin, Mrs
UlH Had wick, Mrs. Carold
White, Mrs. Herman Johns, Mrs
Murray Marshall and Mrs Joo
Mrs. Joe Young also entertain
ed the Tuesday Bridge club at
her home. At this event the high
corc prlrc was won by Mrs.
Robert Olson, Mrs. Ollle Curtlrt
substituting for Mrs. Kreischer,
won the second high prlie, and
Mrs. S. O. Avery held the low
score. Those who were present
wero Mrs. Curtin, Mrs. Bob
Olson, Mrs. Paul Thorcson, Mrs.
Paul Evans, Mrs. Aiden Fen
wick, Mrs. S. O. Avery, Mrs. Ed
Anderson and Mrs. Jo Young.
Lowell Hall went to Portland
Sunday night to have dental
work done.
Mrs. Halt visited R. L. Porter
Sunday evening.
Ben Willis was n business visi
tor In Klamath Falls recently
Word has been received that
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Currier, for
mer Cascade Summit residents,
are moving to eastern Washing
ton and will engiiRe in farming.
Dick Folond, former Cascade
Summit resident, was a visitor
her one day laat week. Poland
has been driving truck for the
Southern Pacific company near
Newport. With the completion
of the work on the project in
which he was engaged, he will
return to working on the sec
tion. With the first news flashes of
the bombing at Pearl Harbor,
the Southern Pacific company
rushed armed guards lo import
ant tunnels and bridge to guard
against saboteurs. The guards
have been instructed to let no
one but employes of the com
pany on company business pass
over these places.
Ciaybornc Hills felt concern
for the safety of hi two sons
In the United States marines.
One son, Russel, age 17, Is sta
tioned at Pearl Harbor and the
other, Frank, 19, is stationed at
A Jantin "Thunderbird"
Swaater for Skiing
733 Main
wants finer jk j 1
I' If) 8tMtiiu1 TO II J
YR--frw7tf''y," " l I it
wit W y"-T fif mlhsM
Ww u Mvttttyi fit milm
W&fclli mtuvmtumuwftsb iu- mil 9
Calvert "Reserve" B!.J!NDF.D WHISKEY) 86.8 W-59f Grata
Neutral Spirlu. Cy Ditir CorpoWon, New ork City
Sprague River high school girls
have organised a girl's drlli and
rooting team under tiie direction
of Miss vc!yn Hudson, ftirls
physical education Instructor.
The girls, clad in natty red and
white outfits, wili perform be
tween the halves of the home
baaketbuii games tills year and
will travel with the boys' tcotn
to act as a rooting section.
Th uniforms for the girls
consist of bright red corduroy
skirts and whtto satin blouses.
Mary Lou Gage Is tho majorette
and leads the group in their drill.
Virginia Ooddard and Blanche
Schonchln are the yell queens
and have charge of the group in
the rooting section.
The girls hove made little
bound books eatied the Blue
Book containing yells and songs
of Sprague River high school.
Members of tho drill team are.
Rosalie Banks, Betty Jo Banks,
Vera Schmitt, Virginia
Schmltr, Patricia Schonchln,
Charlotte Rumelhart, LaVertna
Chlpps, Joanne Little, Virginia
Coddard, Agatha Schonchln.
Evelyn Cadega, Blanche Schon
chln, Dolores Cody, Bertha Look
er, Nora Crumc, Nevo Short and
Majorette Mary Lou Cage.
Mrs. Leo Moll ami son.
Mickey, went to Olympia, Wash.,
for the Thanksgiving holidays
for an extended visit With rela
tives and friends. Mr. Moll
joined them on Tuesday of this
week. They vlil return to Bly
In the near future.
Tho Women's club met at the
home of Mrs. Dclmar Msbee on
Wednesday, December 3. Plans
were discussed for the Christmas
party to be held at Mrs. M Mul
lln's home on Dec. 37. Delicious
refreshments were served by
the hostess. The guests were
Ruth Green, Betty Dyer, Velma
Beck, Helen Smith, Janet Mul
lln, Elizobeth Campbell, Beuiah
Elliot and Lois Shepherd.
The Home Extension club met
at the home of Mrs. Gene Dctrick
on Wednesday evening. The'
subject was better home light
ing, pesentcd by Lois Luti,
lighting expert fro;n Oregon
Stto college. She was accomp
anied by Winifred Oillen of
Klamath Falls. Present wero
Mrs. R. Shepherd, Mrs. Eiiiot,
Mrs, M, Muilint, Mrs, D. Lowe,
Mrs. C, Raupach, Mrs. G. Heck,
Mrs. D. Campbell, Miss Bishop,
Miss Lavln, Miss Mengeicoeh,
Mrs. W. Keffier.
ii The home nursing class met st
th school house Tuesday eve
ning. The lesson was on "Pa
tient With Communicable Dis
eases." From now on the class
twill meet both Tuesday and Fri
day evening itt order to finish
the course by December 16.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Shea are en
joying a vacation. Ed Kendall
Is here In lily looking after Ins
interest at the Biy water piunl
during their absence.
"Silra" Protsrnan has returned
from Happy Camp in California
where he has been prospecting
in his mine there.
Sprague River Book
Club Holds Meeting
Sprague River women's book
club held iu regular meeting
Tuesday, December 2, at the
home of Mrs. C. E, Heldrich. A
major part of the afternoon waa
spent in discussing books, which
ore to be purchased. Mrs. Will
Zadow and Mrs, C. A. Fuller re
ported on these new books. Mrs.
Roland Porks gave a book re
view on the novel of Indian life,
"Laughing Boy."
Late in the afternoon refresh
ments of cake and coffee were
served the following guests by.
hostess Heldrich: Mrs. Peter
Streit, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. BiH
Zadow, Mrs. C. A. Fuller, Mrs.
Roland Parks and Mrs. Eben
The Jonusry meeting of the
club will be held at the home of
Mrs. C. A. Fuller.
Mrs. Chose Hostess
At White Club Meet
DORRIS. Mrs. Les Chase was
hostess to the Wednesday after
noon White club. Delicious re
freshments were served at the
close of a Jolly session.
Members who were present
were Mrs. Nela Israeison, Mra.
Agnes Shaw, Mrs. John Olson,
Mrs. Llllle McDonald, Mrs. Paul
Evans, Mrs. Eisic Ramsey, Mrs.
R. A. Matthews. A guest of the
club wos Edith Msgnuson. The
next meeting wiii be with Mrs
Agnes Shaw acting as hostess.
Langell Valley
DORRIS, California The Am
erican Legion, 8uiie Vaiiey Post
No. 478, Is to stage another
turkey shoot again this Christ
mas season, with the December
7th Sunday being the InitSaJ
shoot for three Sundays. Wind
has played havoc with some in
lendcd good shots in years past,
so this year the Legion will hold
the ahoot in the Dorris baii park
southeast of town. The high
board fences will deflect much
of the wind hazard.
The shoots wil! be marked off
at one hundred yards. Open or
telescopic aighta wiii he per
mitted. Handicaps have been ar
ranged differently this year
Children accompanied by par
ents will be divided into two
classes; Those from ten to four
teen may shoot in a pron posi
tion over a sand bag. Those from
fourteen to seventeen may shoot
sitting. Aduita must shoot off
hand. Priies of turkeys are to be
Mary Dearborn i spend-
b week with her son. A- H.
Dearborn, and famiiy. On Sun
day they were all dinner guests
of Mr. end Mrs. O, C. Johnson,
Ciarence Ciiman and Keg Tho
me left Saturday morning for
San Francisco and Berkeley to
visit .Reg's parents, Rev. nf
Mr. J, Henry Thomas.
Tom House and John Harbison
spent laat week-end with Dick
arid Tom Peppie.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sullivan left
Saturday for Los Angeies where
they wiH make their home. The?
wiii stop en route to visit their
nephews. Corpora! Wiiiie House
at Mills and Staff Sergeant La
Rue House et Stockton.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Dearborn
were dinner guest of Mr. and
Mr. Le Leavitt on Friday,
Koy HoSmea repaired tha tete-
; phone wires which tn strorig
wind and heavy rain put out of
: order.
C'hei Barton is rebuilding the
fence that were destroyed by
fire Sast faii.
Joe and John Kork are 3o
rebuilding fences.
Mr. Bessie Hoizhouacr enter
tained with dinner for rcSstives
and friends at her home Sunday.
Web Van Meter ia pianains on
i making s trip to San Francisco
in the near future.
Members at the Economic c?u
j held a meeting at the haij Tues
! day afternoon.
A grange meeting was heSc! t
the ha! here Wednesday eve
htr. and Mrs, H. Cibbert and
family wr Visitor at the Cits
enee Webber bom Sunday
KOSSELL, it. Y, m PritH
pai Edward W, Cook, bbsbb
in plans for the week befer
the Christoss bt&day st Bof
ne3i feiga sefcoci, decreed ti
one is to fee allowed to fcrinj in
sny raisiietoa ia the fetiiidSn cf
on ihs school grounds."
I Ri Ei Baist i
M Rni3 Loses S
! Troptfif MiBsmat C
: S tatomstm, rtet, eKttji namwi C
If Your Child
Cold Listen-
listen lo millions of experienced
mothers and relieve miseries with the
IMPROVED Vicita treatment that takes
only 3 minutes and makes good old
Vicks VapoRub give Rmi TOW fYUt
AT ONCE to bring relief.
breathing pasaagaa
with sootfcW mt- .
dicinst frspors.
fTWautTCS cheat and
bKk ranttt ilx
ssrm!nt poultice.
mi TO SOW! to east coughs, relieve
muscular soreness or tightness, and
faring reai, honest-to-goodness comfort
To get this improved trestment . .
just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes
OS BACK os wtii as -throat
and chest, far Setter Rstaftt
then spread thick
iaya on chest and lltWrVd
cover with warmed VoP;u
doth. Try it! Tin imaretae' War
muie ruvvei ici ruuiiu-
Thais Hie Secret OMevurpsAmazingPerfomiance!
Mort Room A3 AfeundMcmiff hss mcrt head
zoom, front and rrf, than most other curs td
mor front hsck lestt leg room fbsm y tfbtr
r in its cUuti Divan seats are broad and spacious
Built To Aircraft Principles Free From
Excess Weight Mercurg CiveB You Ffaeft
ing Performance With Economy Vnusuat
In So BIG A Cart
In run big new Mercury, sa ven more
efficient V-8 engine . . . packed with 100
sarging horsepower . . . sweeps you out ia front
and hetps you there, longer s!ow-raacion springs
ami improved douhie-scting shock absorbers give
you a soft, smooth "sky-ride" thst's itke costing
oa sir. And you ride with greater safety ... for
Mercury is lower ovtr-sii, wider from wheej to
wheel it realiy bags the rosd. fercury is
quitter, too. There is no metsi-ttvmetsj contact
between frame aad rugged, unit-weided si!
steel body. Ani new wider lenders . . . longer,
lower body lines ... as Imposing new front sod
rich interior appointments give Mercury res! dis
tinction. Step up this year to Mtreury!
Mereary Uaumtift 6rt enabloa yoa to ride si)
day iong without once thiRlng gears, fowcr
flows smoothly through a cushion of oil from
engine to wheeli. You drive ss slwsys. But wits
iewec raottoni, greater ea and comton.
Optioaat at i&odanta e&at
, PC 1 JWi raw winter suirs irt -ell Tk !
Ik I 5& fabric and porterrss. Singis Lfilfi
I f :,Fti?f5 Gnd breasted sryses ViJ IE IE till
i-v - I '! :f P-. . . tor men end young men. Jr ll II .
"SJAflJ'W Fine cut end tailoring ihot
iKJfisib 11 iViSr more for. A complete Size fcaaa WW I
I"," j"'r!!,;,:C'air range in shorts, stouts, siirriS" " J
arid regyiars. '
p7?M OTHERS $24.50 fo $34,50
i is" The most comptete lopcoo : f faft !
lfK ll?51-- 1 'v ver cfff'J- Aii the ' fin rill I
y t I '? ; new sty!s, oil the new ma- If If (111 I
v i&'ff C ' feriais, coverts, herringbones, ill I !
. t t cameS hair, Horris tweeds, I
't l ' ! V1' f?rid htl' A All 1
' ' ' ' silf kk the best value in Jf
WW ?ArlP
t aa
fiSaBsflges Moiior Co
PHONE 3121
OTHERS $24,50 to $29.50
Use your credit , , , knew credit H
espectoiiy weicome ot Christmas time.
You ton make si! your purchase f
work or dress cietiufts ca Oregon Wssf
ett't Easy Credit eian . . and it tfacss'i
feres, no eerryinj cher-jes, m red too
Check These Gift Seggesfloss!
AT 50c ! GIFTS AT $1 1
Far .in G!ot
Meo'e FiiUi Ceses .
Bilk Shirts
Psaia Hangm
Ksyon Dress Shirts
end Tie Sets
Famous Wilson Bros, EJiirJs
12. as Op
. JJ,53
Cietet StuiJt, Spot Remoter,
Shoe Hern)
SliSt Psjamss
SJess 5e!t end Saspesder Sett ,.. ti.Sa
Ko' loiUs! lwiTj
by "Swsck" . JJ.5u-J,SS
Fitwiai "CoJiitnoJiitTiit'
Bwssisrs ..., .. ti.ti
Sedreeta 3iipprt ,.,.... ,.,.iJ!J Vp
"AJ35galor" Oil S8k Baoiina
Starting Tuetdsy We wSU fee open aaiti o'ciocic ewy nisitt ta Cfcrittiaw
Oresoini Wo0lnn