Ddcemher 0, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE City BtUejfl To Portland Deputy Sheriff Dal Maltoun win moved by train to Portland curly Muncluy nl(ht to receive tri-ultioiit for an Injury to III rliiht U'U Buffer ed enrly Monday iimnilnK while on clrfeno put nil went i( Khun Mil Fall. A cur ullil Into liln machlno Injurylnu Muttoon und other occupiinta of the cur, Joe C. Evuna und Dr. lirt-rr Ciluacoc. Kvana remain lit Kluiiiiitli Vnl Icy hospital where hi condition wu said to ho millfuclory. He hua broken ribs, fuclul cuta und la aiifforlnn from shock. Dr. Cilnacne received brulicea. Turkay Shoot A "turkey hoot" will be held nt the Hon snzn Krnde achoul Sunday, Do comber 14. sponsored by the llotmn.u chu pter of the KKA. The ahootluit will be with heuvy und .22 rides, with luiui t siKliln burred from the content. Women and boya will be encouruued to attend und compete. I'rofita will 110 to the boya' orttanliuitlon, Future Farmers of Amerlcii, uc cording to Hnlriuli K. Curothera, FFA advisor. Returns Krlnnds of l'aula Al bert, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. und Mra. licrt Albert of Chllo (iiln, hua returned to her homo from St. Vincent' hospital, I'ort lnnd, where alio recently sub mlttcd to n successful oiierullon form removnl of u bullet from her aplno. The Alberta biouKht their dnuKhtor homo Suiidny nllthl und aim la reported rcatinu cnmfortiibly ut the fuinlly hnmc. I'uiiln wua nccldentiilly ahot while pluylnii nenr the Albert realdenco In mid-November und brouitht to n Klnmuth Full hos pltul where m operutlon wua performed but not aucceaafully. While In the north I'nuln aubmll ted to four blood transfusions. Mil Parkar 111 Augusta I'nrker. for niuny yeura principal of Fremont achonl, hua been con fined In her home till past week suffering from n severe cold. -She In said to be improv ed Tueadny und will probably resume her work Wednesday. Twlna Born Mr. and Mra Clarence Slay of 11)01 Cinry treet are pnrenta of twin boya born nt llillmdr hnxpllal Decern ber H. One Imliy weighed 4 pound Ui ounce, the other 4 pound 3 ounce. These nre the flral children born to the con pie. Slay 1 employed ni hruko man on the Cireut Northern rail-way. From Fort Lawla Lorcnce Adnrua, nephew of Mr. and Mr. Axel Olon of Denver street In Altumont, visited Ktiimjith Full over the weekend Audrua I nn army man and atutioncd lit Fort Lawia. Ho wua accompanied by Lieut. John White of Kverctt, Wash. Roth were en routo nouth. Raturn Eait Mr. Willie C. Klnley hu returned u her home In North Carolina after spending everal weeka In Klamath Falls visiting at the home of her al.iter, Mr. Hobo C. I.nux. Return Horns Mrs. toe C. Luux hn been moved to her home on F.urlo street and Is now able to alt up after having apent the past even weeks In Klumnth Vnlley hospital. Raturn Mr. Leo Kennedy, (103 Mlirtin street, has returned from several weeks spent visit lug In Spokane, Wash. 1IEITZ Horn ut Klumuth Valley hospital, Klnmuth Fulls, Ore.. December 0, 1U41, to Mr. and Mrs. Oniric licit. Jr , Tule lake. Calif., a girl. Weight: S pounds 01 ounces. Napbaw In Araa John Wynn Morryman, nephew of Dr. Cieorge Merrymnn of Klamath Fall, I In Honolulu with lila wife and two duughtora. It was learned here. Merrymnn la civilian defense engineer. Alpha Gamma Delta An Alpha Gumma Delta nlumntic meeting wna called for 7 p. ni. Tucsdny at tho homo of Ilctle Dunlvan. 1114 Crecent avenue From Malln Mrs. W. C. Dal ton was shopping here Monday from her homo In Malln. Sprague Offers Battleship Oregon SAl.F.M, Dec. 9 UY) Govern or Charles A. Sprague, In a tele gram to the navy department, todoy offered the battleship Ore gon to the navy for possiblo use a n patrol vessel, Tho decommissioned vessel, which fought In the Spanish American war, now i In Port land harbor. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS YUNCK Born at Hillside hospltnl, Klamath Falls, Ore, December 8, 1041, to Mr. and Mrs. Willlnm F. Yunek, 020 Owen street, a girl. Weight: 6 pounds 15 ounces. PARKS ALLOWED THE TO PLEAD DAVID CASE George Parks, accused In the Buffalo Lunch murder of Dr. Sulein A. Duvid, was arraigned In circuit court Tuesday morn ing und given until 11 a. m. De cember 11 to enter a plea. Circuit Judge Duvid It. Van donberg appointed U. S. Balen tlne und K. E. Driscoll to repre sent I'urks, a dark, hpok-nosed man brought hero Ii'om Great Fulls, Mont., to face the murder charge. Parks, who suld his real name was Georgo Jonas, wai Indicted by tlie Klnmuth county grand Jury In the notorious South Sixth street killing case. He is alleged by the stutc to be one of the bundita who Invaded the lunch room lnt March, and killed Dr. David when he pur sued them o u 1 1 1 d e after an armed robbery. The court at first appointed J. C. O'Neill as Parks' attorney, but O'Neill asked to be excused because he has served as attor ney for Dr. Snlem David, vic tim of the murder, and also for David's relatives. Parks wns returned to the Klamath county jail where he is held without ball. Alfred Morion Mlchnrdson, 19, SLAY Born at Hillside hos pital, Klnmuth Fall, Ore., De cember 8, 1041, to Mr. and Mr. Clarence Slay, 1001 Gnry street, twin boys. Weight: 4 pounds 81 ounces and 4 pounds 3 ounces. Let the tog roll where It may . It's nice to stay tndoora whan you have Splcad Coffee Cake for - that evening mack. Only 15c at Polly Ann Bakery. North (th Adv. COVENANT CHURCH LUTEFISK DINNER Saturday, Dec. 13th From S to 8 P. M. Served at the FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Tenth and High Streeta SAVINGS . PLACED HERE BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH - - AS OF THE 1st! Insured Savings ond Better Return 8i (CURRENT DIVIDEND) First Federal Saving! and Loan Ass'n. of Klamath Falls Member Federal Saving end Loan Insurance Corporation 6th k Main Ph. S19S onlored a plea of not guilty In circuit court Tuesday morning. Richardson was Indicted by the Klamath county grand jury on a charge or statutory rape. Russell Ellcdge pleaded guil ty to a charge of embezzlement, Ten o'clock Thursduy morning was sot lor passing of sentence. For Your Information Promoter of Inventions Dies NEW YORK, Dec. 9 (P) Hart O. Berg, 76, engineer who developed the Browning pistol and machine gun in this coun try and sponsored the first pub lic flights of the Wright broth ers abroad, died toduy at Doc tors' hospital. He was a native of Philadel phia but devoted most of his - 1 I , .1 . . I .. t T.-. . lui n-i uj mil uuuviii w rjui upe products of American Inventive i genius. WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Partly cloudy tonight and Wed nesday, but with scattered light showers In mountain of extreme north portion and tonight over the mountains of the south por tion; little change In tempera ture. WASHINGTON AND ORE GON Generally cloudy to night and Wednesday, with-occasional light rains over and west of Cascades; little change In temperature. Extended forecast for far west ern states excepting southern California, period of Dec. 9-13: Generally cloudy In Pacific Northwest with frequent rains over and west of Cascades, but light rain and snow at the be ginning and toward the end of the period east of the Cascades and to tho mountains of north ern Idaho; fair elsewhere in the far west with occasional cloudi ness except for light rains over mountains of south portion of northern California, extending over southern Nevada Wednes day and Thursday; no material temperature change. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound: 8 a. m. Train 20 Northbound! 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Southboundi 8:45 p. m. Train 18 Northbound! 9:00 p. m. Group to Meet The annual Christmas party of Group 7 of the First Methodist church will meet at the home of Mr. R. L. Sutton, 3442 Hilyard avenue, at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, December 11, for potiuck lunch eon. Mrs. Henry A. Gillklson ia group chairman. At this all-day meeting there will be a gift ex change and "silent sisters" of the past year will be revealed. Mrs. Roosevelt Flies to Coast WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 (IP) Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt was flying today to the west coast, scene of a series of ail1 raid alarms, to help coordinate civil ian defense. She ii assistant civ ilian defense director, ' 1 ' Others In the party Which left last night were her boss, Floral la H. LaGuardia, the director; Paul Blggers, another assistant, director; Gilbert Harrison, co- 4 director of youth activities in defense, ind Mrs. Roosevelt's secretary, Mnlvlna Thompson. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Jantzan "Caribou" Sweater for Skiing and Sporta 88.95 DREW'S MANSTORE 711 MAIN MalMMMlM ONCE YOU SEE II YOU'LL WANT THE ESTATE Oil HEATROLA Care Free Automatic fS?- Warmth This Winter With ESTATE ? HEATROLA Juit dial the temperature you want. Th oil Heatrola (with automatic heat control) keeps It right there. BEAUTIFUL! ECONOMICAL! SAVES WORK-SAVES TIME! SAVES FUEL! COMI IN. LET US SHOW YOU. Usual Convenient Termsl '! 1 la A : J 1 L .'pi l v I 'Hi : It 1 i I i PLAY SANTA TO YOURSELF DRESS UP FOR THE HOLIDAYSI MIRRA - LINE DRESSES Here are blithe, color-gay dresses to whisk you into a ready-ior-fun holiday moodl Crepea! Spun rayonsl Woolsl Jerseysl Sises 12-52. Hi FASHION FIRSTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS EVENING FROCKS One price, many styles. Flares, pleats, sippar fronts, novelty designs, smooth rayons and Jerseysl All the fashion-important shades. Sises 10-42. AUSTELLE DRESSES c9 Beautifully made In enchanting colors and styles to make you the hit of the Christ mas party. Crush re sistant velvets and crepea that are so feminine and pretty. Sisea 9-44. SECOND FLOOR J J A PERFECT GIFT TO YOURSELFI WnnntteBr COATS 90 Splendid fabrics. Rich colors. Tweeds, fleeces and luxurious needlepoints. Many youthful and matron styles all with warm liningsl Sises 12-52. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVEI BUDGET COATS 8 90 Rich, thickly piled plush. Beautifully made in swagger or fitted -stylo. Warmly lined with quilted rayon satin. Black and oxford stripes, SECOND SHE'LL ADORE ONE OF THESEl WINTER COATS 1650 Here's the coat you want and at a real savings for youl Rich colors in the season's most sparkling stylos. Reefers and swag gers. Don't miss the value oppor tunity of the sea sonl FLOOR L!Sa722S WHIRLIGIG CHENILLE ROBES A gift ahe'll enjoy every eve ning of the yearl Luxurioua, cloe ly tufted chenille. Full, graeeiul skirts, wrap- around styles. Bell aleevea. fitted walatline. White, dark blue, light blue, roe. fuchsia. 12-48. RAYON SATIN QUILTED PRINT HOUSECOATS Whether aho's a home body or not ahe will love one of theae rayon aatin robes. Flowered prints on light or dark background. Col larless wrap styles. Full skirts. it al A GIFT TO "HER" Hosiery 19 it Pays To Shop At Penney's Pair PERFECT! FLAWLESSLY CLEAR! A LOVELY GIFT THAT ANY WOMAN WILL APPRECI ATE! Every girl aaka Santa for hos iery, so give her hosiery from Penney'sl Sheer lovely 3-thread hosiery made of the finest silk. Crepe twisted for smart dull ness and practical snag resis tance! In winter's loveliest shades. Sises 8H-10M. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN Monday, December 22, ..to 8 P. M. Tuesday, December 23, ..to 8 P. M. Wednesday, December 24, to 6 P. M. MAIN FLOOR 9k KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. mi Stiet 12-20. OTHER ROBES at . . SECOND FLOOR e..er.ee.(.ev 221 MAIN NEXT TO WILLARD HOTEL DIAL B3S3 1 u mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmw