Dnpombpr 0, 1041 TTIE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TUBE! FIRST LIST OF CASUALTIES 1 GIN WASHINGTON, Dec. 0 (!) Tho wnr di'pnrlmrnl published I ho army's first of ficlnl casualty lint of tlin wnr loilny, making public Iho name of 37 lirmy of f I corn iiid men killed In net Urn In Iho Japanr-so attack on Hawaii Six worn commissioned offi cers, all of Ilia air fur ecu, and the other also were air corps men Thn minion were announced n I purtlnl list of the casualties re sulting from Sunday s bombard mrnt of tlio Island of Oiilm, Ha waii, by Jupnnrso air units. "Tho adjutunt general of the army, in each cane, notified the next of kin of tho docp regret of the secretary of war at tho death of this soldier In the defense of his country," the war deport ment said. Tho lint Included: Second Llciitenunt Robert H. Markley. Nenrest relative: Ar thur H. Markley, father, Nardlm Okla. Second Lieutenant Jay K. Plet- xsch. Nearest relative: Otto I'let wch. father, Amiirlllo, Tex. First Lieut. John S. Greene. Nearest relallvo: Mrs. Idu II. Greene, wife, Colfux, la. First Lk'utonatit Hubert M Rlchey. Nearest relallvo: Mrs Gcorno K. Hlchey, mother, Wollsburg. W. Va. Second Lieutenant George A, Whltomun. Ncurest relative: John C. Whlteinnn, (relation not given) Sedalla, Mo. Second Lieutenant Hans C Christiansen. Nearest relative Peter C. Christiansen, fathor, Woodland, Calif. Private Robert G. Allen. Near est relative: Mrs. Sarah E. Allen mother, Sims, Ind. First Sergeant Edward J Burnt. Nearest relative, John J. Burns, father, Pittsfield, Mass. Corporal Robert P. Bus. Near est relative: Robert Bus, father, Elkhart. Ind. Private First Class Theodore T Byrd, Jr. Nearest relative: Theodore F. Byrd, father, Tom pa, Fla. Private Wilbur S. Carr. Near est relative: John W..Carr, fath er, MlamlsburK, Ohio. Corporal Malachy J. Cashen. Nearest relative: Mrs. Gertrude Cashen, mother, Lamont, Iowa Private Denn W. Cebert. Near est rcimivc. mm. iimureu o bert mother, Ciulesburg, III. Prlvoto First Class Eugene L, Chambers. Nearest relative: Mrs. Violet Chambers, mother, Apol lo, Pa. Private William C. Creech. Nearest relative: Mrs. Martha H. -Creech, mother, Cumberland, Ky. Staff Sergeant Frank J. Do Polls. Nearest relative: Mrs. Lau ra G. DePolls, mother, Renovo. Pa. Sergeant James II. Derthlek Nearest relative: Paul Derthlek, father. Ravenna, Ohio. Staff Sergeant James Everett. Nearest relative: John W. Ev erett, father, Jemei Springs, N. M. Private John R. Fletcher, Nearest relative: John Fletcher, father, Janesvllle, Wis. Staff Sergeant Joseph E. Good. Nearest relative: Mrs. Ellen Good, mother, Pittsburgh Pa. Staff Sergeant James E. Guth rie. Nearest relative: Claude M. Guthrie, father, Nathalie Va. Staff Sergeant Joseph C. Her- Right In elms for Chriarmoa psrtles comes this masquer. adlng-inspper." You'd never guess what's Inilde so well Mil toiii Talcum PoWtrf KD -S w w Beauty Kits gfc ui.iid wi uid wunun who goes places ... a fitted beauty travel bag I And among eur best are these new Richard isit u.. v.. i . I '""" x luuuut iviu cumpictv Willi all the Du Barry Beauty Prep arations to help keep her lovely over weekends or long trips. umers rrom o.uu CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS klamalh'a Dm a Ooimuli Oint.f - 7 oi IN SERVICE Samuel Edward Emerson, of Fort Klamath, graduated recent ly from training at the marine corps base In San Diego. Calif.. and is now In active service with one of the many units of the corps. Private Emerson was sent to Sin Diego on his enlistment In the corps in August. While training there, he won medals for his outstanding ability with the rifle and bayonet. The son of Mrs. W. Backman. of Fort Klamath. Private Emerson 'en listed in the corps at the recruit Ing station in the Stewart Drew building, 733 Main street here. bt-rt. Ncurest relative: Wullcr J, Herbert, father, Clenr Spring, Md. Corporal Vincent M. Koran Nearest rclutlvc: Timothy Horan father, Stamford, Conn. Private George G. Leslie Nearest rclutlvc: George S. Lcs lie, futhcr, Arnold, Pa. Private First Class William II Munlcy. Ncurest relallvo: Mrs Elizabeth J. Munlcy, mother, At lunta, Ga. Prlvuto First Class John G Mitchell. Nearest rclutlvc: Mrs Clara Mitchell, mother, llolslng ton, Kas. Private Robert U. Nlcdzwle- ckl. Nearest relative: Peter P, Nlcdzwlcckl, father, Grand Rnp- ids, Mich. Donald D. Plant, (no rank shown). Nearest relative: Mrs Mablo Plant, mother, Wausau, Wis. Staff Sergeant John A. Price. Nearest relative: Mrs. Lcona Price, mother, McComb, Miss Anson E. Robblns (no rank shown). Nearest relative: Kelscy Robblns, brother, Boston, Moss. Sergeant Georgo R. Schumer- sol. Nearest relative: Mrs. Edith D. Schumersal, mother. Corona Long Island. N. V. Prlvoto First Class Robert L Schntt. Nearest relative: Mr Hazel E. Schntt, mother, Elk hart. Ind. Robert R. Shattuck, (no rank shown). Nearest rvlntivc: Joseph Shattuck, father, Bluo River. Wis. Sergeant Robert O. Sherman. Nearest relative: Mrs. Ursula Krack, mother, Middletown. N. Y. Sergeant Morris Stncey. Near est relative: James II. Stocey, fa ther, Fairmont, W. Va. Stuff Sorgennt Andrew A Wnlerynskl. Nearest relative Mrs. Cntherine Walrzynskl, mo ther, Diihith Minn. Private Lumus E. WWalker. Nearest relative: Mrs. Bessie Walker, mother, Zicgler, 111. When littery or down In the mouth try Polly Ann's Vttameal Bread. And It's excellent for diet and reducing as well good f-r growing children. De licious toasted. Only 12c loaf. Polly Ann Bakery. Across from new telephone building on North 9th Adv. Read tho Classified page. ytSSy SpMnsLII.e J SCHOOLS PUN L E NEXT S Y The twelfth iinniiul Chrlstmn Carol service will 1)0 presented by the music department of the city schools Suiuliiy December 14, lit .')::)() p. m. In the First Methodist church. Tho traditional nativity pan cant will bo presented by the seventh und eighth grudo pupils of Riverside school, Mrs. Edward A. Fredrick, director. Enhancing tho story of tho nativity will be the traditional carols sung in three und four purls by choruses from Hie seven city schools. Accompanists are Mrs. Slier mun. Miss Jean Whitney and Miss Marie Obenchaln. Mrs. Jr. scph C. O'Neill, violinist, accom panied by Miss Obenchaln, will ploy the offertory and the en Itnnce theme for the angel char acters. Characters of tho pageant: Mary, Delores Ilelfrlnch; Joseph Albert Mcrrllt; Angel (Scripture reader), Dorothea Whltellne; small angels, Naomi Magee, Pat sy Crow, Esther Robinson, Leot ta Pitt, Norma linker, June lios worth; kings. Robert Willis, Jdmcs Pope, John Paul Foster; kings' attendants, Jean Derby, Dale Price, Dec Nelson; shep herds, Russell Casllcberry, Cas per Luzlnger, Donald Hearth, Ralph Craig; villugers, Arlenc Looslcy, Carmen Lee Jones, Mn rlonno Sexten, Rny Johnson, Lcnnis Johnson, Chnlmers Mus grovc, Gloria Heath, Helen Col lins, Nancy Gilbert, Barbara leane Dryer. Black, Danny Ycrkovitch. II Prcludc . Mrs. Carter Grunt Us Peace. Anonymous, Processional Mills girls' chorus O Ye Tuneful Hosts, Saint Socns Girls' choruses Lo, How a Rose. Proetorious Pelican 6lh grade Fairest Lord Jesus German Silent Night (hum) Grubcr Contique do Noel . Adam O Little Town of Bethlehem Red tier Lorghctlo, Handel, From So- nato IV, D Mujor Mrs. O'Neill and Miss Obenchaln First Roadina It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Willli Christinas Night, German carol glrlc.' choruses Second Ren dine! While Shepherds Watched j i nin ii mmnwmm am 7& TREE TEA IS TREE TEA WINS 19 to I ON TASTE ALONE RIGHT in your own home, you , and your family cau Icsra for yourselves what thousands have al ready discovered: (here's ainre real enjoyment in Tree Tea's better flavor. It (asies Keller. That's (he simple reason why Tree Tea has won from its leading conipetimr NINETEEN times in unhiased tas(e tests. Members of women's cluhs through out the West took part in these tests. Each woman was served Tree Tea, Orange Pekoe, and the leading competitive tea, prepared exactly the same way. No one knew what brands were used. TMI TIA WINS, 19 TO I More than 500 women took I Mm ff "a JLT" r""' '" Vsa L V1 v : w Pi v Vv. I V I ' , ' J f 4fjJMSBW' J Their Flock Arr. from Ilundol 8econd and Third Reading First Noel Traditional Fourth Reading We Three Kings of Orient Arc . Hopkins O Como All Yo Faithful Reading Joy To Tho World Arr. from Handel Lnrghetto Mrs. O'Neill and Miss Obenchaln Fifth Reading Silent Night Benediction Offertory, Ave Maria, Schu bert Mrs. O'Neill and Mis Obenchaln Now the Day is Over, Barnby Prnyer, Groll Motive In Parsifal, Wagner "Bring Peace on Earth, Holy, Holy Lord!" Names of school participating and their music teochcr are: Conger, Marie Doom; Falrvlcw, Delia Weber; Fremont. Jean Whitney; Mill, Irma Badger; Pelican, Ruth Ann Napier; Riv erside Doris Fredrick; Roose velt. Ola Mac Carter; director, Llllle E. Darby. Children who are not partic ipating will not be admitted un less accomponled by adults. Mt. Laki MT. LAKI Congratulation ore being extended to Marjorie Dchlingcr and Vcrn Berry on their recent marriage at Reno, Nov. Mr. and Mr. W. M. Williams ond ons Dale and Henry left Friday for Salem to visit Wil liams' brother, Bryant William, and family. Mrs. Mary Town send, mother of Williams, will re turn home with them. The Home Economics club of the Henley grange met at the cranse hall Friday afternoon. Mrs. Roy LaProrie was chosen chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. ond Mr. Robert Smythc of Tacomo. Wosh., visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. Percy Dix on Thursday night en route to Tulare. Calif. Smythe is a nephew of Mr. Dixon. The Dalles May Get Grid Offer MEMPHIS, Tenft., Dec. 9 UP) Undefeated The Dalles, claimant to the mythical Oregon high school football championship, is being considered for a post-season game here with unbeaten Memphis Tech December 19 or 20. The Council of Civic Clubs, sponsor of the game, said Lib erty high of Toledo, O., also was under consideration. Read the Classified page V BETTER 1" part in the 23 tests. An overwhelming majority chose Tree Tea's definitely heuer flavor. Tree Tea won nineteen tests, tied three and lost only one! Yaur taste, too, will prove Tree Tea is better. The reason is, we blend it from better teas. It is the only popular brand enriched and flavor foriiliccl wiih Darjeeling, the world's rarest tea. This blend of the Ccylons and Darjeeling will make you enjoy lea as you've never enjoyed it before. A FRIENDtY TIP ABOUT HABIT Claimt of tea flavor arc easy to make. Due it's harder to prof extra quality Ay Itsl, as Tree Tea has done. Don't let habit guide your tea buying; try Tree Tea, the brand that has proved it's better. You will agree with careful, discriminat ing buyers everywhere that it Is "The World's Finest Tea." THE TASTE BMS Ml EYED AS BURNS, Dec. 9 Friend of Marvin Klemme of Burns are urging him to announce himself a a candidate for congress on the republican ticket. They point out that he is well qualified to represent eastern Oregon at this time because of hi knowledge of both local and International problems. He ha for several years been closely connected with Oregon's two basic Indus tries, which are agriculture and forestry. He Is a graduate of the Yale Forest school with sev eral years experience in both private and public forestry. Ho organized and was for several years in charge of the Taylor Grazing administration in this state. He is the author of numerous books and articles dealing with problems connected with the use of the land. He spent the year of 1939 on a world tour making a first hand study of conserva tion methods in use in over 30 foreign countries in Europe and Asia. He was, in fact, in Europe for several months just prior to and Just after war broke out. Klemme is 41 years of age, an ex-service man with a year and a half foreign service. His work over the last several years has given' him the opportunity of be coming familiar with the prob lem confronting nearly every section of the district. He has for the last year been in charge A (MA .H A pP ROBES , ill s, 8: Buy her gifts where she buys her own! Choose from these lovely new robes and housecoats . '. . select luxurious lingerie from our big stock! Our store is FULL of lovely gifts to wear ... the most beautiful selection we've ever had! a. IF A Housecoats Quilted Robes Slips ' HONORED Thomas Gordon Daana, of Klamath Falls, was honored re cently on his graduation from recruit training at the marina corps bass in San Diago, Calii according to word received here. Private Deana, son of Mrs. Oliva Ellis, 60S Van Ness avenue, of this city, was awarded medals for his ability with the pistol and bayonet o graduation. Ha hopes to finish his schooling and learn a trade while serving with the marinas. Dean enlUted In tha marina corps in August at the recruiting station in tha Stewart-Drew building, 733 Main street, in Klamath Falls. of the state's program for the handling of its school lands. While Klemme has refused to commit himself on his candidacy at this early date, he is believed to be giving the matter serious consideration. from $3.95 from $5.95 from $1.19 Cift Wrapped The LoPointe Way! I 1K1Z BIRTHDAY BALL Samuel P. Miller has been appointed chairman of the presi dent's birthday ball committee, and this post the Klamath Falls man accepted for the fourth con secutive year, it was announced Tuesday. The appointment was made by Dr., E. T. Hedlund, Portland postmaster and Oregon chair man of observance of the presi dent's birthday in recognition of- the splendid work done by Miller during the past few years. Carl Donaugh, Portland, con tinues in the post of active vice chairman. Miller stated Tuesday the dance date has been set for Sat urday, January 31. Approxi mately $1000 was Kept in Klam ath county for work in the field of infantile paralysis, with $1000 sent to the national fund for research as the result of last year's dance. 16 Germans Held In Portland Jail PORTLAND, Dec. 9 (IP) Federal bureau of investigation agents arrested 16 German aliens in the Portland area last night and continued to round up more today. Those arrested were held in the Multnomah county Jail for immigration authorities. . Their identity was not disclosed. - FUNERALS ; MERLIN CHOCKTOOT The funeral service for the late Merlin Chock toot who passed away in this city on. Sat urday, December A, will take place from the Beatty church on Wednesday, December 10 at 1:30 p. m the Rev. B. V. Brad shaw officiating. A morning service will begin at 10 a., m. The remains will be taken to, tha David Chocktoot residence' In Beatty Tuesday evening where the remains will rest in state) until the hour set for the surv ices Wednesday. Commitment service and vault entombment in the- Mosenkesket cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Ward's Klamath, furv. eral Home in charge of the ar rangements. , , MARY ANN SCHAFER The remains of the late Mary Ann Schafer, who passed away at Worden, Ore., on Sunday, December 7, will be forwarded via Southern Pacific on Tuesday evening, December 9, to Rich mond, Calif., for final rites and cremation. Ward's Klamath Fun eral Home in charge of the ar rangements. -' ' . LEONA BURDETTE The remains of the late Leona Burdette, who passed away near Merrill, Ore., on Sunday, Decern ber 7, were to be forwarded .via Railway Express on Tuesday evening, December 9, to Walla Walla, Wash., for final rites and interment. Ward's Klamath Fun eral Home in charge of the ar rangements. . ' ; $7.95 n n sna Main , ..i :. . , j. .. . : .. ... ,. 1 i -42. .Jila.HWDi.iiii mi jnil-V:iftTai''iik"'''' 1 1, TEST WINNER y 1