PAGE FOURTEEN Employer Survey to Be Made by Pupils An occupational survey among Klamath . Falls employ ers and conducted by students THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 0, 1941' in the commercial department in Klamath Union high school will start Thursday, December 11, under direction of H. O. Palmer, commercial department head. The reason for this survey Is to secure information essential to improving and adjusting the commercial curriculum more closely to community and voca tional needs. .The questionnaire to be used has been designed to find the number and turnover of differ ent kinds of positions open to high school graduates; the de sired training, age, sex, and ex perience for employes In those positions; the importance and kinds of office machines in use! locally; information to be used in guidance and placement. Findings of this survey will be used In making changes In content and organization in com mercial subjects in order that graduates may give satisfactory service to employers of Klam ath Falls. About 40 students will Inter view employers and will fill In replies on inquiry blanks. Each Interview will take about 10 minutes of the employer's time. The survey Is sanctioned by the Klamath Falls chamber of commerce. In' England, drippings from roasting moats often are used on bread instead of butter. A country hotel In Spain dl0 play the notice; "Don't go to bad without removing your clothes." An annual total of 7000 fatal accidents occurs in the homes ol England during peacetimes, ' V &Wh TRADE-IN YOUR 01D RADIO NOW! I i y.. ii - ii can save even more on many console ramo ana raaio-pnono ff&S? rWr-l VlV i7j 4 DAYS ONLY! QUANTITIES LIMITED! CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS! Buy now for Christmas in Wards Greatest 4-Day Radio Sale I Sensational reductions will save you dollars and you can save even more on many console radio and radio-phono models by trading in your old set 1 Remember too you can buy any Ward radio on our convenient Monthly Payment Plan I You can thrill your family with a superlative Christ . mas gift and still save dollars at Wards I SO WHY WAIT? Complete Assortments! Immediate Delivery Nowl 1 0 mm tOGG sm NOW! SAVE W MORE! QlC 83 Massive 12 -tube with every feature you wantl Now at $10 price cut I Gets -:. Europe! Has Dual Tone Controls . . . automatic tuning . . . 5-band dial! In- : eludes rectifier and tuning eye! $0 Monthly, qspcl lun utaiil muS mirlea; tlltf. (&erof tradt-la WW, SALE! BIG 8-TUBE! (MM Sensationally low-priced for 4 days only . . . challenging other makes up to $1001 You get Foreign Reception . . , ' automatic tuning., tone control., loop aerial I Includes rectifier, tuning eye! t 5 Monthly, usual down payment and carrying eng. liberal tradi-in J) ftp M f Automatic nconi-xhangtrl 2,0OO-rcor4 Mo7f est seller at regular price! Now , , , sure to tell out fast in Wards great 4-day sale! For this amazing radio phonograph ls actually built to equal $100 sets! A sensa tionsl opportunity for vou to trade-In your old radio" and enjoy a new radio-phono this Christmas! You enn play U records automatically! You cart hear Europe direct! You get full tone control and new low pressure tone arm! Be early for yours or you may be too latet SAVE M0! RECORD-MAKER! Make your own records at home! Now . . . price cut $10 on Wards recording unit! It plugs right into radio-phonos or console radios! Complete with microphone I Save! N0WI GET EUROPE! I'jMfe 2788 fries cut on thla powerful 7-tubcl Look t the features automatic tuning, tone control, loop aerial, big speaker! In cludes rectifier! Compare at $15 morel WHY PAY '10 MORE? FINEST PORTABLE! 1988 3488 Sensational 6-tube in handsome wood cabinet! Built-in loop aerial and dy namic speaker! Rectifier included! Save now in Wards 4-day tnlel 6-TUBE PORTABLE! &fyc 2588 Complete at this price! Plays on 525 bour battery pack or plijgs into any outlet! Loop aerial! Includes rectifier! Why pay $12 more? SAVE! Buy now and save dollars! Wards fin est portable plays on 325-hour bat tery pack or plugs in anywhere! Gets Europe direct! COMPLETE! . F OflfflEG Q0(nD0O W CES7 00EB. '.'Mil 11111111 II a&i rd I i&i -i i ii r jjon-t oeiooiea i Ana aon t contuse tnis amanng jAtr 111 I ilia Xl " V'- r; w i line with ordinary radio-phonos I Because Wards sensational '1 illr V J I if V I 4-day sale saves you $15 extra and brings you the 18th I ' 1 11 i sa i. ''V'" n - 1 Century Cabinet beauty and the tone and power you'd ex- fill i .' " i hSm pert at $50 to $60 morel You get Foreign Reception! You ; w lllfj 1 1. i ismj "JU-'".ii-!i get automatic tuning ! You get a low-pressure tone arm . , ' I Wijawrig I giant speaker Dual Tone Controls ... and dozens mora 1 ijUggrig -JZ'''' I I featuresl Rectifier and tuning eye Included! Now trade-in j SSjjSataaCai- your old radio for Christmas! Save extra dollars at Wards! ! t iilM),,