The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 09, 1941, Page 11, Image 11

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The Head pin
Racorri ware brokan and
kadi toppled when the) imoko
cleared away last week from
the Ladybug round of bowling.
Of tlie three tcums tied for
ftrot place, the Town Shop
tayed put but have two new
running mates for the tin, till
leaving three teama pounding
in there for that Irud, U. K.
Transfer, Swan Confectionery,
and tho Town Shop.
Eddie's Dace holds aecoud,
than a two way go for third
placa with Cummlnga Fur Shop
and Daggett Insurance. Nice
mix up, but It loaves Junior In
hla glory. There'i alwuya ex
citement In the Ladybug louguo
as far aa he'a concerned.
Team loaders In aurlos stand
Eddie's Placa first, O, K. Trans
fer aecond, and Hoyal Crown
Cola third. Hoyal Crown Coin
clulma flrat, aecond and third
place for single-loam gome.
High individual lead In aorlea
changed hands when Flo Ann
Eaton rolled In a fllKt to put
Dorla Clmyne in aecond placu
with 672, laWnice Hrltt third
M-.t'h 542.
Y-i Flo Ann'a aerlea there waa
a 234 that Jumped Into flrat
place for high aluglo gamp.
Marty McCollum waa aecond
with 219, Dorla Cheyne third
with 213, Junior aaya, "NVvt-r
a dull moment" and you enn
well beliova that, when 40 gula
are rolling together. Our two
and three way tirs are renlly
omethlng to watch.
Here's tha dope aa Junior haa
it for thla week a llneupa: Ed
dle'a Placa and the Town Shop;
Daggett Insurance and the O.
K. Transfer; Loreni Co. and
Hoyal Crown Cola, Cummtnga
Kur Shop and the Swan Con
fectionery. I almost hml one
of Junior' Santa Clam lritrrs
but he waa a little too for
me. Wish I knew what hi- is
asking for.
Fry Assailed on
Coast Shipbuilding
Master Contract
PORTLAND, Ore. Dec. 9
OJP) Charge! that John P. Fry,
national prealdent of the A. F.
of L. metul tradea council, had
negotiated the coastwise ahlp
bulldlng contract at tha "dic
tate! of Waahington," were
hurled Friday by Anthony Bol
lerlnl, San Franclaco, president
of tha Pacific coaat council.
Speaking at the opening of a
threa-day conference of the
roait group, Bnllerlnl assailed
Fry. laertlng the master con
tract covering AFL workera In
the west coaat shipbuilding
yards "probably was dictated to
mm In Waahington 10 months
Ballerlnl also condemned Fry
for his part In the "back-to-work"
movement against Oak
land, California, pickets follow
ing negotiation of the coast
wide "no strike" agreement.
"I'd never crack a picket line
regardless of who put It up,"
Ballerlnl said.
Tha convention started work
drafting a resolution opposing
the labor bill pending before
District Attorney James R.
Bain of Portland flayed the
measure, terming H a "black
whip over labor."
Nearly 100 delegates repre
senting Oregon, -Washington and
California unions attended the
opening day of tho convention.
CUmens to Go
To YMCA Confab
Eugene, Dec. 0 (Special) Beau
fort Clemens, of Klamath Falls,
will represent the University of
Oregon YMCA group at the na
tional assembly at Oxford, Ohio,
in a six-day conference begin
! on December 27.
Theme of the assembly will
bo "Christian Faith and Social
Reconstruction." Over 1200 rep
resentatives from collegiate YM
VW associations are expected to
attend. '
Clemens is' president of the
organization on tha campus.
NOTRE DAME Mora than
half of Notre Dame's freshman
football squad of 43 were high
achpol honor students.
members of Notre Dame's 83
tnan football squad will graduate
next June.
Looking for Bargains? Turn
to tha Classified page.
Bowling Booms as 50,000 U.S.
Alleys do Pushing Business
Key to
Man, Woman, Prep Stu
dents Jam Maplaways
NEA Bervlce Stall
Mora than 10 million persons
ol all ages inukc bowling Amer
ica's most popular pastime.
From SO. 000 alloys In metrop
olis and linnilol conies Ilia angry
thunder ot crashing tenpins. You
havo to fight to get on them.
Men, women and children Jam
tulipln emporiums. There haa
been a wlldcut growth In luagua
competition. In fact, Industry
sponsored bowling leiiKuea are
t)i bnckbuiut of American bowl
tmt competition.
Indiolrnil niiiliuttcmmit rcli'-
inoro heavily on bowling In rc
creutlon programs than any oth
er sport.
A study by Prof Floyd R.
Eastwood and Leonard J. Dlehl
of Purdue university found 87
per cent nf 243 companies re
porting hnd bowling programs
for men. Next was soil bull with
74 per cent; basketball, S4 per
cent, golf. 40 per rent; and base
ball, 34 per cent.
Thirty-five per cent of those
companies provide bowling for
Participant Soort for Schools
and ColUgaa
Rowling haa made great In
j mads in high schools and col
j leges. A participant rather than
a spectator sport, it has played
an Important port In Intramural
and Intnrfniternity competition.
High school leagues are spring
ing up.
The phenomenal rise of bowl
ing has been largely due to two
things: 1) cleaning up the bowl
ing alley; (2) feminine interest.
A few years ago most bowling
alleys were smoke-filled dens,
Circus Acrobatics, Stress on Offensive
Seen Hallmark of This Year's Bowl Tilts
NEW YORK, Dec. 9 (UP The absence of a standout betting
favorite, an unusually heavy accent on offensive maneuvers and
break away scoring plays, and enough spectacular aerial unties
to satisfy the manager of circus troupe that's the long range
forecast for the 1942 bowl games.
For while the New Years doy program may suffer slightly
from an almost unanimous lack of undefeated teams, it shapes
up as one of the most spectacu
lar bills ever offered to the post
season fans. Never before have
the bowls brought together so
mony high scorers or promised
so much football of the thrills
and chills variety.
A survey of tha eight squads
scheduled to pair off in the hol
iday contests discloses that to
gether they have omossed 1726
points In 73 games to 433 for
the opposition. The averoge per
game breaks down to 24-6 and
the obvious conclusion Is that
In all four games it should take
more than two touchdowns to
Here are thumb-nail sketches
of the records:
Rose bowl, Pasadena, Calif.
Undefeated and untied Duke
looms as an 8-3 favorite In the
oldest ot the bawl games. Tha
Blue Devils, who mix their
rushing and passing plays with
equal skill and without stress
ing either arm of the offense,
led the nation In scoring with a
total of 331 points in nine games
for a 37-polnt average.
Against thorn, the opposition
scored only 41 points an aver
Every drop of Standard Fnmara Oil
fairly but ft with haat f many delet
ing twta sm to that). Brsrf drop
burna tompUttly goaa farthar.
Keeps your burnt r clean and at ptak
performance tavttyou money.
Standard FurnareOil outsells ellot li
ars in tha Wert because It deliver tha
maximum value for your fuel dollar.
it). "Nas cyf-
918 Market
r "4.-1 , ' - c i, i
n IMS L n, 11
f , , ft ' d ' fit.
I , f 1 V J f -f y
if (a ' " ut-rtA,
Joa Falcaro graatait match
. shows thorn how to lay tha
inhabited by many ahifty-eyed
chorocteiv Rough talk flew.
Wivea Invaded only to drag out
a recalcitrant husband.
That type of bowling estab
lishment has gfine the way of the
hitching post and horse-drawn
street car.
Alley a are air-ronditioncd.
lighting Is good, walls are sound
proofed, and you needn't be a
tough to have entree.
Naturally, the result has been
a more desiroble clientele and
enthusiastic participation by
Thla transition has also given
age of five per rival. Steve
Lach has been perhaps the big
gest factor in tho oti'ense and
Tackle Mike Karmazian the
best of tho Dukes on defense.
Althodgh Duke is not too strong
on reserves, Oregon Stata is
even thinner and the edge in
manpower must go to the boys
from Durham.
Beavar Stubborn
Oregon State holds the best
defensive record among the
bowl elevens. In nine games
they gave up only 33 points,
for an average of 3.7. On the
other hand, the Beavers rank
last on tho offense with a total
of 123 points for an average of
14. OSC is rated as a team
without a star, but one that is
solidly grounded in fundamen
tals and very stubborn.
The Sugar bowl. New Or
leans, La. Fordham is a top
heavy team without too much
balance but' it Is potentially the
most dangerous offensive squad
In the nation. The Rams will be
favored at 8-5, but not because
they are tho better team, but
because they have mora back
ers. While Fordham has scored
Phono 3149
7 W mBHF'
Xy4JjyAl Tl 1 fUu Since 1780 tie eoitotn of
Jgtjr I ill I Bi TkeqiW serving this lamon old
VlrX J (J J IkJMJ! 0Bly2.IS Kentucky bourbon ass both
C I I Trfj a distinguished the host tnd
f r X 1 inlml If lie) rnmnlifnefiteil tlin Oliest.
AA XL . ' US s:
The Game of the People
bowler, qeta claaa of young women off on right foot In New York
ball on tha alley.
bowling a health value. It's hard
Id a cure-all, will not make a
Londos out of Joe Crowchest.
I But it is a mild, stimulating ex
! ereine for people who might oth
. erwise be idle.
61,653 A. B.C. Entries Represent
729 Cities
! Governing body la the Amert
i can Bowling congress, which
; controls the game wherever it is
played in North America.
The A B C. sponsors an an
! nual tournament, biggest bowl-
ing event of the year.
In the 1940 championships In
i Detroit, 30,365 individuals par
180 points in eight games for
an average of 23 per game, the
Hams have given up 67 to their
rivals and can be scored on
without too much trouble.
Ags Favor Air
Missouri, shy on aerial prow
e.M. has a reputation of rolling
up its tallies on breakaway
runs. Anything less than a 20
yard touchdown is discounted
by the TigVrs, who have run up
226 points to 37 for a fine aver
age of 23 to 4 per game.
The Cotton bowl, Dallas, Tex.
The Texas Aggies, like Ford
ham, favor their aerial offensive
at the expense of their rushing
attack. The Aggies have rolled
up 253 points to 46 for an aver
age of 28 to S, one of the best
the bowl teams offer, and are
slight favorites.
Alabama is built more along
the lines of Duke and doesn't
MilMiiiWr new- avtfi&t&' at i
1 Ktntucky Straight Bourbon Whl$kt I
ticipated In the five-man team
event, 10,404 in two-man teams,
and 20,884 In the individuals
a total of 61,653 entries.
Fees of $360,385 were paid by
those who entered from 729
cities in the United States and
Canada. Winners received 3240,
827 in prizes.
More than 5.QO0.OO0 words
were transmitted by telegraph
relative to the championships.
In 1901, the A.B.C. entries
consisted of 41 five-man teams,
78 doubles and .115 individuals.
Prire money totaled 81592
It looks like bowling Is here
to stay.
favor any outstanding type of
play. Bama has amassed 234
points to 57 in 10 games for an
average of 23 to 6, and Jimmle
Nelson a triple threat back
is one of the big reasons.
The Orange bowl, Miami, Fla.
Georgia, the southern standard-bearer,
is the closest ap
proach to a one-man team.
Frankie Sinkwich is the big
noise here and he passes and
runs with equal ability. If he
is stopped at the line, he flips
over the enemy's heads. His
prowess has given the Bulldogs
a record of 279 points to 59
for an average of 28 and 6.
Texas Christian at a quick
glance appears to be the weak
est of the eight bowl squads.
They have scored only 136
points against the rather large
sum of 95 in 10 games, and
their average of 14 and 10 is
Amazed tank officers discov
ered Friday there was at least
one branch of the service that
had no fear whatsoever for tha
horrendous, fira spitting, me
chanical monsters.
In a prearranged attack at
dawn, a tank group swooped
upon a' long column of mules,
peacefully headed for the hills
with guns of the 98th mule
pack artillery strapped to their
The tanks roared their mo
tors, screeched their sirens,
fired blanks and dug into tho
turf as they cut In and out of
the column. But the mules
marched peacefully onward.
When one of the tanks of the
732nd tank battalion became a
little too irritating, a mule load
ed with 300 pounds of gun
parts started an offensive of
its own and the clanking of
metal resounded as mule shoes
met tank.
It really was a surpris.
said Lieut. Col. David L. Ruff.
ner, commander of the 68th.
"I expected the animals to run
in all directions. They just
seemed bored with the noise.
Col. Ruffner admitted the
mules would be at a great dis
advantage had the tanks been
firing real ammunition be
cause a marching column of
mountain pack artillery has
practically no defense against
a tank attack.
Dorris Couple Get
Married in Reno
DORRIS. Springing a sur
prise on their many friends of
Dorris Miss Violet Houck, 19,
and Mr. Oscar D. Davis, 22, were
married in Reno, Nevada, last
Sunday. The bride is a graduate
of the Butte Valley high school
and is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Houck.
Mr. Davis is the son of Mrs.
Lloyd Cornwall of Picard and
is employed at the Xesterson
Lumber Mill in Klamath Falls
The happy couple for the time
being will live with Mrs- J- J.
the poorest on the program.
favorite: Georgia.
Prices Slashed on All
Men's New Fall Suits!
It's hard to bliov, but we are actual
ly cutting priees on all our brand
New Stock of Men's Fall Suits. Wards
have them in stripes . . . plaids and
rich colors! Coats have luxurious
rayon linings; trcjusers have slide fqs
teners. In this great selection you'll
find a suit to fit you. .
vidual taste. . . . Your pocketbook.
Come early for best selections!
Men's Suit Values to $23 19.88
Men's- Suit Values to $30 23.88
Get your New Suit now while Ward's
everyday low prices are cut even
lower. Wear your suit while you pay
for It.
NINTH ST., Corner Pine
Midland Empire
December 9, 1941 PAGE ELEVEN
pilllj, ,,,,.., . . .,.,....,.,,...,...., ,. -
i ' I Xv r 7t "3
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WATCH YOUR STEP t HUh-ateppIng -Muriel (left)
and Violet Mulvenn of Bed Oak, la,, are famous at University of
Mississippi football games aa the drum majorette sister team arid
yon can aee why. They spend part of their time teaching class ts In
baton work and so earn some of their tuition. Each won national
titles at the St. Paul winter carnival.
ger and Dick Collentine, Mar
quette basketball regulars, are 6
feet 6 Inches and 5 feet 7 inches.
Yankees seek a right-hand hit
ting outfielder in place of Fren-
chy Bordagaray.
. . Your Ind
. PHONE 3188
if :
i jsr ;
ml . .