The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 09, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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    I, ,IMI,I ,,,,,,
- Sports ' '
Briefs 4
Br KV' " t
Hugh I
Fullertoa Jr.f- V '
NEW YORK, Dec. 9 (Wide
World) Sport leaders have be
gun figuring how the nation's
athletic program will be affect
ed by the war and the first con
clusions are that it will be cur
tailed considerably but not
wiped out . . . They point out
that they're still boxing and
playing soccer and rugby in
England and consider it a good
thing for morale . . . Pro foot
ball seems sure to suffer be
cause it depends so heavily on
boys just out of college . . .
Bank Greenberg is likely to be
called back to the army and
Joe Louis probably will find it
won't make much difference
when his 28th birthday anni-'
versary rolls around next
spring , . . One tiling certain
is that Utah's footballers can
ctop worrying about the lack
of transportation to Hawaii,
where they had a couple of
games scheduled during the hol
Paul Pinckney, Rochester
(N. Y.) Democrat and Chronicle:
"Burleigh Grimes signs as To
ronto manager. Well, now they
can change the name of the
Leafs to Beefs."
Buddy Baer reached town to
day to begin training for his go
with Joe Louis. Buddy claimed
he was too light for Louis last
time, when he scaled only 237,
and he'll weigh about 245 on
January 9 . . . Latest report
on Jimmy Foxx is that he may
stick on the Red Sox payroll
another year. Owner Tom
Yawkey doesn't want to cut him
loose until Jimmy has a man
ager's job lined up . . . Fellow
named Ed Brickhouse has been
elected president of the Nor
folk (Va.) Duke alumni. Wonder
if he's the one Duke lines are
built like? . . . Buck Weaver of
the . Louisville Times figures
Sun Again won't run at Santa
Anita although he is training
there with Warren Wright's
string . . . Mike Jacobs offered
Lem Franklin two dates for a
fight with Melio Bettina but
Jack Hurley, Lem's manager,
turned down Melio for any
date at all . . . Minneapolis
scribes expect Van Mungo to
do all right with . the Millers
because Mike Kelley has a way
of inspiring guys who leave the
big show in the dog-house and
take the dog-house with them.
i When the Green Bay Packers
walloped the Washington Red
skins, sports editor Dick Davis
of the Appleton (Wis.) Post
Crescent, penned this line:
"Hutson, shell Take a Baugh."
The Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch
put this one on a bowling
"Luncheon Lassies Fattening
Margin." f
Haley New Head
Of Malin Rifle Club
MALIN With the exception
of Barney Myers, newly elected
president of the Malin Rifle
club, other officers of the group
have been erroneously reported.
Perry Haley will serve during
the ensuing year as vice presi
dent; Louis Kalina as secretary
and Ray Van Meter as treasurer
Charles Steyskal will act as ex
ecutive officer.
Meetings will be held on Wed
nesday evening instead of on
m.JSXjnw moiii Preaa
SCRANTON, Pa. Edctlo I)oln, 1(8,
Wtrbary, Conn., outpointed Keao Dell,
148. Dunmorc, Pa., (10).
JS7"i, Philadelphia, won by a technical
knockout oyer Jimmy Garrison, H1H.
Kanaaa City, (4).
PORTLAND, Maine Colcy Welch, HaV,.
Portland, won by technlral knockout oyer
Henry Chmleliwikl, 16S74, Bolton, (10).
KKW VOKK Carina Malarara, 140,
Mexico City, outpolntH Julie Kogen, 1S4 "i .
Hew Haven. Conn., (8).
NEW YORK Jreddy Archer. lJ7i.
Kewark, V. J., outpointed Sidney (Beau
Jk). Walker, lMfc. Springfield, Man..
NEWABK Allla Stolt, 138, Kewark,
outpointed CarmelJo Fenoy, jm, Carcelona,
Spain. (10).
BALTIMORE loula (Kid) Coma. Its.
Hartford. Conn., outpointed Slugger White,
Wit, Biltlmora, (If).
TAMPA, Pla. Soldier Tommy Gomel.
1811, Camp Dlnnrllna. won by technical
knockout orer Bob Biker, 105, Arkanaae, (7).
....t'c rue
1 w"
Old Oscar Pepper Brand-Bourbon
Whlik.y Bland 86 pnof-31 Untight
wbitkitt, 49 grain neutral spiriti 4 Frank
crtDittillmet, lac., Lnn'mlltCrBaltimortt
War Casts Cloud
On Sports World
Football Teams on Police Duty
In Honolulu; Training Eyed
SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 9 (if) Members of two mainland
college football teams stranded by war in Hawaii have been
assigned to police duty in Honolulu.
The teams are those of San Jose State college and Willamette
university at Salem, Ore., both of which had December dates
with the University of Hawaii as well as with each other.
Word that they had been mustered into police work was re
Falcaro Tells
Bowlers How
To Score Well
By NEA Service
Bowlers, attention!, Joe
Falcaro tells you how to raise
your scores in a 12-part. clev
erly illustrat
ed series
starting o n
torn orrow s
sport page.
This set of
i n s t ructivei
articles if J
aptly titled
"Bowling fori
Beg inners.
Falcaro, out
s t anding
match player
and national
ly known au-
Joe Falcaro ,
thority, has
rolled 55 perfect games in
35 years on the hardwood.
His informative articles take
the beginner from the en
trance of the bowling estab
lishment up to and beyond
the foul line. They will get
him off on the right foot.
Prep Cage
Meet Bid to
PORTLAND, Dec. 9 (IP) Wil
lamette university, Salem, will
be asked to make its facilities
available for the 23rd annual
state high school basketball tour
nament. Troy Walker, high school ac
tivity association secretary, in
announcing Monday's decision of
the board of control, said he be
lieved Willamette would accede
to the request.
The tournament, held at Wil
lamette since its inception, was
not invited by the university for
1942 following criticism of the
manner in which the last tour
nament was handled.
The dates were set for March
Rose Bowl
Plans Will
Go Ahead
PALM SPRINGS, Cel., Dec. 9
(UP) Plans for the parade and
the Rose Bowl football game be
tween uregon State and Duke
on New Year's day will contin
ue unless the government re
quests an altering of the Pasa
dena program. C. Hal Reynolds.
chairman of the football com
mittee of the Tournament of
Roses association, said Monday.
Reynolds made the statement
at a meeting of Pacific coast con
ference football" coaches here.
The meeting is being held to dis
cuss the proposed change in con
f ere nee schedules from the
round robin system now in use
to one that would include Idaho
and Montana. ,
Reynolds' statement said:
"Naturally our association de
sires to cooperate in its plans
with the government. However,
based on our experiences in the
last war when U. S. officials aid
ed us in providing teams for the
January 1 games of 1918-1919
for the benefit of public morale.
we believe that we will be ex
pected to carry on with our en
tire New Year's day program."
NOTRE DAME A new offi
cial count shows 143 Notre Dame
graduates serving as head or as
sistant football coaches. No few
er than 73 are with colleges, 66
with high schools and five In
professional leagues.
pfcPPt !
ee - Ml
ceived by Mrs. Ben Winkelman
of San Jose in a cablegram
from her husband, coach of the
San Jose eleven. He ' said the
players might not return for
some time.
There are 25 in the California
squad, one a resident of Ha
waii. Willamette took 26 play
ers to the island, and about 20
PALM SPRINGS, Calif.. Dec.
9 (iP) Representatives of the
Pacific Coast conference arc
ready to cooperate with the
government in any schedules in
volving the training of athletes
for any possible future service
in the various branches.
That was the initial action
taken in the annual winter
meeting of the major western
circuit. Discussion of whether
to retain the old round robin
football schedule or go on with
the previously accepted plan of
including the Universities of
Idaho and Montana in the full
time Rose bowl scramble was
put over.
There was some debate, how
ever, as to whether the circuit
should go on with its unanimous
decision, made in 1940. to in
clude the two northeastern
members in a new round robin
playing schedule.
Heretofore, Idaho and Mon
tana have enjoyed full voting
privilege in the selection of the
conference's Rose bowl repre
sentative on New Year's day
in Pasadena. However, because
they have not met the game
requirements they have not been
considered in the eight-game
round robin. The round robin
group has comprised Southern
California, Stanford, California,
University of California at Los
Angeles, Washington, Washing
ton State, Oregon and Oregon
Chief business transacted yes
terday was in the joint meet
ing of the conference and inde
pendent coaches. They made the
following recommendations for
rules changes to the national
collegiate football rules commit
tee: 1 No, yardage penalty to be
enforced that shall place the
ball nearer than half the dis
tance to the offending team's
goal line. This would prevent
a team, defending on its own 6,
for instance, from being penal
ized to its 1. The penalty would
put the ball on the 3 instead.
2 A player who intercepts
a lateral pass made by a safety
man following the catch of a
punt shall be permitted to run
with the ball. An obscure rule
says an interceptor cannot run
with the ball after intercepting
a lateral on a punt.
3 The two - minute rule
(against indiscriminate substitu
tions to delay the game) now
in force at the end of each half
be clarified to give uniformity
in officiating.
CHICAGO, Dec. 9 (IP) The
big men of baseball, who have
a tough time at any normal
major league gathering finding
time to discuss trades, have
been so wrapped up in the Pa
cific developments the last two
days that they haven't been able
to produce any noteworthy
But not so Mr. Robert Feller
of the Cleveland Indians, who
probably has more reason to be
concerned about the war than
any of the executives. He's 1-A
wi 'turns',
? '
n n nrrrrm rrwpri ft
t pf
Merrill's Huskies continued this fall where they left off last winter by copping the Coun
ty B league grid championship after annexing the 1940-41 cage title. Above arei Front row,
left to right: Bill Waldrip, Jim Hodges, Leo McKoen, Joe Fotherlngham, Earl Taber and Charles
Snapp. Second rowt Manager Earl Heaton, Leo Icenbice, Cordon Fruits, Darrell Duran, Lloyd
Lewis, Olen Haikins, and Clyde Hunnicutt. Third rowt Coach Clifton James, Tom Van Cleve,
Meryl Johnson, Lawrence Sowell, Marshall Perry, and Bob Trotman. Not present when the
picture was taken were Willie Moore, and Warren Walker.
Scores Richest Touchdown
Substitute Fullback Joe Day brought Oregon State its richiit
touchdown when be bucked 28 yards through center for the
Beavers' winning tally against Oregon. Job sands Beavers agalmt
Duke in Pasadena Rote bowl,
will collect $85,000. '
Price Speaks at Annual
Lions' Banquet-Tonight
C. M. "Nibs" price- University of California basketball
coach and assistant grid pilot, tops 'the show tonight as the
Klamath Lions' club holds its annual award banquet for Klam
ath Union high school football Pelicans.
Presentation of awards will be made to outstanding players
of the past season, a regular custom adopted several years ago
by the organization in conjunction with other local service
Price will be the featured speaker of the evening. Subject
of his address has not been disclosed.
The Cal mentor arrived this morning from the bomb-threatened
bay area. He inspected the KUHS plant this afternoon.
The banquet begins tonight at 6:30 in the Willord hotel.
Lions' alub officials have invited the public to attend and Bill
Constans of the Quarterback club has insisted that all good
Quarterbacks be present
draft material, but rather than
submit to the formal machinery,
Bobby is enlisting, and he's
made up his mind when, where
and how.
Just to provide one clement
of suspense at the baseball
meeting, he said he'd announce
his decision tonight by which
time any of the 16 major league
club owners, managers or other
official hirelings may be ready
to confer with some other kind
of press release.
One move, that won't be an
nounced, however, is the reaf
filiation of Leo (Gabby) Hart
nett with the New York Giants,
who released the former Cub
catcher and manager last fall
and then became involved in
rumors which said they might
invite him back. Gabby already
has a place for next summer:
his appointment as manager of
the Indianapolis club of the
American association was an
nounced yesterday. ,
What else? Well, the boys in
the lobby have traded Johnny
Mize for Dolph Camilli again,
but the head men of the St.
Louis Cardinals and Brooklyn
Dodgers haven't seen things
that way yet, and the deal still
is strictly a rumor proposition.
CHICAGO, Dec. 9 (IP) The
Chicago White Sox traded Out
fielder Mike Kreevich and
Pitcher Jack Hallett to the Phil
adelphia Athletics today for Out
fielder Wally Moses.
BOSTON Professional foot
ball scouts are interested in
Frank Maznicki, Boston college
halfback, who had an average
gain of 7.1 yards per try and
caught 10 passes for 144 yards.
County B League Champions
January 1, for which institution
Texas Tech to
Meet Tulsa in
Sun Bowl Tilt
EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 9 (Pi
Texas Tech, one of those foot-balled-emphasis
schools, has
brought home a bowl game to
top off its first year of carefree
gridiron competition.
The Red Raiders of Lubhock
have accepted an invitation to
represent the border conference
in the Sun Bowl at El Paso on
New Year's day against Tulsa
The invitation, which came
to Tech from the Sun Bowl com
mittee after Arizona university
declined, gave recognition to
Coach Del Morgan, former line
mentor ot Auburn and Rice, in
his first year at Lubbock.
Morgan took over from Pete
C o w t h o n, the temperamcntol
coach who for years hod made
Tech a power In the southwest.
The move was freely interpret
ed OS dc-emphosizing the Raid
ers' gridiron program.
Coming in with Morgan also
was a new athletic director,
Morely Jennings, formerly with
Baylor. He yesterday telephoned
Tech's acceptance to Dr. Bob Ho
man, Jr., chairman of the Sun
Bowl committee.
In accepting the conference
representation, Tech Is assuming
a job no border team has car
ried to victory in six years of
Sun Bowl games. Tech, itself,
lost in 1938 to the University of
West Virginia, 7-6. Western Re
serve of Clcvclond defeated Ari
zona State of Tcmpc last year,
Looking for Bargains? Turn
to the Classified page
r 3 if. , t f. e ,,.rfmtm
' li " ''r l
Sewell, Albert Get
Shrine Game Places
Bubo Hollingbery, co conch of
the western squad in the annual
east-west New Year's day Shrine
football game, expects Dob Rob
ertson of Southern California,
chiefly noted as a bull-cnrrlcr,
and Jack Jacobs, Oklahoma
punting expert, to share block
ing buck duties on his team.
Hollingbery indicated that
Billy Sewell from his own
Washington State eleven and
Franklo Albert, the Stanford
quarterback, probably would
handle the principal running as
signments from the single wing
formation. Albert has had little
Texas Blasting of Oregon
Seen As Revenge Whipping
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 (IF) There was a pretty gonoral
suspicion among tho football fans up and down tho Pacific
coast today that the University of Texas was torn by unrequited
affection for the Rose Bowl when she humiliated the University
of Oregon with a 71-7 trouncing Saturday.
Oregon's sister Institution, Oregon State, Ignored Texas In
selecting Duke as a Rose Bowl opponent. West coast sportswritcrs
agreed that revenge played a part In the crushing of Oregon.
Their comment:
L. H. Gregory, Portland Ore
gonlan: "Texas was simply try
ing to Impress tho coast with
tho mistake Oregon State made
in inviting Duke to the Rose
Al Santoro, Los Angeles Ex
aminer: "It seems that the ru
mors had reached Austin that
the Oregon Stnto officials had
doubted the Texans' ability to
whip Oregon, therefore hud not
invited them to the Rose Bowl."
Paul Zimmerman,' Los An
geles Times: "The boys down In
Austin turned on the heat Just
to show that they were a little
upset in not getting a bid."
Royal Brougham, Seattle-
Locey Promises Bowl
Fans Chance for Seats
PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 9 (IP)
Oregon State, which came in
for some criticism for selecting
Wallace Wade's Dukes as Its
Rose Bowl foe, set about win
ning back public favor today.
Percy C. Locey, the Beavers'
athletic director, said John and
Mary Fan would be given a
chance to buy more seats for the
January 1 football classic than
the 15,000 allotted in recent
"Because of our comparatively
small alumni group, we should
be able to take care of some pub
lic sale by application," were
his words. "You can mark my
words, the stadium is going to
be filled."
Locey came down to begin
preparations for the game and
the myriad of details Involved.
Ho will be assisted by Al Mus
ters, athletic director at Stan
Holy Cross Names
Prep Mentor to
Coach Football
WORCESTER, Mass., Dec. 9
(IP) Holy Cross, reputed to be
blessed with its finest freshman
football material in many years,
today had emulated Ohio State
by selecting a head coach from
the schoolboy ranks, Anthony H.
(Ank) Scanlan, who has been
guiding St, Joseph's Preparatory
school teams in Philadelphia for
the past 14 years.
Scanlan, said by Holy Cross
authorities to have rejected sev
eral previous college bids, will
succeed Joe Sheckctskl, the
Notre Dame product, whose
three-year contract expires on
December 31. Shccketskl recent
ly Informed tho Very Rev. Fr.
Joseph R. N. Maxwell, tho Holy
Cross president, that ho placed
fortunes of Holy Cross above all
else, "even my own Interest,"
CHICAGO No Western Con
ference back has come within 10
points of Gordon Locke's scor
ing record of 72 points set in
Tla Juana Special
Chicken St Texas Tsmales
Chicken Noodles
Short Orders and
Frank's Home-made
Condensed Chill
Prtftarae Ohlll, Tatat and Ohiofcan
Tamalaa, a n rl Oonrfamatf Ohlll to
Tana Out y
619 Commercial Dial 6630
Decombor 0, 1 1t'll
experience of this kind since the
"T" formation was instituted nl
Stanford, but ranks as ono of the
fastest men In the western lino
up. Both ha and Sewell are ex
pert pusscrs.
Nine players have accepted In
vitations to Join what will event
ually be a a;) ninn squad, ilesldrs
the four backs, they are Dale
Gentry, Washington State, and
Mai Ktituer, Texas, ends; George
Abels, Nebraska and Chad Dan
iel, Texas, guards: Iloh Rein
hard. California, taekle. Tho ros
ter Is expected to bp completo
by the end of the week.
Post-Intelligencer: "The way
thojo Texas teams behaved
Saturday, ' you would have
thought the boys from the Lone
Star state were trying to
avenge the massacre of the
This from Lon Stlner, Ore
gon State coach: "Conference
teams often get so keyed up
trying to best each other they
suffer let-downs for Intersec
tions! games. Texas is undoubt
edly a great club, but they
wouldn't do that to Oregon
State. We're only farmer boys
but we're plenty tough."
ford, who handled arrangements
for the Indians a year ago.
Locey said Orcgonlans would
be given first chance at tickets,
after each of the const schools
is given its allotment for their
alumni. Duke of cotirso will get
its share.
DURHAM. N. C, Dec. 0 (IP)
Duke university's unbeaten and
untied Blue Devils will entrain
December 20 for their Rose Bowl
football game with Oregon State.
They will arrive at Pasadena,
Calif., early on December 24.
En route they will make only
one stop for practice at Lub
bock, Texas, December 22. Brief
stops will be made at Birming
ham, Ala., Memphis and Dallas,
and the party, headed by Coach
Wollace Wade, will spend the
afternoon of December 23 at the
Grand Canyon.
The return trip will begin on
the morning after tho game and
the Duke squad will arrive home
January 5.
ndh tafc
I V? . : T LjJ
issbi sHE 1 1 ilwiTissTii ' ''
No need to worry about
trumping your partner's ace
when you servo Century
Club a true social triumph
"FIRST in Enjoyment,
First in Taste and Flavor."
tThii 90 Proof Whitlay h 5 V"
Drnn Shot
r w
9 L.""l
There's more than 13 leet of;
basketball material In these
Oregon g'ants. Archie Msrthlle : '
is holding up Hank Anderson to '
show how easy it would be for
a couple ol B loot 7-inch hoopers '
to combine talents.
Merrill Wins
First '41 -'42
Tilt. 41-29
Merrill's B leitRue basketball
Huskies successfully optntU
their quest fnr a second consecu
tive loop championship Satur
day night by plastering Gil
christ's Loggers, 41-26, on their
homo courts.
The Huskies led nt halftlme
20 21.
Both teams went all-out In the
first half but were unable to
maintain their pace after tho
Intermission. Play of both squads
was topically early-season.
The Gilchrist secondaries
bopped Merrill's fledglings, 18
14. "A" game lineups:
Marrlll (II) I'.... ailehrlat (TO
)rkM. V r
li,r. n
Ifini'il'iitt. ia r .
ririli.rlnfliaitt. I
H'la'i. !..
Wal'trlp. I. .(K
C. Hn. 0 S..
Ia, o H
r. H. i.. t-
Aitrtlr,. '
C Mala, t
Cln, fl
CHICAGO, Dec. 0 IA') Don v-.t
Barnes, president of the St. Louis
I e s iri
flrowns. said today ho woul
place before the Amerli
league meeting a proposal to
transfer his frnnrhlso to I.os
$125 rr.
Old Cenlury Distilling Co, Peoria, ltLj