SERIAL STORY LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD eoavmaMT. i4i. MA SXRVICK. INO. : THE ITORVl It la ObTlona that aaatlaa'. taninrrnmental Adela Cart an. nr mrrv alatrr-ln-lnir, Diana, araa'l SWlaa; la art alonir. THT alaah at flrat mi-Minn" when fa--nxaaa writer and commentator Itaakaa Curt takta kls hrlda knilt Vo tma mama their. 4J woman Stephen luvea la mar la to another man I Diana la hla krfaa Sor alx montha and 910,000, Cat to aaro for him the a,O00,OM harltaneo ha would haT loet iad he not married before he waa f. Other r.harnetera In the alory ,ara Stephen Thorpe, ho lawyer , who tired IMana after aho had re--vlated hla adranceei 84ephena atanmather. Bllen, who llkea the klrl for her frankneaai Phil Brnee Stephena heat friend, who . la obrlonalr attracted to Dlanai , Mill Jarkaon, Dlana'a ehlldhood Watheart. Dlana'a father eon 'aenta to the marriage only be .aanen he admlrea Stephen ao much, 'tephen'a wedding aclft la a bean .tjfal diamond bracelet, her Intro 4an)tloa to the lnrnry that will aieoompanr nelnir Mra. Stephen Cart. Bat will Diana be willing to aire ap the aew life la atx -aaoatkat THORPES COME TO DINNER f ; CHAPTER X VTRS. STEPHEN CURT stood . before the triple mirrors In tier room and surveyed her sev eral lovely selves therein re flected. Her dinner gown or sim ple: black chiffon had cost more than, aa Diana Tucker, aha had arned In a month. The diamond bracelet clasping her wrist, Ste phen's gift on their wedding day, was worth a small fortune. --.And Diana was happy. Reso lutely she told herself that In pita of the fact that her mar riage was strictly a business af fair. In spite of Stephen's sister, Adela, who did her best to hu miliate Diana and make her un comfortable whenever she could. And in spite of the fact that to night, among other guests assem bled for dinner below, would be Richard Thorpe. Diana was at a loss to under stand why the thought of Richard Thorpe's coming to the house ahould cause her such distress. Aside from the fact that she had never liked her former employer and that she had left his presence the last time after telling him to "go to the devil," she knew she had no earthly reason now for this dread of seeing him again. j It was Adela who had invited the Thorpes and when she had told Diana that they bad accepted the invitation, it was with a ma licious amusement which Diana was quick to see and understand. During the weeks that had elapsed since the snowy evening when Stephen Curt had asked her to become his wife, events had passed in such rapid succession that Diana was left breathless. But with Frieda's help, she had elected the right clothes, presided .over the household affairs with simple dignity and more than once wondered if she'd really ever . known any other life than this. Dlana'a relatives, completely Wei awed by her . good fortune, Ibad come down for dinner one Waning and Stephen had exerted Ihimself to be especially charming. There was no doubt that he was genuinely fond of her father, who could discuss with ease many of the . subjects on which Stephen j was considered an authority. Ste phen waa kind to the two boys, too. Herman had come up espe cially from the State University for the occasion. e a JlfTtS. STEPHEN CURT was launched into a new and very exciting life, made all the more glamorous because she knew it jwai not to last She was intensely interested in Stephen's writing arid was delighted when on oc casion he asked her to help him prepare copy. Now she was no longer nervous in taking dictation because Stephen was so patient and kind. Consequently she turned cut manuscript that was a Joy to behold and which Stephen, him self a hunt-and-peck typist, sent to his publishers with pride. Even Wis Todd, Stephen's regular sec retary, complimented her work. Diana had been drawn to Elva Todd at their first meeting and subsequently they had become friends. Diana was sure that Elva was in love with Stephen, and also that he was completely unaware of the fact All in all, it was a pleasant, orderly, abundant life except for Adela. From the first Stephen's sister had resented Diana's pres ence in the house; had resented the ease with which "that stenog rapher" as she called Diana, had fitted Into the life of the Curls. - "Suppose he should really grow -to care for that scheming adven jturess and not let her go when ihe time comes," her thoughts would run in abject terror, when cm occasion she saw Stephen's yea following Diana. "Then they wouldn't want me around they'd want to get rid of mel Stephen wouldn't but she'd make him! She'd poison his mind against me. ' And where would I go? Where would 1 go? None of this would have happened if It weren't for that hideous old Ellen. She in ifluencad my father to make such ghastly, will. How I hate that woman!" , iN0W' Puttin tt nmshlng - touches to her make-up, Di lana was pleased with her reflected image. Her hair lay in smooth shining waves of red gold; her akin glowed from exquisite care , and attention; and the warm white of her beautiful neck and shoulders rose from the folds of black chiffon where white gar denias lent fragrance and beauty. ;. She answered a low knock at the door to find Stephen, hand some in dinner clothes, waiting jfor her. It was a little attention aor which she was always grateful this privilege of going down Into the unknown world below at his side and not alone. Ha smiled at the picture she presented. "I suppose it's useless to tell you how lovely you look, since you've no doubt been stand ing before the mirror for the last half hour," he teased. Diana laughed, remembering how from the first moment he had seemed to be able to look through her and read her thoughts. She retorted, "Since you know so much about me, perhaps you know why I chose a black frock tonight" "Because you know black sets off your fair beauty," he haiarded gallantly. She shook her head. "No. Be cause I read in a book that a well-cut black frock always gives a woman quote 'complete as surance of sophistication' un quote. And heavens knows, I need assurance tonight" "Why tonight especially?" "Because a certain person for whom I once worked and once told to go to the devil is to be a guest tonight" He raised his dark brows la surprise. "You don't mean you're letting the thought of Richard Thorpe get you down?" She lnnfferf to sav. "Your sister I knows I once worked for him. I feel they have discussed me to gether. She invited him here to annoy me." But she only answered with mock seriousness, "I never know what to say to people I've insulted the next time I meet them." Stephen laughed. "From my observation of the affair, I'd say you came off decidedly the victor In your last encounter with Thorpe. And X believe you can do it again. Just say, "Why, hello how nice to see you agatnl That's the perfect formula for all occasions, isn't it? An, before the evening is over you'll probably be calling each other 'darling'l" Diana shook her head. "Some how I don't believe it will go that far," she answered wryly. "But thanks for the recipe anyway. I'll try it out in my testing laboratory. And now shall we go down?" (To Be Continued) Never slam a car door when the window is at a half-way po sition. You may break the glass. Motor car bodies of plastic materials with rubber fenders are now being studied by manu facturers. The national forests of the United States have a total area of more than 162,000.000 acres. mm OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla THIS CURIOUS WORLD ft. mm By William Ferguson A 43IACK fl IM TMF5 ALWAYS SWIMS IM A TOWARD THE IF YOU ARB IM HIS PATH, HE'LL CRAWL OVEK VOUR BOAT AND UPSET XT IF VOU GET OUT OF HIS LINE, YOU'LL BE SAFE. WAS THE FlfSST FRUIT TREE IN THE U.S. . TO, BE MV ei. r T. It KC u. a. AT. Of F I) 7 'i ".Spanking, usually ) J"- i MAKES A CHILD SMART,') .aa 11 . . p I a,s CHAKLES METTE, ( '. , . ;.-? e """ V PHOENIXV ARIZONA. 1 NEXT: A feather in your hat. SHOOTING IRON HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured weapon, g. 8 Projectiles. 9 Soak up. II Suppose. 13 Ascended. 15 College dance. 17 Glide ' rhythmically. 19 Particle. 21 Male offspring 22 Taken from a football game. 24 Health resort. 25 Pronoun. 26 Barricade. 27 Into. , 29 Boy's nickname. Answer to Previous Puzzle -jsiuiniNiEiRi Iw.eLLIeIsI - EiROT R AINISIPIOlRlTHRrt stSe! MftiiflEIliI 1s1eIcK!e1t. tAlllIil 44 Individuals. 46 Core. SO Shoestring. 61 Besmirch. 30 Farm building 5J Constellation. 31 Ocean. 33 Title of dignity. . 35 Trousers. 37 Beverage 3ShSufflx. 39 On this side (prefix). 41 Delirium tre mens (abbr.). 42 Male. 84 Seems. 55 Mood. 57 Rue. 58 Pig pen. 69 Enclosed In case. 60 Hypothetical. structural units. VERTICAL 1 Wanderers. 16 Decay. 18 North Carolina (abbr.). 20 Open (poetic). 22 Barricaded. 23 Scatter. 26 Lure. 28 Close to, 30 Bushel (abbr.). 32 Article. 34 Set of five." 36 Trailed. 39 Exnenses. 2 Midday. 40 Dubious. 3 Two (prefix).' 42 New Zealand 4 Below. aboriginal. 5 Thin, f 43 Birds' homes. 6 Every. r 45 Drink slowly. 7 Woody plant 47 Each (abbr.). 8 Therefore. 48 Extent .9 Puts in place. 49 Egyptian sun 10 Perfumed god. ointments for 50 Unfinished the hair. 12 Afternoon, (abbr.), 14 South America (abbr.). timber. 62 Born. 54 Directed 66 Registered nurse (abbr.). 87 Music note. 1 p p 4 5 6 7 8 9 'lO 15 16 I"" 17 IS I S TO 27 1 23 rBl I -3T - iiif 3a-r 39 """" 40 ZC " H fl , Iv I 1 42 "" 43 62 5Tj r b J l-lj J J an H 1 HH n M l rn L nf f WHEKE'D SOU OW, -THIS AIM-T VJ A emjPIP IDEA THItt TH1 k W Vj Z I THAT TAMKS OMLV TMslc3 l?NAft ( V CXVSL? J I FIMD TO eil-ICW V S&Pv If j-5 ' V WE5'CK IM , JV jgr;, , THB CCALEP CLIMATG . y AL.TWlSGSOAMB FDRTUMR IS f H&VE VOU CONBED TUB S. A CRUEL CADE IKPGlME TUD ( WHOLE RNiIM f-'" VOO K, PRUITS OF AW IMVEMTIVETOIL, OOWM CELLAR J; ( 300, VANISHING FROfA AW WAl&T- V EVERV HAtF-MOUR'tD COUSJT" COAT AS COMPLETELY A TM& jA TME ROLL- fAAVBB VOO J 1 6NOWS OF NESTERNEAR, X ' DROPPED IT THERE .' OH. ( HATE. TO TMIMK THAT A FOOT- -) VOU MIGHT MfVJE BURIED) PAD LURKS IM HOOPLE AtAMOR, W IT UNDER. THE FORCH J BUT-' EGAD (N LAST MlSHT WHEM SOL) ) V ')ry' ' V CTANAE HOME IM wt ' s H SLOP. jrfJAmSW M6 JLT &2 l OSSLJLM V 1 h-t-M CPi flw Smh) ?Miisfea,w , J0PE.'vHE HNs LOOKED UNCEfv THB RED RYDER By Fred Hormar ICHUH ' THAT BULLET rAO rX WSE IT ' ) 1 ( lMUO ENLL WST vUxtr C Z'lV.MJO'S R'FlE VSXOM..-HE.'.LO.fWoo T' ,PCn i OIL ' Kt I iniaiM . Se.nTiT, PUT IT .'MSSE.D 1 aVSa-jJ ClSIAnJ AG ' Si 1 M EX'D A f; Vy tr LAV vY - JCisL 11 ff7.Sri llg&Ji&r rf' JlWkto LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray VOU MEAN TO SAY SHE'S NOT Rflrav rf?i KHcn? BUT ITS IMP0SSI8LE' SHE WAS FTMHED UNDER TWT BIC L1MOLHS1NE- TRAPPEO. BUT NOT PINNED. OLIVER ONLY A FEW RIBS CRACKEO AND A LUMP ON HER HEW SHELL BE O. K. IN A WEEK OR SO- f 1 v 1 n at rr rurV UNCONCIOUS! 1 WHY DOESHT SHE COME TO? -x 0 rT-ar'ir-cr gnn. m HW TOO Bfc JUI UO Tl OM---I &tfc I NOT ONLY qR HtK I IP "DOC ELDEEN HAD I WANTED TO GET INTO HI H06PHAL - I 6H0T YOU AS FULL OF B HER INTO HIS WHY WHEN HE GETG 1 I J DOPE AS HE DID HER- I HOSPITAL. EH? EM INTO HIS H06PTWL I HE COULONT AFEOPX) TO BUILO UP A A THEY 5CIAY--AS U it iawtc iitT3 rrKAC dh t 1 t aj -- irw an a . J I nrw a. n- vui it. iu 1 uu DIL-L- I LLI VA t-VJ 1 r-TC T I TR( 7T NOT WITH T2US.MONEY- fean-n V CAN PAY- .f-ffl I 1 1 ' v . . . n. how Does I HE GETAWAY WITH IT? WHY DON'T THEY JAIL HIM OR PI IN HIM OUT OF BUSINESS? I 1 wouLun 1 Know-1 ve BEEN AWAY. MYSELF -BUT I PRESUME HE ST AYS WITHIN THE LAW AND HE ACCEPTS NO LOCAL FWTIENTS'-HENCe ATTRACTS NO LOCAL flTTPNTlflN rjwi ro onn BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin VOU MOCV USOOT VOVJti I 1 UOVa VNJt Bf.EM OVJiV fcvivu.. WTV -VJW. Wty . a TO 4 , '3$ OU CNM U I a. I ( 1 m WASH TUBBS f THEY'VE CUT THE WCESl SASOffUgS. JWAVIOET SCOTTVl BLOCK EXIT FROM COtLACeuTTOU DEFWBT' MEWT' By Crane "BOMBS? LISTEN, VtOl, 800 MEM ARE IN THIS PLAMT THEV'P.E iw tNGER I'LL HELP EAby- ,YOU cjET TH05C MEM OUTS I aHtA -si HEAVS1J?' 'J jwmrjoei sloiiyi cluck exit why I K ';"- no WONDEB l FB0M gOLLAgeurrTOV) PECABT- y TH69:B! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosscr r YfAH, MY NAME'S 1 Oh, 1 JUST Oue360 1 f ABOUT I YEAH, MB 1 I'M NOT SUPbA f WHAt'O W H WA9 ABOUT SIX FBBT TALL. " LARD SMITH HOWO 1 WA9 IN TONY 9 ME MENTIONED A WAS THAT MIGHT A A HP LOOK H HAD A BIO MOlTTM AND YOU KNOW ? J HAMBUROBS! JOINT AMD 1 OAS YOU PULLED HIS 8EPM HIS A LIKB ? Jik TWO BLACK EYES ' -M , ,af A QUY CAME W AND TOLD k ON A WOMAN NAME NAME . H?Z?i JiE ALLEYO ' ' j: ' N By Timfin ISIl!r?!!??nIl?!!rT?ar f LISTgM.DOPB, IP YOL) 1 S7' IP 1VB GOT THE -vT Scfi.? llr-TrDilrc R THIS DUMB LU& OH,OH.'e7.WOPFo.' THINK I'VE MOTHINOX OH.' SORBylTHOUftHT NERVE? WHY, J f HAf NOW rTSofincarll H AWAY FROM HIS f HE'S QUIT ) WHASA MATTER 1 TO DO.BUT CHASE YOU LIKED TlSTICk FOLKS VOUuo-. . COMES TH' rofSir AfcJ ono SS iVARMV,ILL"- fA. WIOWW YOU ALL OVER. ( IN TH' BAcV..' OMAH hi, nODOor I PAV"opF.V i??ftlAHL,Si0 NOW IjtWalW A ME ( TO PLAY NO J ENGLAMD, YOU'RE; V C'MOW AN' FI&HT...IF CllRRR' ly AlciLaf to p!p ff;1 laFVy-A rnMfr MM'rM MORE? i CRAZY I'M A FIGHT- KyouVB GOT TH' x APP6AKS TO BE 1 Jr k. Jf aPSa;-- I Jt INCb MAW. WOT A J NERV&' TT X av AKI IGNOMIMIOUS lX 4 Vf M V. ioCI . - M i hlft ' ' fffltir ferial