npcernner fi, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIV1 Improving N. H. Jonoi, iu perlntnndmt of the Oregon stntn hlilhwny flepiirlmrnt, lit report ed recovering nlrely from a inn Jnr operation lu which lm sub initind t Kill mill li Valley hoi pltnl Friday. Mn. Jonei spiint tha weekond horo, returning Sundiiy night lo her homo In Mrcldird. Improving Mm. Lawrence Myers nnd Mm. Chester Wllion, both of Dnrrli, were reported Improved hy Klumnlh Vnlli-y honpltnl iitilhuriti. The woini'ii wnro Injured a week iiko when their en r struck a pnrked ma chine. Mn. Myem In employed by the California Oregon Power company In Dnrrls. Group lo Moot Mm. Mitchell Tllloltun win tu entcrtuln at H p. m. Monday for member! of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae club at her home, 1H.'I2 Enrlr street. Women of the group are making pice ball for sale during the Chrlitmai holiday and pro ceed! will be ucd for war work. Operation Mrs John Lam bert, employed in the offlco of the East Side Appliance com pany, lubmlttcd to major mr gory Saturday at Klumath Val ley hospital. She It reported doing nicely. WCTU Friend! and members of the Women'! Chrlttliin Tern peranco Union will meet Tuet day at 2 p. m. at tho home of the Rev. and Mm. J. Clarence I Orr. :i7 North Third street. All I Interetted persona are welcome. ! Condition Unchanged Mrs. Sydney Wlcnsteln, who li critic ally III at the homo of her par ents. Mr. and Mm. Cnrl W. Henry. 2504 Reclamation ave nue, remains In a serious con dition and no vlaltom are per mitted at the retldence. Hat Operation Mm. Laura "Grandma" Bunnell, route 1, box 793, aubmltted to an operation for the removal of her appendix at Klamath Valley hoipital this; weekend. I In Ho.plt.l-C. W. Blakemnre.! 2240 Orchard avenue, submitted: to a major operation at Klum ath Valley hospital Monday j morning. Blakemore d r I v e I truck for Fluhrer'i bakery. - Heturnt Jack Winkle, Chllo- quln youth who mffered a gun- j ahot wound In the leg during hunting season, returned to Klamath Valley hospital for the third Itmo for treatment. I Election Members of Aloha chapter, Order of tho Eastern Star, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the Masonic temple for the annual election of offi cers. AAUW Mrs. Ramon L. Kent will be hostess to the interna tional relntlons group of AAUW at her home, 10:i8 Fremont street, at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Board to Meat Members of the BPW executive board were to meet at 7:30 p. m. Monday at tho home of Mrs. Stella Howne, 313 High street. Happy Hour Mrs. E. H. Law rence will entertain for mem bers of the Happy Hour club nt her home, 2H0H Anderson street, Tuesday nt 2 p. m. Treatment John Brochii, Big Lakes Box company employe, has entered Klamath Valley hos pital for medical treatment. For His Christmas "Antlers" New, sparkling and spec tacular la Picard's 'Antler' creation. This American design has special Nor wegian atltch. Siias 38-44 $9.95 DREW'S Mans ore 739 Main . pit VJ Card Parly The Women of Iho Moose hold their regular curd party Krldny, December f. at the Muone hull. Seven tablet were In piny with high wore going lo Mm. Bakken. Lunch waa aerved by Ruby Bell, Mar Jorle Walta, Irma Rralller, Klhfl Storm nnd Enter Stanley. Unimproved Frank Oicar ton, 1 HZ 1 Uuyton atreet. la con fined to hit homo following an Injury teveral weeks ago while working on the green chain at Kwniinu Box company. Oscar son Buffered a leg hurt, member! of hit family raid, and he It not Improved. Red Cro.t Roll Call Fred Hamilton hat requetted that all Red C'rott Roll Cull funda bo turned In at the Red Crott of' flee at once. Anyone who hat not yot Joined may do to at Red Crott headquartera In the Armory. Urgent Red Crott Meat Dr. Peter H. Rozendal hat called a tpeclal meeting of the Red Crott Hrst Aid Instruction club at the Armory Monday (tonight) at 7:30. All member! are urged to attend. Pinochle Party The Eaglet auxiliary will tpontor the third In a lerlei of pinochle partlet Tuetday, December 9, In the Eagles hall at 2 p. m. The public la Invited. Qo North Mr. and Mn. Olo Gunderton left Monday for Eugene to spend tho winter. WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Fair tonight and Tuesday, but conildorable cloudiness In ex treme north portion Tuetday; gentle variable wind offshore; little change In temperature. OREGON Partly cloudy to night and Tueiday, but showers on coast tonight and In west and north portions Tueiday; fresh southerly winds along coast, dim inishing tonight. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound B a. m. Train 20 Northbound: 10:00 a. m. Train IB Southbound: S:45 p. m. Train 18 Northbound: 9:00 p. m. Sawing Club Member! of the Carpenter's auxiliary sewing club will meet at the home of Maybell Kulsoth, 1014 Division street, for 1:30 o'clock luncheon Wednesday, December 10. The afternoon will be ipent sewing. All members are requested to turn In Red Cross work if fin ished. Women of Moote The Wo men of the Moose will hold their regular chapter mooting Tuesday evening, December 10, at tho Moose hall on Pine street. Officers and escorts are asked to wear formalt for In itiation of candidates. Everyone Is asked to bring towels or washraga for Mooseheart shower, and a covered dish for supper to follow the meeting. Missionary Society The Knthcrlne Bcattic Missionary circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Henry, 700 North Third atreet, Friday, December 12, at 10:30. A gift exchange will be held. Missionary Here AH who aro interested In missionary work are Invited to hear Beu lah Matteson, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock as she speaks be fore the Hope Bible class at the Fundamental Bible Center, located at Second and Pine. Mlsa Matteson is serving under the South America India mis sion and expects to return to Colombia some time In Janu ary. Her sister Is also enrolled at the Moody Blblo Institute where she is now preparing for work In the foreign field. Any church desiring Miss Matteson's services while, she Is In Klam ath Falls may contact her by calling tho Bible Center, phone 7210. Elks Memorial Day . Held in Lakeview LAKE VIEW The annual Elks memorial , day service for both the lodge mem bers and tha public was held Sunday afternoon in tha local club rooms. This ia an annual program in memory of those who have passed away within the past year. COVENANT CHURCH LUTEFISK DINNER Saturday, Dee. 13th From 8 to 8 P. M. Served at tha FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Tenth and High Streets I For Your 1 Information :i i FREEZING PEA-SOUP FOG HAZARD HERE A pea-soup fog, coupled with icy pavement, caused numerous minor accidents in tho Klmnnth district both Sunday night ami eurly Monday morning, accord ing to a check with police. The minimum temperature In the city was 24 degrees, the US weather bureau stated. Oregon stale highway radio re ports gave out the Information that roads throughout the entire district were Icy and In poor win tcndrlving condition. Motorists were warned before starting out on long drives. Thore wos no new snow. At Crater lako a minimum of 2B and a maximum of 28 degrees, was reported by radio at 8 a. m. There has been no new tnow in the park, visibility is good, but roads are Icy. Thero Is 11 inches of snow on the ground. YULE DECORAIl CONTEST SUITED MERRILL Popular vote of the public will decide tho win ners in the Chrittmat decoration contett to be sponsored by the Lost River Burden club. The ex hibit will be shown in the assembly room of tho high school the afternoon of Decem ber 13 from 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock and anyone who would like to try a hand at making a swag, for door or wall, wreaths, ar rangements for dining tabic, buf fet or mantel Is Invited to enter the result. Creches may also be entered. Those planning to exhibit arc asked to bring display tables and any other equipment necessary for the completion of the ar rangement. No prize will be offered. Tea will be served. Rebekahs to Send Gifts to Lodge Home at Portland MERRILL Rebekahs who plan to contribute linens, toys or quilt pieces for the Odd Fellows home at Portland are asked to bring the contributions to the next meeting. The- harvest box was delivered by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kandra who visited the home. The lodge voted a one dollar membership In the Red Cross. Mrs. Myrtle Bcasley's social committee will entertain at the next meeting December 15 when Silent Pals are asked to bring gifts for the exchange and those not drawing names are asked to respond also that everyone pres ent may be remembered. The Three Links club will meet following lodge to elect the 1942 officers. Following lodge Monday night Mrs. Goldie Ktdwcll gave a brief history of the origin of the Odd Fellows home. Winnlfrcd Barry, Geraldyne Moore, Annice Anderson, Henry Anderson, Hoy Beasley, J. C. Stevenson entertained for Hazel Lilly, Halllc Dodcnhoff, Mary Pope and Beth Robley whose birthdays fell In December. OBITUARY MARY ANN SCHAFER Mary Ann Schafer, a resident of Klamath county for the past 7 years, passed away at her lata residence near Worden, Ore., on Sunday, December 7. The deceased was a native of Salinas, Calif., and was aged 72 years 10 months and 24 days when called. She is survived by her husband, Theodore, and a son, Cecil, of Worden, Ore.; a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Fctte of San Diego, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. Maude Renwlck of Rich mond, Calif., Mrs. Ella Sober anes and Mrs. Lela Fuller of Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Phoebe Flood of Los Angeles, Calif.; two brothers, Walter Bryan of Chlco, Calif., and Frank Bryan of San Jose, Calif. The remains rest In Ward's Klamath funeral home, 929 High street, where friends may call Tuesday eve ning. Notice of the funeral ar rangements will be announced later. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page WE'RE HEADQUARTERS FOR 1VRTLEW00D NEW 1942 NOVELTIES AND COSTUME JEWELRY A COMPLETE STOCK GENERAL PAINT CORP. SIS Main IS & i -"Z - . ' w I ' . A " if l ''iiiu'.U.MT.''' The new school gymnasium 50x90 ftat. and tho building is it. This gym will be uttd by both grade and high school itudonti. Midland Cntftita BANQUET HELD BY E LAKEVIEW The Lakeview high ichool annual Home Makers of Tomorrow and Future Farm ers of America banquet was held in the basement of the Metho dist church Thursday evening, December 4. Each member of the two clubs was asked to Invite one parent. The tables were decorated in red, white and blue to carry out tho theme, "defense." Jim Ogle, toastmaster, intro duced Ruth Stephens, president of the HMOT club, who wel comed the parents and visitors. Mr. Thomas responded to the welcome. Margaret O'Connor and Juanita Finch, accompanied by Teresa O'Connor, presented a vocal selection. Moya Ball talked on the plans and activi ties of the club and what it is doing for the school. John O'Leary spoke on FFA activities and Vic Johnson, county agent, gave a short talk on the work of FFA and the progress it has made. Marshall Ayrcs, told how the FFA has raised funds to con struct exhibit buildings at the Lake County fairgrounds. John Dick explained how the loan association helps the FFA and Lyle Garrett told about their newly acquired farm. Mr. Hollo way commented upon the many speeches and program of the evening and thanked the stu dents and parents for their co operation in helping to make the banquet a success. Merrill MERRILL Recent ton silcclomics at the Merrill hos pital were Wilma Hodges, Carol and Rosemary Mnbry, all of Merrill. Paul Mauldin this week re ceived news of tho death of a brother, C. R. Mauldin, Dalhart, Texas. Two deaths in the same family occurred in tho same week, Mrs. C. R. Mauldin losing her mother on Sunday before her husband passed away on Wednesday. Mrs. Stanford Jones, sister of Paul and C. R. Mauldin, left for tho south upon word of his illness but returned from Oakland after learning of his death. His funeral was held the following day and Mrs. Jones was unable to reach Dal hart In time for the services. - Mrs. Rose Bowman who went to Ashland to visit relatives and friends is reported to be im proved after a serious Illness. Members of her family were called to her bedside when she lapsed into a coma. Women of the Moose, Mer rill chapter 18, met in regular session in the Library club hall on tho evening of December 2 with Louisa Icenbicc, senior re gent, presiding. Eight members of the Klam ath Falls chapter were visitors and Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Haw kins of Malin were initiated. Reports from tho ritualistic, hos pital guild, membership, war re lict and publicity chairman were read and approved. Esther Sevey, ritualistic chair man, announced plans for a New Gymnasium at Bly ' ' " - -.:. J"' mum"' till LI 1.1 at Bly, one of Klamath county's mott modern gyms. Tho floor It complete with dretting roomt and other facilities connected with ' public card party to "oe given at her home the afternoon of December 10 at which time the admission will be a small gift suitable for older girls, to be sent to Mooschart for Christ mas gifts. The rag doll contest was held by the homemaking and pub licity chairman. Prizes went to Mary Louise Iccnblce for the best doll and Mrs. Hudson for the best animal. At close of the meeting the women went to the IOOF hall for refreshments and a pro gram presented by the Mooe haven committee chairman, Anna Hartlerode as her chapter night program. Lakeview Postal Receipts Pick Up LAKEVIEW The postal re ceipts for the local post office for 1041 are expected to surpass those of 1940. The estimated re ceipts for this year are approxi mately $25,000. The Christmas parcel post trade has commenced to pick up. An effort is now being made to obtain mail delivery through out the business and residential .section. Lakeview residents have spent approximately $60,000 the past two years in the construc tion of cement sidewalks, the lack of which has heretofore made it impossible to obtain carrier service. Hi-Jinks Club Holds Dance at Lakeview LAKEVIEW The Hi Jinks club held its first dance of the season last night beginning with dinner at the Hot Springs hotel. The tables were decorated with Mother Goose pictures and rhymes. Place cards were made of Mother Goose cut outs. Following the dinner the club members retired to the Odd Fel lows hall where music for dan cing was furnished by George Miller's orchestra. Special fea tures of the dance included a march waltz, Paul Jones, and matching nursery rhymes. Pries went to Mrs. Buster Min- Prizes went to Mrs. Buster Minton and Dr. Penn Wilbur for a paper plate on their heads. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dalcn, Mr. and Mrs. Simeri Jarvie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bigley and Mr. and Mrs, James Wardwcll were guests of the club. The hostesses for the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Casi-' day, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. ' R. L. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. j Bill Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank : Brosius, Mr. and Mrs. Faris Gil ford, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ohlson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sarles and Mr. and Mrs. Penn Wilbur. . MORE HEAT FOR YOUR MONEY Every drop of Standard Furnace Oil fairly bmlgts with heat (many exact ins test to that). Every drop burnt com peey go ea farther. Keepi your burner clean and at peak performance tmvtt you money Standard Furnace Oil outselli all oth era in the Wert because it delivers tha maximum value for your fuel dollar PEYTON & CO. 915 Market AGENTS Wft A (I. - 'i Aeiai MERRILL Axel Hedland, Tionesta, and a man believed to be t named Phelps of Alturas, we're injured about midnight Sunday in a two-car crash one mile east of Merrill. Hedlund, who had stopped on the highway to clear his windshield of frost, suffered injuries to his face and knees while Phelps received a deep cut above the eyes. The second man in the Phelps car, named McDonald, was unin jured. Malin MALIN Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratliff were hosts Friday eve ning to a group of friends who play pinochle during trie win ter months. High score went to Mrs. Joe LaClair and Guy Sheldon and second high to Mrs. Gerald West and Jack Ratliff. Present for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. West, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaClair. The annual Christmas party of the Helping Hand .society will be held Wednesday, De cember 10, at the home of Mrs. Dick Henzel. Gifts will be ex changed and Pollyanna sisters will be made known. Organization of a Council Planned LAKEVIEW Representatives from most of Lakeview's lodges and service organizations met last night at the invitation of the Business and Professional Worn- ens club for the purpose of or ganizing a council which will coordinate the activities of all organizations which carry on projects for the community wel fare. A committee was appoint ed to suggest in turn an aims and objects committee which will present its proposed program to the entire group. The Wooden Box Campaign committee, the local labor union and all other interested groups are being ask' ed to participate in the council, the primary object of .which is to encourage all civic activities and yet prevent duplications of effort. Read the Classified page. "Try the New Deol" at BUICK See Mr. Yots. Factory Trained Service Mgr. A VI ' Phon. 8149 MERRILL HIGH PLAY PLEASES y MERRILL From barefoot. toe picking, Dick Brannlgan, a make-believe hlllybllly, to Ca talpa. the family's maid from the Ozarks, the cait of The Campbells Are Coming was a wow. The three-act. comedy was presented Friday evening by the senior class of the Mer rill high school. Ma Brannlgan, grandmother of Kay, the sophisticate, wor ried over Kay's upstart ways upon her return from college and the report that she planned to marry a fortune hunter, Kingston Campbell, and con spired with Betty and Dick to break up the match. The Brannlgan family, living for a few weeks in a summer cabin while their own fine home is being renovated, greet ed the unwelcome Mrs. Augusta Campbell and her son in a true hillbilly setting. Barefoot and covered with grime, they gave the haughty guest a stom ach ache and in succeeding scenes handled her like a sack of grain. Pauline Clemens who played Ma Brannlgan, was full of spite and fire, playing the pipe smok ing, corn liquor loving old wo man with artistry seldom seen in a high school cast. Equally talented was Betty Chatburn whose portrayal of Kay brought well earned commendation. The male leads taken by Billle Wal drip as Dick, who in disguise swallowed angle worms with out turning a hair, and Paul Brown as Jeffrey Scudder, Kay's childhood sweetheart, also were played with adept ness and finesse. Cyrus Scudder, bewhiskered and in love with Ma, who urged strong arm tactics with Kay when his nephew Jeff lost his nerve, was played by Walter Mollenhour, while Tapp, the decrepit and smelly, was play ed by Joe Fotheringham. Leo McKeon played the wishy-washy Kingston Camp bell, who wafted around in his mamma's shadow, and Edna Beasley played Augusta King. ston. Velma Jean Bowman, as Kay's younger sister, played a versatile role as Bettq, snatch ing and slapping with the same abandon as her grandmother's maid, played by Lurena Rambo. The play was produced by special arrangement with T. S. Dennison and company. Junior Heaton and James Hodges were in charge of stage construction and properties: Vivian Hartlerode was the prompter, Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick and Ida M. Kandra, makeup; Velma Haskins, head usher, as sisted by Mary Chinn, Velda Buell, Willa Winebarger, Mary Dennehy. Music between the acts was presented by the glee club under the direction of Mrs. Gerahty and by the high school band under the direction of Mr. Pasek. The play was directed by E. E. Kilpatrick. Even black leopards have spots which can be seen against the luster of their coats. ISrLer "51" KN POINT B) A LONQ TUN Of OOLO ENCLOSED IN A GUARD LIKE THE VOOKS OF A WATCH. 7 THAT GUARD TRAPS THE INK INSIDE SO IT CANT OET ON YOUR FINGERS, AND IT HANDLES ANY WarnNO INK. J VET I HEAR IT ALSO HAS A SPECIAL INK THAT DRIES AS PAST AS dl Fin 7 you i WRrrt. Set Thh Amoilnj New Instrumtjtl Demonstrated CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 9th and Main Phone 4514 Modoc Point to Hold Demonstration MODOC POINT Tha cleat ing of upholstered furniture rug), woodwork, lamps, shade! curtains and draperies will b Included in the demonstratloi on "Household Aids" by thi project leaders Mrs. Arthu Davidson and Mrs. WUllaa Helm Wednesday, December 11 at 10 a. m. in tha Communis hall. This should prov? to be on of the most practical damoa stratlons of the year sine mot homemakers do considerabt housecleaning. All ladies in tha communltj are invited to attend. A pot luck luncheon will bi held at noon. AWAIT SHIPMEN1 Traffic signals in the buslnea district, an improvement the citj of Klamath Falls has long hope! for, should go into effect tha week but the exact date canno) be announced until the arrival of the "walk and wait" glaa from Syracuse, N. Y., accordlni io a cnecK made Monday morn ing with City Engineer E. A Thomas. A wire from Syracuse advise the engineer the glasses had beei shipped November 29, an4 should arrive Monday, A POI stole change in freight move ments due to international d velopments may hold up thi glasses. They will be insialle immediately upon arrival an Trowbridge and Flynn, Medfor contractors on the lob, will thei notify State Traffic Englneel John Beakey of Salem, whi plans to leave immediately foi Klamath Falls to officlall) switch on the signals. According to Thomas, thi round glasses, on which an printed the words, "walk" an "wait," go into the fixtures hang ing on the side of the poles. The mountain beaver make) hay. It cuts green hay, places II in the sun to dry, and then storei it for winter. FILLS IF TONIGHT Do this Try l-mm Va-tro-noL It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes Irritation, (3) relieves transient nasal congestion ... And brings greater breathing iyr comfort. You'll like vtrwit s, 3 it. Follow directions "L in folder. VA TRO-NOL in other words ay JOHN CLINTON This is fta last opportunity I'll have ia ' 1941 to write "fn Other Wordt." I'm off for a twing around to tee , aTJ my Minute Man friends. And to, here are 3 wishes 1st, that you had a Turkey-ful Thanks, giving; 2nd, that you'll have an old-fashioned and bountiful Christmas; and 3rd, and most sincerely, a really Happy New Year. That'i for you, personally. And It come! from John, frern Mrs. Clinton, and from Ml. whito M Union Oil Mtnuto Men who serve you from tho ttiouMmfs off Union Oil station! all over tho west. It cornel from tho ore. oont of Union Oil, from tho moa far out la tho doiolato itrotcho! of tho oil ftolas, from tho mon on Hi. alg tank tracks ' And It cornel from huiky guys at tha re fineries, and from crewi of ailori aboard 1 Union Oil tanken which even is you read this are plow, ing up and down the Paciflo oa your behalf. . Aim! H cornel from a bench of kooutlhil orlo In tho oovortlilne ooportmont, mn4 from tho credit oopartmont who wlih they didn't have to und you a bill on ao count of Chrlitmas. . , In other words, it comes from ill . these people and many mora tha people who mike Trltoa Motor Oil ind New 78 Cuollne - Union Oil Company. It's a greeting that is ai esientlally western and genuine ai the tra ditioni of thii 51-year old orginizirJon. John Cllntoa and all tha folk! at unne ifUf shak. end Oil Company.