December 8, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE Many People From Klamath Located In Pacific Isles Concern wn felt Monday by many Kliunnth people (or tho aafoty of rvliitlvPH and friends . In tho Hawaiian, Philippine and , other Pacific Islund. A number of Klnmiith inoii nro there an . members of tho armed forces, other lire enniiKed In construc tion work or other defense lie . tlvlty, The following Item mention ome. but not nil, Klnmnth peo plo or relatives of loenl people In the Islands: Dr. Denton John Hern, former Klamath Kallii dentist, milled luxt ummer from Sun Francisco to be stationed In the Philippine with the United Stnte metllcnl eorpii. Another former Klmnnlh Fulls youth, Lieut. Cordon Demon, In now stationed In the Philippines with the air corps, lie Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve llenson, B07 Alameda street, and wns graduntcd Inst April from Itnn rfolph field, Texas. Wesley Slough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Stough of 2211) ' Ktna street, Is stationed In Penrl Harbor as electrlclun as one of Xlncle Sam's lorgn battleships. In I a recent letter home, Wesley ad vised his parents they wouldn't "hear frequently" as his ship was seldom In port. He Is a former News and llernld carrier boy. Mrs. Onirics M. Reynolds, 2110 White avenue, called The ' Newt and Hernld office Monday morning seeking Information on conditions in ths Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds' son Don, 24. Is seaman first clnss on the USS Gamble, now In Pearl llnrbor. Hl wifo sailed from Son Fran cisco, November M to Join him ' Mr. Reynolds' brother and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Poulsen. and their son and his family re side In Honolulu where Poulsen ' la superintendent of the Honolu lu Construction company. Mrs. Alice M. Ormsby. 221 Spring street, employed in the basement of tho J. C. Penney ' company. Is anxious to hear word from her son. Sergeant John Cooksey of this city who I Is stationed at Clark field, the Philippines, with the heavy bom bardment squadron of tho Unit ed States air corps. Mrs. Frank M. Huffman of the Marlon apartments Is particular ly anxious to receive word from her young brother, Second Lieu tenant Justin Woods, who re ceived hit "wings" Just five weekt ago In Phoenix, Arlx., and tailed from San Francisco nftcr taking the Mainllncr from Med ford following a visit with his people in McMinnvillo. Lieut. "Woods la now stationed at Hick ' am field with the US ir corps. Tulclakc frlonds are Interested In the welfare of Dr. Stanley Mc Nulty, now stationed with the United State! medical corps In Guam. He It a former Tulelnke dentist. Mrs. McNulty and her three children returned to this ' country In July and are now In San Francisco. One pair of twins wns born after tho McNul tys left here. They are former residents of Yreka. Mrs. McNulty 'Is the niece of E. G. Chlldcrs, HIS Tunnel street, Klnmnth Falls. Chamber of Commerce Sccre ' tary Earl C. Reynolds has a brother, Joe (Skeet) living In Honolulu. Skcet Reynolds wns a well known football plnycr at : Oregon State somo tlmo ago. , Buddy Reynolds, a nephew of , the chamber official, la In Hono lulu with the stranded Wllla- metto university footbnll team. Ho Is a quarterback on tho tquad. ... Melvln Yodon, ton of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Yadon of Old Fort rond, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Wood i of St. Francis pnrk, sailed from Snn Francisco November 27 to take over an electrical engineer ing position at Midway -with a firm holding a largo contract with tho United States navy. xaoon canieci nia parents 01 nil arrival In Honolulu on Thurs- i day, saying he would continue ALL-VEGETABLE LAXATIVE fn NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no .phenol derivatives. NR Tablets arc dif ferent act different. Puuly ntrtabl a combination of 10 vegetable imrretllents formuinted over 60 yearn ago, Uncontcd or candy coated, their action Is depend able, thoroimh, yet gentle, n millions of NR't have proved. Ciet a 26 bos today , .. or larger economy site, TO-mOHT: TOMORROW ALRI0HT CiNDT I Older folks I common jAc within a short time to Midway. Miiuy other Klumuth people huvo friends or relatives at various polntt In the Pacific and numerous cullt at to Into developments wero received by Tho llernld mid News. Louis J. filiird of Kurt Klam ath, and Robert T. Edwards of this city, wore reported to have sailed from San rranclsco on mi nriny transport, December S. Destination wns not given. Ralph A. Lloyd, son of Wll llmn E. Lloyd, Algomu, selectee with the regular army, has been In The Philippines since lust spring, lie Is a former Al gomn Lumber company mill em plovo. lien II. Coles, Klnmnth Fulls, and Clyde Woolen, Fort Klnm nth, hnvo been serving at Mid way Island on defense projects for some time, It wos reported here. t Major James W. Spilth, who has seen 22 yenrs of service with the United State army In The Philippines, Is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, formerly of Algomii but recently muklng their home in El Ccrllo. Major Smith was ordered to report to the Presi dio, San Francisco, November 18, and it is thought he Is on the west coust with his wife und daughter, Anna Christina. Tho family hus many friends here. Mrs. Elwood Hlltabek, 2518 Applegntc avenue. Is feeling concern for her sister, Mrs. Lorcttn Tillman, who lives on tho island of Oohu and within SO yards of one of tho entrances to llickum field In Honolulu. Tillmiin is a government em ploye connected with tho US ulr base. Mrs. Hilsubcck re ceived word from her slstor Friday telling of Christmas plans In which she said. "One sturo hero hns unique Christ inns trees. 20 real und very lull cocouiuit trees on which are packages tied Willi gay rib bons with life size wooden fig ures ciimoing up tho trcet to get their gifts. Thcro are Hula girls, bench boys, soldiers and ! bo lowered to ossure on adc suilors, old women, pretty girls, miiitc number of skilled crew und children.' Mrs. Tillman, a former resi dent of this city, said there wat "very llttlo premonition of impending dunger felt by the whlto populullon of Hawaii." Mrs. Tillman also tpcakt of high prices of food and other com modities and mentions their de pendence of food sent from the continent. Prnctlciilly nil veg etables aro received in Hawaii In a frozen condition, the Is land producing practically no foodstuffs duo to the cornl and barren volcanic soils of most of the Islands. The milk, Mrs. Tillman remarked in one letter to hor sister, "tastes like pine apples as the Island cattle are fed on by-products from tho pineapple plantations." Mrs. Lorcn Good of 652D Darrow avenue, tald she had not received word from her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Fairbanks of Hono lulu, although she had contact- jf WTHING CHANGED TO U" lsTHEsro camels for more X 1 QUITE LIKE A CAMEL M MILDNESS. THERE'S LESS THEy TASTE SO NICOTINE IN THE SMOKE . THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28 LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 1 other largest-selling cigarettes tested lest than , any of them according to Independent scientific tests of the smoke Itself I mm .THE CIGARETTE ed vurlout fluencies in an ef fort to get word to or from tho city. Fairbanks It an at torney with the public prose cutor't office. Tom Isltt, ton of Reuben Isltt of Algomu, left November 27, for Midwuy Islund whore ho will work on construction work for the federal government. Tom It a former employe of the Al goma Lumber compony mill yards end will be delegated to work as a welder. Mrs. Clinton R. Jester of the Marlon apartments It concern ed for the safety of hor tlster't husband, Ileverly Currell, who Is employed on construction work nt the Midway nlr bnso, bombed early Monday morning. Mrs. Carrel! and her 18-montli-old dnughter are In Giants Pass. Pete Henry, former employe of the Algnina Lumber com- pnny, sailed November 15 with i the regiilur army for a point In the Pnclfic, probably The Phil ippines, according to word from his brother, Keith Henry, also an Algomn employe. Salem Editor Overhears Hint Of Jap Attack SALEM, Dec. 8 (II Stephen C. Merglcr, managing editor of j the Oregon Statesman, was one of the first persons to suspect Japan's attack on Hawaii yes terday. Mergler, an amateur radio operator, was listening to a con versation between amateurs In Hawaii and Salt Lake City. 1 "This looks bod! I can't stay I In this place," the Hawaiian I said. "Cun't talk any more, j You tnke over." j When tho Salt Lake operator j asked what was the trouble, the Hawaiian replied: "I'm In the army and can't tell you." ' Mergler then began to think ; about getting ready to put out ' an extra edition. I Crewmen to Be Trained for Big Output of Planes WASHINGTON. Dec. 8 P) ! The army announced intention ! today to train 10,000 bombardier-1 navigators within a year for the mounting number of long-range bombert rolling off assembly lines. Secretary Stimson disclosed Qualification for recruits wnnlrl men. High school graduates who pass an air corps intelligence test will be accepted for 45 weeks of (raining, a longer per iod of specialized schooling than undergone by pilots who are to : be trained at the rate of 30,000 a year. Hitherto candidates were re-' quired to have two years of col lege education. The bombardier and navigation training Is to be , combined. Stlmson announced at his press conference two further moves to ' strengthen the ground forces, the creation of 52 "tank destroy er" battalions, and the conver sion of two additional regular nrmy triangular divisions Into ; fully motorized units. "Try the New Deol" at B U I C K St Mr. Yoes, Factory Trained Service Mgr. ITI CORVALLIS, Dec. 8 (UP) Cadet officer appolntmenti in the Oregon State college ROTC Included: Infantry: Peter Larson, Wood burn, Richard P. Peat, Lake- view, Kenneth L. Prultt, Grants Past, first lieutenants; Victor E. Gibson, Salem, Thomas A. John ston, Klamath Falls, William C. Luehrt, Ontario, James A, Peter SEARS U g " ':- II Si Tennit Racquet VaT 3.19 Top plv whltr ah ft twr anil dyM wood In torti for itrrrtfth. Kllk irlnfi, Leather grip. Wright & Ditton Tennii Racquets a. II Valual 5.95 Matchrd Ftiy Air Rifles Worth QQ More! looo shot, rloar front MM. Blutd stI barrfl. m& Plitol irlpl Thumb aafrtyl WW J Fiat 22 Ranger Repeaters 12.95 Also Terms X Holds 25 shorts, 20 long or 18 long rifle shells. Smooth bolt action, fine trigger pull. IT'S TIME TO SKI YELLOW PINE SKIS, fine for beginners. . r M Q 5i feet asC.HTT HICKORY SKIS, matched, worth at leott V A JC 25 mora STEEL EDGE SKIS, tempered steel edges from t J Q Jf" heel to toe tfcl3ri SKI POLE, made of selected bamboo. 6-inch V snow ring liOT SKI BINDING, Kandahar coble binding AA rust proof eaVetiW LEATHER SKI BINDING, qual ity leather binding I AO at low price liYO son, Roteburg, Gale F. Price, Chiloquln, second lieutenants. Field artillery: Thomaa P. Bays, Lakevlew, major; Melvln S. Cummlngt and Thomaa H. Radciiffo, Klamath Falls, first lieutenants; William 11. Christy Chiloquln, Howard E. Cushman, Condon, James J. Farley, Hepp ncr, Eugene H. Flood, Pendle ton, Ronald H. Hutchent, Klanv ath Falls, Edward T. Jager, Junction City, K. Thompson, Klamath Falls, William V. Whor- land, Klamath Falls, Ralph R. Moulton, Grants Pass, Robert L, Harris, Roteburg, tecond lieu tenants. Engineers: James F. Buxch, Sllverton, George D. Drury, Cottage Grove, majors; Law 14-in. Chrome Cake Cover 1.89 Value 1.69 Xcopi elk moUtf rhrrtm finish cover, fill! ithj. Stainless Model Cocklnsl Three speed 1 qt. bowls . 15 r Hint jfZ'.'Ztv Juicer. Guaranteed, gfl 4495 Whips, beats, stirs and mashes Genuine Cowhide Heavy Canvas Cover Your Pyroxylin Coated ter repellent, can carry enough for a well dressed week-end. Three Q II pockets In body and one In lid. Taf- tV feta lining. 21-inch Over Pullman caie Women's Wordrobo Men's tray Suiter 133 South Eighth rence F. Fulker, Arlington, James D. Hanley, Baker, Nor man L. Paulson, Salem, Wilbur K. Wilson, Malln, first lieu tenants; William M. Smith, Don ald K. Wooden and Harold G. Nelson, Salem, Frank R. Brock- shink, Eugene, tecond lieu tenants. Tacoma Students Return to School TACOMA, Dec. 8 VP) All classes in Tacoma public schools opened thlt morning at 17,000 pupils returned to their studies after a week's Interruption caused by a strike of janitors, furnace and maintenance men. Decorated Wood Set Electric Percolarer 1.59 1.49 Worth 1.59 Value More Hand piloted Inrh hardwoM fork and ipoon. IH-bowl. t r f t h t, non-LmlRh, h'trjr 1II07. Fir. cup U.. Cord. 16-Pc. Fulton Tool Group! For the Young Carpenter! 6.98 If your boy likes to do things around the house, help him by giving him this qual ity set of Fulton tools this Xmas. Steel Carving Sets 53.6V Your choice of two or three piece sets in stainless steel or Sheffield E n g land. Horn or plain han dles. Lovely designs, efficient workmanship. A Real Xmas Gift Electric Mixers food mixer, 3 qt., . . complete with Toasts movable 13' inch, and heat In dicator . ... MATCHED LUGGAGE Top Groin Binding Built over strong ply wood frames Brass and nickel plat ed hardware Choice of Two Popular Patterns. LIGHTWEIGHT OVERNIGHT Canvas Cover, wa cleans easily. You in this roomy case Night Cote, Lightweight $9.95 $11.95 $14.95 Jack-knife Wardrobe Li I.Lt Case Fitted Case, to Luggage E. S. Jackaon, labor depart ment mediator, will meet with members of the engineers union and with tchool officials tome time today. The employes struck for a 20 per cent wago raise. The men returned to work when Mayor Harry P. Cain ar ranged a truce pending tho find ing of a federal mediator. Read the Classified page. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS Hiekok Jewtlrr A Tie-Clasp In the Western Motif $1 Up DREW'S MANSTORE Til Main Craftsman Hammer Craftsman 10-in. Brace Real Buy!.. 1.49 Sturdy Ironj Vanadldnt it.l head, round riawa, whit, hickory handla. RTprnl ratehar, at trs atrons J.wa. B. how you utiI Here's Tool for Ertry Job! Dunlap Power Tools Lathes, saws, grinders, Hwa, analgia ... home craftsman would crease speed and efficiency. Made .: -W of the highest grade materials. Q kW Checked and tested by skilled me chanics. Guaranteed. Combination Toaster & Waffle Iron or makes waffles. Re with grids. 8- A9S 8' 1 e n Makes or regular ....... CASE t 18-Inch f O'Nloht Cat $5.98' $17.95 $7.95 f match V it ac fia. X US? I I- . ' SIXTH LAUNCHING PORTLAND, Doc. 8 (AP)-. A sixth liberty freighter In the emergency shipbuilding pro gram was launched by the Ore gon Shipbuilding . corporation yesterday, Tho vessel wns chris tened tho Thomas Jefferson. Save 20 On Memorials By Calling at Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 118 So. 1 1th St and Making Your Own Selection Vanadium Steel Saw 3.98 8 to 3.98 11 pU OrafiiroBo tapur- croiinrl mw. walnut or tenit handli - Jointers, Jig Values to $24.95 -i-& m.v -jg jhp, want to in- U 73 . , Also Easy Terms For Christmas Luxury DeLuxe Toasters Heatmaster automatic toaster one year guarantee. Si- ran ice. 13! t .mechanism tf 4193 toast crisp Phone 51M tOATtD REOUIARI OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS