The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 06, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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    December 6, l4f
tToastmistress .
Club Plans Party
Interesting Program Arranged for Dinner Meet
, ; ing on December the Fifteenth .
". : Henry Van Dyke's itory 'The Other Wise Man" will b
presented by the Toastmistress club at their annual Christ
man party to be held December the fifteenth at half past six
o'clock In the party room of the Pelican cafe.
Chapters of the book will be given as follows: A Sign in
the Sky, Mrs. W. R. Boyd; By the Waters of Babylon, Mrs.
Emmett Chldester; For the Sake of a Little Child, Mrs. Carl
and In the Hid-
den Way of Sorrow, Mrs.
. Archie Beckwith. Toastm li
tres of the evening, present
ing the speakers and giving
continuity to this lovely
Christmas story will be Mrs.
Paul Buck.
Christmas talk, "Bethle-
. hem. Then and Now," will
be given by Mrs. W. H. Hib
bard. Talks on Christmas customs
around the world will be pre
sided over by Mrs. Hiram F.
Murdoch at the banquet table.
Mrs.. A. J. Voye will lead
the club in singing Christ
mas carols and Mrs. Emile
Buiaid will entertain with
several piano solos.
Roll call will be answered
with a Christmas thought.
Guest critic will be Mrs. H.
, Mrs. Murdoch is in charge
of the decorations and dinner
arrangements, assisted by
Mrs. J. I. Beard and Mrs.
John Cash in. Clever and sea
sonable table decorations
planned for the occasion will
include cedar boughs, Oregon
grape, brown and silver pine
cones and tall red candles.
; Members have invited those
interested in the club and
friends to attend. Reserva
tions must be made before
December the tenth with Mrs.
Murdoch, telephone 6788.
Mrs. W. D. Miller, Mrs.
Emilia Buzaid and Mrs. Frank
Peyton were initiated into
the club on Monday evening,
December the second, at the
meeting at the chamber of
commerce, and each gave a
short, interesting autobiogra
phy. .'
' A review of past issues of
the club magazine, "Correct
English," was held with con
siderable time spent on the
articles, "Enriching Your Vo-
cabulary." The defense stamps
in- the Good English contest
will be presented to the con
test winner at the Christmas
party. .
' Short talks demonstrating
speech technique recently ac
quired were given on the top
ic, "Reckless Driving," by the
new members who were in
troduced by the older mem
bers,: demonstrating the prop
er," method of introducing
. Mrs. Hiram F. Murdoch
was appointed chairman of
the ' nominating committee
with Mrs. J. I. Beard and
Mrs. Archie Beckwith. - The
president of ' the club, Mrs.
Paul Buck, presided.
"The Royal Neighbors of
America held their business
meeting .Wednesday evening
in the IOOF hall when the
following officers were elected
for the coming year:
: Mrs. Melissa H a m m e 1,
oracle; Frances Killian, vice
oracle; Estel Bright, past
oracle; Maude Shuey, recorder;
Kate Hogue, receiver; Mar
Jorie Perkins, marshal; Iva
. ocmnuei, wmcj, ,
Anna B.ewer, outer sentinel; T
Pearl North, manager one
year; Anna McCormack, man
ager three years; Dr. Sarah
Smith, physician.
' The next meeting will be
held on December the sev
enteenth at half past seven
o'clock, and on December the
; twenty-second the lodge will
hold a Christmas party, start
ing at half past seven o'clock,
In the IOOF hall. On the en
tertainment committee are
Lucille Heifer, Frances Killian
and Myrtle Hart, On the com
mittee to purchase candy and
fill the stockings are Maude
Shuey, Melissa Hammel, Kate
Hogue and Estel Bright.
. .
V The "-. Townsend auxiliary
met Wednesday, December the
third, at the home of Mrs.
Phoebe Lunsford for a busi
ness meeting. A delicious
luncheon was served by the
hostess, Mrs. McWHhey and
Mrs.. Lunsford.
With Mrs. McWithey acting
as' president, final arrange
ments were made for the an
nual' Christmas party to be
neld at the home of Mrs, Eva
Meyers on December the sev
enteenth, at half past twelve
o'clock,' The luncheon will be
potluck, followed by a gift
exchange and program. - '
- At the next business meet
ing on December the thirty
first, there will be nomination
f -officers,
? .
Monday. December I
"Christmas on the Old Plan
tation," presented before Li
brary club by Professor An
thony F. Blanks of the. Uni
versity of California, 2 p. m.
Meeting of Alpha Chi
Omega Alumnae club, Mrs.
Mitchell Tillotson's home,
1832 Earle street, 8 p. m.
Executive board meeting of
BPW at Stella Bowne's home,
313 High street, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, December 9
Happy Hour club to meet
with Mrs. E. H. Lawrence,
3506 Anderson street, at 2 p.
Election officers Aloha chap
ter, OES, Masonic temple, 8
p. m.
International relations dis
cussion, AAUW, with Mrs. Ra
mon L. Kent, 1938 Fremont
street, 8 p. m.
WCTU to meet with Mrs.
J. Clarence Orr, 437 North
Third street, 2 p. m.
Wednesday, December 10
Sojourners club to hold an
nual Christmas party and in
stallation of new officers at
Willard hotel.
Thursday. December 11
AAUW Christmas party,
Willard hotel, 6:30 p. m.
Ladies auxiliary of Canton
Crater to meet at IOOF hall
at 8 p ro.
Friday, December 12
Schoolmates annual Christ
mas dinner and gift exchange,
12 noon, home Mrs. George
Grizzle, 927 Jefferson street.
Saturday. December 13
Annual Christmas bazaar
given by Women's Council of
First Christian church at First
Federal Savings and Loan
company building. Sixth and
Main streets.
Women's Society of Chris
tian Service, gift and food sale,
place to be announced later.
Monday, December IS
A playlet commemorating
the 150th anniversary of our
Bill of Rights will be pre
sented by the League of
Women . Voters at 2 p. m. in
city library auditorium, to be
followed by a tea honoring
new members.
Toastmistress club to hold
Christmas party and dinner
meeting at Pelican cafe party
room at 6:30 p. m. Reserva
tions must be made with Mrs.
H. F. Murdoch by December
10. Tuesday, December 16
Galla-Rini, concert accord
ionist in recital at Willard
hotel, 7:30 p. m presented by
Mr. and Mrs. Emile Buzaid.
Wednesday, December 17
Art Needle Work club with
Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, High
Shrine club dinner dance,
Willard hotel, 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. Henri Conradi to en
tertain TNT members.
Wednesday club's annual
Christmas party in St. Paul's
parish house.
Thursday, December 18
Annual Christmas party and
hower for sisters Sacred
Heart academy by Mothers
club, 1:30 p. m..
Friday, December 19
Christmas party to be en
Joyed by Past Matrons club at
Masonic temple.
Monday, January S
Installation of Kiwanls club
Tuesday, January .
St Paul's Guild hostess
group to women of parish and
St. Barnabas mission with
Epiphany Day program.
Thursday, January 8
AAUW arts and crafts group
with Mrs. C. V. Rugh, Wash
ington street, 2 p. m.
Saturday, January 17
Mid-winter carnival dance
Willard hotel.
slated by Winter Dancing club,
Tuesday, February 10
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents Jose
Iturbi, Spanish pianist, Peli
can theatre, 8 p. m.
Friday, March 6,
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents Mar
acci dance troupe, Pelican
theatre, 8 p. m.
- Monday, March 16
Klamath Community Con
cert association presents "Mar
riage of Figaro," Pelican the
atre, 8 p. m.
Mrs. Junior Daggett of Prlne
vllle spent Friday with friends
in Klamath Falls. She is a for
mer resident of this city. .
Women of Reames spent Fri
day sewing for the Klamath '
chapter of the American Red
Cross at their usual weekly
' meeting at the clubhouse.
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On Tuesday evening of this week, in the KC hall, Knights of Columbus, their
wives and friends, enjoyed a pre-holiday party where kid costumes were much
in evidence. The large picture above shows the group. Below, left, Roxie Lewis,
Claryce Holm, Wendell Huettle and Jim Dclyca. Lower, Pauline Suty, Frank
Delyea, Martha Delyea, and Roxie Lewis.
Pictures by Wesley Guderian of Herald-News.
The Independent Study club
met Thursday, November the
twenty-seventh, at the home
of Mrs. Kate Crowson on
Darrow avenue for a business
hour and needlework. Mrs.
Irene Ross became a new
member of the club.
Those present were Mrs.
Helen E i t i n g, Mrs. Pearl
Marin, Mrs. Lizzie Little,
Mrs. Kathryn Billings, Mrs.
Katherine Evans, Mrs. Kath
erine Williams, Mrs. Ipha
Brown, Mrs. Estella Smith,
Miss Nona Hall, Mrs. Fannie
Goddard, Mrs. Arbhor Stone,
Mrs. Helen Wardle, Mrs.
Louise Borton and Mrs.
The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Katherine
Evans in Riverview when a
potluck luncheon will be
served at noon. Those at
tending will meet at half
past ten o'clock at the homo
of Miss Hall, 915 East Main
street, for transportation,
Thursday, December the elev
enth. This will be a Christ
mas party with the usual gift
On Saturday evening, De
cember the thirteenth, the
club will entertain their hus
bands, families and friends
with a potluck dinner at half
past six o'clock in the com
munity hall on Garden ave
nue. Entertainment will fol
low tha dinner hour,
ill i
Social Club
To Meet Wednesday
The Rcbekah Social club,
will meet in the IOOF hall
Wednesday afternoon, De
cember the tenth. Refresh
ments will be served at half
past one o'clock, followed by
the regular business meeting
at which time election of of
ficers will be held. The re
mainder of the afternoon will
be spent in needlework.
The Three R club. Royal
Neighbors of America, met
November the twenty-fifth at
the liome of Mrs. Melissa
Hammel on Darrow avenue,
with eleven members and
one visitor, Mrs. Millie Wat
son of San Francisco. The
afternoon was spent with
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Myrtle Hnrt, 1815 Oregon
avenue. The committee as
sisting Mrs. Hart will be Mrs.
Lucille Heifer, Mrs. Helen
Eiting, Mrs. Frances Killian,
Mrs. Anna McCormack, and
Mrs. Jestia Kaylor.
"Try the New Deal"
at B U I C K
Se Mr, Yoes,
Factory Trained Service Mgr.
Mr. Stanley Larson who left
for service in the army on
Wednesday evening was hon
ored by a number of guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Bcstwlck on Oregon
avenue last Saturday evening.
Later in the evening the group
went to Cal-Ore for dancing.
Those invited besides the
honor guest were Miss Mary
Ellen Hotchkiss, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Bostwick, Mr. and
Mrs. John Chapman, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Botcns Jr., Mr,
and Mrs. Floyd Larson, Mr,
and Mrs. Jerry Larson, Mr,
and Mrs. Steve Larson, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Pade, Mr.
Charles Larson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Fitzgerald of
Every wool garment that we clean Is
Monite Moth-Proofed FREE! Insist on
this EXTRA 8ERVICEI Monite Moth
Proofing Is exclusive with us.
We Give SIcK Green Stamps an Added Discount
I4S3 Esplanade
, - t , it ' i
BPW Emblem
Pageant Presented at
Willard by Local
Seventy members of the
Business and Professional
Women's club enjoyed their
impressive initiation pageant
Monday at the regular dinner
meeting In the Willard hotel
banquet room.
Read by Lois Rumer, em
blem chairman, and Dorothy
Bailie, the ceremony was en
acted by Emma Carter, Gcrdn
Pcrsson, L e M o i n e Savuite,
Ncdra Hunt, and Ardyco
Woodward, each of whom
represented the four vital
points signifying the growth
of a need for a consolidated
women's federation.
Introduced by Mabel Ran
dall, the new members were
presented to Elcnora Weather
ford, club president, who led
them in the organization's
plcdgo of allegiance and lead
ership. Muriel Garich sang
tho Initiation song, accom
panied by Dorothy Revel!.
Preceding the Initiation, the
1940-41 club project, printed
paper napkins carrying adver
tising of local merchants, re
received a new Impetus when
a spirited contest developed,
with several members giving
Impromptu speeches concern
ing the business houses rep
resented. Winifred Darnell
was awarded the prize.
Flo Ann Eaton continued
her defense stamp drive, dis
tributing copies of Irving
Berlin's "Any Bonds Today."
More than twenty dollars in
stamps have been sold at club
Each of the eighteen com
mittees volunteered to provide
a doll completely clothed for
the firemen's toy store, to be
ready at the Christmas party,
December the fifteenth, of
which Ncllo Olson will be
Girl Scout activities are In
full swing at AHamont Junior
high with troops nine, eleven
and seventeen engaged in
plans for their annual Mother
Daughter tea to be held Tues
day, December the ninth from
three to four o'clock In the
school music rooms.
Because of the Increasing
Interest in Girl Scout work,
a new troop, number seven
teen, has been organized with
a membership of twenty
seven; there are sixty-eight
members altogether.
Troop leaders are Mrs.
Emma Carter, Mrs. Kurtz and
Miss Bcrena Reeder; their
assistants, Miss Hardy, Miss
Ruth Finch and Mrs. Byron
Besides the mothers of Girl
Scouts, Altamont High teach
ers are cordially Invited.
Mr, Louis Botens was hon- -ored
by his wlfo on Thursday
evening at dinner party
given on the occasion of his
twenty-seventh birthday. Cov
ers wore laid for Mrs. E. M.
Caldwell, Mrs. G. M. Flnncl),
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Larson
and Mr. and Mrs, Louis Jr.,
and son, Roger. ,
Dial 4471
Eulalona Chapter
Discusses Juniors
Daughters of the American Revolution Contribute
Much to Christmas Cheer for Others
Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution,
hopes to sponsor a Junior member organization In U near
future. Mrs. Bert C. Thomas is chapter chairman of this un
dertaking. The group will Include eligible applicants who are
between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, and who would
do more effective work when associated with members near
their own age, rather than In
Play Set
By League
Women Voters Sched
ule Observance of
Tho presidential proclama
tion, asking civic groups to
observe the signing of the bill
of rights, found tho Klamath
League of Women Voters al
ready at work on their play
let, "Our Heritage." The 150th
anniversary of the adoption of
the bill of rights Is December
the fifteenth, the day of the
meeting of the lenguo, so the
program committee had long
planned to observe the day In
a fitting manner.
"Our Heritage" will be pre
sented in the auditorium of the
city library at two o'clock on
Monday, December the fif
teenth. Following the program
there will be a reception and
a tea, to welcome new mem
bers. Any woman, interested
in Joining the league, who has
not been contacted is request
ed to call tho chairman of the
membership committee, Mrs.
Robert Ross, whose telephone
number is 4487.
On December third, Wed
nesday club of St. Paul's
church held its doll dressing
party, which is an annual
event of this organization.
Members came and brought
dolls dressed, or dressed them
during the evening and a total
of thirty dolls was presented to
the local firemen for their
Christmas toys. Hostesses for
the evening were, Mrs. Phil
Schroeder, chairman, Mrs.
James Barnard, Mrs. C. Roy
Whytal, Mrs. Glenn Jones, and
Miss Dorothy Schupp. The
room was very attractively
decorated to carry out the
theme of the evening with
china dolls holding flowers.
Mrs. Fred Flock was present
with her collection of dolls
and gave a very Interesting
history of each doll. After the
dessert was served a short
business meeting was held and
later bridge was played with
prizes going to Mrs. Warren
Rennet, Mrs. E. H. Kleiver,
Mrs. Willard Ward, and the
guest award to Mrs. Fred
On November twenty-sixth
Wednesday club of St. Paul's
Episcopal church was enter
tained at a delightful "foot
ball" party. Hostesses for the
evening were Mrs. Helen Ston
ell, chairman, Mrs. R. II.
Reeves. Miss Hazel Morrison
and Mrs. Orvllle Hamilton.
The color scheme was carried
out In green, yellow, orange
and black and a very clever
set of goat posts decorated the
mantle piece. Bridge was
played during the evening
with tho prizes being awarded
to Mrs. R. B. Hopkins, Mrs. W.
D. Miller, and Miss Jean
The next meeting of Wed
nesday club will be December
seventeenth the annual
Christmas party with a gift ex
change. COUPLE -
Congratulations have gone
this past week to Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Morgan- of 8620 Leland
drive, who observed their
fiftieth wedding anniversary
on Saturday, November the
Many friends and relatives
.- called on that day to greet the
couple and offer their felicl-
, tatloni. .
Christmas Decorations
Cut Holly
y Juniper Cedar Fir
Roping Wreaths and Greens
St. Francis Park
the senior groups or uuugniers
At the regular meeting heldst.
Monday evening, at tha hom
of Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, Mrs.
William Dawson Foster, chap
ter regent, presided. Mrs. J.
C. Williamson, chairman of
Junior homo makers commit
tee, Is carrying out this work
among the high school girls,
and reported that a special
pin will he given by the chap
ter for the outstanding girl In
this project.
A beautiful pieced quilt lop
was on display. This was the
work of Violet Gruy, of the
eighth grade, Mills school.
The quilt, when completed,
will be sent to the Tamasee
DAR school in South Carolina,
as a gift from the Junior Am
erican Citizens club of Mills
A commendable number of
garments have biion made by
DAR members for the RTl
Cross, according to a reporr
made by Mrs. II. E, Wattere
burg. Mrs. Robert Odell asked
for assistance In the coming
China relief campaign, and
also reported on the progress
of plana for the state con
ference of Daughters to be
held In this city In February.
Mrs. Lloyd J. Goble, past
regent of KuIbIomb chapter,
was unanimously endorsed for
the office of second state vice
regent In the election to be
held in February. Mrs. Wil
liam Horsfall, Mnrshfleld,
candidate for stnto regent. In
vited Mrs. Goble to become a
member of her ticket. Mrs.
Gnhln served as stale record
ing secretary In 1937.
Donations were made to a
home for British children, the
Santa Claus Clan, Tamasee
DAR school, and a Christmas
box of generous proportions
was contributed for AngnW
Island, in Sun Francisco bn?W
Mrs. Elmer II. Balslger li
chairman of this committee,
Mrs. Robert Odell presented
an Interesting paper during
the program hour, her subject,
"Christmas in Old Mexico."
Many customs and bits of
traditional pageantry carried
out by our neighbors south of
the border, In their several
days' celebration of the Christ
mas season, were described in
detail by Mrs. Odell.
A gaily decorated tree In the
Kuykendall home, and tha
plum pudding and sauce
served during the refreshment
period, added to the Christ
mas atmosphere of the eve
ning. Assisting hostesses were:
Mrs. William Dawson Foster,
and Mrs. Helen Mueller.
The Sew and Study club
met at the homo of Mrs.
Arthur Skinner, Fourth and
Pine streets, on Wednesday
afternoon, December the
fourth, when a luncheon was
served at half past one
o'clock, followed by a gift ex
change. Decorations and fav
ors were in keeping with the
holiday season.
Mrs. J. K. Reno reviewed
"Address Unknown" by
Kressman Taylor.
Mrs. A. R, Hansen was a
guest for the afternoon, anA
members present Included
Mrs. Glenn Kent, Mrs. Luella
Hough, Mrs. George Casper,
Mrs. C. G. Rcymers, Mrs.
Lawrence Phelps, Mrs. E.,C,
Stucky, Mrs. E.' H. Balslger,
Mrs. Lillian R. Hagman, Mrs.
Selma Anderson and tha
Phone 10(1