DMmbr 6, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Marion Stanley Is Lovely Fall Bride Vows Exchrtnged Before Altar Banked With Late Autumn Flower, in Congregational Church Lata autumn flowen decorated Ihn Community Congrriin tlonl church on tht evening of November twenty-elghth, when MIm Morion Stanley, dnuhlor of Mr. and Mm. Cherles W. 8linly. and Mr. George Allensworth, on of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bchroeder, exchanged vow at a bountiful candlelight ceremony. Koverend Eugene V. lloynes pcrformud the cere mony. preceding the ceremony, Mrs. It. B. Thompion mug "ne ceino," accompunlcd by Mm. E. V. Haynes. The bride, ill von In mnrrlutio by her fnther. wore a gown of white satin with train. An embroidered Juliet rep held her fingertip veil In pliice. She carried a white pruyor book with while nnd ailvor slremn. em falling from a single or chid. Miss Dotty McNerney wm the bride's inald-oMionor, The other attendants were Mm. James Crapo, (later of tho bride, and Mm. E. A. Bedul, liter of the room. They nil worn frocks of tnffxtn In pastel iBhodn with flower hciid bands to match and cnrrlcd old-fash-loned colonlul bouquet. The rlni( brurnr waa three-year-old llobbv llrdnl. on of Mr. and Mrs. E A. Dedal. Mr. Lime Warren wai bent man and Mr. Lee rtiiltencutlcr and Mr. K. A. Brrtnl were ush er. A reception followed the ceremony at the Stenley homo. Those assisting were Mm. W. A. Bishop, Mrs Krank Hamm, Mm. T J. Webb and Mm O. K. Scott. Mr and Mm. Allcnaworth will be at home In Scuttle n f tr December the first. HENLEY MAID BECOMES BRIDE IN NEVADA Mr. and Mm. Samuel TV Dehllngnr of Klamath Fella announce the marriage of their daughter, Marjorle, to Mr. Vern Hickman Berry. on of Mr. and Mm. H. Berry of Henley. The ceremony took place Thumday, December the fourth. In Reno. Nevada. At tending the couple were Mr. and Mm. Robert Dehllnger. brother and alstor-lnlay of the bride. A honeymoon of several days will bo spent In San Francisco and Mr. and Mm. Berry will return here to make their noma In the Henley district. The bride la a former Henley high achool student MISS PRICE HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Darlene Price observed her tenth birthday anniversary on Wednesdny when membem of the fifth grade at Riverside achool were Invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Price, 4.4 South Riverside, for gamea followed by birth day cake and Ice cream. Honoring Darlene were Donna Beck, Myrna Cnstlc- bcrry, Leon Sheppler, Joy Slmmera, Marge Foster, Olga Yerkovlch, Lola Baker, Louise Baker, Peggy Derby, Wnnda Keller, Dale Ingvardaen, Del mar Robinson, Warren Pitt, Clarice Berg, Donald Rouse, Robert Fisher, and Dorothy Savage. HOLIDAY BAZAAR PLANS MADE BY GROUP Plana hove been completed by women of the Ftrat Chris tian church for their annual Chrlatmea bazaar which will be held all day Saturday, Do camber the thirteenth, at the First Federal Savings and Loan building at Sixth and Main streets. There will be gifts of all kinds offered to the holiday shopper Including needlework, home made cakes, cookies and Christmas candles. The publlo la Invited to call Mrs. Warren Hunt enter talnad at her horns on Pacific Terrace for membem of the Bethany circle of the First Presbyterian church this past week. Assisting hostesses were Mra, Mylua P. Wlnnlnghnm, Mm. Walter Wlegendanger, Mra. Phoebe Blackwell and Mra. Fred Fleet. Thirty-five were present at the luncheon. Frlonda regret to loam of the Illness of Mr. and Mra. P. J. Mullen of Albion, Nebraska, parents of Mrs. Byron Harden brook of thin city. Mrs. liar donbrook left by train Thurs day night for Albion. Both Mr. and Mra. Mullon visited here In August where they made many frlenda who hope for their apcedy recovery. A regular meeting of the ladiea auxiliary of Canton Crater will be held next Thurs day evening, December the eleventh, at the IOOF hall at eight o'clock. Star Socia Club Elects Mrs. Humble to Head Organ i z a t i o n for Coming Year The fourteenth annlversury of the Eastern Star Social club wui observed Friday uf ternoon, Docembur the fifth, at tho Masonic temple, and now officers were elected for the coming year. Mm. Clarence A, Humble was selected as the new presi dent, Mis. Wlllnrd Peyton, vice president, and Mm. F. H. Cotcr, secretary. Mra. Frank Ira White pre sented Mm. Molvln Henry, the outgoing president, and Mrs. Karl Templar, outgoing sec retary, with gifts In behalf of tho club. A birthday cake with four teen candles provided the table centerpieces, and pouring (luring tho tea hour was Mrs. Oscar Peyton, the fust presi dent of tho club. Tho Individu al tables were decorated with pottery statue candle holders of Ivory with red candles, which wore presented to each member, as was also a Christ mas stocking. Eight tables of bridge wcro In ploy with Mm. E. M. Chil eote receiving the award for high, and Mm. Earl Smith, low. On the hostess committee for the afternoon were Mm. B. C. Johnston. Mm. L. B. Hopkins. Mrs. Oldham, Mrs. Charlotte Martin, Mrs. Oliver Splkvr and Mrs. Lloyd Rob Ison. HOLIDAY PARTY ENJOYED ON MONDAY EVE Mm. H. J. Hcndrlckson en tertained at her home, 2460 Applegato avenue, at a Christ mas party for members of hrr bridge club. Holiday deco rations were used about the rooms and In tho favors. High core and traveling award went to Mrs. Thomns Laird. Later there was a gift ex change. Special club gucsU were Mm. Earl McNccly and Mrs. Louis Stewart, tho latter from Morrill. Others present wcro Mrs. Hans Norland, Mrs. Lloyd B. Emery. Mrs. William Westovcr, Mrs. Thomas Laird, Mrs. Francis Savage, and Mrs. Paul Angstrad. Members of WCTU will meet with tho Rev. and' Mrs. J. Clarence Orr at their home, 437 North Third street, at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, De cember the ninth. All mem bers and interested persons are urged to attend. v -V-' v7-- j ' '0.. c -'t i fi , 4 ' I ''ti, -r x , 4 " 1 t-it I ,s ;i v. i ' If S r WEDS IN EAST Maxlno Hartlerodo of Merrill hag left for Phila delphia where her marriage will take place in the eastern city, ; . ; - --Kennoll-Elli. , ' , J try- Si ..Jr "fJ S) 1 sXZ J t ' Matron Honored Mrs. Anice Anderson Complimented at Family Meet Mrs. Anice Anderson, be- loved .Klamath county matron, was honored by members of her family on the occasion of her eishty seventh birthday Sunday, November the thir teenth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Colwell, 517 North Tenth street. Dinner was served at one o'clock with a huge birthday cake presented to Mrs. Ander son. Among those present were three children, Mrs. Dan Col well, Mrs. George T. Graham and Mr. R. Henry Anderson; five grandchildren, Mrs. James Murdoch, Mrs. Lyle Durrell, Kirs. E. B. Goeckner, Mrs. Donold Colwell. ond ten great grandchildren, Robert Martin Snyder, Larry Snyder, Kent MATRON'S ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED Mrs. Anice Andcrson'a eighty-seventh birthday was observed with a family gathering this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Col well. Present fc'cre sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Front row, left to right, Kent Goeckner, Sue Murdoch, Josephine Colwell, Larry Snyder, Dickie Durrell; second row, Robert Martin Snyder, Mrs. Lyle Durrell, Mrs. George Graham, Mm. Anice Anderson, Mr. Lyle Durrell and Jimmy Durrell, Mr. George Graham; third row, Mr. Donald Colwell, with Mary Jean Colwell, Mra. R. H. Anderson, Mr. R. H. Anderson, Mrs. Dan Colwell; fourth row, Mra. James Mur doch, Mr. E. B. Goeckner, Mrs. E. B. Goeckner, Mrs. Robert Colwell, with Margaret Ann Colwell; fifth row, Mr. James Murdoch, Mrs. Donald Colwell, Robert Colwell, and at the back, Mr. Dan Colwell. Comart atudio. Goeckner, Thlrza Goeckner, Josephine Colwell, Mary Jean Colwell, Margaret Anne Col well, Sue Murdoch, and Dickie and Jimmy Durrell. 4- SCHOOLMATES PLAN ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY An interesting affair plan ned for the coming week is the annual Christmas party and gift exchange of the School mates club, organization of long time residents of this city who have met for many years. The party will be held Fri day, December the twelfth, at twelve o'clock noon at the home of Mrs. George Grizzle, 927 Jefferson street. There will be dinner served at that hour followed by the giving of presents. 4- MRS. HEID LEAVES ON HOLIDAY VISIT Mrs. Jacob Held, mother of Mrs. Carleton W. Hornibrook, left Thursday evening by train for Greeley, Colorado, where she anticipates a delightful Christmas season with her only grandchild, Becky Ann, three-year-old dnughter of Dr. and Mrs. Donn J. Barber. Mrs. Held will olso visit for a time at the home of her son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Laurence of Santa Ana, California, before return ing here in early spring DRAMA GROUP MAKES PLANS FOR JANUARY The drama group of AAUW met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill on Mon Claire street, and plans for presenting plays dur ing the post-holiday season were discussed. Within a Bhort time the group hopes to cast plays and to complete the membership. Mrs, Wood Hostess To Vena Group Members of the Verse group of the Writers league were entertained by Mra. Will Wood on Thursday afternoon at her home on Pacific Ter race. The dessert hour was at half past one o'clock with the dessert hour prevailing, and Mrs. Wood presented her guests with pine cone cor sages and other gifts. Study of the Italian sonnet was con tinued at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Goeller Sr. and daughter, Adra, left Friday afternoon for Aber deen, Washington, where they will spend the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goeller Jr., and their young grandson, Sojourners To Give Party New Officers to Be Installed at Holiday Affair The Sojourners club will hold their Christmas party and installation of officers at the Willard hotel on Wednes day afternoon, December the tenth, at a quarter to two o'clock, with past officers serving on the hostess com mittee, including Mrs. Mar shall Former, Mrs. C. A. Lundy, Mrs. C. S. Elliot, Mrs. Dale Smith, Mrs. Hans ' Nor land, Mrs. Thomas J. Orr Jr., Mrs. Glenn Jones, Mrs. W. B. Yates. Those attending are re quested to bring a small gift for the gift exchange when Santa Claus will be master of ceremonies. The club's new officers are Mrs. Matthew Rauw, presi dent; Mrs. Ramon Kent, vice president; Mrs. A. J. Myers, treasurer, and Mrs. Sanford Selby, secretary. BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED AT EL PADRE Mrs. Carl G. Reymers en tertained for members of her bridge club and their hus bands with a steak dinner at El Padre on Saturday evening of last week. Covers were laid for seven teen, the guests later adjourn ing to the Reymers home where bridge was played. 4- Lee Metz, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Metz, who has been attending school at Peoria, Illinois, has returned to his home here to remain until after the first of the year. En route home he stopped at Spokane, Washington, and attended the Oregon-Oregon State game at Eugene. 1 Mrs E. F. Kiclty entertained for members of her bridge club Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Edward Hickman received high score, Mrs, David Shirk, second, and Mrs. J. M. Baker, low. Mrs. Nate Thornton was a guest of the evening. 4- Tulelake A correction In the date of the Winema club Christmas party has been made. It will be at the home of Mrs. Lee Dixon on December eleventh instead of December second. 'Try the Naw Deol" at BUICK See Mr. Yoes, Factory Trained Service Mgr. JUNIOR MATRONS ENTERTAIN FOR NEW MEN'S GROUP The Junior Matrons of the First Methodist church enter tained the newly organized men's class on Wednesday evening in the church parlors when twenty-five were present Mrs. C. Poole and Mrs. S. Peterson were In charge of the refreshments and Mrs. A. R. Hansen, Mrs. Delller and Mrs. Wallace Uerlings of the entertainment. An Invitation Is extended to all young men interested to at tend this class, taught by Dr.' P. H. Rozendal. CURRIN'S PRESENT-- I -p-ygsa' p Wonderfully useful In ony glrPi fife ere these Coty Kirs " f tor motoring, traveling, business. Each contains a vol- "COAjr-TO-COAsr-or Soby titord Uoth.rwrw I uoble supply of Coty Make-up and Beauty Preparations. l block, bin. orn. maroon. rod. wMm. mQf 1 Woshableflnlngsthroughout.OtherbeautlfulColy Travel Holds 7 Cory oldt A handsomo gift for jC.TsJ f& ' Kits ol $10. $18-50 and $35. ffif Msiiii JJ -sun chasm- rum casi j'4X2 fkgfflzi If. , i'o IfsRVk SPrat,r.rowibll!ltlldt II "llSPF-SlDjki'W VfvA JlS ouVAIdi.Mlirortiilld.rii. 1 1&-mJ$S&MJ4M ' W7TVt'SSK jklWl ikodn; owt or ltuMt. 1 -TC IPCl k. fylMfl f i ' SH" com In ollloolor laoihoroin. Is vory a r tf v CURRIN'S for DRUGS 9th ond-Main Christmas Program Scheduled Monday Woman's Library Club Anticipates Hearing Pro fessor Anthony F, Blanks of University First of the holiday programs will be presented this com ing Monday afternoon at two o'clock when the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club members hear Professor Anthony F. Blanks of the University of California In his program, "Christ mas on the Old Plantation," Those who have heard Pro fessor Blanks will not wish to miss this program which, ha declares, Is "another old fashioned Christmas lecture." In keeping with the holiday theme Mrs, Don J. Zumwalt, music chairman, has an nounced Charles Stanfield, di rector of music at Klamath Union high school, will pres ent his a eappella choir of boys and girls, In a program of Christmas numbers. This, in itself, will b a delightful treat. Hospitality committee mem ber for the day will be Mrs. Helen Melaas and Mrs. Fred Fletcher, with Mrs. A, G. Proctor in charge of flowers. The meeting is called for two o'clock sharp by Mrs. R. R. Proebstel, president, and there will be a report on the ballots presented last meeting at which time members voted whether or not to purchase a defense savings bond from Library club funds, and whether or not to continue the contributions sent an nually to Doembechtr hos pital for crippled children. EPIPHANY SEASON TO BE OBSERVED Already plans are being made for next year's calendar by women of St. Paul's Epis copal church when they will be host group to all women of the parish and St Barnabas' mission of Langell Valley with an Epiphany day celebration Plans now call for corporate communion at ten o'clock the morning of Tuesday, January the sixth, followed by a twelve o'clock potluck lunch eon at which time a huge Epiphany cake will be cut There is an afternoon program of music arranged. Board Meeting Of AAUW Held A board meeting of the: Klamath chapter, AAUW, was held Wednesday eveningt the home of Mrs. Godfrey C. Blohm, president, on Pacific Terrace. Plans for the annual Christmas party to be held next week were discussed by the group. PELICAN SUNDAY morl calon-oblack, KLAMATH'S COSMETIC CENTER "If 't v'v ' ' "v1 ' - t- f "J -4l SPEAKER Professor Anthony F. Blanks of the University of Califor nia will be the guest speaker Monday before the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club, the topic being "Christmas on the Old Plantation." The international relations group of AAUW will meet Tuesday, December the ninth, at eight o'clock in the evening at the home of Mrs. Ramon L. Kent, 1938 Fremont street. HEAD UP FOR BEAUT MEET tba holldijt with a eolffm that If TOtntS Mil yours IoMt An MlriAMI kalrttTM will pot yen th crowd cverr ttait. W tain special pttns with t ch ptrmu m u your hah- U nttrety dltftrtn from uty othsrt WATCH FOR OUR GIFT SUGGESTION NEXT . WEEK! Anona Roberta PALACE f BEAUTY SHOP 626 Main Wm, rn, wr rod. Phona 4514