The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 06, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    December 6. 1940
Holiday Party
Given by Nile
Members Entertain Husbands at Dinner, Program,
Dance at Elk Hotel
Old Santa bad an eye cocked to the wolfara and stuffing
of tha stockings to be hung on Christmas eve by the kiddie
in the Portland Shrine hospital when he distributed wind-up
toys, wooden toys, dolls and probably a toy soldier or two at
the annual holiday party of the Klamath Falls Nile club held
Friday evening at the Elk hotel.
This is one of the club's big affairs of the year, members
entertained their husbands and fed them turkey. There is
much merriment and the
Christmas spirit, and, of
course, the highlight is the
arrival of Santa Claus and
his pack.
The party's over and now
It can be disclosed that be
hind that red suit and white
beard was Mr. V. J. Joseph
son who distributed a gift to
each and every one, but only
on the condition that it was
borrowed, for the duration of
the party, as Santa had really
made those toys for the little
hospital patients.
This time there was more
merriment than ever, for the
old-tune dances filled the
later evening, with those who
knew the steps leading out,
and those who didn't, trying
to follow alamo left and ala
mo right, promenade all! Mr.
Carl Cook did the calling,
with Mrs. Cook assisting,
while "Pappy" Gordon fid
dled. Another enjoyable feature
of these occasions is always
the musical hour. For this
December's party it was ar
ranged by Mrs. Joseph C.
O'Neill and Mrs. George De
Woody Massey. Mr. Charles
Stanfield, music director of
KUHS, presented about twen
ty students of the a capella
chorus in several songs; Miss
Marie Obenchain entertained
with two original composi
tions and Mrs. Massey and
Mrs. O'Neill played violin
duets, accompanied by Miss
Obenchain. There was also
carol singing by the group.
Covers were laid for about
seventy-five at the seven
o'clock Christmas dinner, and
members and guests were
seated about long tables with
effective centerpieces of holly
and frosted cones surrounding
candles of red and green;
evergreen boughs and other
holiday greenery used on a
long table in the center were
powdered with snow.
Arrangements for the din
ner were made by Mrs. Ted
Shoop, Mrs. Charles Gilbert .
and Mrs. ' R. D. Eller, and
the decorations were pre
pared by Mrs. J. H. Poppy,
Mrs. Jerry Ricker and Mrs.
Leo N. Huls who also served
as general chairman of the
The annual election of of
ficers of Aloha chapter No. 61,
Order of the Eastern Star, will
be held Tuesday evening, at
eight o'clock, at the Masonic
temple on Klamath avenue.
This will be the regular bi
monthly meeting of the order.
The date is December the
Members of Friendship
Court, Order of the Amaranth,
were special guests of Aloha
chapter at the November the
twenty-fifth meeting, when an
interesting program of musio
and other features, was pre
sented for their enjoyment.
The men of the Eastern Star
were responsible for the pro
gram and refreshments for
this occasion. The evening be
gan with a potluck dinner, and
the men demonstrated their
ability to put things over in a
big way when called upon to
do so. Mr. Jack Oldham was
chairman of arrangements, as
sisted by Mr. Robert E. Wat
tenburg, Mr. Loyal B. Hop
kins, and Mr. Lloyd Robinson.
Mrs. Oliver W. Splker,
worthy matron, and Mr. Arlet
Edsall, worthy patron, extend
a cordial Invitation to all
members and visiting mem
bers to attend the December
the ninth meeting.
New officers were elected
at tho meeting of Cascade
Crest chapter, OES, of Chile
quin at tho meeting held last
Wednesday evening, presided
over by Mrs. Ivan O'Don
ough and Mr. Paul Mudge.
Those who will take offices
in the chapter for the com
ing year aro Mrs. Walter F.
Brown of Klamath Falls,
worthy matron; Mr, William
Morande, worthy patron; Mrs.
James Parsley, associate ma
tron; Mr. Paul Mudge, asso
ciate patron; Mrs. William
Morande, secretary; Mrs, Stel
la Ragland, treasurer; Mrs.
Ila Albert, conductress, and
Mrs. Ermel Hosley, associate
The formal - Installation
ceremony will be held on
Wednesday evening, Decem
ber the seventeenth.
Hundreds Attend Big
Party at Elks Tem
ple One of the gayest affairs of
the pre-holiday season was the
potluck supper and dance en
joyed by members of the Elks
club and their wives on Thurs
day evening in the Elks
Baked ham was served by
the club with the well laden
tables augmented by donations
from the members. Covers
were laid for close to five
hundred persons. After supper
dancing and entertainment fol
lowed. Mr. and Mrs. Claude H.
Davis were committee chair
men assisted by Mr. and Mrs.
William Van Buskirk, Mr. and
Mrs. Dayton E. Van Vactor,
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Myers,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reeves, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Offield, Mr.
and Mrs. T. E. Medford, Mr.
and Mrs Louis Serruys, Mr.
and Mrs. George A. Burger,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McDonald,
of Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. James "
Ottoman of Malin, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Hooper of Tule
Mrs. Arthur E. Stonehouse
entertained informally o n
Thursday afternoon of last
week complimenting Mrs. C.
H. Hornlbrook of Chico, Cali
fornia, a former resident of
this city. Mrs. Hornibrook was
here with her daubrter,
Kathyrn, as houseguest of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Carleton W. Horni
brook of Pacific Terrace.
Invited to the Stonehouse
residence in the Kenoffel
apartments were old friends of
Mrs. Hornibrook, including
Mrs. Jacob Held, Mrs. Phoebe
Blackwell, Mrs. A. G. Proctor,
Mrs. Roland Oakes, Mrs.
Thomas A. Sandoe, Mrs. Fred
A. Fleet, and Mrs. Carlton W.
Tea was served at four,
o'clock after several informal
hours of visiting. Mrs. Horni
brook left Friday morning for
her home in the south. Kath
ryn left Sunday to resume her
work as libarian in the Chico
State Teachers college.
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Mrs. Wesley Guderian is tha former Violet R.
Scott of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Guderian were
married December the first at the home of the
Rev. John Kunzman of the F 1 r s t Methodist
church, Vancouver, Washington. They are now
at home in Klamath Falls.
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Mrs. Matthew Rauw (upper left), was named pres
ident of Sojourners at a recent meeting. Mrs.
Ramon Kent (right), will serve as vice president.
Below, (left), Mrs.' A. J. Myers, treasurer, and
Mrs. Sanford Selby, secretary.
Junior League
Officers Elected
Plans Made for Holiday Season by Auxiliary
Group to Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. John H. Harris Jr., was elected president of the
Junior Chamber league at a meeting held Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Don Rice, 1931 Huron street. Others who
will serve during the year are Mrs. Samuel A. Mushen, vice
president; Mrs. Joseph Lemen, secretary and treasurer.
New members of the board
of directors are Mrs. Rudy
Jacobs, Mrs. Don Sloan, and
Mrs. Martin Swanson.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Phillip
Lee, Mrs. Ramon Kent, Mrs.
Don Sloan, and Mrs. Roy
The affair was also the an
nual Christmas party and gift
exchange planned by the or
ganization. The league will
assist the Junior chamber of
commerce in several holiday
projects which the men have
outlined for the season.
During the evening a num
ber of attractive scrap books
were completed by the wom
en, these to be presented in a
very short time by the league
to the firemen for distribution
among needy children.
The next meeting of the
league will be held Monday,
January the fifth, at the home
of Mrs. Charles Packer, 1951
Erie street at which time the
year's program will be out
One of the most delightful
pre-holiday parties promises to
be the tea to be given Friday
afternoon, D ec e m b e r the
twelfth, when Mrs. Edward
Hall Pike and Mrs. Avis Mc
Connell entertain in the Peli
can party room for a large
group of friends.
Asked to pour during the
afternoon are Mrs. E. A.
Geary, Mrs. Nelson Reed, Mrs.
Wilfred E. Lamm, Mrs. Rose
Poole, Mrs. Harlan P. Bos-,
worth Jr., and Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Wells Is
Leaving for East
Mrs. Grace Wells is leav
ing on an interesting vaca
tion trip that will take her
across the United States and
return. She plans to take a
plane to Chicago, and from
the midwestern metropolis
will go to Washington, D. C.
and Maryland. Later, she will
visit at her former home In
Kentucky, in Florida and in
New Orleans, returning to
the west coast In time to at
tend the Rose Bowl game at
Pasadena on New Year's day.
Members of TNT bridge
club will be entertained Wed-
seventeenth, by Mrs. Henri
Conradi at her home on Jef
ferson street.
"Try the New Deal"
See Mr. Yoes,
Factory Trained Service Mgr.
Delta Kappa Gamma
Fraternity Meets at
A delightful luncheon was
given last Saturday afternoon
in the Pelican party room,
when members of Alpha chap
ter, Delta Kappa Gamma,
honorary teaching fraternity,
entertained other members of
the Southern Oregon group at
one o'clock. Luncheon was
followed by the Initiation of
three new members of the
Arrangements were made
by Miss Augusta Parker, prin
cipal of Fremont school, and
president of the organization.
She was assisted by Mrs.
Charles Ollmunn, principal of
Fairview school, Miss Olive
Wilson, city school domcstlo
arts teacher, and Mrs. William
Owsley of Mills school faculty.
Others attending were Miss
Bertha Stevens, Miss Edith
Bork, and Miss Florence
Alien, members of the South
ern Oregon College of Educa
tion faculty at Ashland, Miss
Delie Whisenant of Medford,
and Mrs. M. C. Marcy, Grants
Initiated into the chapter
wcro Miss Ida Nordine and
Mrs. Irene Foster of Mills
school, and Mrs. Mabel
Klcmm, Medford.
Red roses, Delta Kappa
flowers, centered the prettily
appointed luncheon table
where Miss Parker presided
during the afternoon.
Alpha of Delta Kappa
Gamma is the first In the
state to receive a charter, al
though others are working
toward a membership in the
honorary fraternity, It was
Mrs. John Kenoffel has re
turned to her home, arriving
here Wednesday, after a de
lightful visit this past month
in California. She was the
guest of friends Thanksgiving
at the Coronada hotel, Coro
nada. ,
On November the ninth
Mrs. Kenoffel attended tha
wedding of her niece, Miss
Norma Phillips, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Phillips,
former residents of Klamath
Falls now residing in Los An
geles. Miss Phillips became the
bride of Mr. William Revol
of Hollywood, in a half past
four o'clock afternoon cere
mony read at the home of her
parents. Her only attendant
was Miss Ruth Kenoffel of San
Diego, daughter of the John
Kenoffels of this city.
The bride attended Klamath
Union high school and later
was graduated from Holly
wood high school. Mr. and
Mrs. Revol will reside in
Hollywood, where the groom
is affiliated with Techni
color studios.
Mrs. George Wlrtz enter
tained for the pleasure of
members of the Art Needle
Work club, Wednesday after
noon, at her home on Jeffer
son street.
Eighteen members of the
order were present. Mrs. Wlrtz
was assisted by her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Estill Wlrtz. On
December the seventeenth, at
two o'clock, Wednesday after
noon, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones,
203 High street, will be hos
tess to the club.
Mrs. Paul O. Landry pre
sided over a scries of inform
al parties these past few week
when she entertained guests
on four occasion! at her home,
331 Pacific Terrace.
Several parties are also
planned by Mrs. Landry to
follow the holiday season.
No meeting of tha Parents '
and Patrons club of KUHS
will be held this coming
Wednesday due to the proxi
mity of tho holiday season,
according to an announcement
by Mrs. Harry Goeller Sr. The
next meeting of the organiza
tion is scheduled for January,
Mrs. N. H, Osborn of Spo
kane, Washington, left Wed
nesday evening for her home
after spending Thanksgiving
holdays here with her son,
Dr. Dean H. Osborn.
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Mary Jane Howard, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph How
ard , observed her seventh
birthday anniversary on Fri
day, November the fifth.
Name Leader
Mrs. Sabo Elected to
Preside With New
Mrs. Coral Sabo was elected
president of the Klamath
Falls Soropllmist club at a
business meeting and luncheon
held Thursday noon at tha
Wlllard .hotel.
Those serving with Mrs.
Sabo during the coming year
will be Mrs. Catherine Brum
baugh, vice president; Mrs.
Rose Poole, second vice
president; Mrs. Alice Howard,
recording secretary; Mrs. So
phia Kenoffel, corresponding
secretary, and Mrs. Isabella
Van Fleet, treasurer. The di
rectors are Mrs. Eileen Hicks,
Mrs. Ruby Lyle and Mrs. Kath
leen Thompson.
Next week's meeting of the
club will bo social and com
mittee reports will be given.
Formal installation of the of
ficers and a Christmas party
will be held on December the
Master Paul Gaynor Adams,
son of Dr. and Mrs. F. Cecil
Adams, observed his fourth
birthday anniversary on Sat
urday, November the twenty,
ninth, when a group of young
friends called to share birth
day cake. Paul really was four
on December the first.
Eenjoying the party were
Jon Houston, Carl Rcichman,
Charles Harris, Diane Olden
burg, Kenny McAndrews,
David Bos worth, Anna, Joy.
and Arris Johnson, Carrie Sue
Hcilbronner, Robert Van Vac
tor, Lynda Lou Emery of Med
ford, houseguest at the Adams
home, and Barton, Jean and
Paul Adams.
Members of the arts and
crafts group of the American
Association of University Wo
men met at the home of Mrs.
John H. Harris Jr., on Thurs
day afternoon. They spent the
hours working on Christmas
The group will meet on
Thursday, January the eighth,
at the home of Mrs. Charles
V. Rugh on Washington street.
700 So. 6th
Holiday Parties
Given at St. Paul's
Women of Parish Entertain Youngsters in Morn
ing, Oldsters Afternoon and Evening
Holly, huge pine eones, mistletoe, red candles, and gaily
wrapped plum puddings lent a festive note to the all-day
Christmas celebration observed this Saturday by the women
of St. Paul's Episcopal church In the parish home at Eighth
and Jofferson streets.
Shrine Club
Plans Party
Annual Party Slated
For Willard Hotel
December 17
One of the largest of tha
pre-hollday affairs will be the
annual dinner and dance to
be arranged for Thursday
evening, December the seven
teenth, by the Klamath Shrine
club fn the Willard hotel,
Tha cocktail hour Is from
seven until eight o'clock with
dinner following. Dancing and
entertainment are scheduled
for the remainder of the eve
ning. Mr. Ed Oitendorf Is chair
man of the affair with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Bertram and
Mr. and Mrs. Raynor D. Eller
as hosts for the cocktail hour.
Reservations may be made
by calling either Floyd Stan
ley, 4179. or R. D. Eller, 4193.
The dinner dance Is open to
any Shrlner, their wives or
members of their Immediate
families, regardless of whother
or not they arc affiliated with
Hlllah temple.
Honored guests of the even
ing will be Potentate Millard
W. Grubb of Ashland, and
Mrs. Grubb.
The affair will be formal
for the women guests. All
Shrlners are requested to wear
One of the first of the De
cember benefit affairs was
that of Thursday ovenlng,
December the fourth, at the
Willard hotel when members
of the Venture club were
hostesses. The purpose of the
party was to raise money for
the club's convention fund.
About thirty tables were In
play with honors In contract
going to Mrs. Robertson and
Mrs. E. A. Thomas. The
awards for pinochle were re
ceived by Janet nradley and
Mrs. Putman. Holiday decora
tions provided gay notes of
color In the banquet room.
Miss Dorothy O'Sulllvan
was general chairman of the
party, assited by Miss Doro
thy Teed.
Mrs. E. H. Lawrence will
be hostess to the Happy Hour
club on Tuesday afternoon,
December the ninth, at her
home, 3S06 Anderson street,
off Summers lane.
Members were entertained
at the last meeting at the home
of Mrs. Maude Hosley on High
street when those attending
were Mrs. Georgo Blehn, Mrs.
George Humphrey, Mrs. J. J.
Keller, Mrs. W. J. Stelnmetz,
Mrs. H. J. Savldge, Mrs.
Harry Richardson, Mrs. Jennie
Hum, Mrs. Carl Sandell, Mrs.
R. G. Motschenbacher, and
Mrs. Carey Ramsby, a guest.
A Wambly
Non-Crush Tie $1
You'll notice how still ore the leaves on tha
tree and the "no tired feeling" expression on
tht woman who poied for tho picture Not
von a hair on her head out of place!
But Now If it Wr Outside ....
Wall, that would bo a different picture!
Cold windy - that tired and worn look
chilled to tho bono and then not saving any
Try Our Economy Service
It's Only 8c per pound!
Festivities were under way
by ten o'olock Saturday
morning when children of the
church school entertained a
great many of their lltlln
friends with a Christinas
party which Included a pup
pet show, hurdy-gurdy, mv!o,
booths and other entertain
ment features. Young women
of the church made arrange
ments for the party which
was considered most success
ful. At one o'clock dessert was
served In the parish hall with
bridge following. A limited
number of tables were ar
ranged and those making res
ervations Included Mrs. John
Hess, Mrs. Horace E. Gpu,
Mrs. W. W. McNealy, Mrs.
Dolos Mills, Mrs. Sydney Ev
ans, Mrs. W. D. Miller. "Mrs. '
T. H. Reeves, Mrs. Waller
West, Mrs. Rufus Moore, Mr.
Lane Warren, Mrs. Richard
Post, Mrs. Merle Adams, Mrs.
Dean H. Osborn, Mrs. J.
Hardin Carter, Mrs. Charles
F. Schorfennteln, Mrs. Neul
Stewart, Mrs. Franklin L.
Weaver, Mrs. Ilerschel Mor
ris, and Miss Olive WlUou.
At seven o'clock supper
was served In tho parish hall
to men and women of tho
parish. Cards followed A
guest of the evening win
Bishop William Proctor Rem
ington of Pendleton who
spent the weekend In Klam
ath Falls.
New members of AAUW
will be honored in particular
during an unusually interest
ing program at the Christmas
party Thursday, December the
eleventh, announrrs the chair
man, Miss Pengy Hay. The af
fair will be formal, with for
mal dress optional, and will
begin with dinner at the Wil
lard hotel at half past six
o'clock, followed by the pro
gram, bridge, and other
During the program there
will be a skit prepared by
Flora Miller and Mrs. B: B.
B I o m q II I s t entitled, "Ho
Thought Ho Could Sing."
T. .1 i.aNo.74
Wl com -
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SMton rMmmanS IM OuillUvtr
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'37 Main 8t
Dial 3119