The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 06, 1941, Page 14, Image 14

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    Picture Maui tUe Week
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LADIES' AUXILIARY A ladin' tuxUiary of AFL local 2907 at Weed takes car of walfara in
Tmtigation and the imptoving of aid to th ndy. Aboro are. front row, Mrs. Charles Langdon.
Ida Rinuto. Dorothy Johnson and Gwan Hammond. Back. Mrs. Exit Cryder and Mary LobU.
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SOUP KITCHEN A contemporary phenomena in the American way exists at Weed today as s
socialised form of food and clothing distribution handles the needs of striking workers and their
families. . Abore .the kitchen force gathers for a picture in a converted cafe which local 2907
. hat taken over for its use. Negroes. Italians and southern whites, bulk of Weed's population,
constitute a race mixture which has thus far not been divided by strike tension.
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REGISTRATION DESK Registration desk for striking AFL mlllworkers at Weed. Calif., lists
the names of men for picket duty, woodcutting chores, etc., as the seven-week-old shutdown con
tinues at the Long-Bell Lumber company. The above shot was taken in the Moose club, head
quarters for local union 2907. ,
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SMOKLi.r.o3 STACKS AND IDLE WORKERS The great lumber mill of the ment between the firm and the Lumber and Sawmill Workers union (AFL).
Long-Bell Lumber company at Weed, Calif., stands idle today as the seventh The above picture shows the gaunt smokestacks towering above a solid line of
week of a complete shutdown ends with no prospects in sight for a rapproche- determined AFL pickets.
Farmers, KiWamans Have Lunch Together
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Klwanls club members had farmers Is their guests at their weekly
luncheon at the Wlllard Thursday. Above, Kiwanlan Bill Peak, Farmer
Rex High of Poe Valley, Kiwanian Ted Reeves. Farmer-County Judge
U. E. Reeder of Pine Grove.
Ktwanlaa-Chamber ol Commerce Secretary Eart Reynolds, Farmer
Howard Jackson (In foreground). Between them In background. Farmer
Joe Micka. Malin. and at right, with hands crossed. Kiwanian Elmer
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Kiwanian Jim Kerns, Farmer Jim PhilDott of Langell Valley. In
background (with hand up) Farmer Fred Ohlemeyer, Merrill road.
President Fred Southwell hands check to Joe Chotard of Malln.
second (lace winner in southern Oregon in the FFA better farming
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BIG STAMP DEAL Children of Mills school last week bought $178 worth of defense savings stamps the biggest sale made SHAMPOOING A RUG Home management project leaders of the county are here viewing a demonstration of rug cleaning,
at any of the schools of the city so far. It was the third Monday sale at Mills school. Stamp purchases have increased each time. special subject before all home demonstration units in December. Working on the rug in the picture Is Mrs. Wes Haney (in
The youngsters are here shown gathered around the stamp desk. ; apron and white hat), Lois Luts, extension specialist in home management, Is at right, holding the rug. i'i' 1