The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 06, 1941, Page 11, Image 11

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    r. tt'om.
Little Bill Hulen. Hie Med
' (ord Mall-Tribune sports editor
who did tliat elnndy Job o( com-
pllatlon on hi paper's annual
All-conferenco high school grid
;', eleven, had thli to say about
,1! Oene Love, allstnr captnln:
'j "It l fitting and proper lliat
(Love) should bn named the flrat
Q-am captain, for throughout the
raaon ha umpired the Pelicans
, : with hl unlagglng aplrlt, real
?. ahlllty and excellent sportsman-
'; Of Phil Blolun, the Pelicans'
all-clrcult center ". . wai
v, one of Klumath'a bent line-
? men . . ."
V Vogel ". . . tlefenilve giant
(In the Klamath line.)"
. Mitchell and Hlch, picked aa
all-loop guards ". . . fine
jl( blockera and itrong dofenslvely."
! Chrlstensen "can run with
the beat of them and tons a pass
' when the occasion demands . . ."
' Miyfleld ". . . excellent
flfcman - capable defensive
..- wtngman . . ."
Two surprising results of the
; ballot, according to BUI, were
the failures o both Ashland's
Hud Provost and Medford's Bob
Mitchell to make the first team.
rovojt's 20-polnt scoring spree
as the thing that defeated Mod-
Mitchell was called lha Ti
ger's best llnemun.
Collier's mag has released Its
; All-American, In case you're still
i Interested.
; This Is It:
Ends John Pokisky, Du
? quesho; Malcolm Kutncr, Texas.
i Tackles Ernest Blnndln,
Tulane; Bob Itelnhnrd, Call
's torn la
I Guards Endlcott Penbody, II,
Ilurvard; Bernlo Crlmmlns,
Notre Dame.
' Center Vlnce Banonls, De
i trolt.
Quarterback Frnnkle Albert,
I halfbacks Bruce Smith.
Minnesota; Bill Dudley, Vir
ginia. r u 1 1 b a c k Bob Westfall,
Qi Relnhard and Albert are both
For clarification, Collier's ex
plains the basis on which selec
tions are made:
1. A senior who has had three
good years is glvon preference
over a Junior who ho hud two
good years, and a Junior over a
aophomore, other things being
2. The class and type of com
petition is taken Into account as
playing a big part.
3. Recommendations of Colli
ar'a All-America board vet
eran football writers In touch
with teams in all sections play
an important part.
4. A final, confidential re
check comes from every coach
whose teams have played against
the leading stars under con
sideration. ODDS AND ENDS
Dan O'Connor, a Klamath
county boy, Is a member of the
Qrmstrong College cage team
hich whipped San Mateo J. C.
In Its first start this season . . .
The Oregon-Texas game Satur
day will be heard locally over
KFJI. It's being re-created by
John Carpenter via Mutual so
hang on to your hits, fellas.
nl knockout over Tiler Tom Sharkey, MB.
Jarkaillla, ri., (I).
win Well 111 V VV vnn h l-eh
Pesky May Force
Cronin To Quit
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec 6 (UP) Ball players never
like to admit that Father Time has caught up with them, but
Joe Cronin, manager of the Boston Red Sox and one of tha
greatest American league shortstops of all time, Friday con-
fessed that ha had almost
reached the end of the trail.
"I am getting ready to retire
to the dugout," Cronin said,
. .1. T t -1- m,m1, nl. t nf
OWIIVUIcr a tuna ,,,jw.
he regular lineup next season
depends largely on young laa
named John Pesky. If Pesky
can make tha grade t short
atop for us then I'll become a
bench manager. I'll remain on
tha active list for plnch-hlttlng
duties end maybe take an oc
casional turn at shortstop when
tha occasion demands it. But
I hope Pesky Is so gpod lie can
make me stay In the dugout."
Pesky, a 21-year-old Port
land, Ore., boy, played short
atop last season for the Louis
ville American Association club
and was voted the league's most valuable player. He appeared
in 146 games and batted .325, the Identical figure he hit In
hi first year In organized ball at Rocky Mount, N. C, In 1939.
Early Sheely, Had Sox scout who has followed Pesky'a
rise closely, believe tha youngster Is ready.
Cronin has had a long and distinguished career. He played
18 games at shortstop with Pittsburgh, Washington and tha
Red Sox and haa served aa player-manager since 1933 when
Clark Griffith appointed him manager of the Senators at the
mam nt 20. Cronin has clayed shortstop for tha American
0u club In seven al-star games and had a lifetime major
. -, , i n, ono until tliat Incf teflinn. eta nlnvH
league vninen
In 143 games last season and
Oregon Bowlers Roll In
Final Tourney Weekend
Portland, Eugene, Salem Squads
Top Card; Records Endangered
Final firing in the Oregon State Men's and Women's Bowling
congress opens tonight on Klamath Recreation and Kern bowling
alleys with favorod Portland, Eugene and Salem teams reflecting
the principal glare from the spotlight.
Both gals and boys will roll tonight and nil day Sunday.
T.inHlntf th rnnllnffnnt of nn.
Big Hank
Says Adieu
To Army
FORT CUSTER. Mich., Dec. 8
(h Sergei. Henry Greenberg,
who wos called from the Detroit
Tigers' outfield
to become a
soldier, said
farewell to the
United States
army Friday and
planned to re
sume the life of
a baseball play
er. Routine form
alities of turning
In e q u 1 pment l i
and drawing his v
final few dollars lUnk Oreenbert
of pay delayed
big Hank's departure from Fort
Custer until nearly noon.
After ISO days In the army
uniform as a private, corporal
and sergeant, Greenberg decided
to weor his uniform a few more
hours until he could drive to
Detroit where a change of clothes
awaited him.
On the eve of his departure.
Greenberg declared his biggest
thrill of leavetaklng was that
"Now I am able to become a ball
player again."
"I'm proud of the honor of
serving In the arm y," Scrgt.
Greenberg told his officers. "I've
made a host of friends and had
some wondorful experiences. It's
been swell to be affiliated with a
famous regiment like the second
Infantry. Col. Isaac Gill, com
mander of the second Infantry,
has been a wonderful officer."
Adult Gym
Classes Set
Ex-athletes and other adults
bothered by Increasing corpu
lence about the mid section and
Interested In doing something
about It were asked Saturday tq,
meet In the Klamath Union high
school gym Monday night for the
formation of adult night gym
Announcement of a winter
gym organization was made bv
Buck Hammer, KUHS grid
coach, who said that he, Wayne
Scott, Joe Peak. Paul Deller and
Dutch French will be In charge
of the program. Hammer asked
participants to bring their equip
ment Monday night and be ready
for action.
The program will probably be
run on a two-night per week ba
sis and participants will have
their choice of activity.
a, Tha Aevoelalad Stm
HOltVWOOP Jtuq Zuriu. Its. MriIco
rtty, kttoelred out Ouy Serean. Ik. Mtho.
IVXJt. Mm. Rill Welnhart. !'. Oieliea.
Mm.. knocked out Julio Ortenflo. H. Spain.
IIOSTOJf flarrer Tmmf. MS, Marina
Corpi. outpoint"! nlll Tnrdlillone, M". Ho
(on. (.
1'Hiunr.LNiiA - mil Phiiiipe. uih.
Philadelphia, outpointed Johnny )tarfellloe.
Its. Philadelphia. (10).
Ion. MrAdo. Pa., outpointed Parry Coir,
1ST, Trenton. () : Jaek K-nnr. is. Living,
(ton. X. J., outpointed Jaek Hell. S. Rrldia.
port. Conn.. (.
Joe Cronin
m.,.. --
batted .311.
state bowlers will be Don Poulln
of Salem, 1040 open all-events
tltllsts; Ollle Mercer of Eugene,
last year's open singles king, and
tha Marlln Ruzor Blades squad
of Portland, 1040 open team
champions. Among the women,
Central Alleys of Portland,
Scherer Bulcks of Eugene, and
Flnegan Auto Parts of Portland,
Class A, B, and C winners last
season, will all be back In an
attempt to retain their titles.
Thus far through two weeks
of blasting only twb women's
records have topp!d. All men's
marks are Intact.
This weekend, however, most
of the peaks are in danger of
being surpassed. Harry Leedlng.
sports editor of the Oregon Jour
nu). spilled flflfl pins In a Port
land round this week, a total
just 19 pins better than the best
1941 mark to date and only
three pins short of the tourney
record He'll be on hsnd tonight
and tomorrow.
A survey of men's leaders to
date shows Klamath Falls top
ping four divisions, Medford
three, Corvallls two, North Bend
one, Grants Pass, one, and Bend
one. Klamath women lead in
five classes and Medford in
Gal kegllng opens tonight at
8:15. Men tee off at 7.
Oregon Team
Ready for
Eastern Tour
EUGENE, Ore.. Dec. 8 (UP)
The University of Oregon today
prepared for Its final practice
basketball game before leaving
on a tour of the east which will
take the Wcbfoots as far as New
York. The eastern Invasion will open
with a game at Detroit Dec. 1
against Wayne University. The
feature of the trip will be a clash
In New York's Madljon Square
garden Dec. 13 with Long Island
Other games on the road trip
are: Dec. 11, Conisus college,
Buffalo; Dec. 15, Temple, Phila
delphia: Dec. 18, Duquesne.
PlttsburRh; Dec. 17, Xavic
Cinclnnati: Dec. 20, Depaul.-Chfc
cagn; Dec. 22, Nebraska, Lincoln.
The Wcbfoots will open their
conference season here Jan. 9
when they meet Washington
State In a two-game series.
WORCESTER. Man Hoe!l Klni. IU
rtatrolt. woo nr t-ehntral knoekout over
Pal Manual. Ilk. Philadelphia. (I.
Washington Cagsrs Open
Season With Two Wins
Br The Associated Press
The University of Washington and Washington State college
basketball teams opened their seasons last night against non-conference
teams and both displayed a scoring punch thst speaks
well for their Pacific coast championship hopes.
At Cheney the champion Washington State team exacted re
venge of Eastern Washington college for the licking the eastern
Washington team gove the Stat-'
ers In their debut L..' year. Gain
ing an early 10-polnt lead, the
Cougars faltered a little and led
only by 25-21 at halftime, but
came back to win easily, 52-32.
Cnpt. Kirk Gebert led the WSC
scoring with 18 points.
The university first squad
built up a 38-14 lead In the first
half of a game with the 41st di
vision team f m Fort Lewis and
then retired to let second string
ers raise the score to a 66-23 vic
tory. Coach Hec Edmundson would
n't talk after the game was over
but rooters had visions of a
championship team, although the
Fort Lewis squad was admitted
ly no match for the Huskies.
Alan R. Cameron of San Gabriel,
Calif., sophomore fullback, has
been elected captain of Navy's
1942 football eleven, academy
athletic officials announced.
He la the first backfleld man
to captain the varsity squad since
1027. when E. A. Hannegan, a
quarterback, led the team. Cam
eron succeeds Bob Fronde of
San Bernardino, Calif., an end
who graduates Dec. '19.
Oraloit City II, Vancouver, Waih., IT.
Waitport II, Pranklln (Portland) II.
Wiahlnrton , Sort LewH Hat Dlvlalon 11,
Waahlmton stall II, Saattrn Waihlnston il.
Saatirrt Orison Oollaii ol Srjuoatlon to, Oil.
lata ol Idaho 41.
Montana Normal ai, anal hill Oollit ol
duoitlon Id.
Utah II, Wihir II.
UOUA . Loyola (Lot Anlalaa) II.
Sroatw Stat Oollisi 44, Ooottfintll Oolllgt
Tim Mlnoi 44, Naw Minos Taaortart ts.
Waynaaburs 14, Oirmgli Taoh II.
Harvard II, MIT II,
Wait Virginia Wuliyin (7, Fairmont Itati
VIManavi H, Loyola (Saltlmora) II,
Ions Island Unlvarilty n, Amarloan Inter
national II,
Wabi.h II, Oklahoma Olty M,
DaPatll 47, Kllimicoo II.
Leads Duke
it- '
f r -i
Bob Bsrnstt (sbovo). Duks
center, will lead the Blue Devil
8tate in the Rose bowl gama at
Even Money As
WSC, Aggies Clash
Game Played on Wet Clay Field;
Texas Squares Off With Webfoots
TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 6 UP) It was even money and take
your choice today as Texas A. and M., Southwest conference
football champion, and Washington State college clashed on a
wet, clayish, sandy field under murky skies.
A crowd expected to reach 27,000 was ready for the Ever
green bowl intersections! feature, which started at 1:30 p. m.
Home town wagerers accorded
Washington State an even chance
with the touted Texans, princi
pally because the WSC Cougars
demonstrated themselves to be
the hottest team on the Pacific
coast during the closing weeks.
The Texas Aggies, despite a
one-sided 23-0 defeat at the
hands of Texas 10 days ago, won
their conference championship
and were named as one of the
Cotton bowl teams. Washington
State's only Rose bowl chances
faded when Oregon State scored
a winning touchdown in the last
10 minutes of play against Ore
gon last week, Oregon State get
ting the Rose bowl bid by finish
ing as undisputed Coast confer
ence champion.
AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 8
The giant Oregon university
Webfoots. high-ranking Pacific
Coast conference club, squared
off here today In hopes of spoil
ing the farewell appearance of a
brilliant University of Texas
teem which has resurrected
Longhorn football fortunes.
The Webfoots counted largely
on foke-pass-and-run trickery
Promoter Menaces
Jacobs' 'Monopoly'
beautiful boxing friendship was
terminated abruptly Friday
when Promoter Herman Taylor
of Philadelphia threatened to
"blast wide open" Mike Jacobs'
alleged prize fight monopoly.
Taylor, who charges that Pro
moter Jacobs inspired Welter
weight Contender Ray Robinson
to "run out" on a Philadelphia
fight, announced that he will re
quest Congressmen James Mc
Grannery and Leon Sachs of
Pennsylvania to initiate an offi
cial Washington investigation of
the alleged monopoly.
1941 All-Klamath County
'B' League Grid Eleven
Player School
Bray Bonanza
Fisher Henley
D. McKay Henley
Fotheringham Merrill
Hull Chiloquin
Jacobs Malin
Short Malin
Waldrip Merrill
Moore Merrill
St. Clair Chiloquin
G. McKay Henley
Miller !
Cheyne I
House !
Pos. V
Guard ;
Center .
Halfback ...
to Rose Bowl v
;..kA ,
university football captain and
squad which will meet Orsgon
Pasadena. Calif-
plus powerhouse tactics to stam
pede the last round-up of a great,
if erratic, Texas eleven.
Sixteen members of the color
ful Lojighom squad, including
the entire first team, don the
orange and white for the last
time and will depend largely on
their versatile attack, featuring
speed and deception, to end their
turbulent careers in a blaze of
Sport's a Dog
With Nine Lives
DU PONT, Gs.. Pee. (JT)
Grover Lee's hunting dog,
"Sport." tangled with a train
and lost one eye.
Later, the dog met an auto
mobile head-on and emerged
badly bruised.
Three weeks later another
automobile struck Sport, and
then Mrs. Lee accidentally
backed the family ear over
the dog.
Lee dug a grave, but before
ha could use it. he salde Sport
was back on his feet again
latef flushed a covey of quail
that netted a bag of 17.
Caddey Named
Lute Cage Pilot
TACOMA, Dec. 6 MP) A for
mer University of Washington
swimming and wrestling star has
been named mentor of tha Paci
fic Lutheran college basketball
team and temporary director of
athletics while Coach Cliff Olson
fulfills speaking engagements
and other duties.
The new coach. Eugene W.
Caddey, will start work with
the hoop squad Monday. His
appointment was announced by
Dean Phillip E. Hauge of tha
school, who said Olson may
again assume charge of basket
ball if present demands on his
time ease up.
COLUMBIA, Mo., Dec. 6 CUP)
Attempts to lure Head Football
Coach Don Faurot from Missouri
university where he won tho Big
Six championship and a bid to
the Sugar bowl this year were
quashed Friday when tha uni
versity offered him a one-year
contract at $10,000. Faurot ac
cepted immediately.
1 Merrill
Sam Barry
Will Stay
At Troy
Von KleinSmid Say
USC Coach Did 'Whale
Of a Job' With Team
Sam Barry, who became South
ern California's football coach on
very short notice last August,
"will be with us a long, long
time," says President Rufus B.
von KleinSmid.
Barry did a "whale of a Job,"
Dr. Von KleinSmid told tha
school's homecoming banquet
last night. "Despite a shortage of
Barry, already basketball
coach and football scout for the
Trojans, who have lost six of
eight games this fall, play their
finale this afternoon against
their erosstown rivals. Univer
sity of California at Los Angeles.
Barry has a one-year contract,
but that's all Southern Cal gives
Its coaches.
Coaches present Included Rd
Dawson, of Tulane, here to scout
Southern Cal this afternoon (Tu
lane plays the Trojans next Sep
tember) and Lon Stlner at Ore
gon State.
Stlner said he didn't know
how to rate Oregon State and
Duke for the Rose Bowl. He nev
er has seen Duke play and haa
"very little information" about
the Blue Devils. He was in Ha
waii when Duke played in the
39 bowl.
Chiloquin Tops
Antler Quints
Friday Night
Chlloquln's A and B teams
came out on top over the Bon
anra quintats In two fast riding
games played at Chiloquin Fri
day night.
Chiloquin s big boys romped
out a 31 to 18 score over their
opponents. At the half time they
led the Bonanzans with the slim
score of nine to five.
Monks and Miller of the Chilo.
quln five took high honors and
Bray held the top spot for the
Bonanza team.
In the B clash the Chiloquin
boys pulled out with an 18 to 11
victory. .
Minor Loops
Close Dull
CUP) The minor leagues closed
one of the most uneventful con
ventions in their 40-year history
with the election of Frank
Shauehnessv. president of the
International league, to the three
man executive committee.
Shauehnestv. who succeeds
George Trautman, president of
the American association, was
elected for a three-year term.
Dr. E. M. Wilder, president of
Vi Sallv leaeue. was selected
as chairman of the executive
committee. The third committee
member Is Maior Trammel ScOtt,
president of the Southern associa
Boomerang Passes, Air-Minded
Waterboys Top Grid News
NEW YORK, Dec. 8 (IP) Forward passes boomeranged,
guards turned scorers, a water boy reached stardom and the
1941 football season produced enough gridiron oddies to keep
the customers chuckling until the opening kickoff next year.
Players, coaches, officials and fans participated in the football
foolishness which an Associated Press survey uncovered In all
sections of the United States. - ...........
Perhaps the play that hurt the
most was tackle that cost Mis
sissippi a chance to gain at least
a tie for the southeastern con
ference championship only last
Mississippi State won the title
by blanking Mississippi, 6-0, but
Ray Poole of Ole Miss took a
pass from Junie Hovious in the
second period and was in the
clear. Then Poole's own team
mate, Halfback Bobby Yandell,
tackled him by mistake 45 yards
from the goal line.
One of the freak plays came In
a Big Six conference game be
tween Missouri and Iowa State.
Howard Tippee, State's sopho
more quarterback, hurled a pass
that was intercepted by a Mis
souri back. Tha Missourian flip
ped a lateral to a teammate who
attempted a second lateral as he
was tackled. The ball was- de
flected forward into the arms of
Tippee, the original thrower,
who was downed In his tracks.
Blondy Black of Mississippi
State tossed a pass against Ala
bama and a 'Bama lineman bat
ted the ball in the opposite di
rection, so Black caught his own
pass for a 10-yard loss.
Virginia Tech's leading scorer
for the season was Roger Mc
dure, a guard who never car-
December 6, 1941
Merrill, Henley Eleven
Top All-B League Team
Champion Huskies, Hornets Each
Cop Three Berths in Pilots' Picks
(See bottom of page for all-star teams)
HENLEY Merrill's Klamath County B league grid cham
pions and Henley's second-place squad each placed three men
on the all-circuit eleven, it was revealed Saturday.
Malin and Chiloquin each earned two places on the mythical
team and Bonanza one. The all-star was chosen this year by a
Malin Drops
Cage Card
To Tulelake
TULELAKE Coach Clyde
Frlshholz" double header hoop
tilt with tha Malin Mustangs
Thursday night gave both A and
B victories to the Honkers who
Froshholz stated had tha edge
over tha Malin boys with more
practice and experienced men.
In the curtain raiser the B's
took 32 points to the Oregon
team's 18, score at the half run
ning 22-12.
Score at the last gun for the
A's was 39-8 with the Mustangs
able to garner only one point In
the first half.
High point man for Tulelake
in the preliminary was Gross,
center, with 11, and for Malin,
Erwin with 6. In the main go,
Baker, forward, tallied 10 points
for Tulelake and Ottoman for
Malin took 8.
The Honkers leave next Fri
day for games on Friday and Sat
urday evenings with Westwood
and Susanville.
In the A game Frlshholz
played Crawford at center;
Waldrip and Baker, forwards;
Dahle and Bitter at guard while
Coach Joe La Clair of Malin play
ed Short at center; Helme and
Ottoman at forward and Duncan
and Drazll at guard.
Rocky Mountain
Loop Eyes Regis
DENVER, Dec. 6 CUP) The
Rocky mountain conference
agreed Friday night to consider
application of Regis college of
Denver for membership, and car
ried over until the May meeting
here the question of freshman
participation in varsity athletics.
The five member schools
Colorado Mines, Colorado col
lege. Western State college,
Greeley State college and Mon
tana State college carried the
main order of business over to
the next session.
Heavyweights Bob Pastor and
Texas Jack Marshal, both Of New
York, have been signed for a 10
round bout here Dec. 12, it was
announced Friday night by the
Boston Boxing association.
rled the ball. He kicked 12
straight conversions and four
field goals for a total of 24
Pomona college furnished the
Pacific coast with the case of the
water . boy-passer. Coach Fuzz
Merritt, sadly shorthanded, saw
Water Boy Billy Kern passing a
football between his sideline
chores and drafted him for the
next game.
The Missouri valley contest be
tween Drake and Washington
University of St. Louis drew
u. s.
Rubber Co.
-pou or a loop coacnes in con
tracts to previous seasons when
the picking was done on a com
bined all-opponent basis by play
All grldders chosen were.'
named to their regular playing
positions with the exception ol
Moore, Merrill fullback, who
was shifted to half to make way
for Gordon McKay, 204-pound
Henley plunger, and Fisher, Hor
net pass-catching left end, who
was shunted to the right flank
and Bray of Bonanza put In at
the left wing.
The team lines up, as did most
of the B loop entrants this year,
with tremendous defensive
strength and a noticeable lack
of offensive power.
Competition for line position.
was stiff but all coaches agreed
on Malin's Jacobs and Short for
all-star berths at guard and cen
Chiloquin and Henley topped
the second team choices with
three each. Merrill and Bon
anza each placed two men and
Malin one.
Henley 41, Keno 21 '
Henley's alert Hornet eager
cracked open the Klamath.
county B league basketball sea
son Thursday night by staging
a brilliant second-half rally to
plaster the Keno Eagles, -41-31, '
on the Keno court.
Leading only 18-12 at the in
termission, the Hornets, paced by
liuara Beymer's 12 points, easily.
fense In the third period to run
off with the game.
oma teams aeienses lerc mucn
to be desired.
In a preliminary game the
Henley seconds nipped Kene's
fledglings, 11-10. The Hornets
meet f!hf1nniii nT TSHriav am
. I tt . jn '
naniay fail pub auno rjli
Horton, S g 4, Qrinai
Wrliht, t 4, Slffipwil
McKar. r , 6llii
Cfcerue, 5 ft 4, Frtte&art
Beymar. It O s, 2a6at&eak9
Xewham, s Sattliy
Fatrdo HeKm
I ucxer, i i "
Woodr, S 8
ScHnlts, S S
Dec. 6 CUP) All the snow
skier could use was available
here today. Almost 25 inches
has fallen since Tuesday, lodge
officials said, and weather condi
tions indicate there will be more
only 100 fans at Des Moines.
Conference rules provide for a
guarantee of $2,000 to the visit
ing team. Thus the game cost
Drake $20 a spectator and Wash
ington won it, 12-0.
Don't Get Caught with Yens ,
Tires Downl Have Them
50 - 70
Of the Price of New Tires
Guaranteed to wear aa long
as New Tlresl
Bring your tires la in the
morning pick thsm up at
night. One day service on
recapping. Use our tires oa
yous ear FREE while your
are being recapped.