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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1941)
Docnmbor 6. 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE SCHOOLSBUY LARGE AMOUNT OF STAMPS A total nf $1073. (IS worlli of nntinnnl dcfrnso saving lampii Imve hrpn nodi In Klnmolli Fall school It wu announced Thurs liny. Hcuulnr snlo dntos have Jlii-pn rstnbllshrri In nil snven schools with nno Inlr ntnrtrr holding dully snlrs In an effort Id nitch up. Dofrnno stamp sales lirgnn In Into Oc-lober when Illvorsldo school started li drive (or In dividual snvlnff throiiuh I ho pur chase of stumps. It holds Hi sales every week, on Monduys, spon sored by the PTA whose officers allend to purchase of tint stamps mid disposition of sulc fundi. The total sale of thin fchool hit amounted to $132.43. I Roosevelt ichool started sales Thursday and let up nice total! of $78. Snlpi thrro are under fiK-ulty supervision, with assist ance of the PTA, while nt Mills I school the PTA hits tuken overi nle unit from u suln of J137.S0I worth of Uiinp the first day, has Wi' three sale riayi sold a total of. $421.08. Thin school hud the lurg ! V't le of nny of the seven now : "sclllnu stumps. It wim Thursday! and the amount wnj $170.83. Prill-ail ichool wai late netting sturted and had held only one sale, with reiulli amounting to! $13. Fremont school kicked off; November ft with a first mile of $103 113. under supervision of the chool faculty. They huve held four sales, Intendlnii to continue every Monday, and the total of their sales Is $20(1 40 Kolrvlew school hni Hold $11111 worth of stamps since November; 7 and Intends to continue to have nle doyi every two worki. Last time the demand io exceeded the supply that mora could have been lold than the $32 that the sponsoring PTA had on hand. Congor't total to date la $89.78 and thli li the achool that li hav ing lt nolo booth open dolly, be fore (chool In called, under the care of the PTA. A. M. Collier, chairman of the Klamath county national de Vcnio laving committee, nil been 'present at the firm day is lei of all (even ichooli. Scraps Make This Bright Afghan Aria by Alice Brook CO MM. MOUUMX. Mil. MC PATTKRN 7153 Gay yarn scraps, mainly, turn out these easily crocheted flower medallloni that lend themielves to the making of afghan or pil low. Enjoy this fniclnotlng cro chet In your leisure time. Pat tern 7133 contain! Instruction! for making afghan and pillow: Illustration! nf afghan and stitches; milter In Is needed; color ichemrs. To obtain this pattern send 10 Crocheted Flower Medallion Form Light Weight Afghan cents In coin to The Herald and News, Household Art Dept , Klamath Kails Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of tha en velope. Requests for patterns should read, "Sand pattern No to lollowed by your name and od dress. "I've Been Shot" Says the Patient FOHT WORTH, Tex., Dec. 4 (AP) D. M. Wood, 44, of Tolar, walked Into the emergency room nt St. Joseph's hospital today and announced calmly that he had been shot In the chest. "1 coughed up the bullet," Wood told attendnnts. "I didn't like the taste of lend." A physician found the bullet had runged upward from Wood's left breast under the skin but outside the lung cavity and Into his throat. It missed vital arteries nnd veins. "This couldn't happen again In a million tries," the physician said. Wood told attendants that he had driven alone to Fort Worth from his home at Tolar 43 miles. He said he wns shot when a .32 cnllbcr pistol dropped from his belt while he was Investigating a disturbance In his chicken house about 0 a. m. The physician said Wood should be able to leave the hos pital in "two or three days." Let 'Civilian Morale' Begin In the Home By RUTH MILLETT What does this term "clvlliun mornlo" we're hearing so often really mean' What does 11 mean to us women? Wa know what li meant by "morale" when it is used In con nection with soldiers. But what dues It mean when applied to the red of us? Woll, let's reduce It to- terms of one individual, "Mrs. Jones," and maybe we can sec how it ap plies to all women. Mrs. Jones runs a house and a family. National defense has already touched her life In num erous ways. Most important, of course, is the fact that she now has a son in the army. In a less important but still serious way Defense has touch ed her pocketbook. It seems to her that everything she buys to day costs more than it did a few months ago. And yet the allow once on which she runs her house, feeds and clothes her fam ily Is just what it has been for some time. -Defense has touched her life outside her family, too. She has been faced with the problem of whether to go on spending her leisure at bridge tables, or whe ther to volunteer Xor Instruction in some of the defense courses. , She's Doing Her Best j Mrs. Jones isn't going around waning because poor Dick was taken into the army just when ho was going good In a new job. She hasn't encouraged Dick to ( feel sorry for himself, either. In i stead she has let him see that she , is proud of him, end thinks what he is doing is important. When he gets her letters at camp, he is more rather than , less satisfied than he was be ' fore. He's not mama's-boy-who-has-had-a-tough-break and isn't-it- a-shame? He's a man doing man' duty. The "high e o t of living" hasn't got Mrs. Jopes down cither. She ha had to start economizing pretty close but she doesn't talk about It all the time. She doesn't ruin her fam ily's meals by grimly reporting at the table that pork Is up another two cents a pound. And she hasn't once said to her husband, "I just don't see how I'm going to manage on my allowance." She' managing with a minimum of talk and complaints. I And she has decided that she j can't afford to waste all her ' leisure on women's bridge parties 'and aimless teas. So she is 't busy these days learning first aid. knitting, rolling bandages, and helping in a school hot lunch , program. j In short, Mrs. Jones' morale , is splendid. That is, she Is mak ing the best of the job she has to do. j ft 28 Housewives' donations o f used aluminum during the 1941 scrap collection should permit construction of 2000 more fight- ; ers or 800 four-engine bombers. I mwil l.ii Good Qifii Kris Kringle, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, or if you like, just Santa Claus. Anyway, you must stop and realize it's almost Christmas, and we have baked some of the finest Christmas specialties to be found on the Pacific coast. So now is the time to choose yours for mailing or gifts. Here are a few items-you should stock up on early: Old English Fruit Cak Ginger Bread Star 40c doi.n Made with choice fruits, nuts, bran- Pf.ff.rnu., hand dipped ond varied dy, and rum. Aged just right. in color 20c doien One pound 60c - Two Pound $1.13 - Anise Drop 20c doxen Three pound $1.70 Springer! 25e dozen Ginger Bread Santa Claus Spitxku.her i 25c doien Elaborately decorated. Wrapped in rtll"' H " cellophane. Ready for the tree or "ndy ho:olQ'e 2 pocking. Two sizes, 10e and ISe. Faney Macaroon 25c dozen Marzipan Fruit 5e each Honey Cake Heart 10c Ponatonl A rich Christmas Fruit Christmas Tree Cake 5e Bread I'j lb. loaf 35e We also specialize in fancy decorated Christmas Table Centers. Any design you might desire. BE SURE AND GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY. SB fi I 0. No Additional Army Cantonments Seen WASHINGTON, Dec. B (AP) General George C. Marshall, chief of stuff, told tho houso ap propriations committee that there were no Immediate pro pects for establishing additional army cantonments. His statement was made In re cent committee hearings In the new S8.000, 000,000 defense bill and were made public with In troduction of the bill yostcrday. General Marshall added that ex- j tensive slto surveys hod been ; mode fO the nrmv wnuM Km ... I pared If forced to move sudden ly into another construction program. On the homo front USC and JJCLA wind up the conference Schedule at Los Angeles. The Trojans are favored over their cro.istown rivals. Bear delicious, ratrashlngl And "Wlaland's Has th Flavorl" At Your Grocer's Sing a long of soap suds. Washer full of clothe. Par clean grimy work duds. Is safe on sheerest hose. PAR SOAP Is amazingly gentle on the most delicate of fabrics, and yet Is so effective It is preferred for taking grease and grime out of work clothes. You need only ONE soap In your laundry when that one soap Is PAR. 1 PALACE MARKET GROCERIES AND MEATS Phone 4109 A Home Ownad Store 524 Main St. Fra Delivery Phone 4109 Fr Parking . . Customar Parking Lot at Sth and Pin . . . We Resarve Wight to Limit MEAT SPECIALS 8,d Fresh Fruits and Veg. nit.. ti D4C New Potatoes 4 lbs. 25c White Hens lb. 4 -AND- Blrds.y. Fresh Froi.n . l Ac c Peas . . pkg.Z3c Pot Roast Lb $3 JS$t mP., R..d, to Avocados . . . 2 for 17c Bon.l.s " C Stew BeU ... lb. Jj& Artichokes ... 3 5or 2Sc gkQ Large 252 Sis Navel Leg o1 Lamb . . lb. JU Oranges ... 2 doz. 25c SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY Sta-Krlsp Graham Royal Cardan Asparagus Style Boren Crackers y f Green Beans yc Washing Pdr. i o 2-Lb. Box - A 2 No. 2 Cans Large Pkg T Helm Assorted Sun-Shlne Mlx.d Royal Club Oral Soups 7& faKnd!es 29 Sardines - 2 Ci-T..-. Lb- B,g tnTom.S.uee 2 Can. O Silk k, r j Hill Bro. Blue Cn Br.nd Toilet Tissue C FS8PSoodIes M Coee 1A 6 Roll 3 Lb-Pkg 1-Lb. Pkg Carnation Quick Cooking swiit-. pr.mium wheat Flakes oaxTiir Dried Beef 2i-u. --e Pudding 2-Q. Qlas Packages A 4.Pkg ', Pi &w Baked Beans Brown szp Bread fc' 1 Tall Can f Each I y tor 33c FREE DELIVERY DIAL 3138 PRICES FOR SATURDAY end MONDAY SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Large Box 23c sw CUT GREEN BEANS TENDER, STRINGLES3 CUTS 2 ca333c sw BANTAM CORN WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE 2 "cans HI-HO CRACKERS 19c Larg. Box ... MEDIUM PEAS 2 31c Tar i ITm Tm m uni JOURAPPIEADAY 12-OZ. TINS 2 for 29c NOT A CIDER ( Red Kidney Beans 2 "' J 29c ( Green Lima Beans 25c Hot Sauce . 3 19c Julienne Beets 2 Nc0ani 25c Tomato Catsup 2;.33c Dried Prunes .,. su. t 23c Orange Marmalade ..2; 34c ( Assorted Jellies 15c FRESH VEGETABLES SW Tomato Juice 4ct 24c tSST Grapefruit Juice 26c Pineapple Juice 4-34c SZV Blue Berries w. 29c Fruit Cocktail 2 "C'J 35c SW Bartlett Pears wca.i"32c Gooseberries J'ZZ 25c Cranberry Sauce wmc0;,1 19c 555T Halves Apricots 2wc.Lw53c KRAFT DINNERS 2 for 19c A M.-1 for -4 In 8 Minute Dr. Phillip'. Orange and Grapefruit Blended Juice " can ' DIAMOND WAXED PAPER 2 200-ft. MQ Roll ' mwrnm DRIP or REGULAR GRIND COFFEE 31' 60 Royal Desserts and Puddings 17c for 1 Lb, Del Mali Niblers .... 2 for 25c Mexicorn, 2 for 29c Fancy Rlpa Bananas 3 lbs. 23c Juicy Narel Oranges 2 doz. 35c Coachella Seedless Grapefruit . 6 for 25c Frosh, Green Broccoli 2 bchs. 29c Squash - Grape Apple Cranberrie f. .......... . .... QUALITY MEATS SHOULDER PORK ROAST lb. 24c RIB BEEF BOIL Lb. 15c LITTLE PIG SAUSAGES Lb. 26c DILL PICKLES 5 for lOe FRESH GROUND BEEF 2 Lb. 33c CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE Lb. 10c Dry picked Colored Hem Roaster - Fryer Freih Dretsed Rabbits PARD DOG FOOD 3 for 25c 1 New FRANCO-AMERICAN BEEF GRAVY..........! 0-oz. can 10c