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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1941)
PAGE EIGHT NOBODY LIVES AT CENTER OF POPULATION CARLISLE. Ind., Dee. 5 For the next 10 years the cemer of V. S. population will nestle ankle-deep in a 30-acre clover field once owned by President William Henrv Harrison. On land where the Potawata- mie Indians made their last stand before moving across the Missis sippi river, it's in the center of a unique tract. The French orig inally surveyed the tract so that 11 the farm buildings would be located where the sun would strike each side at least once dur ing the day. The new center Is part of one of the most productive farms in the Wabash river valley, only 10 milec from Illinois ctnt ltin nnH it's owned not by Hoosiers, as have been the Centers for the last ou years out by state Sena tor Charles Garrison of California. The exact spot, located by Sul livan County Surveyor W. C. Smith, is two miles southeast by east or uu-usie, ina. ine town was founded in 1815, and its pre vious claim to fame was its 35 blocks of paved streets for its 872 population, said to be one of the highest ratios in the country, s Scattered through the topsoil of the cloverfield are hundreds of relics of the Indian wars. Ros coe Carrithers, who has tenanted the farm for more than 21 years. does not even bother to pick them up any more. . It took the bureau of census a year and a half to determine where the new center should be The result is this: If you had a map Just the size or me united states which weighed nothing at all . . . If you could place every man, woman and child atop it . . . And if you could place a pin rjoint under the renter nf iwrnilo. tion Senator Garrison's clover- zieia wen . . , The map and its occupants would balance perfectly. "Boy, will the Senator be happy about this!" Carrithers ex claimed. ' And he joined Mrs. Carrithers in preparing the neat, little farm house for the influx of visitors Its new fame may be expected to auraci. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December 8, lfMf 4-H News FAIR HAVEN COOKINO The 4-H Cookinf cluh u. n genized November 12, 1941. We elected officers which are as fol lows: Bobbv Sereent. Jack Smith, vice president: Lu cille Schiesel, secretary; Marian Schieferstein, news reporter: Clarence Casebler. veil anH leader. We named our club "The Mix-it Club." There are eleven. counting the director, who Is Mrs. L. L. Smith. Marian Schieferstein. News reporter. Betsy Rots Sewing Club The first meeting was held November 14, 1941. The leader of the club is Mrs. McLean. At the first meeting we elected of ficers who are president, Edna Mae Benzlev: vie nr!rtmi Margie Mikkleson; secretary. raney ODindier: news rrinrior Arlene Swegle; song leader. Lu cille Floyd: veil leader Viroini. r eager, i nere are fourteen girls in our sewing club Our second meeting v heM xsovember 28, 1941. First the meeting was called to order by Edna Benzley and we then chose me name lor our club which is "Betsy Ross Sewing club." The next meeting held, the girls are going to start working on their projects. We are looking for ward to having a successful sew ing club, and expect to finish our projects throughout the year. Arlene Swegle, news reporter. Chew and Chat Cooking Club November 26. 1941 th "-,, and Chat club" met at the ele mentary school. We called the roll with name of a mo i-- able. We then drew nm. our next meeting, during which we will have a Christmas ex change. WaVTID r.nhr o-... . talk on how to use raw veget ables. Mrs. Keadv With US boilt triv.r.- i vonne Hough and Wllma Black man gave a talk on how to make cabbage shread. Then we all played a um ration n,,. ? -. We then adjourned with another game. A nleacant tims i -""-. nno 11 a U by all. Billy Davig, news reporter. vld Brader and George Hash, won prizes at the spring fair. We are wondering if the girls can do as well this year as the boys did last year competing in a girl's project. David Brader, news reporter. Cook and Talkalot Dinner Club mo "Look and Talkalot Din- ner club'" held a meeting Novem ber 25 at Pelican arhnnl Th. meeting was called to order by our president, Eileen Bocchi. There was nothing cooked at this meetinc. We marts final ir. rancempnt for our nkaiimr iuhv Plans for a Christmas part- were also discussed. The meeting was men turnea over to our iparior Mrs. C. C. Jones. She told us how to fill out our books and cards. Afton Phelps, news reporter Altamont Husklx The Altamont Hnclri Unlh club) was organized on October 17, l4l under the leadership of Mrs. roerije. ine following of ficers were elected: President, BHlie Jean Blaine; vice presi dent, Dian Kemp; secretary. Le on a uuguay; yell leaders, Eva Anderson, Alice Vincent and Coreia SnnrtA' anno- laaHnre rL. aldine Book and Connie Coskl; news renorter. nieen Rook w have thirty-two members in our ciuo. At tne present time we are studying safety and first aid. Some girls are preparing reports On this tODic: nthprs are Bi-ninl skits to present to the club. We hope soon to have our nhveir-ot examinations which are to be given by the county health department. Illeen Book, news reporter Song and Happy Stitches Club The meeting was eaiiex n der by the president, Helen Ziemienczuk. The roll was called by the secretary. Betty Willhite is the leader of cona mj i ... J CHS. we sane soncs anri oava th, i..u yell. The leader. Mrs. William. told clothing I and II members hOW to do their vrnrt 1 .. v. iv oiiu ex plained then how to use the books. Games were played and then the meeting was adjourned. wanna nansen, news reporter. Vienna Veal Rolls Waltz Into Favor With Star FWD DOCTOR OF SCIENCE VISITOR LANGELL VALLEY A very distinguished visitor in Langell valley last week was Dr. Knox, noted doctor of science of Seat tle, Wash. He spent several days at the Oregon hot springs, a guest of Dr. C. J. Moser of Grants Pass. Dr. Knox devel oped the serum for streptococ cus after 15 years of research, and is now working on a serum ior arcnniis. TRAGEDY PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 5 VP) Mrs. Minnie Teske sneaked into the basement last night with grapes for her sulking 13-year- via son, tamuna, wno had been scoiaea oy his father for being late io dinner. She found his body hanging bj a rope rrom a rafter. Of the s.nnn nnn fnrmAnnan families in the United States, i.uuu.uuo move every year. itlttctlve CORDIALS Fruit Cordials . . 60 Proof AprlMt a BlitkWrrjf Pint 85c VsQL$l.60 Creme de Mentha . 60 Proof . 4 Pint 85c Qf.St.60 Creme de Cacao . 60 Proof 4Qt.$l.60 Bernardlne . . 84 Proof Qt.S2.l3 tHII.8.lY0Nsi)tJCa BJm rraaclir, ClirtniU Chemult Co-d -n. i-m . . .. wv-u axe really enthusiastic hn.,t ,! a - wwu ulCU T K work. They have enrolled for o programs this year leathercraft anri nu. n. "MuaMUOlieiup, Last year the boys belonging to iook sewing with the girls and learned to crochet. This year the bova hav kij t.i. say and the girls are learning to xae ciuo organized with the same officers and members Of both nrnlea Mm.1 . - . . ' BI1U officers are as follows, Jacquel ine MacGreer, president; George and Marcaret Wash VAn i i ay Thompson, secretary; David Brader, Josephine Brader Rob ert Harris, Richard Jessup, Capie Jessup, Glenn Hash and Billy Stucky. Mrs. Verne Brader will be our club leader again this year for the leathercraft project and Robert TT Kacon r..m u .i ' - 111 Ut tll leader for the marksmanshin project. Nason has been promi nent In BOV Scout work in Purl. land and had a group of scouts in marksmanship there. Last year two of the boys, Da- Ilka Chase, sophisticated star of stage and radio, makes these two foreign dishes in her own kitchen. VIENNA VEAL ROLLS (Serves () Three-fourths pound mush rooms, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 CUD sour cream. II nonnrla veal cutlet sliced thin, 2 medium sized onions, 2 tablespoons fat, 1 tea spoon paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Chop mushrooms fine, saute In butter 5 minutes. Add H tea spoon salt, 2 tablespoons sour cream. Cool. Cut veal into strips Of 2x4 inches, snrinkle eai-h piece lightly with salt and black pepper. Place small amount of mushroom mixture on each Diece of meat, roll up and fasten to- gciner with toothpicks. Slice on ions thin and cook slowlv In lmn frvinc nan in hot fat until iishtw- browned. Add veal rolls and brown well. Add paprika and re maining mushrooms. Cover and cook slowly 1 hour. Remove rolls to heated platter. Pour remain- ins sour cream into nan anH heat thoroughly. Pour resultin taupe over rolls. ENGLISH PORK PIE (Serves 4 to S) One and one-half munHi of lean pork, 1 onion, salt and pep per, 1 pound flour, I cup lard, 1 cup water. 1 ess volk t cm milk. Remove bone and gristle from meat, place In pan and cover with cold water. Bring to boil, skim fattv surface. AHH Ui- onion, season with salt and pep per, simmer for 3 hours. Remove from fire, cut meat Into small cubes. Boll lard and water for several minutes, add to flour which has been sifted with M teaspoon of salt. Stir until of a kneadoble consistency knead until smooth. Cover and stand on top of stove or in a warm place. After t hour, knead nwiln. Di vide dough-setting aside enough to make lids for pie. Make Inriie hollow ovnl bowl of Plough, fill with meat, moistened with a lit tle of stock, cover with Hd. Press down edges, make small hole In center of top, surround It with club and cave a sneers to the pupils. We didn't have any old business. In new business, we elected a vice' president who is Jimmie Alexander and we also elected a news reporter n.v. i. Yvonne Swindler. Then we read our lesson In the breakfast club. we also filled in our rnrH. l then the meetine was ariionmesi by the president. Lilas Yvonne Swindler, News reporter. Hapcr Go Lurkv riv. This is a report of what we did in our club Km-emiu. oo 1941. The meeting was called to order by the president. We Bvc me pieage to tne flag and ! Ik 4 1 the 4-H pledge. The president Relieve misery, as most mothers asKed for old business and then ao- BUB ta for new busineu Then i i throat, chest yells. Mr. Jenkins came to our 1 VaoaOm. kiuiv- w wevr-WBWW rim of dough. Brush top with yolk of egg which has bean beaten tip with milk, fluke 2 hours In niodernte oven. Remove from oven, pour III rrmiilnilfr of stock which has hmtrd. Sorvi cold. Sllner, Athletic Director Per cy Locoy and other officials of the college will attend the Pcl f lo Coast conference meeting Pnlm Springs Monday. FOR HINT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You D Wa Move Yourself Save H Long and Short Trips. STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone (304 1201 East Main ISP4 UVKISRMFRUJS a1"aaaa"a-a YOU'LL TASTE the difference in Libby's Fruit Cocktail. All the five fruits that go into it are as outstandingly delicious as Libby's Hawaiian Pineapple, Libby's California Peaches, Libby's Bartlett Pears. Fruit cocktail makes an easy-fixed appetitcr, salad, or dessert. Get Libby's . . . and be sure of really finefru its. FREE-NEW RECIPE BULLETIN. Hunches for Nutritions Lunches it full of good Idras for packing lunch bos. Addrtu Mary Hal Martin. Libby. M'Neill & Llbbr. Chicago, Illinois. Pineapple, peachts, pears, grapes, cherries each Libby's quality. Delicious.' COLDS JR ' l II i WICKS V Snowdrifr Pur Vgtabl Shortening X lb. Pall 65c SUPER MARKET 9th and Pin - Ph. 3168 STORE NO. 2 1338 Or. Ph. 4714 STORE NO. 3 2200 So. tth Ph. 687S C is for CHILI POWDER by Schilling it's blended Just try if... your search for the finest is ended! Schilling T iriCIS-l IXTSACTS It's at Emil's Food Markers hare more cent Prices rith its Every Day prices that your dollar! effective Friday, Saturday and Monday. What a Break for Pantry-Snoopers i Keep Fresh, Flaky SNOW FLAKES Always on Hand! sweked with good-eating gNOWrtAKB" Extra FRESH I u- '"SI1., Extra '".' .1 a.rM 1 Meat Specials Saturday Only Hamburger or Sausage 8E?.. 2lbf. 35c ist I1'6' lb. 22c Sliced Bacon ir"1d CLaal D!U. OF Kraut I mwml Horn B.UI U BEEF A big quart Rendered lb. 35c .... .b. 15c 10c 4 1. 65c Specials on South 6th St. Bacon. H or Whol Hams. H or Whole. Lb 25c Lb. 26 He Sausag, Country Shortening, Snow Styl .... 2 lb. 25e Cap 4 lbs. 45e Catsup SSwSi ftrnn Our Favorite catsup ,2.ef. bottu Jf Deep Brown large bot. tot 7 "uirw tangy ' ' r' fre rushed to your from th f" right "VVfrii& Xlesome. end SNUW riMivw Nothing VZLcVZ a hPPi rt esaertsp .ll evening tnan v for 35c 10c 10c 25c 35c 27c 25c comes along FRESH - FROM -THE -OVENS BAKED BY "NABISCO I Snow Raies NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Damno 13M-OS "CMIIJ C, Pumpkin 2N8eniM Salmon T'c.rk 2 CmIimmm Msrrimac Brand daimOn Columbia. No. M s Da sMt- Libby's No. 4 Sieve O I No etn b for , Garden Brand, No. 303 can ... 3 for 23 Eggs, Grade A Large Dozen 37c Crackers TZuSox 19c Starch l Co'n 4 29c Assorted A Flavors dIcoi. 5C Corned Beef 24c SZW Oven Baked Beans Lc.r: 17c Brown Bread J 15c Sm Peas r. 2 N-n? 33c Produce 8pdls Frl. and Sat. Only Oranges B00rx 252 1 19 Oranges f?u,1deI.ura..,,,,2,do.. 25c Grapefruit iro.80 ' do.. 45c Klamath Nttd Cams Potatoes SoA' 10 Ib.. 23c Washington Roman Bauty Apples c'rn.7. boxl Washington Dalielous Apples FJUoV s; Madlum Sis (For Baking) Sw. Potatoes 4lbf. 17c Lunch Tongu Swift's Premium Can 18c Deviled Meat Swift's Premium No. 4 Cn 6 Cam 25c Coffee Chi It 8nborn Drip or Rg. Grind 1 Lb. Can 3 Lb. Can 31c 85c SW Asparagus rNT2, 27c Spinach JJ; 2 for 27c Kraut yrL 11c 'or 2S 625c No. 2M can No. 1 Tall Can . 3 UaI C.. D.l Tomato Sauce 6ean, Josephine Brand. Extra Standard Dole Pineapple Coral Sa Brand No. 2 Can a Fancy Sllcad No. 2 Can 15c 17c Havn leans' No. 2M Can 3 2 for for for 29c 25c 29c 23c 25c 27 2 Cant (20-or. sixe) Standby OVEN BAKED BEANS 1e With each 49-lb. Sack Swonsdown FAMILY FLOUR $1.99 ALL FOR SAOO Tomatoes Tender Sweet ..n Choice Quality. corn No. Jos e z., Mll- Cosmos Brand worn No. 2 Cin Marrimac Brand A MMMaii Midium Sis. Asparagus No. 2 e. Large Sis. No, 2 Can Bella Fruita or Dal Haven Grapefruit CN." 2 Meo Brand (In Syrup) Kadota Figs Walnuts 8K?,,.dlum Mixed Nuts " Homestead wwwim.w mui a f8r Ju Raisins 29c Olives Above Pr Brand Jumbo Sis Tall cai 19c Tuna Fish White Star 0fm No. M can --C Hormal Spam 31c 2 lor 25c Peanuts lbs. for for 29c ib.. 35c 45c 35c Can Swansdown Cake Flour Large Pkg. 25c Milk Swift Premium Tall Can j' 4 for OOC Case . . . $3.99 RINSO, giant pkg 60c RINSO, large pkg 21e LUX TOILET SOAP, bar 6c LIFEBUOY SOAP, bar 6e LUX FLAKES, large pkg 22e Sugar , White Satin B.V.b: 6k fa5," $1.52 100 Lb. te aa Bag PJiOV at