D!mW B, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN 0 Mulligatawny--You Don't Sing It, You Eat It Ellen Dullon, Canadian con-! lert planlal, llvi-cl for many yrnri In London. Slio now makea her permanent home In the United Suite nnd aaya Unit her fuvorltc rndlnn nnd KuKllnli cllnlirH me aerveri In miiny Anirrirnii ron taiirnutc, cooked excellently. Mia Unllnn'a own family recipe for typically llrlllali food, with n illlfht AniiMii'Cin accent, Include three fuvorltc rilnhr. BAKED CANADIAN BACON (B.rr.a 4 lo 6) One half cup brown tuviir, 2 pound tinidlccd Cnnndlnn bncon, teaaponn dry muntnrd, Mi cup pineapple Julrc. Mix IhorouKhly UKiir. itiiih lrd and fruit Juice. Sprcud venly over nicnl. Iliike In n modrmloly alow oven without cover for 1 hour. filiate every 1 hour. If desired, place lireii nf pineapple In pun 13 minutes be fore roaat la finished mid uprln kit with little, miKiir. Serve hot urrounded with Klnrcl pine apple allcca. MULLIGATAWNY SOUP (S.rv. 4 to 6) One and one-half pounda mut ton. 2 Inrge onion, 2 carrot, i mall white turnip, 1 bnyleaf, paralry, thyme, 1 1 Uihleapoona 'flour, I tableapoon curry pow der, 4 cupa of atoek and 4 cupa of water (or 8 cupa of water), 3 tablcapooni lemon Juice, aalt. Slice veiietable and fry In fnt until llnhtly browned, add incut which haa been cut Into amitll rube, rry IlKbtly. Sprinkle with flour nnd curry powder, Stir well, add :.tn( It untl water, In inn to a quirk bull. Sklni UiiirniiKlily. Add herbi and icaaonlnK, lnv mer over a low flame for II houra. Strain. Add meat cuhea to clear llcpild, brlnu to a boll, odd lemon Juice. Simmer for ft mlnutea. Serve with Mlcnmcd rlee. ENGLISH TEA BISCUIT Sift loKethnr: 8 cupa flour, teanpoou aodn, i teaapoon nut mi'K, I cup butler, 3 cupa atiKur, 1 cup cienin, 3 CKIf beaten alluhtly. Illend butter Into the flour. Add cngi and cream and knead Into a amooth dough. Roll thin and cut into largo round cake. Hake at 400 degree K. until light brown. MENU II It K A K K A S T : Stewed prunea in nrnnge Juice, oat meal, loa.il, Jelly, coffee, milk. I.UNCIIKON: Tomato Juice, arramblel egga with left-over vegetables, wholewheat toaat, baked tipple, ten, milk, DINNKII: Mulligatawny uup, ateamed brown rice, let tuce and green pepper aabid, ntcamed marmalndo pudding, foamy lemon anuce, coffee, milk. Chemult 4-H Club Holds Meeting CHEMULT The Chemult 411 club had II flrat meeting of the aenann with nine member en rolled. It wn voted to have the meeting on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. The group will hnve leatheroraft n It project under thn leader ship of the local lender, Mrs. Verne Hrnder. Mr. H. R. Nnson will Instruct the uroun In rifle practice under affiliation with the Junior NflA on the second Snturdnys nfter the business meetings. Officers elected are: Jacque line MacfJrcer, president; Rob ert Harris, vlee-preafdent and yell lender; Fay Thompson, sec retary nnd treasurer; Dnvld Bra dor, news reporter. Other mem bers are: Dwlght Coble, Glenn Hash, Josephine Bradcr. Mar garet Hash, nnd George Hash. Our lender will attend the lenders meetings nt the Elk ho tel In Klnmnth Fnlls on Decem ber 14 nnd 1.1. Whan in Madford Star at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Jo and Anne Earler Proprietor Lamb Auctioned for $1.75 per Pound LOS ANGKLKS. Dec. 3 (AP So you think meat prices are high? The grand champion lumb of the Great Western Livestock 1 how an HI) pound Southdown : owned by Howard Vaughn of i Dixon. Cnllf. was auctioned j Thursday for I1S6.7S, or nearly $1.75 per pound. j Great Western offlclnl anld I thl established a world record. ! The previous high listed was $1.10 a pound, pnld last month In San Francisco. But other record showed $2 a pound wa paid in 1028 for a ; champion lamb at Chicago. Chops from the chnmp would bring $15 a pound at retail. Breeding champion Included: : Aberrieen-angiu Junior: Gut- j trldge 100th, John F. Gutterldge, Prairie City, Ore. j The Are Our Everyday Chicken Pricei! There are approximately 40.-) 000 to 800,000 rivet used In the 1 production of a (Ingle airplane. FREE Delivery Phone 4282 TT Trulove's Chicken Center 919 EAST MAIN SATURDAY SPECIALS! Hens Pork Chops Pork Steak Bacon White Fryers Whit lb. 20' lb. 29c lb. 25c lb. 27c lb. 25' "It strves the customers right You can't make a bad cup of MJB" tuiANNAi Sam fun for you, be ing caet at a soda-jcrkrr in thit picture. It all that ttuff rtalt JACKlli Sure it. What'U you have eiip of coffee f Jackie Cooper ttlli Susanna Totter on the jj, f"7 '"Yf"-' Y"' let of Paramount'i"GLAMOVK BOY" j S' """""""'"'' "W . tl I jAt MM I . , a,-jLi .': 4;.fc3 tuiANNAi Snu, you're, no nloueh at watering the br.nntl This t' a wn'fo utrong but goodl JACKlli Just a fee and I'll make tome weaker coffee for you. tuiANNAi .' twell, Jackie. How'd yon get to hep to thin coffee-making actt JACKlli Cinch I iie M. J. B. It's plenty O. K. every time strong or weak or in-between. Ilere'swhy Itnevcr fnllal Make your cofToo with tho aamo rare a ynu have In the past. Theso two exclusive M. J, Tl. features a uniform roant and dnvbtn blending will give yoi the fin est cup of coff oeyou evor lasted 1 GUARANTEE. Buy a pound of M. J. I). Try it for a week. If you don't aree it' better than any other coffee return the lid to M.J. H.Co., Ran Fran ciaoo, and wo will refund rfouftl. your purclinso price. DRIP HND...for drip or glasi coffee makers. REGULAR olN0..,for percolator or coffee pot. Many of th good thing of Chrktmat (tart right In your own krtchan . . . Ilka hamamada cakM, candiat, ttuffatJ cjata. toaitati almond dippod in chocolato. But that daJkexiot that havo brkjhtonod tha holiday oaon for gorv oration mutt bo proparodioforohand. Lot u hoh. You'll find all your nood at Safoway. I CAI T tlMii I Mailmum, plain of ioetna KEEN SHORTENING. CANDIED PEEL CATSUPCHB SALAD DRESSING OuettM. tf-oc. Jar MAYONNAISE Nu MaM, Itoi. botlM BAKING POWDER eiabtw Olrl, Ma. CHOCOLATE SYRUP H...h,. HEINZ CHILI SAUCE,,,.,, bo til . Oranc w Lwneti, 4Vm BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE I bird. QU"""i &zjr Vtf t. Z . 1 FLOUR v VirToTn feCl RED 'ARROW LAjT4 r o ct Sir-9' "our l743 tOlB I gf 4!rlb. ak 1.29 rfi'rf Sr$-5' ESl'i- mmmmml "Q U ARANTEED I ?0 fSTJA I AdvrtUd Prices Art Good Thru Monday, Dec. 8 ' - . H-i, k. 7c Mb. . 196 Pint Jir 2tor29e Zle 25c 20c - 9c 23c 29c SUGAR Whit Satin 10-lb. Bag 251b. Bag .. 1001b. Sack .. 61c $1.52 $5.80 C & H Or S.a bland . ST 63c JS?-- $1.57 WbM tkert! What's a "mce size" onmge? He, H1 ttttrnk p the tern "oxee etW tnwm We mw Hue iroctr ed in the f Hmluy Cridwt, leal It Herd U Ufl vbether "ulet eite" oraoft at to nvk a tleecn art a rood bara-aitt or not? Maybe em of at thlaka a Mc Jvfcy oranft la ake eite. But maybe tin ttort man means aotMthing eee ajrain. Sana eray tf eranrea are advertraed at "tarft." QueeUoa U HOW Urte? Uvtx tkt InmbU u ftaWl tW aWeet art ueUp ytvea by U iotn! Way aet prke craafca by tha pound, likt benarua then yoa eould get an idea aboat vaJttta froea reading the grocery ada. Asd aim Jvtea i Uevy and aitip and H kfkt, ftm wonldnt pay a big price for bigger arangaa with thkk akina and antcri palp. He. Tba weight kmM trfl ye. Sa Safeway today and from now an ertcra rangea the FULL-VALUE WAY BY THE FOUND We do the aaaM oa oii our fruiu and wgeubtaa. Coate in and are how math better new prtcirag plan makea poaaiMe. Produce Prices for Saturdoy Only, Dec. 6rh Celery CrUp, Utah typ . lb. 5c Oroncjes n.w op nbt. or juic. vi. Jb. 6c Firm. Smooth Carrois W.ll hap.d.'Topt off 3 lb. 70c Bananas Colden. yellow fruit fa. 7V2C Winter Banana. , mApplGS For Cooking or Eating faOX $749 U. S. No. 1 Potatoes Klamath Cm.... 7 0 b. 25c U. 8. Mo. J Potatoes Klamath Cm .... 50 lb. Bag 79c Spinach Young, Tender L.ar.a. Lb .. . 5 Eggs, Grade A Large Dozen 37c eTr ! V, boy JJk I HONEY New Pack S-lb. Can . 43c BEEF You'll har no trouble finding your favorite meat cut at your nearest Safe, way market ond you will be please with the superb quality of every cut or the lowest possible price. YOU MUST BE SATISFIED or your money refunded without quibble or question. 1 money Meat Prices for Saturday Only, December 6 Yeal Roasts Lb. 19c -Lb.25c Pork Steak . Xb 25c Pork Chops Xb 29c Pure Pork Sausage 2lbi. 39c Siloed Bacon Beef Roasts ...Lb. 19c Boiling Beef SZL-l. 15c Good for St.ws or to S.rr. with Noodln. Slrlion Steak Lb.29c Ground Round , Steak Lb. 25c Ground Beef 2IbI.35c Veal Shoulder Steak 1 Ho rind.......Lb. Oysters ..pt. 29c 29c Grade "A" for Steaming, Savory St.wa for Cold, Winter days. Corn ?;r0 3lor25c P eas NofsM tIm 3 0r 25c String Beans .;.. 3 for 25c Tomatoes 3 for 33c Oleo margarine Sunny Bank 1- lb. pkg. 15c . 2- lb. pkg. 29e Com Flakes K.llogg's Giant Sise Pkg. 3 for 19c CORN MEALy.o. f whlta, Mb. baf 32c DOG FOOD nay Flr, No. 1 an 6,29c PORK-BEANS Nmpon, No. MIL. 10c TOMATO JUICEiun. Dawn, 4e-oi. aan 19c JUICE r' """" " Srapafrull SUNBRITE" CLEANSER 2,., 9c SOAP LlLfa,"l","d- 19c "S37c SOAP H.lLVV,'"'"",di 49c PEAS Sugar. Bella. No. 1 tan - 2for 25c CORN wtw" 2,or 25c CORN 60untry Mom Crtm 2 23c GRAPEFRUIT H0:!Tri!!!!'.2fl,r25c PALMOLIVE For Tour CompUtloa R.g. Bar 6c LJEisSiSZ uu i ii Velvet Snds Ivory Large Bar 10o UNIT STARCH lil-w. packta. e AROO PEACHES Outla trnu No. V, mm I9C PINEAPPLE GEMS ,r 3..r 25c PINEAPPLEC'T.,ri2,r25c SHRIMP..;'!: 1 5c SYRUP Sleepy Hollow, 4Vlb, tan 55c VINEGAR Htlru eidtr, pint mttlt 10c VAN0 Ouarl bottla .29c DEVILED MEAT L 9c PICKLES .r:.1:::""" j 7e SAUCE CH'nttn" I3e SANIFLUSH M-oi. aaa I9c KAFFEE HAG . 33c 4,25c 23c 13 c SWEDISH MINTS, . ... I7e 21c dhbv rnnn hi, aiMai l www Largo aaokaio . F nil B Panoaka, Aunt Jomlma, wwaa MARSHMALL0WS 4,., flATC Quaiitr Raaular or Quloli. UM I d Lam paMixo FIG BARS trr. 23e CRACKERS Hl-Ho, MO. fitm 19c