iO Docomhor ft. 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREH SURPRIS E SEEN FOR 0. S. in wan By DeWITT MacKENZIE Wide World War Analyst Tho Clilrnxo Trlljiinn ciuisod much cllneunnlon with Its copy. rlHhtril rupnrt Unit a Joint iirmy mi vy honril lm iicMircl n con-fidi-nUnl rfcoinini'iiiliition which Inchiilcs provision for mi Aincrl run cxpcdtllniiiiry finer iif B.- 000. 00(1 to fliflil Ihr iixln hy July 1. 1UKI. That report will iitlr dlvrrna rinotliiiifi iiiiiomk thn American public I ml xirprlnn nhouldn't lr nnr of thrm. Sui'rly tbrro can bo few pro pie who don't rpcognlro by thin llmo Hint thn United States In lit wnr with tho iixln. Snicii thin It (rue, tho loKlcnl rorollnry In thnt tho uovcrnnicnt imint br prepared to Implement thv commitment by uctlon. Thin ini'iiim thnt our nrmy and nnvy i hlefs prepare plans, nnd they it i i it do kii brforo the rvrnt hntt luit uftrr It, unless we hnvr , hern brrrft of nil reason. An White lluu.c Srcrctiiry Strphrn Early pointed out yes trrdny. It in the duty of tho nnvy mul Ihr unny, even in pruce limes, "to Mudy mid (Irvine plans for nil poNMihlr rmerifcncles. Kvcn thn most improbnblo situa tions nro studied unci planned." Every mnjor power in the world linn filed nwuy In ltd se t ret urchlvm plans ciilculutcd to meet all sorts of hypothetical position. It would be astonish ing nnd disconcerting to Irnrn, for Instance, thnt our flRhtlntf brandies didn't hnve dr. tnilrd plnnii for our conduct In rvrnt of wnr with Jnpnn. And the Japanese, shrewd people thnt they nro, nnturnlly nre equally prepared. I'll even wnijer. despltn the traditional talk nbout the "Inv pnMlblllty of wnr between Amrrlrn nnd Kniilund," thnt our wnr and nnvy department know whnt thry would do If the lm poMlhlr hnpprnrd. Most rrrtnlnly If Hltlrr trim an Invasion of Hrllnln and thnt remains n possibility the Brit ish will ask us for nnvnl aid un less thry nre nble to crush the nnzl attempt rlnht at the start. Should things go hndly for the nllies In tho Mrditrrranran. thrre would be a demand for our nnvy. We don't need to rehash the d ah fern of tin Japanese-American crisis. Hut whnt nbout n American expeditionary hind force any tho 8,000.000? Well, come tho spring nnd the Intensified fight ing, the allies nro going to need , WrII-lrninrd nnd wrll-cqiilppcd i manpower. It will be n stir prise If thry don't turn to Uncle , Sam for It. Tho great call for man-power will come from the middle east nnd the Russian theatre, as I ' view it. More nnd more It seems thnt this front will develop the decisive Innd engagements of the wnr. As remarked before, ulti mately tho nllies will undertake n Invasion of western Europe, but this enn only come nfter the Herman reslstnnco has been bro. ken from other directions. Tho British hnve a ureal army In. tho Ilritlsh Isles for defenso, or for western continental Inva nlon when the time Is ripe. The Yankees will ho wanted In east ern Europe nnd tho mlddlo enst as things look now. DOG HOUSE ANNEX CHICAGO, Dec. 4 (UP) Mm. Bessie Redmcr, seeking a divorce nnd $300 a month alimony, charged lodny that her husband , built nn linnex on tho family dog house, Installed a telephone and moved In. Superior Judge Joseph Sab bnlh delayed decision. I ' . j. . it I Shoes for Salvation Army '''' ' fl k Alt ' ' i i 4 1 h j t4 Elsewhere In Oregon By Tha Aisoclatad Pr EUGENE, Dec. 5 W The Werner Timber company of Taft has contracted to plant 900,000 seedling trees on iU logged-over urea's, the West Coast Lumber men's association reported today. BEND, Dec. 5 (rt'i Drifting snow piled up on the McKcnzie Pass highway last night and highway maintenance crewa struggled to keep the route open. As soon as the snow Is too deep to clear with push plows, the highway will be closed for the winter. ALBANY, Dec. 5 (Farm ers in this area have agreed to plant 331 acres of flax if a co operative retting and scutching plant is built. County Agent Floyd C. Mullen said today. A total of 1000 acres is needed to assure the plant, he said. McMINNVILLE, Dec. 5 VP) The fourth annual Pacific coast turkey show opened here yes terday with 490 birds entered from points as far distant as Sonoma, Calif., and Bcllingham, Wash. . Malarkey's Wage Losing War With Rat Problem PORTLAND, Dec. 9 MV The Tom Malarkeys wished today they could start all over again in coping with their rat problem. When rodents began pester ing them in unusual numbers they planted poison around their Portland Heights home. The rats ate the poison, scamp ered into the basement, crawl ed into an aperture In the fur nace ventilating system and, forthwith, died. Unable to reach the dead critters, the family tried pour ing a strong disinfectant down the hole, which served only to make bad matters worse. The odor, heightened by heat from the furnace and well circulated by the furnace fans, was less endurable than any number of live rats, so they, shut off the heat and shivered. It looked today as though a big furnace dismantling Job was the only solution. COT THE ROAD. CORVALLIS, Ore., (JPj A deer stubbornly refused to yield the right of way to Bill Craft. Craft left his car, took the ani mal by the horns and tried to shove it off the highway. The deer tossed his head angrily. The barrel of ud shoes traded In on a new pair as used automobiles are traded In on new ones shown in this picture wis donatod by Frank Bogatay. of Mot'i tho department (at left), to the Salvation Army. Mrs. Norman Bowyer (right). Is accepting tha shoes for the Army. London Charges Administration Controls Radio TOPEKA. Kus.. Dec. 9 (!') Alf M. Landon told the Young Republicans in convention lust night tho "administration con trols the radio" and said "wo nre overlooking x x x the systematic campaign to discredit the press. London, unsuccessful republi can candidate for president In 10:itl, said administration spokes men nre "nttrmpting to usr the holy cause of national solidarity In this grent crisis as a smoke screen to stop all criticism of domestic policies nnd the nation al defense failures." "We are overlooking thr perils in the third term business." Lnn don went on, "the systematic campaign to discredit the prrss over a long period of years, the continual support of those who bcllrvc our capitalistic system is a failure and no longer can per form its historic function. "the administration controls the radio. If it can make the peo ple of tho country lose confi dence In the press, and eliminate any rrnl wortli whllo minority parly, thrn nnything is possible. We will hnve a one-party system and the machinery to perpetuate it." Altamont Attending the ball gnme at Eu gene Saturday wns A. C. Olson nnd C. Howe of Merrill. On the sick list nre Mrs. Ilrlen Perry of Hlsbrc slrrrt nnd Mrs. Ronrk of Delaware nvenuo. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. E. Leo have moved from Blsbce street to Owens. Mr. nnd Mrs. Brown will occupy their former house. Tho So nnd Sew club which meets on Wednesday had a get together Saturday night and the women with their hushnnds had a progrrssive dinner. Dessert wns srrved at Mr. nnd Mrs. Chuck Provost's homo In Mer rill. Those In tho pnrty were: Mr. and Mrs.Wnyne Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Churchill Jones, Mr. nnd FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Jantien "Caribou" Sweater for Skiing and Sports $8.95 DREW'S MANSTORE l MAIN MORE HEAT FOR YOUR MONEY Evary drop of Stindard Furnace Oil fairly bulfi with hast (many axact. Ing tfitl ata to that). Every drop burns compleltly goal farlhar. Kaepa your burnar clean and at peak performance xtvei you money. Standard Furnace Oil oulielliall oth er! in lha Wnt became it deliver! the maximum value for your fuel dollar. i Mrs. Louis Bundcrson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bill Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bundcrson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lrland Reeves, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bob Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Botcns nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Chuck Provost. Mrs. Whentlcy's Bible class mrt t Mrs. Norscth's, 4B29 South Sixth street, Mondnv. with 19 Indies present. Tho Altamont E. U. Study club will meet Friday. December 5, at 3117 liisber street, nt 2 p. m. Sleopy?...Try Wieland's Ale at bedtime for 30 days note changel Three Portland Pedestrians Killed PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 5 W) Traffic accidents claimed the lives of three pedestrians in and near Portland last night. Minnie Brackcbush. 76, Scholls Ferry road, was struck by an east-bound car as she crossed Canyon road south of the city. Her companion. Herman Black. 48, leaped backward to avoid the car and was struck by a west-bound car. An unidenti fied man rff about 60 was fatally injured on S. E. Sandy boulevard. p Irfr&l Vocuun, Oconee- J Worth $125 Non-Glare Non-Mor Black Crinkle Finish Head! Modern Kenmore Rotary 95 Also Terms Guaranteed, for 20 Years! Sows Backward, Forward! Walnut Veneer Cabinet! Mends clothes, darns socks, ond thanks to a com plete set of attachments, adds that "professional touch" to garments! Georgian style matched wal nut veneer cabinet. Full size rotary head, automat ic light. $10 sewing course included at no extra cost. ' Liberal Trade-in Allowance an Your-Old Machine! $7.95 Garment Bag and Commander Vacuum ONLY Also Terms $45 Value! Power Plus! Cots all. the dirt from corners and cracks! Cleans rugs, drapes, furni ture, etc. Scaled lubrication, floating brush in rug nozzle. Handsome gar ment bag at no extra cost. Phone 5188 for Free Home Trial! Liberal Trade-In Allowance on Your Old Cleaner! SEND Photographic GREETING CARDS made from your own snapshots Bring the oentiTea of your fmTorite mipjbotjto oar store. Choose from the many designs we offer the type of card too wish. Then leare the rest to us. For your mailing list youll hare a card that's personal and d tinctiTC, yet the cost will be surprisingly low. PRICES: 10 Cards with Envelope! $1.00 25 Cards with Envelope! $2.40 Underwood's Photo Service 211 Underwood Bldg. - Dial 4S19 Klamath Falls. Or. pitching Craft headlong Into a I . Morning glories and potato ditch, then bounded away. I are close kin. ' YOUR PORTRAIT!! BRUNO tiissa - W ' ' k ,i .iff ' - f ANYWAY I ' "V, ' , . I V . ft , . J J . I j J Jym 1 " "Ji'.v 1 KSs ,lQrn y PHOTOGRAPH W COLORED IN OILS lti ii r. 1 Con.plat. JL ,f' ' Ji ; OPEN SUNDAYS rWS glamour . W I ' X. till Christmas A makeup eonsultant will tnucb up Hps, eyes, com ' plexton to get beat camera ee. ' Special Prices en Family Group Portraits . Out-of-Ton Customers Glten Immedtate Attention! Free out Wrapplna. ffiOBCrSSCD 521 Main Open Evenings 7 to 9 0 BfST mt no. , Co Froek J?sMa.t- A PWc. ... flSdued tor ? o 6J. Iter r. ... . v'lu- Up ... .,, 101 o' cur .ii'-TOI Odd lots, broken linei, morkdowns, reductions, give away prices! Ten big bargains at Sears for Saturday , only so be ready! Quantities are limites, and these are real values! They'll go in a hurry! ad Valu gWl"9' 8fST . N0- S duc.d,Cup,d d tot a-w- Colotiui P" ecu. aDu. BEST ,tT...' . NO. 4 ..''.Af Wool - " A Mm A - V' ., ,.;:-.r . t. . - -iar bin "" JarL.... wUe He.t. - 'aosei BEST BET NO. 7 50 Ft Hank Clothes Line Rag. Sold for 59c Good strong clothesline at a give-away prlcel Buy now for future needs I BEST BET NO. 8 Reduced! 8 Only! SKI CARRIERS Reg. priced at $3,691 Priced to clearl Reduced Just In time for the ski season! Just t2 of these bargains! BEST HO. 9 ,dl ifomen' 166 ...nnL SUM- - dueed x - - .Best Bet No. 10 Children's Cotton BATH ROBES Cotton Slippers Attached . All sine far mile faneae and slrMI Real barsalfie, aa thr atwufd asii at . eii , ntduaeoi 99c 1 -vi PEYTON & CO. (II 5 Market AGENTS Phon SI49 133 So. 8th Dial 5188 e