PAGE SIXTEEN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON December B, 1MT PO Employes Air Annual Headaches For Gift Mailers "Christmas comes but once fear . . ." and thank heaven, say postal employes. I." The ' holiday rush Is Just around the corner and men and Women employed by Uncle Sam to weigh, insure, carry and de liver letters, packets, packages and bundles, are ready for the onslaught at the postoffice win dows. Pet Peeves . There are a few pet grievances which postal employes are nurs ing and which they hope, in a big way, to get over lo Mr. ana nirs. Percy P. Public. Such as put ting cokes in flimsy boxes, and wrapping with pretty. Despang' led paper, and writing addresses on all four sides of the packages s if they didn't expect the clerk or deliveryman to get it the first time. A dearth of foreign mailing doesn't mean the postal clerk is going to get away with an easy season, by any means. Little or no mail has been shipped to far away countries although there has been a little activity along the route to the Philippines and Hawaiian islands. Case in Point V Now just pretend you're stand ing behind the counter and you've licked enough stamps to stretch clean across the Platte river., .Up comes a breathless patron at one minute to 5 o'clock and announces that she has "just made it," when the parcel post window, in its long years of es tablishment, has never closed before 6 o'clock. In her arm is a cake, probably going to a homesick boy in camp. . The cake is in a thin box and the clerk, after many such experiences, says "Lady, is this a cake?" To which the patron replies in the affirmative but im mediately is on her mettle and announces In a firm voice that the cake will go through and she has mailed them that way for - years. (Yes," mutters the Clerk, "the cake will go through --like a pudding.") Wi Here's How At this time of the year there should be a house-to-house can vass of all persons who antici pate mailing packages between now and Christmas week. An other person should follow on the heels of the canvasser and offer a cn .se t instruction in .package wrapping. A few sim ple rules, -to be sure, but how the postoffice has worked to get them - through - a lot of heads, first .of all, wrap your parcel In' strong white or brown paper. You can use ornate Christmas wrappings underneath as well as Stickers and seals, etc. Next comes the string. - Use strong heavy cord if possible and wrap several times, tying in a strong, substantial knot. If you must use light string, place it around the package numerous times and then knot carefully where the threads cross. " Now for the address system. ADDRESS ON ONE SIDE OF THE PACKAGE only! The clerk must scratch off all other ad-, dresses and you'll probably end up by sending a very messy package to Aunt Nettie back in Mishawaka. If the postal clerk advises you that your package is not wrap ped sufficiently, lady, don't ar gue. Postoffice employes, like Mamma, know best. According to a questionnaire filled out by the clerks, the customer does not exist who will respond to this warning without an argument that the package IS wrapped suf ficiently and they'd better get going across country with the parcel or else . Lack of Faith Very hard on self-respect of postal employes is the lack of faith the patrons have in them The general public, advises the local window clerk, has far more faith in foreign mails than do mestic. When asked to sign the customs card and to indicate just what disposition he wants made of the package if it is not delivered, the sender invariably gets a smug look in his eye. and remarks, "Oh, it'll get there all right, it always does." The same customer, nine out of 10 times. will insure to the gills anything is to be sent through the mails for delivery within our own borders. Another pet peeve of the pos tal clerk and one he now meets with seething patience, is the customer who asks as a special favor that his or her package, as tne case may be, be delivered Tight side up. - Foreign Mail Postoffice customers are ad vised that letters and packets may now be sent to foreisn countries by way of Lisbon, but ircm mat point on Uncle Sam relinquishes all responsibility. Rules on this foreign mailing may be obtained from the postmaster. In the past, heaviest foreign mail went to England, Ireland, Sweden and Italy. Little or no mail has gone to the two latter countries. There is a terrific mail exchange between Canada and the United States. Just a few more reminders from the harrassed postoffice: Don't use oily, tinsel, or dark colored paper; stamps or stickers will not adhere to oiled or tin sel paper; dark colored paper does not show the address clear ly, don't attach address stickers with light seals on corners, use stickers with full glued surface and stick thoroughly or write address directly on wrapper. Full name as well as mailing address must be on your return, if not the clerk will hand it back to you. Do not use Christmas seals or tape on the flaps of wrappers. The cjerk will either remove them or charge you let ter rate. Insure the package! And now, girls and boys, let's see what we can do for the post man and his holiday headache! This is not the time to wait and 'see. It Is time to think and act Nicholas Murray Butler, president, Columbia University. HIGH SCHOOL News Notes and Comment S"i! sx " f--N. As a sort of after thought the Boys' Alliance got the brilliant idea of getting some chickens for prizes at the carnival Frt ji day night, De- ccmoer o. iney bought 17 of the fowl and with seven ducks Blso purchased and the 10 pound goose do nated by Mrs. H. B. Largent the carnival could very easily be mistaken for a barnyard. The Alliance would be more than happy to see everyone in Klamath Falls and surrounding area at the big gym December 5 at 8 o'clock. A meetine of the .student coun cil was held Thursday and more chances in the constitution were discussed and read to the mem bers. As soon as the entire pro posed changes are in order and ready for votins. the student body will be informed at a spe cial meeting. The home room representatives were asked to get any suggestions from mem bers of the home room and tire- sent them at the next session. Also a couDle of motions were made and passed. One was sub mitted bv Marcille Kevnnlrix fnr the Honor society. Her bill will grant a half-day holiday to the top ranking home room in grades the second and third six wepltc of school, and a half-day holiday tor tne home room that makes the most improvement. I The second was read hv r.on Love and was about the Uerf Cross membership drive. His mo- tion was Dassed. and stntpH that each member of the student body : Dnng s cents if possible and when a dollar is raised the room i Will Join the Red Cross mH nil money collected over the dollar i wm either go to the Hi-Y or the RoH r,nc. ; i t i I has been left up to the home rooms. The meetine that uled for the Parents-Patrons ciuo December 11 has been post poned until the second Wednes day in January. . The Krater came nut T-v. - uay with new tvnp t smooins out the pages and gives neater look. The Krater this tim u,. usual ud to little over. A Classified nH riAn.rtmn( -f k4Vl(k was added this time nH several ads. The Krater charges 5 cents for six words. The Pelican Bay Lumber com- FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Stetson Hat or gift cer tificate Nothing could be finer. $5 up. DREW'S MANSTORE . 711 MAIN Mil IW d !Lr Ports'. on A" pany has made and given to the Hi-Y several extra large wooden boxes for the food gathered in their drive. The Krater wishes to make a correction of an error which ap peared in the Carlisle Jewelry store ad which appeared In the last issue. The line should have read, Vail fair trade items EX CLUDED." Lake view Youths Leave for Army LAKEVIEW Eight Lake county boys and two transfers left today on the stage for Klam ath Falls where they will take the train north to Fort Lewis, Wash., to enter the army for training. Those who left were Cecil C. Collier, James Bert Gerking, John Ralph Hay, James Thomas McDonald Jr., Lytton Plato, Charles Edward Stone, Al ton William Lemberger and Her man White, all of Lake county, and Donald Cress and Edward Crement Gunkel, transfers. This makes approximately two hund red young men, draftees, enlist ments, and reserve officers who have gone to date from Lake county. Rotary Entertains Honker Grid Team LAKEVIEW The Lakevtew Rotary club entertained Coach "Dutch" Wlngard and the Lake view high school football squad at its weekly luncheon yesterday at the Lakeview hotel. Doug Fetsch, a member of the team and an honorary member of the club, was program chairman for the day. The boys told of the thrills and spills of the season just closed and those who are seniors told of their plans for the coming year. MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Ninth Street, Corner Pine Diol 3188 EVERYBODY'S WEARING EASY-TO-GET-INTO I EASY-TO-LAUNDER I EASY- ON -TH E - EYES ! 29 You'll ehorm even o grumpy family If you look like thit in the morning! Crlip percales made like a housecoat with all the comfort and style tricks of a drew. Wear it all day long In the house, shopping or serv Ing company leal Sizes 14-44. OTHERS AT ... 1.69 Ninth it Pint AAA ELECTIONS SCHEDULED DECEMBER 12 Approximately 900 farmers, members of the Klamath Coun ty Agricultural Conservation as sociation, participating In the 1941 AAA program, are eligible to vote next week at the annual AAA community elections, Fred Rueck, county chairman, an nounced Thursday. Community committees and delegates to the county conven tions will be chosen at the com munity election meetings, all of which have been scheduled for December 12 at 8 p. m. at the following places: Merrill basement of commun ity hall: Henley Henley grange hall (near Mac's store); Bonanza agricultural building, high school; Fort Klamath Women's Civic Improvement club build ing. A general discussion of the 1942 AAA and Food for Defense programs will precede the bal loting at these meetings. Evory farmer will be given an oppor tunity to learn more about the programs now In operation In the county and to make sugges tions or recommendations for Improving the programs appli cable for this county. These rec ommendations will be carried by the county committee to the state conference the following week. Following the community elec tions, delegates to the county convention will meet to review tho business of the association during the past program year, and to elect county committee men for 1942. "Triple A'a role In the all-Important food for defense program will place added responsibilities on all AAA committeemen dur ing the coming year," Ruock said. "I believe that this is all the more reason why everyone who has a vote should attend the community meeting and help name the men who will handle this increased responsibility," the chairman added. I STATIC ELIMINATOR LOS ANGELES, Deo. 6 P) An amateur radio operator who picked up messnges from Amelia Earhart on her fateful around tho world flight In 1937 has de veloped his receiver until he claims It Is more effective In eliminating static thnn any now available. The amateur, Karl E. IMorson, asserted shortly after Miss Ear hnrt's ship was forced down that ho had picked up signals from It and now declares he Is posi tive of it. Plerson said the army signal corns has made testa of the re ceiver at Its Fort Monmouth lab oratories st Red Bank, N. J., and tins oraorea some oi warn. Dr. Lee De Forest,' sometimes culled the father of radio, ds clnred Plorson'l receiver elim inates noises far more effectively than any he has seen, "My only Interest tn his re. celvor is one that I have In sny new development," said Dr. De Forest. "Plerson has accom plished what no other radio en gineer has succeeded In doing. "He employs speclsl silencers which possess the unique quality of cutting out or reducing In their Intensity to an astounding degree all sorts of Interference. "It undoubtedly will prove so Important fuctor In military ra dio communication." Heel Repairing a Specialty Highest Quality Fast Service CONNERS SHOE SHOP 121 N. 8th St. QUALITY FURS t Fair Prices! (Liberal Terms) Expert Remodeling el Reasonable Ratesl CUMMINGS Fur Shop ItS So. 7th Phone MIS NO DOWN PAYMENT Stylish GUARANTEED EYE GLASSES ONLY . A WEEK NO INTEREST . . NO EXTRAS ... NO RED TAPE TOO R Reflect Sparkling Beauty I Hollywood make-up experts say that EYES are the focal point of BEAUTY that eyes should mirror sparkling charm always! Be SAFE be SURE! Why take a chance that eye strain is marring the brimming betuty that can be yours? See the capable registered optometrist here, for a com plete eye examination NOW! jAe-QlaU&'fyqu Aeed At A Puce you Con AjjffOtid. . . fyoctosiy afyou! YOU'LL BE FRANKLY TOLD IF GLASSES ARE NOT NEEDED SJSSppWglJ) iriHIIMIUblWIMIJf WIIM Br ! Vfl IVIUIIS lBssisfr ' Manufacturing OREGON . . . WASHINGTON . . . UTAH ... IDAHO 715 Main Street - Klamath Falls DR. WAYNE SAVAGE - REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST IN CHARGE