The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 05, 1941, Page 13, Image 13

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    December 6, 1041
Wedding Chapel New Addition
David's Words to Solomon
Theme of Weekly Sermon
(Tho following Mrmon la presented by the Hev. C. R. Lm
brt. pastor o( the Apoatollc Knlth church. Next waek'i gueit
putor will be the Hev. Daniel B Anderson of the Klamath Tom
plV We road In t Chronlrlei 28 0, "And thou. Solomon my ton,
know thou the Clod of thy father, and nrvo him with perfect
heirt and with a willing, mind: (or th Lord aearcheth all heart!,
and undaritandeth all tha Imaglnationa of tha thought: If thou
rfk him, ha will ha fond of th-t; but If thou forsake him, ha
will cast thee off forever "
These unuaual worda; thU Isat request "Know thou tha God
04 thy father, wara apokeu tiy King Dovld nf Ureal to hli ton
,olonion, whom tha God of Uriel had chosen to succeed David
to tha throne.
King David earthly pilgrimage waa fast drawing to a rloia.
Tha lima had arrived In hli life, as It surely will in oun, of
which he apeeks In 1 Kings 2 l,
"I go the way of nil (ha earth: j alld polJ ,, we t ,
he thou atroiig therefore, and k,)own ctoulor from
now innil. ho ! ,,.,
peaking to Solomon. David In
fully twin or tmi approaching
hour In which ha must lay aside
tint mortal coll and his plrltHim. that he wat able to bear
must return unto God who gave j lne ir(,m,ncloui buraen, nd
tt. But there la some h ng he duro grMt trju ut wf)Tt
wanta to do aomethlni he parmU,a ,0 come nu w
wante to jay to hla son ere he . miy nva , rd , (ew of nj
departa thla life. Thro H a ; beautiful piolma to learn how ha
yearning on hie part to deeply jw,, Brrll,y benefitted bv know.
impress upon the heart and mind
of hl young on and heir the
fact that he la tha recipient of
(iod'a great favors, and of the
Lord's .good intention toward I
"Vwiahi lo make of hi
d!ii '"ryr Mhwr:WU'n ' ,0 "u.y.wtth tog
Qiat Ilea ery nee hi ' . ,nBny ,ner ,,, ,ncl wommg.
David, during hla buiy life
time, had accomplished much for
hla beloved peoplo. Ho hud unit
ed the twelve aepnrato tribe
into a powerful nation; establish
ing the capital of thla newly
rrented nation at Jerusalem
After mony aucceful
under hla gxneralnhlp. thla
people wii Just emerging Into
an era of paaca and protperlty
Hut David w not lellafted with
what he had done for hla people
and nation; he wanted lo do
much more.
It mut navo been with wine
degree oi reluctance inn na
cotnei lo the close of ma eariniy j
career, for ha feel that he i
Inavlng much work undone; me
moat important o! which is "to
liulld an home of rost (or tho ark
of the covenant of the l-ortl. and
had modo ready (or the build
ing." The prlvlioge of actunlly
building thta magnificent struc
ture wus being denied him, due
Jk the fact that he hnd beet) a ,
Van of war and hud ahed much
blood. God has seldom employed j
a soldier In any spiritual worn.
Uavld had amussed immense
treasures and had made elabor
ate preparations (or the build
ing of this temple for hl God,
thu model of which he present
tu his son Solomon, God, him
self, having been the architect,
and having designated David's
son and aucceaaor, who ahould
nun in unbroken pence a the
1 ullder of Hla house, which rep
leaent peace and holiness.
David, with all this In mind,
arisea from a lck-bcd and aa
.!mbles the civil and military
leaden of Israel together lo hear
the closing address of hi career,
and to witness his aotcmn chargo
to hla eon "Know thou the God
of thy father."
David la aware of the tremen
dous responsibilities that are
soon to fall upon the ahouldora
of hla young son, who at thla
ime is about twenty yours of
Qo. He know that his son can
nnlv rilirharie hla duties accept
ably unto God, by knowing Him.
the aroat burden-bearer, not
from an Intellectual stnndpolnt ,
only, for he Is already in pos
aoaslon of this knowledge, but
from an experimental acquaint
ance with Him, that only comes
about by loving and serving
The verse which I have chosen
for my text, picture the earnest
pleading of a father with his
son. What a unique request for
n man to make of hi on just
before departing thl life
"Know God." What an imprca
lion thl ecene and hese words
must have made upon tha heart
and mind of this young man.
How many will do we hoar of
today that are drawn up to in
clude inch a request, or state
such a desire, to be carried out
by the loved ones left behind.
We go to great length while
here to make ample temporal
provision! for our dependent
attrr we aro gone to see that
y will be provided with the
mean to purchase the necessi
ties of life, and the moans with
which to secure an education!
which education will be sadly
lncklnt If a "knowledge of God
Is not Included. Our wills aro
drawn up accordingly, but they
are strangely !lent when It
come to giving any Inttruction
or making any dolre known re
Knrdlng the most Important thing
In life the care of our immortal
soul and their future welfare,
or our responsibility to God. I
believe it was one of our groat
statesmen and lawyers, Daniel
Webster, who said, "The most
Important thought I ever had
waa that of my Individual re
sponalbllity to God."
David also realized what it
had meant In hi own life to have
known God, "to have been
taught by God from my youth,"
and there la nothing that he de
foi more than for Solomon to
"now God," which urgent de
aire he I now communicating to
him, It had certainly paid David,
youth, und It was only because
of the fuel Hint ho wu acaualnt-
ed with lllm end on ipeaklng
term and praying ground with
Ing God In an Intimate way.
Another thing, how many
lulhers today nro In position
to make such u inquest of their
s"n ,nd "i"ailer.-"Know lhe
Grt thy rather? ' Too many
ly havu no tune to cultivate the
acquaintance of God themaelvea.
imuoiore, tney are not In a po
altlon lo muke nuch a rtueat
of their aona und daughteri. Not
so with David. Ho et the ex-
mnln hifr,r !! It I. t ...
....... .... -,, Luniuii io
alrayed far away from hli God,
but when he w apprtaed of the
fact by tha prophet Nathan, and
others, he loat no tlma In aeeklng
I God end acknowledging hla alna
It la the voice of experience
: apeaklng to Solomon on thla oc-
u W8 C0lll, roalIf now :
muc ,Ml,r iy wtuld be for our
children to go through life
"Knowing God" how many
heartache and aorrowi they
would be spared If they were
taught to know God and to seek
Hli council, aa David did, I am
sure we would be more intent
upon clearly manifesting to them
that we are acquainted with our
Maker and that nur artt ri
,lr, , , hgve Ulim know Hlm
too tn an experimental way. It
Is very obvioua to tho son of
David that hla father Is actually
acquainted with God In an In
timate way; therefore he has
cnnflclerica In tho advice that Is
being given him. He knows that
it Is practical.
The kind of knowledge that
King David wanted his son to
possess does not come with a col
lege degree. He tells us in ourlude Battman'a "Postlude." The
text Just how It is to be ac
quired. "If thou seek Him, He
will be found of theo." In Deu
teronomy 17, verses 18 and 19,
we learn something more about
the acquisition of this priceless
knowledge of God and acquaint
ance with Him, for we read,
"And it shall be, when He alt
teth upon the throne of His king
dom, that He shall wrlto him a
copy of this law In a book out
of that which Is before the
priests the Levlte.i, and it shall
be with him, and ha shall read
therein all the days of his life;
that he may learn to fear the
LofM hla God, to keep all the
words of this law and these stat
utes. to do them." If It were
necessary for a king upon the
throne to acquaint himself with
God by a dally study of His
words, there Is no question but
what it will produce tha same
result in the lives of all people
today. A knowledge of God can
not be inherited It cannot be
purchased with money It only
comes by a study of His Word
and prayer.
First Covenant
823 Walnut avenue, Gottfred
J. Anderson, pastor.
Our Bible school meet at 10
a. m.
Morning service, or family
worship period, 11 a. m. The
sermon subject will be "The
Days of the Lord." Fred Relnold
son will be In charge of the
young people' meeting at 7 p.m.
Harry Clauson la the leader for
the Junior meeting.
7:48 p. m.. evening lervlce.
The pastor speak on the lubject,
"Attltudei While We Are Wait
ing." Wednesday, 7:4R p. m., mid
week service.
On Saturday, December 13,
the fifth annual lutflsk dinner
will be served. A needlework
sale will be held simultaneously.
Serving begins at 6 p. m. and
close at 8 p. m. The dinner and
sale will be held in the First
MethodlBt church, Tenth and
High streets.
East Bid
Baptist Mission
923 East Main atreet above
the East Side pharmacy. Bible
school each Sunday at 0:46 a
in. with claxea tor all age
group. The mission I apontor
ed by the Flrat Baptlat church
under the aupervtalon of Mrs
Earl Brltt and the people of the
community ara Invited to at
tend. '
Aa a (pedal feature during the
evening aervtce at 7:30 Sunday
In the Immanuel Baptist church
the pastor 'will demonatrate the
art of (lata writing. Alao the pan
tor will anawer questions In
aealed envelope- for the audi
ence. "Can the Dead Communi
cate with the Living?" U the
Ixth of a series in the ipeclal
loyalty campaign being conduct
ed by the pastor.
The attendance haa been good,
but during thla apecial demon
stration evening many mora are
expected lo nee and hear thla
ipeclal measago dealing with the
dead loved onea.
"Thouaanda of aincere people,"
says the church announcement,
"believe that It la poaaible to
communicate with our dead
What haa the Bible to wy on
thla subject? Many heartaohea
could be aavnd by people if they
only knew what the Bible haa
to aay."
During the morning worahlp
avrvlce at 1 1 o'clock tho paator
will apeak on the subject, 'The
Slna of Omission." ThU la the
sixth of tha aeries for the morn
ing meaaagea.
Flrat Preabyterlan
Tha Firit Preabyleriiin church
la located cn North Sixth and
rinc atreete. Services are held
It 11 I. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
paatpr, the Hev. Theodore Smith,
telephone 8477 and 7311, will
speak at both services. In the
ministry of music, Charlea R.
Stanftild, director of mualc at
Klamath Union high ichool, la
the director of the choir and
Mrs. Arthur Hall Denlson Is the
Morning worahlp opena with
the organ prelude "Prelude In
jr." by Shackley. "The Trla
glon" 1 the proceaalonal. Congr
gallon and choir unite In singing
"The Doxology" and the "Gloria
Patrl." The choir response to
the prayer Is Whelpton "Hear
Our Prayer, O Lord," and the
choir offertory la Schumann's
"We Give Thee But Thine Own."
The organ offertory Is "Sere
nade," by Wldor. The special
music will be a solo. The pastor
will apeak on "The first Promise
of Christmas." The service will
close with the benediction, the
choir dlsmlsaal, Whelpton'
"Lord, Let Us Now Depart In
Peace," and the organ nost
lude "Poatlude In E Flat by
The organ prelude In the even
ing Is "Song Without Words,"
by Flagler, the offertory Is "Of
fertory" by Agate and the post
pastor will speak on "The Rock
That Challenges."
The Bible school Is held at
9:48 a. m. A group of teachers
meet In the pastor's study for
prayer, preceding the opening
at 9:48. A young married peo
ples' class has recently organ
Ired with Mrs. Dortha Elliott
Reed a the teacher. Much In
terest 1 being aroused.
The young people meet In two
Christian Endeavor groups at
8:30 p. m. To these gatherings
all young people not attending
elsewhere are welcome.
1007 Pine street. "The church
that Is different." Rev. Daniel
B. Anderson, pastor. 2211 Eber
leln street, phone 3874. C. E.
Logcrwell, assistant pastor, room
107 in the Temple, phone 632S.
Regular sen-Ice on the Lord's
Day with Sunday school at 9:48
a. m. We are very grateful for
the Increase in our Sunday
school attendance. Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock with Rev. An
derson brl'iging the message. The
Overcomers, young people, at
8:30 p. m. In the lower audi
torium, and thon the great evan
gelistic service In the main audi
torium at 7:43 p. m. Thl service
Is preceded by a varied musical
program, Including congregation
al tinging and special number.
If you love to hear good singing
and If you love to sing tha songs
of Zlon come to the Temple. If
you want to sing In the choir
we welcome you and It not nec
essary to wait to be asked.
Next Wednesday will be the
last meeting of . the Ladles Mis
sionary society at the Temple,
until after the holiday. Wed
nesday evening, prayer and
praise service under the leader
ship of the pastor. Thursday
evening radio broadcast, 7:30 p.
m., and choir practice at the
Temple In the lower auditorium.
Friday evening Bible atudy in
the lower auditorium under tha
leadership of the assistant pas
tor. There 1 a great revival spirit
sweeping the Temple and many
new face ara een in every ser
vice. We welcome you to "Come to
tha Church that I Different."
Ot. Paul's
Jefferson street at Eighth. Vic
tor E. Newman, rector.
Holy Eucharist at 8 o'clock.
Church school at 10 o'clock.
Holy Eucharist and ermon at
11 o'clock.
wifi mikv'l "i'?hbi ptJcJ iMHh -, & 1 r
...... , f ' ' ' " i f ; a. V .,
One of the most attractive
atreet entrance. Knotty pine -ia
arranged so that members of
The Rev. Arthur Charles Bates
Church Program
Aired at Salem
Starting December 7, the First;
Presbyterian church of Salem
will go on the air over KSLM
each Sunday evening from 7:30
until 0:30. The broadcast was
undertaken by the church In re
sponse to repeated requests made
by the sick and shut-in members,
as well as by many friends in
outlying communities, who are
now unable to attend church.
The radio program we added
to tho church' schedule of actlvU
tie by a unanimous vote of the
church session taken at Its
monthly meetini! Monday niaht.
nH u,iii h iir,nnrt hv Prrshv. I
lirlin hnln mn
Vorious young people' pro-
grams hove boon broadcast from icmi and burden, bring them be
the church In tho past but thl (ore Him. who alone is able to
morns tne nrsi anempi o con'
duct a weekly broadcast of the!
church service.
The Apostolic
Faith . .-
Klamath Falls' progressive
down-town church, 228 North
Eighth street, extends to all a
hearty welcome to attend the
services in our beautiful chopel
Hev. C. K. Lambert, pastor. Resi
dence 228 North Eighth street,
telephone 3429.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Sun
day morning devotional service,
11 o'clock. Evening sen-ice, 7:48
Sunday school classes are ar
ranged for those of all ages, with
competent teachers In charge. An
Interesting discussion of God's
Word is enjoyed by all. Lesson
for this Sunday Is, "Saul Re
moved by Death," 1 Sam. 31:
1-13 and 2 Sam, 1; 1-27.
The Sunday morning service
opens with our baritone soloist
singing "Under His Wing." Our
mixed chorus of 18 voices sings,
"My Saviour Leads Me." Con
gregational singing Is led by our
21-plece orchestra.
The Sunday evening prelude,
by our string trio, will be the
presentation of "Yester Dreams"
by Zamecnik. The orchestra pre
sents "When Love Bhlne In."
a selection pf sacred songs ar
ranged by Klrkpatrick. The
chorus sings "Tis Not Far
Away," by Philip Brown.
Powerful personal testimonies
and the straight-forward preach
ing of tha Bible are Important
parts- of each sen-ice.
Week-night services are on
Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock.
A warm welcome awaits you
at The Apostolic Faith. A col
lection Is never taken.
Assembly of God
748 Oak street. Rev. A. Harold
Parsing, pastor.
Service for Sunday:
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Mrs. Al Kennerly, superintend
ent of classes. Let u not allow
the usual Christmas slump this
year. Come to our growing, glow
ing school.
Morning worship begin at 11
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock.
Evangelistic singing and preach
ing. Services for the week:
Tuesday at 7:30 p. m., Ladles'
Missionary society will meet
with Mrs. E. A. Chrlstenson, 29
Glbb street.
Thursday at. 7:30 p. m., devo
tional and preaching.
Fundamental Bible
Pine street and Second. The
pastor, G. W. Wheatley, extend
greetings and invites 'your pres
ence this Lord' day in the serv
ices at the Bible center.
Thought for today: You have
as much of God's power in your
life as you desire. You can have
more. The decision 1 yours. "But
features of the First Christian church Is the recently eemplatad wedding ehapal luit oil the Pine
uaed aa wall paneling and aoft fluorescent lighting is another attractive .note. The ehapel wu
the wedding party using the room could enter from both sldea to meet at the improvised altar,
Is paator of the church.
grow In the grace and knowledge
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus:
Christ." (2 Peters 3:18). !
At 11 o'clock, the pastor will i
,pefllt oni ne Most precloU5
Thing n Llfo." How many things
are there In your life to which
you could use this word,
At 2 o'elock, Sunday school
and worship services at Midland
grange hall. Classes for all age
groups. Parents are invited to
bring their children to these
At 7:30 o'clock, song service
of praise. Come and bring your
Bible and study with us in the
Gospel of John. The portion for
.., -mi ,. .Th n io.B ii h.l' ,. ..n... j t- . u. ,i i
ubject: "Bread From Heaven."
ti,j ' .j... .Am
Wednesday, 7:49 p. m.. prayer
fellowshlo. What ara your Drob-
lift all burdens.
Why not plan now to attend
one of the many Bible study
classes that arc held each week
in Klamath Fall . foc men,
women and hildren. Other
classes in Altamont, Homedale,
Mt. Laki and Merrill.
If you arc seeking heart-warming
Christian fellowship with an
opportunity for real Bible study
and service, the Bible Center is
undenominational and extends a
hearty welcome. Those desiring
spiritual help, the pastor may be I
reached by dialing 7210, or at I
the residence, 131 North Second!
street. I
First Methodiat
"In the Heart of tha City" at
North Tenth and High streets,
Rev. Victor Phillips, minister.
Mrs. S. Meade Badger, director
of music; Mrs. E. S. Veatch, ac
companist. Church telephone
3688, minister's residence, 1005
High Btreet.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
The prelude will be, "My Heart
at Thy Sweet Voice," by Salnt
Saens. The processional, 'Tairest
Lord Jesus." The choir will
sing the anthem, "O Morn of
Beauty," by Sibelius. Offertory,
"Ave verum corpus," by Liszt.
Dorothy Laurenson will play a
mlramba solo, "O Refrain," by
Frits Krlesler. The minister's
sermon subject will be, "Is Man
Animal or Spiritual?"
The church Sunday school will
meet at 9:48 a. m. with Mrs. T. J.
Evana general superintendent. A
new men's class has been organ
ized and is being taught by Dr.
Peter H. Rozendal. Younger men
of the community not obligated
elsewhere are cordially invited
to Join this class. Children and
parents always welcome In our
church school.
The Methodist Youth fellow
ship meets in two groups each
Sunday at 6:30 p. m. The Wesley
league is for young people of
college age or over. The Asbury
league is-for young people of
high school age. Young people
cordially Invited.
The evening sen-ice Is at 7:30
o'clock when the minister will
preach on tha subject, "Saving
One's Own Soul."
Community Congregational
"Keys to the Castle of Liv
ing," is the sermon theme of Rev.
Eugene V. Haynes, pastor, as he
begins a new series of sermons
The subtitle of this first sermon
might be, "Insight." At this
morning worship, beginning at
11 a. m., Guy Bates .will play
a violin solo, "Andante Tran
qulllo" by De Berlot. The choir
will sing the offertory, "The
Beautiful Garden of Prayer," by
Church school meets at 9:45 a.
m. with competent teacher for
each age group.
Sunset circle, with Lois Larson
conducting the devotions, meets
at 4 p. m. in the community hall.
Comrades of the Way meets
at 8 p. m. In the community hall
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent street. L.
K. Johnson, paator. Phone 352.
Sunday ichool 8:43 a. m
Classes and teachers for children
of all ages, Bible class for the
Worship hour. 11 a. m.
Evening worship and fellow
ship hour at 7:30 p. m- Sunday.
Children' ChrUtma program
rehearsal Sunday at 9 p. m.
junior cnoir monaay ai
4:30 p. m. Mrs. Ray Mickels, in-
Mens' club Tuedey at 8 p. m.
Hosts will be Arnold Johnson
and Gray and Simon Peterson.
An interesting program has been
Wednesday, choir rehearsal at
7:30 p. m.
Thursday the Sunday school
teachers and adult Bible class
will meet at 7:30 p. m.
Saturday at 10 a. m. the con
firmation class wtu meet.
Ladies' Aid will meet Tuea
day, December 14. Anyone wish
ing Christmas cards pleasa con
tact any member of the Aid.
Our church welcomes all who
wish to worship. If you are a
stranger in the c(ty seeking a
church home we sincerely invite
you to work and worship with
Church of
Altamont drive and Delaware
Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mrs.
J. D. Kemutt, superintendent.
Morning devotion, 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "The New Tes
tament Church."
Preaching service, 7:30 p. m.
Sermon topic, "The Folly of
Mote Pulling." Pastor In charge
Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. The les
son will be, "The Ordinance of
Feet Washing."
We welcome you to all of these
Rev. J. D. Kemutt, pastor.
Free Methodist
Corner oJ Ninth street and
Plum avenue. W. H. McCormick,
Sunday services: Sunday
school at 9:43 a. m.; preaching at
11 a. m.: evening services, 7:30
All are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
Zion Lutheran
1025 High street, Carl F. Nitz,
pastor. Telephone 6793.
Sunday school begins regular
ly at 9:43. Bible story: Moses and
Holy communion will be cele
brated in the morning service
which begins at 11 o'clock, with
a confessional service at 10:30 a.
m. for those who intend to re
ceive the Sacrament. The ser
mon topic, based upon the Gos-1
pel for the Sunday, will be, The
Second Coming of Christ."
Members of the church coun
cil are asked to be present for
the meeting which will be held
Immediately after the service.
An ever-growing audience of
appreciative listeners is turning
regularly to the Lutheran Hour,
and the Gospel message preach
ed by Dr. Walter A. Maler. The
thousands of communication re
ceived each week are ample tes
timony to the need of Just such
a program of religious remedies
for the spiritual ills of men and
women today. Tha program may
ba heard locally through KFJl
t 1 p. m. each Sunday.
Rehearsal for the annual chil
dren's Christmas service will be
held In the church on Sundy
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All
children should be present.
The fellowship club meets at
the home of Mr. and Mr. E.
Blind. 712 Mitchell street, on
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
Study topic: "May a Christian
be Cremated?
The Sunday school teacher
will meet on Wednesday at 7:30
p. m. The children's confirmation
class meets on Saturday after
noon at 2 o clock.
"This is the Church of the Lu
theran Hour."
First Baptist
Eighth and Washington streets,
"A Church with the Message.
Cecil C. Brown, pastor: residence
414 North Eighth street, phone
Bible classes assemble in
brightly glowing Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all
groups. Morning worship at 1
a. m. when the pastor will con'
tinue the exposition of Ephes-
iaps. Sermon subject, "The Ex
perience of Being Satisfied.'
.The Baptist- Training union
meets at 6:30 p, m. in organized
unions for discussion of topics
and Bible study. Evening evan
gelistic service at 7:30 o'clock
preceded by a. lively song serv.
ice. Sermon subject, 'The Great
est Mystery of-All Time."
Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday at 7:30 p. m. followed by
choir rehearsal at 8:45 p. rq
Radio service each Sunday morn
ing over station KFJI from 8:30
to 9 o'clock.
Church nl Jenu Christ of
Latter Day Saints
The Church of jesua Christ of
Latter Day Saints bold meetings
in the auditorium of the public
library on the corner of Fifth
street and Klamath avenue.
Sunday school services con
vene at 10 a. m. and at 11 a. m.
departments are separated for
priesthood classes and a special
women's class and the children's
Sacrament meeting la held
each Sunday evening at 7:30
p. m.
The Relief society hold meet
lngs each Tuesday afternoon at
2 p. m. The second Tuesday of
each month is devoted to a work
and business meeting.
The Mutual Improvement asso
ciation meets each Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock. The public
is cordially Invited to attend each
and every meeting.
Church of
1207 Division street. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. Morning wor
ship, 11 o'clock. Bible study, 7
p. m. Evangelistic message, 8
p. m. Prayer meeting, Tuesday
7:45 p. m. Women's missionary
meeting each Friday, all day
Holy communion the first Sun
day of each month at 2:30 p. m
You are Invited to attend these
services. Bishop Roy D. Givens,
The Lutheran Hour
1 P.M.
test Sunday afternoon at th
Klamath Union high school audi
torlum dedication service wag
held by the Gideons, commercial '
business men's Christian easoeta
tlon, at which ttm tha Bible
wer dedicated whfeh will
placed In every class room in tha
Klamath county schools. At
meeting of tha Oldeom Tuesday
evening tha following resolution
waa adopted:
"In behalf of tha Gldeona In
ternational and the local chapter
of the Gideon! we wish to' ex
press our appreciation to all
thoae who participated and help
ed to make tha Bibla dedication
at tha high ichool auditorium
uch a sueeeas. We wish to ex
press our thanks to tha school
board, tha superintendent and
teacher who took part and es
pecially tha vested high sehool
choir which rendered two beauti
ful selections; also to tha mala
quartette and other who.took
part. -we also wish to tnanit tha
various churches for their co
operation in tha service. Sunday
and for tha offering received
with which to buy testament! for
the army and navy boyr, alio
to tha business house who dl -played
tha Bible in thalr win
dowa prior to tha dedication
service." . ,
First Christian
"Tha Downtown Chuieh,
Pine street at Ninth. Arthur
Charle Bates, minister.
This Lord Day is "Women
Day." Tha women of the chiireh
will have charge of tha service
at the 11 o'clock hour. A certain
section pi seats will be reserved
for them and they will march. In
in a oooy. a special offering t to
be taken for the missionary work
of the women' couneii. TM arv
tea opan wun tha organ- pre
lude, "The Holy Hour,7' Hand.
by the organUt, Mr. Bujwrd
Howard- August B. FarkW will ,
direct tha choir. Tha doxology
and ha Invocation. Prayer
sponsa, "Almighty Father," &
berg. The opening hymn. "Chrirt
for tha World Wa Sin." Cow
raunion hymn, "Alas, and Did
My Saviour Bleed." The Lerd'l
Supper In remembrance ot his
death. Anthem, "Lead On, O
King Eternal," Norman, by the
choir. Dedication of tha tithe
and offering. Solo, "There I a
Habitation," L.i H- Jameson, by
Mn. Chester Skaug. Serm&n.
"Christ' Challenge to Women," ;
by the minister. Hymn of invjta-.
tion, "Only Trust Him-" Benedje
tion and "The Threefold Amen.",
by t h e choir. Postlude "Post-"
lude," Gotthard, by the organist.
Evening services begin . with
the Christian ' Endeavor meet'
ings at 8:30 p. ra. The evangelis
tic service begin at 7d0 p. m.
There wjlj be a short ervice.;
and then pictures ef Alaska will
ba shown by Mr. Qibbs. "':" 'J
First Church of Christ.
Scientist .V
Tenth end Washington streets
This church, a branch ot The
Mother church, tha First Church
of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
Mass., holds service each Sunday
mornjng at H o'clock- StjbJeot
of lesson-sermon for next Sun
day, "God the Only Cause and
Sunday school at 8:30 a, m. -A
meeting which includes
testimonies of Christian Science1
healing is held every Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock.
A free Christian Sdenca read
ing room ia located In tha First
National Bank building. Sixth
and Main streets, where the.
Bible, writings by Mary Baker'
Eddy, and authorized Christian
Science literature may ba read, ;
borrowed or purchased. ' - , 5.
. All are cordially invited to at
tend the service and use th -reading
room. - -
RadU program KFJI, 2 to 2:18
, p. m. each Monday under tha dl
'rection of committee on publica
tion for Oregon..
Travelers report that by sell.:
ing service Instead of "ideolo-,
gles" American gasoline filling :
stations in Brazil are making
friends for Uncle Sam.
- 0h. I. fulHf, Dir.
f-WftV Old Hymn and 0el
m livs' stMthina
' W kpji SuMnf
.piJT iw s . i.
VS ewtaiwM '
L w latsmtkmi aosl
n iimninr1 Brudotal