Sports yJ Briefs fefeJ Br 1 Hugh Mm i1 , 1 NEW' YORK. Dec. 6 (Wide World) Purzl.-: Where will .1 imply Koxx pluy nrxt season? . . ., Attar cotiplo of vUlU with Connie Muck It Inokwl as it he iniL'ht ruluru to I Ho A'a although Vina. HUt'cr said tho Cilonts W . . Hut now Al r'lnlr In about Id ko '" army una unit win I. live tlx Uril Sox with only Lull Pliinry, Ulyssus Luplcn ( (IwiibUul ijumitlty) anil old PuilnleX to piny llrnl base . . . 1'iiwflf of tho press- Tomorrow'! Washington StiiteTcxus A. mid M gumo stirred up o much In limit thut (irudtiuta Manager I' in) Kuslrr of the Couuiiri ordnr il nrw prrss box for Ilia Ta roe. nliidium . . . And the TraV Stale Fair association llnl to spend $1000 Improving iliiyCotton bowl press coop . . . The golf proa will linve collected -!iUI,IHIl nn iilMlino high iifier tliry niund out the year with llu- Jlu.uuo Mimm upon liext week und $300 tournaments ut "lliullngen und llruumont, 'flfijua . . . Tim liundagcs have rji-f u removed from Georgia ahrlinn' illumined eye and lies lu rrtiuii to hia navy duties ut Jacksonville, Flu , Sunday. HOT 8TOVE WARMUP Ovrr In Jersey City they're nut Interested lii how Mel Ott will unike out, but whether Bill Terry nciw inn find time to help I he little Uiiinls . . . One of the IxiKt Kreelers at Jacksonville wan l.lcul. George Karhsliaw of the iwiviil air Mntiun. The old Ath fctlrs' elbower sounded like an other Wulte lloyt in airing In irvlews with tho cvlt-brltleii . . . llnnit Lobcrt hopes to stun Andy Toiuustc. who pilches baseballs mid footbiilLn for Temple U . . . Anily chii t lout! much, his Tem ple footballers were given credit lor, a "moral victory" when they plnyed a 11 tie with the girls' field hockey tram the other day. SCR VICE DEPT. Private Jimmy Quigicy, for er Munhattun college mller, re ntly art a record of 1:35 flat r the 430 yard obiitaclo course ut tort Knox (Ky.). The old nuirk of 2 4U was mude by Corp. Mike Haifa, the fighter . . . The tort Story (Vu.) grid team will get a truck at the Norfolk Sham-focksDlxta.-Wau rhMmps, De-cX-mber H. und the soldiers fig lire thi-y can win If they stop rfjstol I'cto .Suction . . . The army rjas asked the National Ski asso ciation to gather Information on men subject to the draft who ISiVo skiing ability for possible sivicc in tho 87th Infantry irtountuln regiment at Fort Lewis (Wash). Join the army and ski rlio world, rh? ONE-MINUTE SPORTS PAGE '-.Southern writers aren't pulling their punches replying to blasts from Los Angeles over the choice of Duke for the Hoso bowl . . Aftybe they should toss the teams lH and put the scribes In . . . 0J1I Fornsworth of Mike Jucobs' nbllclty dept. was held up the other day and not for tickets. It cost him 20 bucks und a black ryo . . . O. D. Keclcr Is out in the new Esquire with an article on how Bobby Jones would stack up against present-day golf stars. Mis answer Is "protty good" . . . The N.Y.U. Wolves are really after Coach Mai Stevens. Even ran ads In yesterday's papers summoning grads to the Letter club meeting , . . Earl Sande's 16-y ear-old 'stop-son, Alfred, Is duo to mako his debut as a Jockoy at Hlnlcnh this winter. CIO Advocates Game Race Ban ' SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8 W) Declaring it would bo an aid to conservation, the CIO Interna tional Fishermen and Allied Workers of America would like to see the abolishment of fish and game prize contesta and lorbief." ' V Delegates to the unlon'i con vention here expressed belief in a resolution passed Wednesday that prize contests and "derbies" result 'lrt excess taking of fish and game. Legislatures ot Wash ington, Oregon, California and, Idaho Will bo asked to pass laws to prohibit such contests. ; ' '' Bead the Classified page. Stop! Looking lor a Good Timet Coma to Keno Dance EVERY SAT. NltSHT .' Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air' Conditioned for Your G&a Id Dncitmber 5. 1941 Greatest Race Field of All Time Looms for 'Cap By ALEXANDER KAHN AnCADIA, Calif.. Dec. 8 (UP) A field day that may go down In thoroughbred racing history as one of the greatest of all times was in the making today as the Los Angeles Turf club disclosed the names of a record list of 111 nominations for the eighth running of the $100,000 added Santa Anita hnndlcap next March 7. Tha slnr nf Inrlav Wnrrn Wright's Whlrlaway, will mutch strides with the horse of the year In 1(130. W. L. tlrann's great Challedon, and both will be pressed by the colt that may be the greatest of them all In the years to come, Al rinbnth's Alsab, who as a two-yenr-old swept through almost all the Important stakes for horses of that ago In even morn Impressive fashion than did Whlrlaway as a young ster. And should any of these great thoroughbreds fuller In the stretch, breathing up their shoul ders will be such established campaigners as Brnnn's Plctor, C. S. Howard's Mlolund, Lou Tufano's Market Wise and a host of others, including numerous foreign campaigners. Victory In the Santa Anita handicap would send Whirl away's earnings, which now total $340,661, past Seablscult's all time money-winning record of $427,730. Chalicdon, who could not run buck to his 1931) and 1040 per formances this lust year, also cun approuch Seablscult's mark If he should win this rich race, having alreudy earned $322,833. Riddle Agrees to Terms for 1942 JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 3 iJ'l Elmer Middle, the year's outstanding pitcher In the Na tional league, with a record of 10 games won and four lost, agreed to terms for next year In a short conference late Thurs day with Generul Manuger War ren Giles of the Cincinnati Reds. Terms were not announced, but Riddle was reported Wednes day as demanding a salary double his 1940 contract. BEAVERS BUY ST1NE LOS ANGELES. Dec. (UP) Clarence Bowland, business man ager of the Los Angeles baseball club, tonight telephoned the club from the minor league meeting ut Jacksonville. Fla.. that ha had arranged for the outright sale of Pitcher Lee Stlne to tho Portland baseball club. Stlne had a record of winning nine and losing 14 during the past season with an earned run of .341. Ha also performed for a short while as a relief first baseman. Amount paid by Port land for Stlne was not disclosed. pj M Since 1780 the custom of serving tJ this (unooi old Kentucky bourbon 1 Th quart '1M kG'1 distinguished the host J"L only $2.15 snd complimented the guest. Todsy i those who insist on the finest Kiij I in whiskey will be pteised to 1 know that James E. Pepper ii now jTJji available at this very moderate price. p"-TTJ P" 86 proof, lames E.Perptrtr Co., UgavlTO .-.jr- Islington, Ky. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON W H I S KB Y ...... ... .. .. ... I'AGK ELEVEN Tulsa Named As Sun Bowl Guest Team EL PASO, Tex.. Dec. 5 (UP) The University of Tulsa Thurs day night was selected to play In the 1042 Sun bowl game here. Couch Henry Frnka accepted the Invitation to bring his Mis souri conference champions here us "guest" Iciim. Their opponent will be announced Saturday. Tulsa's opponent will be Ari zona, Texas Tech or Hardln-Slm-mons, although the latter school has Indicated it would vote for Arizona in case the Border con ference championship ends In a tie. The Border conference champ ion automatically receives a host team Invitation. Tulsa lost two of nine games during its season, both of them by ono touchdown margins to Southwest conference teams. Couched by Frnku, exponent of deceptive pluy, the Golden Hur ricane Included among its vic tims Baylor, Drake. Creightun, and:"' talent. That s me. Take the Cougars Name All-Opponent' PULLMAN. Dec. S iP) Three Southern California and two Washington football players were voted bertha on the Wash ington State college team's all opposition eleven yesterday but UCLA, only other team to defeat the Staters, didn't place any. The team: Center. Harrison, Washington; guards, Halverson, Oregon State, and Segale, Oregon: tackles, Stamm, Stanford, .and Wilier, USC; ends, Myers, Stanford, and Jones, USC; quarterback, Albert, Stanford; halfbacks, Robertson, USC, and Barrett, Washington; fullback, Micklich, Idaho. BEAVERS BUY INDIAN SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. 3 (UP) The Spokane Indians of the Western International Baseball league today sold Second Base man Marty Martinez to the Port land Beavers of the Pacific Coast league. Terms were kept secret. Martinez has been with Spokane three seasons. Hoople's Hot Ones By MAJ. AMOS HOOPLE Biggest Upset of Modern Times Hello and goodbye. After all the great times we've had, Fap, we shall roll up our grid carpets until next season. Gad, I'll be like a lost button under the dresser of time. Harr-rumph, as a special favor to no one, I am going into the gag writing busi ness for the winter and forget about my prognosticating pro-1 gram. Gad, when I was but a child out of school I found a job and took the train to work every morning . . . that's where I got my early training. Heh, heh. Hok, Jack Benny here I come. Then 1 remember the time that I was on the main string at Foozdottle college. We all skipped practice one olght and went to the cinema. Next day the coach said, "Boys after this you will get no liberty." 1 pipes up, "Give mo liberty or give me death." The coach looks around and says, "Who said that?" and little lovable me says "Patrick Henry." Heh, heh. What a man above picture or me . . . have you got it? Well throw it away. Harr-rumph. I must start on my final step into the grid world so here It is: Hooplas Hall-Btars Center Greenough of Ore gon State . . . Um, I like pepper mint centers too. Guards Thornton of Santa Clara and Frankowsklof Washington. Tackles Bcckman of WSC and Conley of Washington . . . These are the hardtacklc boys . . . That reminds me I'm hungry. Ends Zellick of Oregon State and Gentry of WSC. When these fellows tackle each other things nro end over end. Harrumph. Note these Pacific coast backs I, in my own timid way, have picked. Albert of Stanford. Scwell of WSC, Durdan of Ore gon State, and Kmetovic of Stan ford. Hals off to them. If you haven't got a hat use your toupee. If you haven't a toupee, shame on you for having your head showing. Well, harr-rumph, that tops everything. As I mentioned before there are millions of bowl games and I Just discovered a new one. It's so new I haven't the name yet. Last week your little guesscr only missed four and hit two smack on the head. I'm practically al the end of my rope. Yes, it won't be long until I'll have to throw this cigar away. My last upsets are down below this writing somewhere. As to where, I don't know. Give me the better deal and I'll pick Oregon State but otherwise . . . I'm putting up my Dukes. Gad, I'm such a good writer, if I write a story a day I think nothing of it . . . neither does anyone else. Well, on with my upsets and when you sec a mon key climb a tree, pull its tall and think of You wouldn't dare. Scores: Miami 20, VMI 6. 8MU 10, Rice 7. Texas 26, Oregon 13. WSC 13, Texas A&M 7. Miss. State 10, Frisco 0. UCLA 14, USC 13. Utah 31, Arizona 10. Florida 10, UCLA 14. California 13, Geo. Tech. 6. Utah 20, Hawaii 18. Rose bowl: Duke 20, Oregon State 18. Sugar bowl: Fordham 7, Missouri 0. Cotton bowl: Texas A&M 26, Alabama 19. Orange bowl: Georgia will win. Again poor old Bromo will be downed and Niagra will fall and liooplc is deflated . . . Harr rumph defcuted. LEE FOR HAMLIN CHICAGO Chicago Cubs indicate they will trade Pitcher Bill Lee. He may go to Brooklyn in an exchange of pitchers in volving Luke Hamlin. CHAMPAIGN Bob Zuppke leaves Illinois men smiling. Eight members of the 1041 varsity were sophomores. i -so. "YJi. i. irrfl:r.:'.;:a, V 50c Ponds 39c '50c Woodbury 39c 60c Pompian Mass. 49c $1.10 Hopper Restor. -60c Phillips Mag. 49c n l " m I ai4u BT.I.lV.- by -X jur jrnimnni u Mvr-c - J -ssbb 7Se"" S1.25 Absorbine Jr 89c 75c Bourne Bengue 57c 35c Sloan's Liniment ....29c R. Alcohol pt. 39c 60c St. Jacobs Oil 49e 60c Omega Oil 49cN 35c Hamlins 29c 50c Analgesic Balm 39c Ic Lavoris V Listerine, large. Papsodent, large 59c 30c Comp.-Phen. 27c 50c Mennen Baby Oil 43c 50c Oil of WE ARE KLAMATH FALLS' GIFT HEAD QUARTERSLARGEST STOCK IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Cigarettes (r Tob. OiMtK OH if .A, KaHA KmH lie 1 far Zle, ita,m VlwLMH ClWflltt LMklM, Ibteiiln I.H Oirton to Sits. Itt Owion 3 for 25c, 1 . t ll -60c Bromo Seltr . ;-::rl98 V V 3 uavons c i ill .pi -71, f nmiU U" " I! Or 1 1 1 1 1 1 '50c CHI of ItlMIIIlJII V , 0tOATi Mtklw rVj ARIZONA VS. KANSAS STATE Kansas State. LOYOLA VS. NEVADA Loyola is coming along. SAN DIEGO STATE VS. COL LEGE OF PACIFIC San Diego State. WSC VS. TEXAS A. fit M. I am a former WSC. UCLA VS. USC USC finish ing strong. TEXAS VS. OREGON A guess on Texas at home. USF VS. MISSISSIPPI STATE Jeff Cravath has done a great job at USF. I'll gamble with him. ARIZONA VS. UTAH Any bodys' Arizona to win. HAWAII VS. WILLAMETTE A close game. Willamette will have sea legs. Hawaii. Beaver Band to Play at Pasadena I CORVALLIS, Ore., Dec. 8 (U.R) Oregon State college's 70-piece band will be among more than 500 OSC students expected to leave for Pasadena, Calif., on the student Rose bowl special Dec. 20, student leaders announced Thursday. The student group planned to remain for two and a half days in Pasadena. 1 then it is significant that 87 of sales or to is convincing tomer appreciation of VALUE . . . . INTEGRITY ... and SERV. ICE are reflected in our re pent soles. 60c Mar-o-Oil 49c 60c Wildroot 49c Po-'-iCrs Tar Soap 25c 6uc urene 4Vc 75c Fitch 59c 89c ea's 50c Williams 39c tfcO 50c Mennen 39c 50c Barbasol 37c l':.Aeote'T Co' 35c Ingram 29c o pi Palmolive 27e aIWB 1 . t 19. , u 7c Lireouoy .so.:" 59c Colgate T0Jr..o ..9' Mollo m n 1 . "75c Doons Kidney 1 :ac "... to; Mill o . ,.ate . . ii I I M I II I I ITTt imUiTiLuiJiii .59c i m An. Cmmr Acnirin ,,,00) AO WW 50c Midol Pain Tablets 1 ?5 Saraka ----- 60c Joyne'sVernifuge 60cDrene or- Arin Tablets - 11 l fl Ml w ut Ducks Sef For Tiff With Texas AUSTIN, Tex.. Dec. 3 (P) Sixteen senior members of the University of Texas Longhorns will don the orange and white for the last time tomorrow against a giant Oregon univer sity aggregation. While a rising demand for tickets reflected fans' interest In a final look at tho Steer aggrega tion. Coach D. X. Bible reported his Injured stars, Pete Layden, Jack Craln and Malcolm Kutner, probably would start against the WebfooU. Estimated attendance at Mem orial stadium here for the 2:30 p. m. kick-off was placed at 23, 000 or more far greater than anticipated. The Oregon team, averaging 213 pounds in the line and 200 in the backfield as compared to Texas' 200 and 185, will be one of the heaviest clubs ever to appear In Memorial stadium. Read the Classified page. CAMERA FANS Any 6 or 8 Exp. Roll of Films DEVELOPED and PRINTED 25c Reprints 3c Each Carmichael's Newsstand 10th and Main th proof that eus ms 27c 37c '-49c 63c 47c 98c 43c 98c 49c 49c 19c iinii.iiiiiiiiimn 'DRUG soma doodU. v ?eZ Italic tof; ' ' '"NJJ I 'f0te I IIIIISl I I rWI 63 I $1.00 Vitalis 79e 60e Dandarine 49c , . I 6u. 00 Lucky Tiger 79e I f m I S1.00 Fitch Dandruff I gSSfa $1.00 Kremel 94e lj 5OTS$j&e 75e Vaseline 63e ' . fNiOc Jeris 49ey I . "Me -'.' Dw. C lavftfinfWWI 1 1 f K. - Bnr. J B Jt o. KaBaBaBlaha1BvSiaBBaaBBiii M K - rrV M aX. W aaBaaiBaaaaaaaaBBBBSBiaBBiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaBa e,dl - "op. z:r I PilIC 11 II NINTH AND MAIN MARQUETTE WOODSMAN MILWAUKEE Tom Stld- ham, Marquette football coach, carries a small piece of wood as a good luck charm. He raps on it whenever the occasion demands. SAVINGS PLACED HERE BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH - - f ' - : AS OF THE Istl Insured Savings and Better Returns 3i (CURRENT DIVIDEND) -- First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. of Klamath Falls- Member Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation 6th k Main Ph. S19 30c Bro. Quinine 27c "SOc Zerbst Caps. 43c 30c Hills Cascara Quinine 23c ..49c 60c Rem 65c Pinex 35c Pisot 54c -29c Syrup.. Nose 50c Vicks Drops 39e 75cVapex 69e 65eMistol 59e 35c Hills Nose Drops ......29c "35c Vicks Rub Jc 60c Zemo .....49c 4Qc Musterole -....33c "50c Noxiema ..39c 60e lodex 49c Zinc Oxide. " -j 60e Cuticura ........49c 50c Nasal Jelly 37" "60c Kesinol ........49e 60e Murine .....49e 75c Collyrium -.69c Lavoptic (8-01. )..... -59c Yellow Oxide Oint. 25c Boric Acid, 2 -ox 10c CO. STS. v., . V A$ Comfort.