The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 04, 1941, Page 9, Image 9

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    Doeomber 4, 1041
The navy luld yestarday In an
of f Ic-lnl roport to the aoiiutu uti
vei affairs committee, thnt
number of merchant ahlpa were
. daniaifod nnd anion wrro mink
1 on the nlKht of October 1017
during tlie north AtUnllr haltlo
with Gorman auhniiirliic-B In
which the destroyer Kearny wn
Anawerlns a aorlea of written
questions propounded by Chulr
ninn Walsh (DMlaa), Admiral
Harold It. Slink, cblrf of naval
opemtlom, no Id thul while the
number and nationality of mer
chant ahlpa damaned and aunk
could not be given for military
reason, no United 8ti r.
chant flag ahlp wna aunk nt Hint
Admiral Stark anld that, In
line with the dlrrrtlona laid
down by Prcaldent llooacvelt In
hl rndio addreaa of Suptembrr
11, the navy waa cooperation
with other powcra In protecting
inerchiint ahlpplng In American
drfenae wutera.
"Do American naval veanela
know eacort merchant ahlpa to
"their final dcstlnotlona?" Wnlah
"Since a cotegorlcnl reply or
a dlacuaalon on thla might jeop
ardise the aofety of a great mnny
ahlpa. no anawer ran be given."
wa Slnrk'a oniiwcr.
The chief of nuvnl iipcriilliuia
tilil the Kearny, which limped
Mifely to port deaplte a torpedo
hit amldshlp which almoat tore
her apnrt, had dropped depth
rhnrgea In an engagement w hich
lusted two houra nnd S3 mln
utea before ahe wna atruck
"Waa the aubmarlne which
lorpedoed the Kearny fired up
on? If ao, by whom and la It
probable that tlie aub lorlne waa
link or damaued"" Walah aaked.
"In accordance with the an
nounced policy of the navy de
partment." Admiral Stark re
plied. "Question of thla nature
will not be answered."
Portland Housing
orted Acute
Portland! houtlng (Ituatlon It
becoming acute with only 120
to 130 houiea for rent, C. M.
Cartell said today.
The detente housing commit
teo chairmun said tho Oregon
Shipbuilding Corporation plan
ned to add HUOO workcra to
boost IU luunchlnga from one
to two a week, but that the
worker would find no houses
within tlx milet of the plant.
Lack of rental buildings waa
aaid by Cartell to be forcing
many persona reluctantly to buy
Youth Must Give
Skilled Labor
POKTLAND. Dec. 4 011
Skilled labor for defense tndua
triea muat coma from youth
groups, Aubrey Willinma, Na
tional Youth administration
chief, aaid In an interview yes
lerdoy. There La Insufficient skilled
labor at present, ho told, and
achoola. Industries and tho NYA
are seeking to fit aa many aa
possible for defenao Jobs.
Pointing out that today's hero
may bo tomorrow's villain, Presi
dent Manuel Avlln Camarho has
banned tho naming of Mexican
schools for living persons.
The first auto taxi In New
York cruised on Fifth avenue
in 11)04.
AMONG AMERICA'S GREAT WHISKIES ft Flannelette Boy.' Polo Boyville Fancy IIICII O y fltlFIV Bl VOJ Vl III LO LA :f
iff PoJomat SHIRTS SHIRTS Dress SOX It" S
o uCm4 I K-79c 79e :159c Tower Brand!1 1 Q N
ioi.n nnd A rtwif of mny of stripes in mstiy V These handsome shirts combine all the super I I -M nt FJ 2?yX. :J
LJ-jL -rj, V -r. AW V, flnnelet In llp- slpper front In tin colors sod put- retort. R l a a t t o m features of hisher nriced merrhanrliw Full mm S JW'
SfTrS rv VV :-V CA-PfN. 'ff or coa. ttylaa. ftnioni Roh . Hoy torn. Alto white, top, a 1 1 1 1 I to leaiures 01 nigner P"cea mercnanatse. uti m I . S
flff" r "if V. J ft: i' to . sitsst4H. io'j. cut, long wearing, Sanforized shrunk in neat MJ f JtZs A L X
I li. ?C "i ULl I L a i i designs and patterns ... at a price that Bm f j&Sa aJ.& ifl
yfl 1 JZi'&Sl -" t Q lit -If. Rain-Resistant Xffr V spells savings this Christmas. Sizes 14-17, J L TV aWWVJ
(Hbl All 1IAA Sf sleeve lengths 32-35. ELS fl
tVS- f, y Z.cttJ) I AH'MOUl " Sca? Sw FLANNELETTE pajamas. c,.1t9 J
m7 cSAax mjr Artw-art fir Vfll X . . --a-,-m (M LJtW, Easy Terms! sanforised, si.oa a to d I Xv, S
WM?L I JAC,(ETS bw i
y J!?$'7S' V! U Worth far more! vMiVl ? ,nc8m A1hn,,' T. iji?ltTn.. TO SHOP AT SEARS
fJf2IiifaS 71 Woll-eut and mode! fL . llSlff.iJM V eonyenlent war .iT MJ'-W W" ' '.tt
yC y Z&mK-ZxW -irlllXSif 'r' B ft' gja a-R;i'lU tft flJ - I doing your Xmas 3Lahfcilf..y na.v' 'j'aaiitf Coupon book eome in
C . -iSjlril VsIT IH I -i VlttV ijfkff I ihopplng. . amounts of $10, 115 and S20. '.ft
Afeal3L3llUi Vll0L,.?0l CV nl lSrt5 1 " , Buy on farms but use as
Few things in this world, like
Old Crow, have no exact coun
terpart Try it yourself tonight I
National Dlttlllera
To Ban Diago Gerald Kee
see, bod of Mr. nnd Mra, Wiiyno
Keeacc of Mcdfo rd, mid grund
aon o Mra. Iloao Keeseo of thla
city, waa a southbound piiaacn
ger Wedneadiiy morning en routo
to Snn Ulego where ho will en
ter a six-weeks' training period
at tho United Hlutea nuvnl bnao
Ho waa a member of the Mod
lord high achool bnnd before hla
graduation thla yenr and hopca
to continue with hla music.
Return Home Mr. and Mra.
n. II. Jonca hove left for Hot
Sprlnga, Arkanaaa. after a visit
with their duiightera, Mra. D. C.
IVarco umt Mra. J, 11. I'lymalo,
nnd son, Hohert K. Jonea of
Cunip Murray, Wnah. I'. F. C.
Jonea, who la with the inedlcnl
detiichment of the lflMrd Infnn
try, la returning to Camp Mur
ray. Permits The following build
ing permits were issued by
Building Inspector Harold Fro
ney, the first two days of Decem
ber: K. A. Thompson, 332 Divi
sion street, remodel residence,
$200; S. A. Hempc, 513 Division
street, remodel residence, $800;
W. II. Powell, new resilience, lot
OKI, block 110, Mllla addition.
$:i(l00; Fred Meeker, remodel
residence and repulr flro loss at
12211 Knst street. $600.
Active Duty First Lieutenant
George W. Iltlll. Infantry, Klnm
nth Fnlls. will continue on active
duly at Cnmp Lee, Vlrglnln, It
was announced this week by
Colonel J. J. Fulmer, aecnnd mil
itary nrea executive. Lt. Hllll
and his family are now residing
In Petersberg, Virginia.
In Klamath F. M. Huffman,
who spent Inst winter in Klam
ath Falls, hnB relumed hero to
assist with the Inventory of tho
Oregon stnle highwny depart
ment. Ho nnd Mra. Huffman
are living nt the Marlon apart
ments. Gala Equipment B. L. Epper
son, Oregon state highwny sec
tlonman located at Paisley, waa
In Klamath Falla Wednesday ob
taining anow equipment to be
moved to the Palaley area for
the winter montha.
Park Board A brief business
meeting of the city park board
waa held In the council cham
bers Tuesday afternoon. Bills
were allowed. The next meet
ing will be held the flrat Tues
day In January.
Goal to Portland Mra. Harold
Shaffer left for Portland Sunday
where her son, David, underwent
an operation at the Doernbecher
hospital. Hla condition la good.
She waa accompanied by her
mother and Mra. Dorothy Ma
galn. Shopping Mrs. J. F. Kerr
and Mra. Mullcr of Alturas.
Calif., were among the out-of-town
shoppers visiting in Klnm
nth Falls on Tuesday.
Employed Mrs. June Mich
nelson la nsslsting at Moc's dur
ing the holiday season.
Hold fit
all day
821 Spring
Products Corporation, New York
viX" Sjtf fi ' ' " ' ' lif&" Mn" Boxd A Rm1 Chrl,,m" vlu,, Wor,h mueh mo"' ?
fQJ000 t23erc'l'e$ p-rJ)ress Sox Sqnd .Shorts
H -jr M VlW'1! SiJ 39C T 29C rlroadeloih. arlpptr A
:'4tfi9QiQP s j j" or &2fF&K .a nti Sjcf!S " a-M. V,M u, fjffjjffm . . u jf
ft ' T jSZ&3 ntlO I W' alft li-m p.k la a iSsfcPQtr" i'SSt ! h.. to ill o SjwAL 'I I k anility tombH yara V
5 hcr "rot rTrtii.vri i:- rk"r2J2 " ;if
ft !Cf f -tfnl'w . a w 1 m VVVSJ' " flyi ix Jim m. Iff WJWsf chls kiw prir.. Shlrta 'Jf.
fikUl It t ' V 1 Oemw' KAd a.1 r7?- V jf JV- i'ioi. W(7Zitl -torUsm,
I The Ideol Gift! Slippers paARlSU
I 9Koo fjmK 0gg& im - I
wruri.,,. QmMh wmm (ww if I
ft Natural ahecp wool slip- 'J!!? t uUPp,aM ,., MfiLfeB fivS t!'lfM'l'fj&' - tSV 3 11 1 V S
: per. with hard leather pliable sole Plaid cuff. 11 PSrSet7? ft&WmVHVpt "tfAsfc-- 5lV':- I
L0N. A Real Xma. Giftl An Ever-popular Giftl For Extra Winter WarmthI Just what he'd wantl
P M'A Boys-Sweoters Kinafield Ties Men's Jackets i?1
W WafQX3s, jT '?'r Warm and well-fit- Ties your men- Superbly tailored in in cossack styles for X
:ff WtkStkS&S. Py ,,tPr ting part wool folk will be glad Melton cloth with i perfect fit. AdjagtavM
fi: mm a S3Sap &z2m sweaters in tUpn to receive . . . slide fastened front able cuffs. Halfbeity
HDsi SyaM as ff or coat atylea. As- r69 All-wool lining in M Q . . . Cossack style. A 69 in back. Front alide .ft
'if: aaffc Umvgr X UU 'sorted colors. Sizes I p 1 a i n or fancy ttyC Fancy plaid in sizes O fastener. 'Jt
. ,,. plustax 8-18. colors. 34-38. S
. Moccasin Slippers For Growing Boys .
V Indian design with padded Fuzzy Wuzzy type. Hard ( -...'J !LfK L1'!. SGG SOflfo' 4
leather sole. Sizes 8 to 12. sole. Blue and maroon. s
H 9 A A t rf ZBw Bring the children , Jr
$ z gcutdu JVevUrt ."SW' 1
iff i E t r y afternoon
If yflflw
3g f 'Boygord'Oxford. "Sandy Nevii." Jr. fl ll-fj r.WrWjr I : I
WXIX ;Tf Doub)e lBmcd olcg.,, sewed welt, strong flex- IJ 1V iff I 7 ' MJfjh'V-Ji. I 'ft
1 B sewed construction, no iblo leather soles. High F I ft 1,1 i I I J I JMlLl W S S f.rX A '
:ff nails. Black or brown. shoe style. Black or brown. F it h gL r-i 1' ' lS, i
& Choice of 5 dress styles. Choice of styles. Sizes I 1 h, Tj t 1 JLt Pfi frff "m-r-i "f I :
ls,:: muff IMm4: 3 1 i
100 Proof : . ...
& Leothor Belts 49c 133 So. 8th Phono S18S t