. I Docnmbor 4, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN SCHOOL TOPICS DISCUSSED COUNTY AT T IE A number of brink discussions Of school problem rnilvcnrf! tho monthly mcetlnii of tha Klnmntli . County Principal and Couch association Tuesday .venlntf at Barl'i eafa. E. L. Coynnr, district reprcion tallve to the Oregon High School Aetlvltltt association wu Riven further Instruction for his altoncl a nee at tha December meeting of tha auoelatlon. Tha B schools of the county and throughout tha (lata are protnsthiK chiirurs for membership In the atntc u sociation, stilting; thnt smnll schools pay as IiIkIi a five tlmrs aa much per pupil in largo A schools. The Klninnlli associa tion wont on record In support of a Jackson county resolution requesting lower foes for B achoola and more equal dlntribu . tlon. Harold Hondrickaon,, czar of B athletlca In Uio county, an nounced tha roforeea for the opening night's basketball gumot ) December 6. All of the men have paaaed tha examination and hold itata aaaoclatlon cards, he said. President Roland Parka urged development within the squuds of a campaign against "crab bing" at referees' decisions. Hi said soma schools develop a bad name for their treatment of ref erees while otliers show out standing sportsmanship In this regard. The question was argued at length. Max Marvin, chairman of the basketball schedule committee, announced some dissatisfaction over the present method of se lecting tha southern Oregon rep resentative for the B tourna ment. Klamath and Lake coun ty schools must play an elimina tion series before the Jackson county team plays, ha said, Urns putting the Jackson representa tive in the finals without a gam. No action was taken for tha present year. Otll Johnson's report resulted 4. m iilB.,.ni. l..lAn f -What's Wrong With Debate." Johnson, chairman of the county declamation and debate commit tee, announced that only KUHS, Bonanza, Keno and Chiloquln will participate in debate this year. It was revealed that most schools had dropped debate be cause it had become a battle of debate coaches' wits rather than of the debaters themselves. It was suggested that schools sub stitute symposium or some other form of speaking to replace de bate. The debate question this year is "Resolved: That Oregon Should Adopt a Sales Tax." ' Samples of proposed admission tickets for high school activities were inspected by the school representatives and orders placed. Heretofore, county achoola have issued tickets on few occasions, but the new .fed eral tax makes keeping of ticket stubs necessary. County Superintendent Fred Peterson announced dates for the Christmas vacation and also for a week's vacation In the spring when teachers will be nblo to at tend the Oregon State Teachers association convention In Port, land. Clifton Jumea of Merrill was elected secretory of the associa tion .replacing George Frank, Keno coach who will be culled lulu the rmvy Into In December. Those In attendance nt tho meeting wero Duve White, Ar thur Cole, Don Norlln, George Elliot. Cnrrol Jlnwc, K. L, Coy ner, E, K. Evans, A. E. Street, (iconic llohbs, Harold Hnndrick smi, Max Marvin, Joe LaClnlr, John lleyden, Clifton Jumes, Ted Schoph, C. C. Chase, Fred Pet erson. Otis Johnson, Georgo Frank, Wayne Scott and Roland Parks. House Puts Wrench In Machinery for New Tax on Cars WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 W) Tim house appropriations com nilttce threw a monkey wrench yesterday into the elaborate ma chinery proposed by the treas ury department for collection of the new $3 annuul automo bile use tax. If the house permits the monkey wrench to stay there, it will inuko the auto tax in operative. Tim committee withheld tho S4,S02,5S4 the treasury said tha bureau of Intcrnul revenue re quired to collect an estimated 100,000,000 in taxes with the comment It was "not satisfied with the manner and cost of collection proposed ..." "Under the method of col lection proposed the estimated cost per $100 of collection of the automobilo use tax is $0.40 as contrasted with an actual cost in a previous fiscal year of 80 cents per $100 of collection for all types of revenue," the commltteo pointed out. Store to Pay Bonus in Defense Savings Stamps This year, in line with the na tional campaign to "buy defense stamps," Sears Roebuck and company will give defense stamps and bonds as the awards to salespeople for sales bonuses during the Christmas season. The awards will ba paid in 80c de fense stamps, according to T. R. Thompsen, head of the local firm. and the grand prlzo will be a $23 defense bond in addition. He expects to award about $230 worth of tha stamps, he said. ELEPHANT STOPS TRAIN BOMBAY. Dec. 4 WV-The Bombay-Lucknow mall train was held up an hour today while railway workers removed from the tracks an elephant which the' train struck and Injured. MAIL LOBT LONDON, Dec. 4 The general postofflce announced to day that letters, printed papers and parcels posted in England for the United States from Oct. 23 to 26 had been "lost by enemy action." A recent survey showed that today's average air traveler la a man between 31 and 30 years old and an executive. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Jantsen "Thunderblrd" Sweater for Skiing $8.93 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main KLAMATH 'S NEW tt&&nt&2tt TRAFFIC LIGHTS LATEST STYLE The stop lights soon to go Into operation In Klamath Falls are tho most modern In type and placement there are. Stanley Church, director of traffic safety from the secretary of state's of fice told a meeting of the city traffic safety council Wednes day. Portland, he said, Is watch ing them closely with a view to establishing lights of tha same typo there. Church pointed out that traffic fatalities have decreased In Klamath county, although fatali ties over the nation are up 13 per cent, and up 7 per cent In Oregon. September was the worst month here; Klamath Falls Is to have a state driving school again In March, ho announced. There will be a class for high school stu dents and one for adults once a week for seven weeks. Mustn't Point, Lesson for Cop PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4 OP) Patrolman Joseph Ransom re ceived rather a painful lesson In etiquette last night. Interceding Just as two men started to exchange blows, he ordered them both to go home. To emphasize his meaning, he determinedly pointed his finger at one, who promptly bit it hard. Read the Classified page. SAVINGS PLACED HERE BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH - - Cat. jbudcUndl AS OF, THE lit! Insured Savings and Better Returns 3i (CURRENT DIVIDEND) First Federal Savings and Loan Asi'n. of Klamath Foils Member Federal 8avlngs and Loan Insurance Corporation Ith k Main Ph. SI 93 Proved by VMfonS of of driving! miles .0 W J -""W"". Piston prorlde aa ex- Vk Im immk eUiot example of the If C. SJsyk 1942 Poodac's quality. 1 jf ' cS? W These light alloy iron A 1 .''..: W piston are exactly the M, r ' I 1 l"":f !'-. me TP M vt& - ' S S"' ? 5j'i-1iJ past years In orer two Jl' Ht!v I lrf&?dr """"on Pontisc ears, f i AGAIN THIS YEAR, you can buy a Pontlac with '. the aame assurance of satisfaction that you have ienjoyed in the past. Bearings, crankshafts, connecting rods and all other vital parts in the '941 Pontiac are of exactly the same type PontJac has used for many years and have . been prOTed dependable by owners driving billions of miles. PONTIACS JOB-produclng anti-aircraft cannon for the United State Navy and baikhaf the fln car with tha low price for the American people. 84 Klamath Ave., Xiemath rails, Or. Earl Smith Pontiac HODGES PONTIAC Associate Dealer, Tulalaka, Cel. 4fo feminine wetineU--y Van doolie 3th a&-;-AiR Our Stocks of V cut Raalte. Lingerie, H o 1 e ry ond Cloves is corn- eve ry de- Buy all you before selec become limit- lP&tt$ i Our Stocks of I Xn. olete in fWH tail. ' ' i ed. . . M VattHaatU Slumber - Wyns Gown .... 1.98 Give her one of these wormies for the ool nights. Of soft," warm lisle in dainty stryps in .pastel shades. VattHaalie Daddy Long Legs 1.98 Warm, yet very smart pajamas in soft lisle. Blouse in stripes, slacks plain. Comes in Oelph Blue and Blossom. A nlnmnrni it iSrrnu rtfv P i U fine hand-sewn gloves', " ' ' S Other Von Raolte . 5 Jf , I VfV tailored as only Van SILK HOSE . . $1.15 to $1.63 1 t :J V Raalte con tailor them.; I Van Raahe -i 1. DOEVEL .' - J NYtONHO$I.r $1.65 to $1.95 fftf -. "t l . ' AMERSUEDE ! . mMmMMMMMMMMMMMMMnMMMMn . MH if J I ' : PICTEX - j . ' . j- ". fabric combination , ' "BECAUSE YOU LOVE NICS THINGS" . - bbniwal motors-ATiKPntci 91 I A pair of these lovely -t ! . .r : 1 : : ' JL I gloves will put the need- Anm4j0ft '-!'- m Tl I ed flash into her cos- J wp I wT ' ' C . m IT f. tume. ' Shades of black, fUv17l -l , "NCV 5v AA V " VO t j navy, -brown, turf, tan I " Van Raalte (TTi ZNV tr n$Wu& & -" V W 4 ::.i, Rf. -S. t itzftf, "K?t7i Tf ft 1.00 to; jjJ ss . -v-. 0FTMS ; Slie'll love a j gift of . ; Van Raalte Gloves ecause You Love Nice Tlv nmgs Van Goalie Magnostryps Gown . . . . 28 A lovely gown with band trimmed V-neck and flattering form-fit bodice. Tearose only! . Van Raalte Petalskin Gowns 22525 Deft shirring gives a dainty touch to the bodice lines of . these dainty gowns. Come in short and long sleeves, in . . soft pastel shades. Blue and tearose. ! 0; Van. Raalte V Petalskin Slips A lovely slip that she would be charmed with. Artfully designed to give that "poured in look" that is obtained only with rayon jersey. Comes in sizes 32 to 42. White, tearose, black and navy. . Van Raalte S tryps Panties 55c, 75c & $1 Jiggers, 'Trunks and French Panties in lovely petalskin and stryps.' Addone of these to your list of feminine gifts. . . .Tearose and white. . .- , v . Vm.AaalU . Wooly-Wym . ; SKI - PANT '" SKI - VEST Wooly-Wym PANTIE Aristocrat PANTIE Excellent gifts for Her for the 'cold winter nights. 65c - . ' JJ.00 : and $1.65 i 1st S I i Hosiery 0 All the Silks and Nylons You Want L ;mYTH': STOCKINGS ; The Santa Claus who knows his stuff will crown her- heap of gifts with a box of her favorite hose. Myth is a 3-thread all-silk masterpiece of exclusive loveliness. Its -smooth strainles's ' fit and sturdy adaptable Jlextoe makes it a long lasting one . .... I;5 THE WOMAN'S STOBE.ihcV 8 i . if! 5-1