Doccmlwr 4, 1041 PAGE FIVE SOOT CURBING Tho junior chamber of com merce I on record favoring the city council's efforts to curb tho out nuisance In tho city, and has submitted n rcnolutlon to thnt body recommending con tinued effort and full support. "It wus tho opinion of tho or Kanlzullnn Hint In order to at tract und keen tho steady tourist trado thut thin country rightly doserves, It In absolutely ncces- fin j iihiv imiiiiu MIUIMI UO I1IHIHI thnt will Mnp tho terrible con dition thnt exists within oun midst. It whs broiiKht out thnt tho possibilities of building a larger and more beautiful city rests on the attraction! that a city enn give and that with tho promt mint condition existing, ninny of tho nnturnt attractive fr-iituit-K are thrown In tho back ground by those who would like to call Klnmuth rnlla their home," mild Howard Smith of the. Junior chamber. The Junior chamber will do an it can in crimiiuie us errnru to ninko thin city a better place In which to live, Bccordlrsj to t officers and members of the or Biinlnitlon, mid In bnrklng the roiincll'ii efforts to curb tho soot nulminee, we would like to hnvc every civic organisation In the city make like resolution In order thnt the present upward trend In tourist travel mny con tinue and more people make their home In this city." Klamath Student Guest at OSC Honorary Dinner OREGON STATE COLLEGE, CVmVAI.MS, Dec. 4 Vlrvlnln Ellen Smilli of Klumuth Falls, frcshmun In secretarial science win ono of 00 Oregon Stata col lego frcshmun girls recently In vited by Alpha Lambda Delta, sophomore women's scholustlc honor society, to be guests of the society at a formal dinner. ! uge high scholastic achievement Alpha Lambda Delta sponsors i among tho freshmen. At the end this annual event to which all freshman women who made bet ter than "B" averages while In high school arc Invited. The pur pose of tho dinner Is to encour- of their first year all girls who havo mudo a college grade point average of 3.33 or better are en titled to become members of Alpha Lambda Delta. TIMBER ASTORIA, Ore., Dec. 4 (JP) Corp. George Bullion, Battery B, 249th coast artillery, will take war games any day to a coastal gale. The Eugene, Ore., soldier, companion and their two girl friends were stopped by a tree across the road during last night's storm. Scarcely had the car halted than the wind brought down another tree, so close to the rear of the car that a branch sheared off the tall light. A limb from a third falling tree brushed Bullion as he went for help. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page. BE A request that persons wishing to contribute to the annual tu berculosis seal solo avoid con fusion of the tuberculosis seals with other seals offered for sale here was made Thursday by Paul Roberts, president of the Klam ath County Public Health asso ciation. "It has come to our attention thnt 'Christmas seals' other than the tuberculosis seals are being offered this year," said Roberts. "The National Tuberculosis as sociation and tho Klamath County Health association have been selling seals at Christmas tlmo for many years as a means of financing the fight against tu berculosis. We have many regu lar contributors who might con fuse our seals with others offer ed. It Is our hope that no ono, who wishes to contribute to the tuberculosis seal sales, will Jail to do so because of this con fusion." Roberts said the tuberculosis seals are not sold by personal or telephone solicitation, but only by mail. . Ex-Publisher Relaxes for $44 PORTLAND, Dec. 4 UP) Clint Haight polished up his gold pan and headed up Canyon mountain tho other day for a bit of relaxation befitting his recent retirement from publish ing the Bluo Mountain Eagle. Within an hpur he had $40 from ono pan but ho wasn't excited. Ho decided It was Just a pocket and cleaned It out for an additional $4. Then ho came to Portland to spend the money. ALL-RISK TILLAMOOK, Ore., Dec. 4 (UP) A. J. Wright of Pleasant vnlley gets things done In time. Tuesday ho took out all-risk Insurance on his new dairy born. Thnt night n gnlo blow the struc ture down. GUERRILLA WAR CAIRO, Fgypt, Dec. 3 W) Axis forces hnvc lnunchcd a "general offonslve" agnlnst the still unbentcn forces fighting an organized guerrilla war In tho western Mornva valley of Yugo pn Slnviu, snid a communiquo to night from general headquarters of the exiled royal Serb forces, According to the department of commerce, the average, cost of an alrplnno trip in continental United States la 8.1 cents per ii null;. .Mao"" In NR (Nature's Remly) Tab. Iris, Micro nrn no rlit-micnln. no minerals, no plienol derivatives. NR Tahlels are tlillerent ml Hit ferrnl. Purtly tutlnblt a combi nation of 10 vegetable Ingredients Inrmiilstcd over 50 years ago. llnroated or candy eonted, their action la dependable, thnrnngh, yet gentle, ns millions of NR's have proved. Ciet a KM Convince Bos. Larger economy sites, too. u it i- n i mot 'Tlaur.,, CANDY com? FIVE floors chock full oi ex citing Holiday Merchandise i (bought many months ago) to i help you start your Christmas J shopping this yeart Tho price on every item roproicnrs tne laving that 1600-itore cash buying-tolllng power brings you! LET PENNEY'S PLAY SANTA CLAUS to your Bud-gotl . ii sin jisjij..iiiss iiiii s ivsMtisawisiw.ijM'1' 1 v Jf -saw "' "" ' ,., n jh..m ....... m r cagyga. M i $h$L 1 -..aaaejaaBaBaav-- '-NVSv.v.- --BjaajBsaM BALCONY Gifts for All! 5 A GIFT FOR HERI TOILET SETS I98 Finished In gleaming gold colorsl A comb, brush, long handled mirror and a dainty cosmetic Jarl In rayon lined gift box! A PRACTICAL GIFTI CLOSET ACCESSORIES Three hangars covered with quilted rayon sat in. Three plio film protectors. Wrapped In cellophane. 49' GAY GIFTS Brightly Packaged Bath Towel SETS 79c Thick, quick-drying ter ry towels that are su per absorbent and come In bright colors. 20 x 40" towel. Two 12 x 12" wash cloths. fl DRESS HIM f UP IN THESE f TIES i 25c 98 Smart styles and bold stripes that boys llktl Fast color broadcloth. Coat or sllpon styles. A spectacular selection of neat stripes and col orful plaids. Gift boxed. NATTY 18 THE WORD FOR THESE Suspenders 49c Sturdy leather suspend ers, smoojh or emboss ed. In comfortable button-on style. Gift box ed. , .. ; . DOWNSTAIRS FOR SAVINGS FOR BOYS A WELCOME GIFT TRUE BLUE Dress SHIRTS 79c Clear, colorful patterns that are In the best of taste. Fast colors. Fine quality percales. In stripes, figures or whltel AN IDEAL GIFTI RBOADCLOTH PAJAMAS 2ND GIFTS MAKE HER CHRISTMAS A CHEERY ONEI Winter COATS 2(0)9 Beautifully tailored coats In new winter styles and col ors. Tweeds, fleeces, boucle, and n e e d 1 e points. Tans, blues, wines, blscksl Many popular style. 10-48. NEW VELVET DRESSES FLOOR FOR HER GREENSI WINESI BLUESI BLACKSI Lovely colors In fashion's latest styles. Budget priced. 9-44. LADIES' SATIN BLOUSES 2" Dressy tailored lace trimmed stylesl Short sleeves. Sad- ' die stitched. Gift boxed. Sises 32-40. Smvl ill la-r mm . i S3. - r MAIN FLOOR I GIFTS -FOR HIM FAMOUS FROM COAST TO COAST Gentry v Pajamas JT&5 Bright new patterns. Fast color bread cloth! Coat or sllpon medelsl A grand gift in every way. Well tailored and full cut. Draw-string or elastic waist band. A. B, C, D. LATEST STYLE MILLINERY 98 Smartest styles! Greater warmth! Longest wear! ' Sturdy capeskin leathers. Lined or nnlined. BOXED READY TO GIVE1 MEN'S TIES 49c Smartest designs new est patterns finest fab rics! Stripes! Plaidsl Figures! GIVE HIM THE BESTI DRESS GLOVES 98' s GIVE HIM A WARM GIFTI Betty-Co-eds the smartest new styles in hats you're ever seen beforel Newest colors! All at this low prlcel ALL WOOL ROBES 4W Expertly made of lightweight all wool flannel in rich solid colorsl Dressy double breasted stylesl Warmth comfort -style all in one handsome gift! S-M-L. NVi.V.K,ftiw A GIFT THAT WILL COONTI Towncraft SHIRTS I65 In new, smart stripes or patterns In refreshing tones! All fast colors. Sanforized. 14-17. LONG WEARING ARMOR FOOT DRESS SOCKS Patterns for erery taste in clocks and stripes. Fine quality rayon. 10-12. IT PAYS TO SHOP. AT PENNEY'S! 1 HUCE 3RD FLOOR FOR LADIES "HER" GIFT SHOULD BE EXTRA NICEI Mechonical Trains 98e Doll Furniture 25c Doll Buggies 98c Nurse Sets 49e Work Benches $2.98 Pencil Boxes .25c Doll Beds 98c . Rubber Balls' 25c Games 25c Doctor Sets 49c Kiddikins 89c Mechanical Trucks 98c i LACE TRIMMED TAILORED STYLES BEAUTIFUL SLIPS KJZ9 Exquisite lace or tailored styles. Made ot smooth . rayon satin. Bras cut to fit smoothly, and saaaJs Tery nicely made. Priced, to . pamper your budget, tool LINED WITH FRAGRANT CEDAR1 TREASURE CHESTS Keep toys, books, and other treasures in this big chest! Metal trims, with ship design on the cover. Snap lock. 49' TWO BEDS IN ONEI Double Decker BEDS CAN BE USED AS aa TWIN BEDSI Tj V MAPLE FINISH! J Early American style beds! She'll be thrill ed with this sweet double decker. With ladder to upper bed. '-jgagP 5 90 THE BIGGEST SURPRISE IN SANTA'S PACKI 16MM PROJECTOR COMPLETE WITH FILM AC or DC MOTOR 2 200-FT. REELS 125 WATT BULB . CORD ND PLUG Movies at home! Motor ' driven, built in speed control. You'll find it easy to operate! And if you've been taking your own movies this Is a good oppor tunity to get a fine projector at low cost! , . . . ramv .'? A Glamorous Gift for "Her"l Silk Hosiery If.9 Full Fashioned! Kewest Shades! Sheer! Lovely!. 3-thread full fash ioned hosiery. New est shades. Twilight crepe. 10 Is. You'll Be Proud to Present These GLOVES 98' Styles and colors to please the most partic- l. n m m r A V. a ' 1 1 , - M . D . nw...v. vuw - - a- never guess the price. Fabrics I Leather trimsl Gauntlet stylesl AV- or. w ii- SHOP AT PENNEY'! AND SAVE! r REGUIARI 1 j , e. PENNKY IMC,