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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1941)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB City, Bsueji Visitors I'rlvalo John H. Spenco, Chiloquin, unci 1'rlvnte. HoImtI V, I'cnlccnst, Huinnii-r lime, (if I ho United States murine rorps, urn on' leave from Sun Diego. Cnllf., vlaltlng Willi friends and rlnllvpn here. Npence, upon reporting for duty, will be assigned In the urn nchnol, unci I'rntccnst will report to the second murium nt Cnmp Elliot, Cnllfornln. AAUW Book Harlew Mrs, B. A. Gonry will review "Berlin Diary" at tho evening group meeting Monday at 8 o'clock, The meeting will bo held at the homo of Mrs. J. C. O'Neill, 1130 Mon Claire. Improving Mrs. Rote Laux, who has been a patient at Klam ath Valley hospital for some time, la reported slightly Improved. Poccmbor 4, 1941 . 'Krrrj-1 y TS BOXED HANKIES PILLOW CASES COTTON ANKLETS FRUIT CAKES a lymmm 3 49c jm r MM: i7cp,'iiy - n WfAP -J&S&j jf :i r.?,:. mm liPi fXST0 ts&'vsA vt.tYhT?.,.. rkbim ....... wv..,r.T, p "?- 1 U' ' - 5f V) Y( KsjiAC'' ambroMarae. 'ZiTTi tjejavfSL; lupwirixi i p i . t )Vr -. . - - VUlt Here Mr. and Mm. It, II. Frnnrlxro of Minnesota, visited lit llm homo of Mr. unci Mm. W, I.. I.iirsmi, 21 17 Kbor loin avenue, rn mule to south rrn Cnllfornln for tho winter. Thry will return to thrlr home In the spring nnd plnn to make nnolhrr visit here. Thin Is Mm. r'rnnrlsoo's first visit to tho roust. Move Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Mnrln of 24.10 Orchard way, Iwivp moved to Lebanon. Mr. Mnrln In employed there in book keeper with Wordrn nnd Allcott. She In the daughter of Mr. and Mm. W. C. Little. Mnrln li also employed In the vnlley city. Ho In the on of Mr. nnd Mr. J. C. Mnrln. Piclurta At the evening aervlre nt the First Chriatlnn rhnrch, Ninth nnd Plnn streets, Rundnv, December 7, nt 7:30 p m . moving pictures of Alaska will be shown by Mr. Gibus who has spent n number of yenm In the northern country. The public la cordlnlly Invited to nee them. A freewill offering will be tnken to apply on the building improvements. From Pendleton The Rt. Rev. Willlnm P. Remington bishop of the dloccae of eastern Oregon, was to arrive late Thursday to apend the remain' der of the week visiting In Klamath Falla. Ho will attend a veatry meeting at St. Pntil'a Friday nliiht, and attend the Saturday nliiht pariah party In the pnrlah hall, and will nlao be at the morning acrvlce Sun day. Return Mr, and Mr. Glenn Kent returned Sunday from Cor- vnllia where they were called by tho audden illness of their ion, Karl, atudent nt Oregon State col lege. Karl Inter submitted to an operation for the removnl of his nppendix nnd Is reported doing nicely nt Dull clinic In Corvallls Ho will return hero for Christ-mns. Chairman Alfred E. "Cap" Collier, will bo the principal speaker nt Rotary club on Fri ll ny nt 13 oclork noon In the Wtllard hotel. His subject will be, "County Selectees." Collier Is chnlrmnn of selective service bnnrd 1. Dr, J. Hnrdln Carter will Introduce. Collier. Improving The many friends of E. R. Cardwcll, well known Klamath county rancher, will bo Interested to learn ho Is Improv ing steadily nt his rnnch home In tho Spring Lnko district whero ho was moved from Klamath Valley hospital. Cnrdwell suf. fered serious head Injuries In a fall. Fishing Poor A number of 'Klamath fishermen planned to spend several days on Rogue river, but a telephone call ad vised tho anglers that tho water had risen sharply duo to heavy rnlns In the vnlley nrca nnd that "fishing won't bo good for a week." Reports Theft T. C. Ward. 3840 South Sixth street, report ed to city police tho theft of . tools from his gnrage. Has Operation Lafn ' Welch, daughter of Vernon Welch of Dorr-la, Cnllf., submitted to an operation for tho removal of her appendix at Klnmath Valley hospital Thursday. Alumni Meeting The Alpha C hi Omega alumni club will hold a meeting on Monday, December 8, at the homo of Mrs. Mitchell Tlllotson at 1832 Earle street at 8 o'clock. From Bonansa Fred Rueck of Bonanza, chairman of the county agricultural conservation committee, was a business visitor lr Klamath Falls early Wednesday. I 1 ife&u Dinner Women employes of Montgomery Ward company were to meet at 8 o clock Thursday night at Lakeshore Inn for the annual Christmas dinner and tree. Visits Daughter Mrs. Mar garet Herrmann of La Grande arrived Tuesday to spend a I month visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Jester of 2027 Earle atreet. May Hare Visitors Mrs. Ella Brown of Beatty Is able to re ceive v.'sitors at Lightfoot hos pital. Returns Home Mrs. Henry Gladltch, 201S Wantland. has returned home from the Light- foot hospital after a lengthy ill ness. Confined Mrs. Harold Beas- lay has been confined to her home for the past two weeks with a severe cold. Reports Theft W. C. Dalton. Mnlln rancher, reported to city police tho theft of two saddles. one Pendleton make, the other from Charley Read. For Your Information ! . WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Partly cloudy tonight and Fri day, with light rains in north portion tonight; local frost In the valleys tonight; moderate north west wind off const. WASHINGTON AND ORE GON Showers tonight and Frl- dny, with snow over tho moun tains; little change In tempera ture; strong to galo force south-1 erly winds on coast and over In land waters of Washington, be-1 coming west and decreasing this afternoon. MAIL CLOSING TIME (Effective September 28, 1941) Train 17 Southbound: S a. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m. Train IS Southboundi 5:45 p. m. I Train IB Northboundi 8:00 p. m. Dlnner-Basaar The Klamath Lutheran Ladles aid prepared their annual dinner and bazaar at tha church on Cross and Cres cent streets, Thursday, Decem ber 4. Tho menu is "all-American" with turkey and all the'fix- Ings." Serving was to begin at 3 o clock, and continue until 8 p. m. As another feature this year, the Men's club installed a woodcraft booth with articles for Christmas presents. Tho ladles' booth also was filled with at tractive and useful articles that anyone will be glad to receive on Christmas mortilng. The pub lic was cordially Invited to at tend the dinner and to Inspect trie booths. Extension Unit Tha Shasta- Homedale extension unit will meet Friday, December 8, nt I 10:30 a. m. at the homo of Mrs. H. E. Stiles, 172S Arthur street, corner of Shasta way. Mrs. I Anna Funk and Mrs. Harry I wlard will lead discussion on I 'Household Aids." and roll cbIM will bo 'answered with an cxcr-l else 1o keep fit. Members arcl asked to bring sack lunches and I tablo service. Stop! 'Looking for a Good Time? 1 Come ts Keno Dance , EVERY SAT. NIGHT Music By OREGON HILLBILLIES Air Conditioned for Your , , Comfort. W rrT: :: ; mm " - , If JLW I'll "7. II J." lrV7 . i. A .'vf ' " V H i nVTtBUt I f 1 ' Af T -.,.-,-. , - tinr - - TTonoorruuy lYioaei m w- . w.. x .-.' w -" myHf-.. Gifts for Good Little Glrlsl sx.a mm... . a-XX " PurCw 01 B a?''1! nUIIUYSUBMe J siiumvimi. iimwii uui - w : , , ' 4-Star DRESSES a M M. 1 rf ...... II (f .(L)Jifl ' ' L 1 Kff"ff7i ... deep horns. Sizes 8 J .Deca"se. '"ey . -Zfllw V f UK, ' I 1 1 . ' u r ( f t?rK rsfr I CHENILLE f Ifl P!l "V". -S I iJVirttl 1 '""--TN.V. . U : robes &wmm m -w vbc rMB wnmMu - a M r."" 2.19 iiAXitemam ii MiTTnuoDtDE . vr in uiurrtw U Li: 1 I iSMRvZ&K va r, " " OYC Ii ll tlil .7 t. n 1 1 swrar His H lit m w i ms I H L.OO.MQ 7.T 9 OR VNR3LS II Ruffli and lac. trim. 119 YT9 71 II il 14 LJ , .f- r - nr..-Je 11 nUt.t shade. I'.';. I il fell ffl : T3 . I T ' "' ' ' LikJojtf Ny trW Putl-over or coat styles. V- j1 3-3 " " I 1 4 'I 4 -Jk. r i ?V Long sleeves . . . lastex ' ; J361 Hir If 1 . ' 'Nc ..TFA , - Y knit lr necks 22" " A I i J LI h ' vii t A . ' MISSES' SWEATERS ! V . A' ' I run rMhion.d. v v-:v :.;,vv LiywF-u wW'yMrlr 1 lln "ROYAL PURPLE" W Sw sizes 8 lV16- nfi'MW b ' Shades U 7V-ei U : . . I M 11 7 .U. IJ Knit of finest quality silk. m fc 4 1753- v V Snag resistant, fine jaeams. NYLON HOSIERY U I all I 1 11 AW : .ft I P,c? W.P W',n "?nC" a. ... W : ' , afw . M . II. II neeis ana reinrorcea iocs. i s i ; sk I jA.-a Ii -X i a to 104. I - I I ! A . . iSgr. I A .. .1 B ftX. ,,sr.'- I f . A v .....TVeK , ...... F -i3 il idl. 1 V a(ffiSt rJrfL.a I I .-W. -1 CHILDREN'S niBinYcnon I : A (Vfr'A 1" VS . 'OXFORDS. ' For growing girls-Hard.'. I' ntdW-t?J ' , IJflsSjWfVA 1' awt -SS. .at .i2SSy Leather insole ... non- wearing good looking. I M . iNtVf. &' Jj.Vri&f-f K J a V" ... . . Viy, . mark rubber sole. Rub- classic s trap Oxfords H, , V HW- B W.'lJM-H If ' afc , . - . ber neeis in DiacK or ... tan only. size, y W 1 F'K. A V I:J,M1 . H PEGCY ADAIR'S- cunnic nvEnon brown, sues aw to 2.- 34 to ?. : . .... PI f, 1 h ! V.A . yJt' MW HYiry "y ."e,". " ?r children . . . full rvs A U .1 v y .ftr?-r-i m w f -': limn. ..weu conswuc- ivt x I ifVaY 11r:LvJ WJMl and. brown. 8 to 3. ff (Iv I . -VV . . I ALL-IK-I F0UHDATI0H 4-ST.B F0S0ail0 W Wy.fVM Jv V V Snart Uplift Bral . w I 6s"i ?U aW Nfa, 1 Charmode Foundation with Sturdy abdominal support 1 A.Y$ V. . ."S. I LDBGH " 01111. sVaVIV HIIU ""f M JKW Hi ' M aBTaaal ' "aasassaa- M - si... nnr. 14 .nd 18 Ineh l.ncrth 1 sa.,r ! MM4f UinMPU'Sa sV CI Mtrabust Z In si... 36 to 48 Wq H CI IDDCBC WUZITS M U 35 to 42 bust , U uilBDtUe 1 IDDBD6 SLIPPERS sturdv. hard leather W s&sW U "p. isaja. boou with uppar ) A sole, soft durable felt ing. Blue, red, bur- IJ , N " .'" ''kQC t"1'1 i iw top. Blue, wine, brown. gundy. Sizes 3-9. . HrnT.V I OT h.i.,.1 . Sizes 4 to 9. v . ' (Plus Luxury Tax) i "mounts of $10, $15 and $20. ,.- . , , ; " . . ' . : . .... ,OB .... . ( Buy on terms but use as cashl . , , . ... ;. 1 33. So. 8th St. . . DIAL SI80 , . .. v L. :.. . .." .