The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 04, 1941, Page 16, Image 16

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Wide World War Analyst
Japan's decision to continue
negotiations with the United
States came as the breath of war
was blowing hot upon the Pacific
but It isn t surprising since it
bears out the indications that
Tokyo is anxious to evade con
flict with America.
The decision, is, of course, im
pelled by necessity. It may even
be that it is calculated to give the
Japanese more time to try to
make up their minds who is
going to win the European war,
One of Japan's greatest prob
lems has been to guess the out
come of tthe conflict correctly
If she crosses swords with
America and Britain, and Ger
many loses, it will be just too
bad for the land of the rising
sun. It might be just too bad
anyway, but that is a hazard of
another sort.
This being so. it is quite pas
sible that the reverses suffered
by the Germans in these last
critical hours of the Japanese
(Sablnet's debate may have had
much to do with the decision to
continue negotiations with Wash
ington. Had Hitler's forces swept
on into Moscow, or knocked the
allies out in Libya, we might
have had a different story from
They call the nazi chieftain
"lucky Hitler" in Germany be
cause of the uncanny frequency
of his successes, but the past
weekend very definitely has
been one of his off-times. This is
by way of reporting that the al
lies have struck some powerful
blows of great potential import
ance. - The fuehrer has had a tre
mendous setback in the sensa
tional feat of the red army not
only in forcing the nazis out of
Rostov the hinge on which the
gate to the Caucasus swings but
in hurling back the invaders to
the west along the Black sea
coast. Indeed, if the bolshevists
can hold the advantage they
have achieved it will have a vital
bearing not only on the outcome
of the war but on its duration.
Here it is necessary to repeat
what has been said in this
column 'before to the effect that
Hitler's resources aren't going to
stand the strain unless he can
tap new supplies. Either he must
knock Russia cold as he did
France, or he must escape the
increasingly chaotic conditions
on the blockaded European con
tinent by breaking into the Cau
casus and the Middle East.
Now the greatest blow Hitler
has had in his efforts to reach
this land of milk and honey is
the red victory at Rostov and
westward. There are few things
the allies could have achieved
that would have contributed
more toward shortening the war
in their favor. "
Don't forget that this conflict
is going to be won on resources,
and the allied strategy must for
ever be directed toward keep
ing the nazis from reaching fresh
Then as a companion piece to
the Rostov victory, the allied
forces in Libya continued to
maintain the advantage in their
offensive against the axis forces.
The Germans and Italians ap
pear to be trapped in Cirenacia,
for the allies have raced west
ward across the hot sands to the
gulf of Sirte and bid fair to cut
the axis off from retreat toward
Tripoli. In other words, the German-Italian
forces in Libya are
in grave danger of being annihi
lated or captured, a fact recog
nized in the fierce defense they
are making.
Skirmish Occurs
In Channel
: BERLIN, Dec. 4 (JP) Two
British motor torpedo boats and
u fuuum guuDoac were sunK ana
three other royal naval vessels
were damaged in a naval skir
mish in the channel between
British and German vessels, the
high command said today.
It announced a channel mine
sweeper sank the two torpedo
boats and damaged two more by
direct hits.
Millions of dollars in road
funds are being saved motorists
by balloon tires which are fash
ioned after the padded treads
of camels and elephants. Thus,
the pavement pounding destruc
tion of World war days will be
prevented by the army's new
mechanized equipment.
Home Treatment
, Great Success For
Skin Irritations
We don't think there Is anything bet
ter than stainless, liquid ZEMO a
doctor's formula to quickly relieve
itching and burning of skin and scalp
irritations, athlete's foot, chafing and
pimples due to external cause. ZEMO
also aids healing. 80 years success!
8, 60, $1.00. All
drugstore, FIV1P
News Notes and
Well, as Friday draws itself
nearer on the old calendar, the
boys of the Boys Alliance carnl-
val are working
ai zuu speea 10
finish plans for
the big festival
of fun.
The carnival
committees are,
or will be ready
to bark out at
the customers of
the carnival, De
cember 5 in the
-' big gym at the
high school and attempt to ped
dle their wares to the public.
Doors open at 8 o'clock, dancing
starts at 0:30.
The Home Ec club's sale of
towels, stuffed animals, and oth
er home brightening articles has
been postponed from Wednesday
to Thursday.
The articles the girls are sell
ing are ideal gifts for feminine
Kraters were distributed
Thursday as scheduled with their
new type. The paper comes
forth with "stymie bold ' con
densed" on all pages except the
editorial, which will remain the
same. The new type is the sur
prise we told you about.
It is a type similar to that
used in the Oregonian. It
should prove a new and better
asset to the Krater.
Seems as if the journalists
hold the top place tonight.
The Klamath chapter of the
Quill and Scroll will handle the
sale of defense stamps in the
high school. The sale will be
gin Thursday.
m m
In every town, drives are
staged by groups to help those
who are not as well off as the
others. Klamath Falls is of lit
tle or no difference. As Father
Time brings the last pages from
the calendar, the Hi-Y is racing
with him in their annual drive
for food for the needy. The boys
work from about the first of
December until a day or two
before Christmas gathering and
distributing the food. Everyone
is very generous in helping them
in the past, but why don't each
one of us try to add just a little
to what we used to give? It may
make them a little extra work in
the long run, but the boys receive
enjoyment from the enterprise
and it also will aid greatly in
making someone else enjoy the
Yuletide more.
Those who haven't paid their
second installment on the El Ro
deo are asked to do so before
Christmas. Of course you can
wait till the day school is out,
but we suggest that you pay
now and have your money then
for Xmas gifts.
Letters Pile Up
For Salem Airmail
SALEM, Dec. 4 P) More
than 12,000 . letters and covers
have been received at the Salem
postoffice for the first airmail
flight out of Salem tomorrow,
when Salem becomes a regular
passenger, mail and express
stop on United Air Lines coast
service. The city will have two
flights a day in both north and
Civic leaders will hold a ban
quet Friday night to celebrate
the event. The first plane will
arrive at 1:05 p. m.
CORAL GABLES, Fla., Dec. 4
(JP) The United States Savings
and Loan league today named
Fermor S. Cannon of Indianapo
lis, president. Ralph H. Cake of
Portland, Ore., was elected first
vice president.
Read the Classified page.
I UCH has been written about feminine
III hygiene. But too often women over.
"l look hygiene in the REAL sense of
the word underarm , cleanliness and
sweetness. You cannot be attractive with
underarms moist, stained and smelly.
Use Arrid, the new cream deodorant.
1. Arrid dots not roc dresses, does not
Irriuta skin.
2. No wafting- to dry. Cao be used riahe
iter sharing.
3. Instantly cnedta Mrtplratloa 1 to 3 dars.
Removes odor lionj perspiration, keeps
armpits dry.
4. Arrid Is a pure, white, frtssstess, stain.
. less vanishing cream. .
S Awarded Approval Setl of American Ined
tut of Laundering as harmless to fabric
Women use more Arrid than any other
deodorant. Try a 101, 391 or 59? jar to
Jar at any store which sells toilet roods.
PORTLAND, Dec. 4 (JP) L.
C. Stoll, state employment serv
ice director, said today that Ore
gon faced an economic crisis that
would mean wholesale unem
ployment unless concerted ac
tion was taken.
He estimated that at least 35,
000 men working in lumber,
heavy industries and the sheet
metal and building trades soon
might find themselves Jobless,
due to the Impact of nationally
applied non-defense building re
strictions and the scarcity of de
fense contracts. .
In addition, 20,000 men now
are available and seeking ship
yard and allied jobs.
Shutdowns already are begin
ning in the lumber industry and
are expected to spread from the
coast to the Columbia basin and
finally to the Willamette valley.
To complicate the situation,
other workers are migrating
here in search of defense lobs.
and another 5000 trainees who
soon will join the job-seeking
throng are enrolled in defense
industry schools.
Governor Sprague suggested
that the remedy might be a pool
ing of efforts by affected indus
trial and labor groups, the cham
bers of commerce and the Ore
gon economic council, the latter
serving as a "quarterback" to di
rect attempts to gain greater de
fense contracts.
Henderson Calls
Price Discussions
Price Administrator Leon Hen
derson called today two meetings
on the Pacific coast next week
to discuss price ceilings on
western pine lumber.
Operators from California,
New Mexico and Arizona, as
well as those Oregon producers
who wish to attend, will Bather
at the merchandise mart at San
Francisco on December 8. North
ern operators were invited to a
meeting in Spokane at the
Davenport hotel on December
Price ceilines on western nine
would facilitate the efforts of the
office of production management
to "keep stable the prices pf rnill.
work and boxes made, of this
wood," Henderson said.
Western Dine millworlr nriei
have been stabilized by a series
of individual agreements with
manufacturers. An invest! eation
of the box industry has been
started by OPA.
Students Refused
Draft Deferment
SALEM. Deo. 4 IJPi PrM..i
Roosevelt, settling an appeal by
lieutenant uolonel Elmer V.
Wooton, state selective service
director, has rulpH that
students takine nrp-moHira! or
, . . ' -
pre-nentai courses have no 1
grounds tor occupational defer
ment under the draft law. Mnn.
ton said today.
An Oregon pre-dental student
claimed deferment, but he was
denied this hv his lnral hmrH
and by the state appeal board.
olonel Wooton then appealed
to the president.
Wnntnn safri hnurnvm that
students actually enrolled in
medical or dental schools will be
eivpn dpfprmpnt. sinrA thrA is a
national shortage of doctors and
TOMATOES ts good enough fOR
Jl'i C-H-8's (Mit-known
product ...and no wendorf
Thicker, richer, tomato
flavor mad that way
btcauso only 1 out of
vary 4 tomato pastas
tha CHB Catsup fait.
Malta your naxf moal
mora anjoyabla by gat-.
ting tha aasypour CHB
Church Dinner Set
On Swiss Holiday
At St. Paul's
The holiday party planned for
Saturday, December 6, by St.
Paul's parish, falls on St. Nich
olas', day, a feast day in Switz
erland and one which designates
the opening of the Christmas
festivities. Swiss observe this
day as timo to clear up all ob
ligations for the year, to "pay
the rent and take care of mort
gages." Plans for this year's all-day
party are now complete. The
children of the city are invited
to the church Saturday at 10 a.
m., where there will be a puppet
show, hurdy gurdy, Christmas
movie, and other entertainment.
The show ends at 12 o'clock
Dessert will be served at 1
o'clock in the parish hall when
the annual bridge party and
bazaar will be held. There will
be booths of Christmas gifts and
delicacies, especially the plum
puddings which the women of
the church have made in years
past. The public is Invited to
take part, and those not wishing
to come for cards may visit the
bazaar during the afternoon. Boy
Scouts will be on hand through
out the day to aid in any way
At 7 o'clock there will be a
supper for the men and for the
women unable to attend the
afternoon affair. Cards will fol
low. Early-Day Plane
Pilot Passes
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 4 (JP)
An early-day airplane pilot, de
scribed by members of his fam
ily as having demonstrated in
1912 how to bomb a battleship
by dropping oranges on one at
the Philadelphia navy yard, was
buried here yesterday.
He was Victor D. Yonck, 73,
who died Sunday at the home of
a daughter.
Yonck was forced into retire
ment by Injuries suffered in a
crash in 1913. Prior to that time
the native of Belgium who learn
ed to fly from Ollieslager, famed
Belgian pilot, had given flying
exhibitions along the Atlantic
The reason German airplanes
show loggy performance in the
air is poor gasoline. British-analyzed
fuel in downed planes
showed octane 73 to 83, the or
dinary automobile range.
For The' Finest in Ski
Sweaters, Buy
Featured at
600 Main
juSf a little Beffer...
but what a difference !
Oregon State collego Is not seek
ing to extend its courses beyond
the recognized field of land
grant colleges as defined by luw,
nor ts it engaged in controversy
with any institution. So read n
statement issued hero by col
lege administrative officials in
answer to an nddress last Fri
day by R. C. Groesbcck, Klam
ath Falls, a member of tlio state
board of higher education.
The statement points out that
the original law defining tho
scope of land grant colleges, par
tially quoted by Groosbcck. re
quires that the federal funds be
used for colleges "where the
leading object shall be, without
excluding other scientific and
classical studies and including
military tactics, to teach such
branches of learning as nro ro
tated to agriculture and tho me
chanical arts in order to promote
the liberal and practical educa
tion of the industrial classes in
tho several pursuits and profes
sions of life."
"So long as the .state of Oregon
maintained the unified plan of
curricular offerings, where each
institution was not intended to
be complete In itself, Oregon
State college at no time asked
for a single course in violation
1 1 i MM-M--MMM'M,MMMW"eeeseeeeeea"W,a'1saMsa,IM
Beautiful watches, full-toned radio-phonograph,
fashionable handbags and gloves, fine camera,
Hallmark quality furniture . t ; at Montgomery
Ward you will find gifts you will be proud to give.
If you do not see everything you want on display,
come to our store's catalog order department and
Walk down our aisles and you will see gift Ides
for everybody on your list. And besides all tha
gifts on our counters, you can choose from the
125,000 different items in our catalogs. Right
here in our catalog order department, you can or-'
der anything from our biggeneral catalog or from
you'll find score of these, too, if you're plan
ning a thrifty Christmas! Little gifts that repre
sent thoughtful choosing as inexpensive as 25c,
39c and even 10c! You'll find lots of these (mall
remembrance on our counters here in the store!
And lot of additional one lo our catalogs. Be
eure to see our Special CHRISTMAS CATA
LOG la our store's catalog order departments'
sec &irnmw23i&
BMv - Vru
of this policy," tha statement
"With the abandonment of
that unified curricular plan at
Ashland October 28, the state
college Is duty-b'ound loconforrrl
to the now policy of the board
by moving to bring the instruc
tional service at Oregon State
college In line with that of simi
lar Institutions, but adapted to
the specific educational needs of
the state." tho statement went
Oregon Stato has nine major
courses compared with an avo
rngo of 12 for the other 11 land
grout Institutions In tho west,
college officluls said. All of the
largest Institutions give majors
in business or social science or
both, they said. These facts do
not bear out Groesbeck's state
ment that "the college had bet
ter do Its Job within Its own def
inition before it begins to Inter
fere with the university," the
statement added. It further add
ed that the college has never at
tacked any other Institution, has
never asked that any work at
any other institution be discon
PORTLAND, Dec. 4 (JP) R.
L. Collins, budget officer, said
yesterday the Oregon system of
higher education saved $3,282,
S0S in tax money In the eight
years since unification compared
with the eight preceding years.
Collins said the saving was
made despite an enrollment In
crease of 10 per cent.
The chamber of commerce has
applied for another civilian pi
lot training course to be given
here. If granted, the course will
start soma time during tha first
two weeks of February. The
Klnmatli Falls airport has al
ready been contacted to handle
the ground school and flight
Anyone who Is Interested In
taking such a course Is asked to
register at the chamber of com
merce, since at least 35 are re
quired as a beginning class.
Out of the three CPT classes
already completed here, 18 stu
dents now have received private
pilot licenses; two are In tha US
army and two are instructors.
Willamette Ebbs
After Heavy Rain
SALEM, Dec. 4 (II The Wil
lamette river, after rising 13 6
feet because of heavy rains, was
expected to subside here today.
The river reached the 13-foot
stage last night, still five feet
short of flood stage.
The First Congregational
church In Salem had a flooded
basement last night because of
a clogged storm sewer.
Read the Classified page
Ute your credit I
Buy on Wards
Payment Plan...
fr Challenge others up lo $40 moral
ic Rotary! Sew forward or backward! v
jfc- Automatic thread tension aduirmsjnll
Whet 1 the gift you'd ciooso for any home
maker who lew? Of course it' a new electrio
tewing machine! And your gift will be doubly
welcome if it's thl new M-W . . . with out
tanding cabinet beauty end many exclusive
Ward features
Because thl M-W 1 reversible rotary, it
eewt foward or backward making it easy to
mend or darn! Ruffle and all kind of fancy
sewing are eaiy too with the set of Greiat attach
mental And you get audi other feature a non -flare
direct-to-needlo light, and 20-year guar
antee! Don't delay I Choose thl M-W rotary
TODAY! You can't find a "BETTER giftl
k You cart boat tho rle In living
colli by making your own clolhoil
NINTH ST., corner PINE
December 4, 1041
High School Boys
Keep Paralysis
Victim Alive
LA GRANDE, Dec. 4 (JP)
Two high school boys wer
credited today with keoplng
Lawton Stoiirns, stricken with
Infnntllo paralysis, alive seven
hours until an Iron lung could
ba rushed hero.
Tha two, David Clark and
Keith Young, administered arti
ficial respiration until tha ap
paratus arrived from Nampa,
Dr. C. E. Drannor an Id
Strums, 33, who has a wife and
two children, Is In fair condi
LONDON, Dec. 4 UP) Lord
Moyne, colonial secretary, has
told tho house of lords that the
government was arranging to put
28,000 Italian war prisoners to
work on British farms.
from developing
Put a few drops of Va-tro-nol up
each nostril at (lie very lint anlilM
or tnecie. It quick action
aids Noture'i defense mtm
gainst colds. Follow W HIV
I r