December 4, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN HIASSIFIED INRFK Apartments lror Kent z Automotive .. 34 Buslneaa Opportunities 4li Educational 12 rinanclal 4(1 For Sal or Trml :ih General Notices 4 Health 13 Help Wanted, Female .. 14 Help Wanted Mala ( Houses for Kent 20 Livestock and I'oullry 44 Lout and Found 2 Mlscellnneoua Kor Unit 211 Mlacellunaoua For Kulo :iu Mlscollnneoua Wiinted ... 42 Real Katale Kor Snlo :iu Real Eatate Wanted .. 32 Room and llimrd 20 Koomi For Rent 22 Service! Id Situation! Wanted Ill To Exchange 41) Tranaporlation H Peraonela (I 3 Loat and Found rOUND Covrr fur pick up. 254.1 Hope. 12 3 LOST One Hack of clover m-i-il on road to Merrill mllla. He ward. John McFull, l(t 1, Bonanr.a, Ore 1 2 D 4 Oanerd Notlcaa CONTINUOUS enrollini-nt f,.r complete cotirx'H. New lultiuii ratea. Thero'a no auhsUUilu for quality. Nurthwcuti-rn Beauty College. 1-2 SILVER GLEAM The silver polish Unit mukes your allver ware glenm Ilka new He movea turnlah without acrutch Ing. Use on chrome, wlnd ahlelda, mlrrnra, wlndnwa, etc 28c at drug aturca. 12 2(1 TRAPPERS! Top prlcea paid for fura. Hollla Noonchriter, 323 Eaat Main 1 2-1 a Parson! FREE MARCELS every Monday. T u o a d a y and Wednesday. Northwestern Beauty College. 1-2 MEN, WOMEN OVFP 40! RUN DOWN, LISTLESS: Sllmu UnU, tonlca In Oatrex Tablet put new activity in bodica lacking Iron, vitamin HI. cut clum, phoaphorua Get new anap, teat f I 00 alze now only 80c. Call, write Whitman Drug and all otner good drug atorea 12 11 Tranaponatlon DHrVINO TO KANSAS CITY flrat of the v,rek. room for two for company. Phone 8320 12 0 10 Service BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 mlnutea. Reymera A.iaoclated Service, Fourth and Main. l-3mtf CARPETS, ruga and furniture cleaned. Dorenm Rug Clean era. Phone 5875. 2012 Or chard. 13 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone S730. 1 1 RHOADS WINDOW CLEA N ERS for dependable service. Dial 4768. 12 20 DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buckle! covered, alterations on new and old clothing. Mra. H M Allender, T3I Main. Room 216 Phone 7263. 1216mtf SAVE MONEY by having your furniture re-upholstered We guarantee It to look like new Full Una of latest fabrics. Es tlmatcs gladly given CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 1710 Main Phone 4810 12-10 CABINET WORK Shelving etc. Quality workmanship for leas money. Phone 3730. Wm B. Powell. Builder. 1-1 CURTAINS homo Inundercd. stretched Reasonable Phone 8647. 12-Smtf RUNDOWN BATTERIES RE CHARGED In 30 minutes. .Ilm Kaler's Union Station, Main and Conger. 12-8 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service 611 South Sixth. 12-31mtf REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, snfely and eco nomically. For an estimate phone 3730. Wm. B. Powell. 1-1 FLOOR BANDING and reflmsb Ing. Clifford aolden. Phone 8922. 12-30mtf SPECIAL $2.08 oil permanent wivo $1.50. Northwestern Beauty College, 1-2 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, pinto and mirrors, resll verlng. Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut. Phono 7378. 12-mtf KAY HALL Your Electrolux denier sales and service 1113 Roseway Drive. Phone 7107. 12-6 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hothnway, 120 N. 10th St., Klnmath Falls, Ore. 12-30 PICTURE FRAMING Art nnd Gift Shop, 810 Main. 12-24nitt fjgrvloa FLOOR SANDING, FINISHINQ Wo (innoruto our own pow er. C. OuFour. Phone 3IIII8. l2-3lmtl MATTHK..SSK.3 renovated and re covered or your old cotton mattress converted Into 210 coll Inucraprlng. All work ifiwrantcd Free estimates, pick up and delivery. One day service. CARLSON MATTOKSS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 171(1 Mnln Phono 4510 12-10 n ksi '()nsiTu,k1'"er"son will rare for children. Phono 7812. 12-7 PICTUHK FRAMING. Goellcr'i. 2-'l Minn. 1214mtl FLOOR SAND1NO Old floor reflnlshed Norman Fnilcy. Plioiio 4001. l2-24mtf I'APKHIIANOING. painting, kat annulling. Oliil 0R4H Melvln K From. 1213mtf 1 II. L. Hiown. Phone 422fl ! PAINTING, KALSOMIN1NG 12-10mtf CHILDREN CARED FOR, dnys or evenings. Hcnaonnhle rates. 3.11 Coniii-r. 12-25 SAWS RKPAIHKD The right wiiy llodi-nhnmer's, 383 E. Muln. 1210 12 Educational WHEN YOU THINK OF SUC CESS think of Northwcatvrn Beauty College, ono of Anicr- Ick'b excrptlonnl training achoola. 12 MODERNISTIC HEAUTY COL LEGE 018 Klamath Ave Phono 3U83 lOOmtf ACCORDION LESSONS Pro feaalonal, $1.00. Mra. Victor, rifill.l 1 2-8 13 Healtb DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL. chiro practic clinic aame location. 833 Mnln. Dlnl 7218 12-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Middle-aged womon for general houaework. Mod ern home on ranch. Give age and reference. Santford Jonus, Bonanza, Ore. 400.1tf WANTED Woman for house work. Muat atay nights. 632 So 6th between 1 p. m. nnd 2 p. m. 12-5 YOUNG LADY, 18 to 24, neat appearing, well educated, free to travel to California nnd southern state for winter. 818 weekly, drawing account nnd transportation.' See Mrs. New ton, 11 a. m. to 12 a. m. 5 p. m. to 7 p. m.. Valley Hotel. 12-6! HOUSEKEEPER for small fam ily. Phone 7200. 2426 Vine. 12-5 WANTED Experienced unen cumbered housekeeper. Small family, strictly modern home. Inquire Link River Cot tages after 2 p. m. 470BH GIRL OR WOMAN for house work. Room, board, wages. 000 Broad. 12-4 16 Help Wanted. Mala YOUNG MAN, 17 to 21, neat appearing, well educated, free to travel USA. See Mr. New ton, 11 a. m. to 12 a. m. or 3 p. m. to 7 p. m.. Valley Hotel. 12-6 FOR JOHS In airplane factor ies, apply Mr. Listnl, room 201, Wllllts building. 12-8 WANTED Farm nond. Single, experienced Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 4708tf 18 Situation Wanted HOUR WORK Call 3748. 12-10 SIIIPMAN'S BOARDING HOME fox children. 3802 Bisbce South Altamont. Phone 7363. 1-4 HOUR WORK Phone 7884. 12-8 BABYLAND Caro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341 12-12mtf HOUR WORK Phono 7904. 12-9 EXPERIENCED woman cook wants work. Ncws-Hernld Box 3069. 12-8 WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 8380. 1217 Room and Board BOARD, ROOM $35 month. Phono 4388. 12-10 BOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. 'Phone 8540. "r 12-10 ROOMS AND BOARD Reason-, able. 34Q N.'Dth. , 12-fl BOARD. . AND;liOOM Home . privileges;' Gentleman pre ferred. .$35.00. month, 700 Mitchell, " " "i M- GIRLS Board, room. Twin beds. $35. 220 Washington. Phone 758S, 12-6 BOARD AND ROOM 407 No. nth. Phono 0010. 488Btf 10 34 Automotive Next to a New Buick A Used One Is The BEST BUY! Prepare now for the aiifety of your family A Better Car la n Safer Car Buy Today Suvc and be Safer. '41 llulck Speclnl Deluxe Sedan, displayed In new car de partment becnuao It la practically new. Heater, do froatcr. trunk. You can avo over $400 on thla unit. Sen It today. '41 Buick Special A U1R" wheel baac) Sedan, thla Job la Jual Broken In. equipped, heater, defroater and U. S. Hoyol Mualer tlrqa, generolly like new. '40 llulck Super Sedan, original dark green finish spotless, atrlctly a amnrt deluxe car with radio, heater, de froater. mechanically right '30 Chrysler Imperial Touring Sedan, low mileage, general ly far abovo average, overdrive, radio and heater. '38 Hulck Special Sedan, new paint, motor reconditioned Including new piatona and ringa, a real value. '37 Dodgo Coupe, very clean, new rlnga. '37 Bulek Special Sedan, mechanically right, new paint, healer and dofroater. '38 DcSoto Touring Sedan, heater, very clean. '311 Buick Special Sedan, radio, heater, new paint. '3(1 Chevrolet Coupe, very clean, radio and heater. '35 Ford Tudor Sedan, a real bargain. '34 Hudson Brougham, above average, radio and heater. Utility Specials '35 Ford Panel Delivery, very aolld with new motor exchange, heater and a steal at only $268 '36 Ford Sedan Delivery, new paint, an attractive unit $333 "30 Chevrolet Panel Vi Ton, spacious body, mechanical ly right $825 '38 G.M.C. Pickup Ton, reconditioned $423 '36 Dodge Pickup '.4 Ton, new paint and mechanically OK $315 H. E. Hauger G M C Open 1330 Main Street 20 Room and Board BOARD. ROOM 1018 Wash Ington. . 12-6 GIRL Nice room, good cook ing . 603 Jefferson. 12-9 BOARD. ROOM Private home. 332 N. 0th. 12-13 22 Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Room adjoining bnlh. Breakfast if desired Phone 8707. 533 N. 0th. 12-6 WARM BEDROOM in modern homo. Close in. $3. 411 N. 3rd. 12-8 NICE. ROOM FOR ENT 134 North 3rd. 4891tf MARS HOTEL 141 1 Main Low weekly rates, - 80c to $1.00 nor night. 1211 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with now innerspring mattresses Free parking 12-13mtf WARM ROOM for working man. Bath. Call 3824 after 0 p. m. 3530tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1304 Wordcn. 12-11 ROOMS 1034 High. 12-5mtf SINGLE ROOM Phono 6638. 023 Grant. 12-4 ROOM for gentleman. Modern home. Phone 4667. 12-5 24 Apartments For Rent THREE -ROOM apartment on Main street. Inqulro at Em pire Hotel. 12-6 FURNISHED 2 ROOMS Util ities furnished. $14. 2143 Vine. 12 5 FURNISHED two-room apart ment and bath, Utilities fur nished. $5 week. 220 So. 4th. 12-6 NICELY FURNISHED two-room apartment. Steam heat, pri vate bath. $32. Phono 3698. 12-10 FURNISHED APT. 421 Oak. 1850 VACANCY Linda Vista Court. Phone 4501. 12-9 ATTRACTIVE front corner apt. All modern conveniences. Adults only. Inquire 208 Main. 1541U HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 920 Lincoln. Phone 7615. 3961tf JACOBS APARTMENTS Va cancy, Pine and Cedar. 4701U VACANCY Uth Street Apart ments, 333 So. 11 th. 12-4 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed apartment. 2015 Oregon Ave. 12-6 VACANCY 900 Owen 12-6 FURNISHED APARTMENT 801 Market. 12-8 FURNISHED APARTMENTS , Wobd, lights, water, gas. 419 No) 10th. 12-24mtf VACANCY Rex Arms. 12 12 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotol service. Day, ' week or month. . 12-9mtf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room modern apartment. Inquire 2119 Applegatp. 3743U Automotive and BUICK Evening! Phone 5151 : 24 Apartment! For Rant FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Bieh'n. Phono 7266 or 4527. 4138tf TWO-ROOM modern apartments, furnished cabins. Reduced rates for winter. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-4 ONE-ROOM light housekeeping. Everything furnished. 109 N. Broad. 12-4 VACANCY Park Apartments 1842 Esplanade. 12-4 LARGE comfortable housekeep ing room. 248 Broad. 4677U THREE-Roaro -apartment. 2043 White. . 4851U VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 12-31mtf 26 Houses For Rent SMALL modern furnished cot tage. Utilities furnished. 2125 Biehn. 12-10 5 ROOMS, furnished. Close In 116 No. 5th. 12-6 FOUR-ROOM modern unfurnish ed house, $17.50. 931 Kane, 12-5 MODERN furnished cottages. Reasonable rate. Phone 7292 12-10 BACHELORS' CABINS 425 Willow. 1-3 FOR RENT 3-room partly fur nished house. 3668 Hilyard. 12-5 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Large living room,' full basement. hot water well. - 1845 Esplan ade. Phone 6928. 4711tf FURNISHED two-room cabin, $4 week. 2238 Hcmedale road. 12-3 3-BEDROOM modern house, partly furnished or unfurnish ed, 2 blocks below postoffice. 618 Willow Thursday after noon. 12-8 FURNISHED 4-room cottage, modern. Also 2-room. 4806 So. Sixth St. . 12-4 3-ROOM COTTAGE, furnished Water and garage. $18. 258 Broad. - 12-6 FOR RENT Dec. 1, five-room partly furnished house. 1500 Crescent. Phono 5084. 3743tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 18-7mtf FURNISHED 2-ROOM CABIN Hiehlev's Market. '".Siimmnrs lane. Phone 8075. t 4652U FOUR room duplex, oil clrcula tor, electric range and water heater, basement, garage and laundry. Phone 3050. 4675U ONE bedroom modern furnished house. 305 Lincoln. 4678tf FOR RENT Four-room house. 1022 Lytton. Inqulro 2036 Wordcn. , 12-6 FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, i acre ' good land. Lawn, trees. $300 cash will handle. Phone 3004 after 6. 12-6 FOR RENT Furnished house. 1727 Oregon after 11 p. m. : j'V 'v.! 12-4 FURNISHED ono room' 'cabin. Phone 6744. 12-4 34 34 Automotive WANTED - Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTGASH First Class Prices No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor' Co. USED CAR .LOT 1131 28 Houaas For Rent FOR RENT 2-bedroom house, $28 month. Ida M. Odell, 116 No 8th. 12 3 28 Miscellaneous For itent FOR RENT 2-wheeI trailer. 340 Cypreas. Phone 8696. 12-6 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours Phone 8118 12-9mtf 30 Real Estate For Sal FOR SALE Auto court, three cabins, all full, trailer space. Cheap for quick sale. See owner, South 6th and Home- dale. 12-10 FOR SALE Completely fur nished home. Four rooms and sleeping porch. Fenced yard. $1800. News-Herald Box 3984. 12-6 FOR SALE 40-acre farm with house and buildings. Best po tato and farming land. Bor ders Lost river, 9 miles from town. News-Herald Box 3976. 12-6 NEW 2-BEDROOM HOUSE Llndley Heights. Furnished or unfurnished. Small down pay ment will handle. Phone 5309. 12-10 FOR SALE 5-room house Washington near 3rd. Reason able terms. Phone owner, 5268. - - - : 12-6 Business 'and THome Small suburban grocery store on highway, a fine little busi ness, doing about. $1000 gross per month and also selling about 1600 gallons of gasoline per month from two gas pumps. Living quarters in rear of store, four rooms and bath. Owner will sell for only $3,200, plus inventory, or will trade for city or suburban property, or for ranch near Canby or Oregon City. See R. P. OLIVER or Dave Turner, Salesman 111 S. 8th Phone 4710 12-4 BUILD-REPAIR Remodel. Pay by the month. Material is plentiful, good labor available. Payments easy. Why put off those needed repairs. Call us today. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co. Phone 4816. 12-4 I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, oft Shasta way. 12-25 SMALL HOUSE, close in, for quick sale. $893. Terms. 406 Main. 12-9 FOR SALE Nice 5-room mod ern house in West Klamath. Inquire West Klamath Groc ery. 12-5 34 Automotive FOR SALE 1937 Deluxe Tudor Ford. Looks like new. 1828 Oregon avenue. 12-6 1929 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $33. Robert Helm, 208 i Gage road. 12-3 FOR SALE Dresser. 536 Fine, Apt. 17. 12-5 FOR SALE Lionel electric train, $25. 2060 Lavey, off Hillside. 12-6 ELECTROLUX? Ask for L. C. Carr, 3876. 12-6 KARL - KU-JAC'S BODY SER VICE now located at 2006 Ore gon Ave. Better body, fender work and painting for less. Give us a trial. Past five years at Cascade Garage. ' 1-3 FOR SALE Durant sedan, A-l condition, $85. 102 Audley Apartments, , 12-3 USED CHRYSLER Four-Door Sedan, Radio and heater. Like new. Bargain. Walter Ray nor; 1948 South 6th St. 12-5 FOR TRADE $700 equity In '41 Ford for 39 model car. News Herald Box 4874. 12-4 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass in your car at Rewey s Glass Shop, corner Elm and-Broad. Phone 8716. 12-6mU Automotive For First Class Cars See Jack Morris, mgr., at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 34 Automotive 1935 V-8 COUPE Radio and heater. An excellent buy. 2023 Darrow. Apt. 2. 4360tf 36 Miscellaneous For Saie CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute. Including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso'i Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery, The News - Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3205 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft.. $2.25 at mill. Phone 8383 Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. ' 12-17mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays Howard Graham. 3204tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878 Just south of viaduct 12-Bmtf SEASONED Flit BODY WOOD $8 cord. Phone 3787. 12-4 GOOD FIR BODY WOOD Phone 7832. 12-7 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 126 cubic foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 5852. 12-19mtf FERTILIZER for farm yard Jwn dirt. Phone 6817. 12-15 FOR SALE Red cinders. Phone . 8681. - 12-4 ARE you . interested in lower ': prices? Shingles 75c bundle. V wallboard 31c foot. Our spec ialty, all classes FHA loans. . You can own your home for monthly payments less than rent. Suburban Lumber Com pany. Phone 3301. . 3903tf FULLER BRUSHES for Christ mas. Bristle combs $2.45. De Lux bristle combs $3.95. R V. Morgan. Phone 3348. 1985 Benson. Clem Joyer, 2220 Wiard. 12-6 12-GAUGE PUMP GUN, practi cally new, for sale or trade as part payment on cow or heifer. 4349 Winter Ave. Phone 5031. 12-5 FOR SALE Boy's deluxe bi cycle, $15. Phone 3955. 12-5 PING-PONG TABLES Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. Phone '4816. 12-4 PHONE 7543 Cash Wood Yard Wood from- the woods. Across from the Tower theatre. -Fir . body,, seasoned. Lodge pole, better than limbs. Pine body, dry. Fir slabs, seasoned. 12-8 FOR SALE Hotpoint electric range, 3 burners and deep cooker. Good condition. Phone 3619 or call at 534 No; 9th St. 12-4 WEATHER STRIP and door bot toms. Keep out the cold drafts, Klamath Valley Lumber Co Phone 4816. 12-4 FOR, SALE Hawthorn bicycle, used one month. Cost $31.80, price $20 cash for quick sale 2518 Shasta way. 12-5 NAILS All standard sizes. No limit on quantity. Some odd size close-outs Be lb. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 12-4 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co 4885U DOOR CHIMES Throw away your old doorbell Nu-Tone chimes as low as $1. Easy to install. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co. Phone 4816. 12-4 STOVES REPAIRED All parts . stocked. -Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand .. Store,- 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 12-31mtf KEEP COLD AIR OUT with Protex weatherstripplng. Esti mate free. H. S, Rathe. Phone 6341. 12-4 FRAMED... EIQTUflES, 69c to ' $2.99. GoeUer's, 230 Main. 12-U 34 36 Miscellaneous For Bale TAVENNER and;PURDY Licensed . . .. . L, SALE; BARN ; Where Buyer 'and Seller Meet Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Horses ' and Mules, Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Etc. Auction Sales, Every Saturday 4 Mlacellaneoui 1.30 Livestock 2;30 Beginning December.-6. 8 miles South of Tower Theater on old Midland Road We strive to make this a market 'that will merit 'your lupport. And we appreciate ' your consignments.- Com and inspect our new up-to-date sale pavilllon ' where we can hold .regular auction sales every Saturday. Rain or Shine. " DON SHIPLEY Auctioneer 703 North 9th St. 38 Miscellaneous For Sal MIRRORS, $1.23 up. GoeUer's, 230 Main. 12-11 WRAP your Christmas packages in wallpaper from GoeUer's. Across from Willard. . 12-11 WOOD BURNING SUPPLIES GoeUer's, 230 Main.-. 12-11 FOR SALE McCormlck dairy milker. Latest model, port able. Double unit and alter nating action. Stainless steel pail. Used 4 months. 2746 Kane. 12-5 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Small home close in as down payment-on new or nearly new 3-bedroom home. Box 1540, News-Herald. 12-4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Kiltfer - chisler. John McFall, Rt.' 1, ' Bonanza, Ore. 12-5 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 3713, our ex pense ,12-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Cheap-..' Chester White boar, one year old. Rt. 3, Box421C. 12-6 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds! Trulove's Market. Phone 4282, 919 East Main.. '-- '. - J2-16mrJ FOR SALE &i Feeder pigs and - sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore, Box 145. t. 11-28 FOR SALE Aberdeen Angus bulls. -Two - coming 3 years, . one coming yearling. Also plump dry land rye seed. C. V. Barton, Poe Valley. FOR SALE OR TRADE For ewe yearling, Corriedale buck. Lloyd Gift, Bonanza, Ore. . ' 12-5 BILLYGOAT, $lfl. Egyptian Nu bian. Parents both registered. 3209 Hilyard. - 12-6 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 6361. Midland road. . - 12-31rntf. FOR SALE Colored fryers, corn fed. We deliver; Phone 5934. ...... 12-8 48 Financial CASH: LOANS WITHOUT EXD0K9EB3 I WATS TO OCT A COXSCMEKS CASH LOAN . rHO!CE . WRIT1 . COJDS IX Ton need bo eo-ilnera or endortera to let. - consumer! . loan whether -Ton are married. . or iioaie. THREE LOAN PLANS ; NO. 1INCOMX LOANS - . On your not only. No wig talfiv ment. No co-itgnert. NO. 1 FCBNITDBE IOAN8 . Tour htrtctr ts mora Important wan tot iurnimr men. NO. a-AUTO LOANS ' 50 to 500 sfc'ku r and roiln- CONSUMERS CREDIT M Ml 720 Pine St. s-ja) " Phone 7711 i .. .lMimtf L O A;N S ON TOUR AUTOMOBIM Cash At , ;: Oncel Tour Car Xeed Mot Be Fully Paid For . . . See Us Today j Commercial Finance ' " CORPORATIOX IIS South oth Bt., Klamath Falla Hion SfH - - M ISS -. - lt-JImtf See ; Dinty Moore. t '' Fof"'"'."";:. . . . AUTO LOANS - . .REFINANCING ' ; Locally Owned '. J Motor Investment ; ' "' ' "company ' 114 ir. Kh ' Lie. M-ira ' Fbona mi 38 Mlaecllaneoua for Sal H. K, TAVENNER ; Manager Phone 3426: 48 "! Financial' SMALL LUNCH ROOM--Steadj year. round trade... Low over head, good lease, good equip ment. Best Class- trad estab 1 - llshed. A real : moneymaker - Owner must quit work. Call 135 N. 4th St. 12-4 48 Busineas Opportunities FOR SALE Service station ana gar a ge.:-: News-Herald Boj 3059.-; .';.... - v 12- COCKTAIL - LOUNGE, danca ' hall,- club room,. $3630 cash, including stock, fixtures, li ' censes. Profits 'amoant ap ' proximately $450 month. Lo cated in northern California, Box '4862, News-Herald. 12-1 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby;, given that the undersigned, executrix of the estate of .Margery Gtterbein, d ceased, "has filed' in "the" Circuit Court, of the State of .Oregon foi Klamath County : the' final ao count of her administration of said estate, and that ihe Court has appointed December ,19, 1941, at .the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. as the time, and the Court room of said Court, as the place for th hearing and settlement of said account. - J - "- J " Dated: November 12, 1941. . ' GRACE HAJ1CEK, .. ... Executrix ol the Estate of . - Margery, Qttexbein.ydeceas ted. i " a?4 N 13-20-27; D 4-fl.v- -0 No. 171 Breeding Cattfe! v Sell ot Highest In Twenty .Years i ..CHICAGO, Dec :(UP Breeding cattle sold yesterday at the highest prices in 20. years at the 42nd International Livestock exposition..... . . Shorthorn sales -opened th million-dollar-payday fprAmeiv ica's stockmffn and farmers, with both polled and horned., cattle setting new xecordsu- The, Her- fords went to the. auction ring. during the evening, - ; v .: c 'Both' the highest priced bull and the highest priced female went to--E.' -Arthur Ball "of Muiv cie, Irid; Top femaler-was" Wini fred of Helfred 3rd.- 1916121, shown by F. W; Hubbell'lof De Moines, Iowa. The Cow, consist ent winner among Shorthorns, will calve In January: to th service of the 1940. international grand champion bull, Sunray, combination seldom oiierea iq sale. It was sold tr -Bell for $1500, which was $130 above the top price -In 1940. : .- i ' l: !. , ' Highest priced of the-Short horn bulls was th first Isold at 'the auction' and brought $4000. which was : $2500 above last year's record high, on Ball's bid. The bull, Divide Grand Duke. 2051566,. was calved .December in IQdn I..d and ihnwn hv thai Allen Cattle company, Colorado Springs, Colo; H.; Gramllch, secretary-treasurer of.; the Anver. lean Shorthorn Breeders' associa tion, said the price, was the highest paid at the International since 1921. '-. :-' ', .The polled Shorthorni sold at an average price of $335.37 per head, $73.75 above the 1940 average.- ' . ,;,' '... , Portland Export. -Volume Decrease; Portland's - export 'volume' ha fallen 50 per cent from last1 year, estimated, flguj-ea indicated to day, but more valuable .cargoe are being shipped.-, . ; : :V';V In the 11 months of 1941 th number of . foreign-trado- .ship calling here has declined i34 per cent from! the figure m vine cor responding :194Q period-...Only American - wa?ai,... were more- numerous, this, '.year than-'last.:':v -;;.'.!'-:.:., . Sharp deellnos Were noted in hirmunfc -nf . 1 reaH en olea. and vnnnerl npara and substantial in creases In shipments: of 'machin ery and canned mil. - - 'Australia has installerj dltra hliih frequency radio, beacon at her principal airfl&foJfclcorrfr merclal airlines'' Ulwctlon-llndV Ing apparatus. . '..