SERIAL STORY S LADY BY REQUEST - BY HELEN R. WOODWARD . conrniaHT. 14I, MCA SKRVICC INC. K5 .? ' im STOBTl T n Ilk It." Sara Mr. Tarkar. farar tatfcar aff. baaatlfal. we-Baaer niaaa. wbb aka tomrm knaa a tell kla Ikat fanaaa ptrpkaa Cart writer aa4 coautaatator. kaa aak4 Bar ta atarrr klat far alx aioalka eat VKMNW a tkat ka a aara a . 3UMMMNW lakarltaara ka trill laaa Baleaa ka vreda aafora ka la SO. "I don't Ilka It. kat wa will ara wk I NHt klat." Dlaaa, rMI ' ffraai kar Jak ta a law aalca la tka drr after raaUttaac aavaacaa from kar atlo7ar( KUIir - Taarsa. la aeiiaaalr aaaa1arlv I tka affav kaeacaa atapkaa kaa tala kar tkat tka waatajt ka larea la aaarrlaA ta aaotkar ataa. aaa k aaaaa aka fata aat waat ta laara tka dirt ratara ta tka tana. aar Baaa aaarrr BUI Jackaaa wham aka Sara aat lava. Strsaaa ta raairaa; tfawa ta aiaat kar faarilr tka acst ay. Dlaaa alrraa kav . . tug m1 kta atrpaiatkar Kllre Cart. Tkat alirkt Mr. Tarkar, 11a tealav ta SteBkBa Braaaeaat. ax araaaea asmla kla atatlratta faa tka ataa ... STEPHEN MEETS THE FAMILY " ' CHAPTER VII (XN Tuesday afternoon Diana ' V. walked down to Bill Jackson's iter at the cross-road. Her mother had sons off -to a mis aioaary meeting at the church and aha had become so bored with her own company that the- could stand rt no longer. BQl greeted her effusively. "Well, this la an honor.' Take the ehair by the fire." V ,' He puttered about making her comfortable, hanging up her coat and hat Diana laughed. "I bivent come to ttay a week, you know, Bill." '"Now that IVe got you here X went be letting you go toon." ' . - She glanced about at the or derly shelves. There wai a little cf everything in Bill's store.' A "general" store, it was called. Canned goods, produce, hams, dry foods, thread,- fishing tackle,, overalls the people of the coun ' tryside could buy almost anything they needed here. Bill was. an excellent storekeeper genial, friendly, talkative. They all liked' him. He was one of them.. And Diana knew that the business was slowly but surely making him' wealthy. . ". ; As she sat by the fire, she watched .the customero come and go. .She knew most of them and' they all called greetings to her. They .were interested to know why she was home, - when she -was going back. "It's not curios ity," Diana thought, "just friendly Interest"-.' . - r During the lulls in business, Bill came and sat beside her and .talked. He spoke interestingly' and well. You'd think he'd had a lot more than a high school edu cation. That was because be read so much and kept abreast of the .'.times. They laughed about things ' that happened when they, were in S school. He told her about soma: of the boys and girls that she'd! tost track of. He was in his tie-. ment here In his own domain.1 ; Any: constraint that had been! present in his manner the night ' before had completely 'vanished. Here Bill Jsckson was king. -. j .; t- ' '. e -;,' i ' ! FINALLY he stood looking down! . . uu cju corneal ana in , tent, his mouth a Utile grim .at; the corners. She ' saw a pulse .beating nervously in Jils brown mroat - . r ,.- ; , i dont -suppose it's much use to -say it again, Diana, but ypul know I love you." ' . ; i ."Thank you, BUI. I cherish' ; that. But you're right.. It's nol use. I'm sorry' . , ,. , - ' She saw his shoulders. droop end was terribly sorry for him. "Oh, Bill, why does it have to be like that between us? Iff . so ; pleasant Just being friends with you like this afternoon. Why dont you fall in love with some one who likes this sort of life audi will make you a good, contented wife?",- . .... He said,, his jaw tightening, ; "You know anyone else after you' wouio do uite twilight after, lovely sunset" ' : ' She was touched and the quick tears came. "That was a beauti ful thing to say, Bill.' But you've got to get over me. You can't go on Tike this always hoping be cause I'm afraid I'll never really. jovo you list you want me to. You, see, there's something I . can't tell you lust vet." . "You're In love with someone eise?" ,.' "No It's not that" .' -. :"Then you can't stop me from hoping." . , Later Joey Cowan, the boy who helped in the store, came In to relieve Bill and he walked home -with Diana, stayed for supper. They played Chinese checker wim mr. ana Mrs. Tucker until late. -Once more In her featherbed nest with only her nose exposed to the cold air, Diana drifted off to sleep thinking, "Tomorrow, Stephen's coming." a a . e ' ' , ; CHE awoke nervous and excited,! accomplished her packing be-' fore going down to breakfast Her, mother and father seemed excited,, too. -They did not entertain such a distinguished guest every , day. John stayed at home from school1 with:his father's consent "You'll (probably learn more listening to: ;Stephen- Curt," Mr. Tucker said.i And about 10:30 Stephen's big shining coupe swung up the drive way.. Disna welcomed him at tha door of the dinlng-sitting room. He was like someone from an other world, yet perfectly at home with her father and mother, talk ing interestedly with young John. ; Drifts ' of their conversation came to -her as she helped her another prepare luncheon, or "din jner," as the Tuckers stiU called t ' A healthy, substantial meal, jwell cooked and appetizing. "Stephen Curt ate as if he enjoyed it thoroughly, won her mother's faith regard by . his compliment wlhKjsskkjiiV' !- . ; ; T -'' " '.. Yet there was nothing strained, no appearand of striving for ad justments to his surroundings in his manner. Easy, charming, dis tinguished. Diana glowed with pride in him and the thought that they were at least friends. "Liked each other on sight," Stephen had said. She'd treasure that no mat ter what their future relationship might become. After the meal her father said, "Would you like to go out to the barn with me, Mr. Curt? I'd like for you to see the new calf." And Diana knew that they would dis cuss the marriage in her father's stronghold. She watched them go and won dered what wouid be the result of the - conference. Would she want to go through with the strange affair if her father still could not place the stamp of his approval upon it? And what of Stephen Curt? Would he want to call everything off if her father did not approve? Would his ap parent respect for Mr. Tucker color his future actions? Diana felt like a culprit who must await the verdict of a returning jury. They stayed in the bam for some time and Diana began to grow nervous with the thought that they would not get back to town for the 6:30 broadcast it Stephen did not hurry. It was a good three hours' drive and al ready it was nearly 3 o'clock. . At last they came back in and both men were smiling. "If you're ready, Diana, we'd better start" Stephen said. "Well be listening to your broadcast tonight 'h'r father as sured him. "Dont be surprised if you hear some of your own opinions," Stephen laughed. "You know, you've given me several new ideas." He helped Diana into her coat and they all stood there saying goodby. Just before Stephen opened the door, her father put his arm around Diana. "Why don't you tell your ! mother before you go, Diana, that you're marrying Mr. Curt very soon?" (To Be Continued) BLIND PHOTOGRAPHER Manila has a photographer who is thought to be the only blind cameraman In the world. He has devised his own method of judging distance and light and has developed a very sue-1 cessful studio. ! OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla IBWEMST I DIDN'T OUT- I'LL OANCS ANV WAIT HERE BUT I 60T ON TH' MAIN fWAPI T'SIT BR6AK- TILL VUH COMB PUST- I'LL BACK -I OANC6D WAIT MEAN, ALL MICjMT An I I TOO.' , CAN'T STAND , 1IA tlAfii A - Headquarters for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phone SS20 TMC T I'M JUSTAGOIN' ID IT""" TOO, RON OVER AN' SEB lit I rf CWLY- Wi NSEO CATTLB SAIT C-VWZ' V'J I'LL AT MEDICINE SPRIWCS Tbt'T S? WAIT -SAV6 US A EXTB-A S'.H mmmmmmmmmmn C K, THE IgQN MAM WAKE UP, MR. VAN WINKLE X WANT SOU TO EMPTV THIS SWEBPER mTO THE RUBBISH BARREL IN THE- GARA6B.-' IP NOU DOM'T BUSTLE AROUND A LITTLE VOU'LL GROW ZO AUCH BLUBBER THE ESKIMOS WILL BE CHASING VOU WITH 2 ZZXT-vOZZ-AWK7r y nhw s mw 1 egad. MAR.THA.VOU KMOW I'm Al LPtSfiirTn uonc.c riiu-T- j.1 M5UCH A MENIAL CHORE 'V i A"o SIMPLE AS LIFTlNrt I . . .yy. A I- N6EK.BUT IT AAAV '-'' PLUNGE ME INTO A FIT V. An - OH, DRAT IT .'ALL Right.' Si- sl't-V-rf, 12-f 0 RED RYDER iuicaJSL: IS IN THE .Sweeper THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson y ONiy the M4Za IT y Of NTAIC ODCK ' jV ftftM MAS K . UP IDUfJ GOLD I 3tT ROOF OCNE AJD C5ET CXJT f RvrR Fred Harmon LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE XZHKRTL WOULD VI3L . h ' LOOK. FDSe.... I"THB DEVIL'S TOWBBi, THE falANTX CAUriWAV, .CASSIOfBlAV CHAIS WHAT ASTtXINDHT. INSOLENCE I OUT OP. MY WAVt A MOMENTS DELAY MAY COST THE LIFE OF THIS CHILD! HOW DARE VOU BAR THE WAY TO MY OWN HOSPITAL ? I TAKING HER I I IN THERE? 1 ff HAND THAT fl LM1LU H5R6 f f BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WHY. YOU DIRTY Y HERE! T CX-KCK. MAc! VT 1 AMBULANCE CHASER' I WHATS GOING I I DONT LET HIM I PLEASE? 1 SS yP,?SlT, I ON? WHY-- II TAlKfwECAN I DONT LET WELL. 1 IrLTSi1 n WHY" ZEE! I EXPLAIN AFTER I THEM TAKE I -HE I p,t astute U or. zee! we get the koJL her im said I BUSYBODY! Si fM GLAD , f I IDE--- THERE! HES fl By Harold Groy rou-ET.tti 1 WOIJNC6 DOGS f 'iVt-f THE BACK NOT BECOME W . WAY- WELL B PUNY MEN! . S SLIP IN THE Bl-rr- ., 'i. ' Z' BACK WOY-- By Martin ADOLPH PLASHNEfe, NEWVCTK CITV, VLeVX., AND NEVER. -HAS TASTED AABAT IM HIS LIFE. Ji!i?2??: ,A,V0'canIe wer m Wyoming; a basaltic rock nrmauoa in Ireland; a constellation of stars. '".,'' ' 'u- . " . WIXT! Slx hundred miles with a eamel SOUTHWESTERN STATE HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted v state. . 7 Much is crown here. 12 Kind of moth. 13 Quick sounds. It Horseback game. 15 Universal language. It Italian coins 18 Convulsive tic. 19 Bronze. 20 Blurred spots in printing. 38 Edict i AuiomoDues. 22 Otherwise 23 Manuscript (abbr.). 24 To pierce with horns. 2S Cursorial bird. zsKooffinial. - 28 Aged. 29 Salt 31 Witticism. 34 Revoke. !35Kind of flour. 36 Constellation. 37 Sheltered place. Answer to Previous Puzzle ea ftiNpnH!EErig;r trps IMWITPIOiN'DISITIOIDTalYP 39 Fish trap. 40 Born. 42 Sun god. 43 Century plant fiber. 45 Open courtyard. 48 Belongina to it 50 Anthems. 51 Compass point 52 Note in scale 53 Wrath. 54 And (Ft.). 55 Build. 56 Dims again. VERTICAL 17 Cud-chewing animals. 18 Roman house-) hold god. 19 Treat with alum. . 21 Kind of fish. 22 Measure of type. 24 Merriment. 25 Enthusiasm. 26 Age. 27 By. 28 Coquettish glance. 30 Distant , 32 Unit 1 Is indisposed. 1 33 Make lace. 2 Excite. 3 Those who mimic. 4 Negative. 5 Mineral spring. 6 Like. 7 Folding beds. 8 Palm leaf, 9 Toward. 10 Mineral 41 Each abbr.)j 42 Priced. 43 Coniferous tree. 44 Roman road. 45 Skin opening. 46 Newspaper paragraph: 47 Hops' kilns. 49 Matching group. ; coowxtw YrA-V &va-0 VOO CM-tlO.T SVT S MME VO(Ki VJOBy OVK -AJLOMt 1 MCVJ l VMLN. 60 ? I 1 r ' .JBgBW V..KT,V. PRTETTV WW I I 1.11. WASH TUBBS T. H If& u ( Hf Mr . -A.I tax, mi tt mncrft?? ' SEUD A TAVUTAB TO MdCEE UDOSTRIES AT TEN-THIRTK SICE EMTRAWCE .COLLAR- BLTTTOU PBHABTMENT... ILL Be WAITING: " . " ' ,1 BOAOB, BASy. THE NUMBER HK I "t ' CALLED WA MOT . F - ' . 1 TPAT OfA TAXICAB THEM WE'LL ' t,';"' k:0MPAUy' ' ( E WHO DOES V;- l a, J I i i v MUkflur I J By Cror FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS J II M nr;.Awfi.'. 11 mi 1 8 1 .V gr AH, HA'. PO0RVUAHtY HtS IBTnUSlIM AFRAID PEOPLE IN IHEt THE 4IDB TO MJS5 THE TOOR... EKCITEMENT THEVHAVe AoAJM.'OOW, BUNPtES; TELL THE BOVil TO (SET BEADr bearine rorlca. 50 RiimiaM 11 Organ of village. smell. 52 Red Cross 14 Peels, (abbr.). :' 1 1 Is 4 I I7 la I9 I I'o I" ' ! p : fc-ii ""r" w. t prp npi 3 ZZl C r?p ; I J4 A.J 50 ' 51 A i-X f ITS A OOOD TMINS My FATHER pJlaBaBl LEAKNFO TrIF TRUTH ABOUT VOUR UMV . VOU I Y3 , MILLIE ... -!U MAV CONSIDBH EV6R.VTHINS ENDED BETWEEN! US "HE By Blossei COUkJT YOURSELF, BIS BOY --"VOU AiHT SO MAN ALLEY OOP NOW WELL ASK YOU T53 LEAVP. miss Micoy You ? coMoucr I1AA Abb.. ftEPRGMBNSIBLB I'M LEAVIN our im GONMA LOOK 7 UP IM 1MB DICTIONARY... 7 Ml v mi aaluiflv i-ir t. m. Mp. u.,pT. orr.f ip rr's what i. 1MIPJH IT II I'LL BB BACK ALLRIOHT, VOU DUMB RUSTIC. - r- . 7- - r ' ' ' 1 una r VOU MCAM VOU'RS nOPG! MABV A t J BUTCH 5 V 9TA("r- SKbNAL.. VVB CMABKSB By V. T. Homfin AW. BALOWtv TUa'c -rrt iut.u' t "vwBa.B, nww ' I Ml fOR S I ft!, vou ATI TA BOV.WOPPO HAa Ms?;