Sports CB1 Y Briefs J,"' 'U rullarton, Jr. NEW YOIIK, Dec. 4 (Wlclo World) Tho "imsunu lir-rur-n" of New linlicncl lootlmll will hiivo some HiiKluM dona In llmlr lionor at liustoii Unillil . . Mny. 1)0 they should Invito the wlmlo )uiimna tvnut uti guenl ntiu.t . . . Hmldy Hiirr li'iivi-n Smriinu'iiti), OillftMntii tmimrniw mid In duo Or i n Mundny tu Mm I IniininK for Tniil itffnlr with J. Louis . . . Joo already hu beKun working out lit hi Stevunsvllle,, pluca .... Looks Ilka a bunt ii In the rim Seven conference over Den ver! objection! to playing liamo and honin ynnu-s with the other club ... K It happen, Color ado U. will bid for a plui-e In the HlR Six, which would then be come a Big Sevni . . . And au what? HEADLINE HEADL1NER Glenn II. Peterson of the Man dan (N. D.) rioneer, su(iic.tii thl! hosilllnii (which his puprr didn't ue on the Army Nnvy atory): "Navy tokf Miuur of army, "Doe Mnupln up on field." TODAY'S QUEST STAR j 7, ipp Newman, lllrmiiitluini I jKi'Wii: Wonder If the govern- 'fjtnt will allow a school to j write off what It rout to fnll to g.-t a bowl bid?" RED FACES ROUNDUP Official! of the Middle Atlan tic league once devoted a lonn nr.nlon to wrangling about whether they should adopt the American or National league hnll One nrmn-d the American iMlitie hall wa too lively, anoth er that the National lcniiuc pel let would "take a deeper curvo" and curb hitting Finally Ihey cnlled In representative of the munufacttirer, who told him the iivo balln were made on exactly the name machine and merely Mumped with different nomen 1' took the Moguli a couple of rs to gel over that, but now they merely peclfy a "major league" ball SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY A big moment In North Caro lina football turned up 1 a 1 1 illlng Elon BO O. wos about to inro against the Elon subs. At Ihe crucial moment, the Guilford captain took lime out and walked over to the Elon conch. (Uillfnrd wa about to iicore It! lint touchdown In two years, he ! explained, and wouldn't the ! roach put In hit regulurs no Ihe hov would get more satisfaction from It? Elon first Jtrlngerj went Into the game: Guilford pushed over It touchdown and the final iicore was Elon .11). Gull ford 7. Cal Protests Baseball Bears BERKELEY, Calif The University of Dec. 4 (IV) i Cullfornlo doen't know what good It will do, but anyhow It probobly will make an unofficial protest ngain!t the Loi Angeles Coast leaguers' re-chrislening as the ijlifornla Bear baseball club. Ql'or year athletic team of all sort at the blR atnte ichool have been known as California Bears, and .Kenneth PrleMlcy, generol manager of the Associated Stu dent, told that both undergrad uate and alumni alike object to sharing the namo. CONTRACT RENEWED LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 4 (VP) The University of Nebraska ath letia board of control announced today It hti renewed the con tract of Major L. M. "Biff" Jones for flva years, effective at the expiration of tho current con iract next Jan. 1. Mixed I wsfc P tt'wzmfiM&fii Dancing . Pp;Sk Food - PrtKWII ., W:ia)e" f-ivl. ' ' " mmm. I MACDOEL TAVERN 30 Mil South Hlway 87 , Klamath Falls, Medford Pace Mail-Tribune All-Star Team Pelicans Place Four on All-Loop; Love Captain Five Tigers on Annual Eleven; Two Grinliei, no Cavemen Named Medfnrd'i Black Tornudo and Klumiith Kails' Pelican domin ated the eighth annual Modford MuilTrlbuno All-Southern Ore gon conference team, it wa re veolcd Thursday. Tho Tigers placed five men on the mythical nil-conference eleven, the Pelican four, and Ashland, urprlnc victor over Medford, placed two player. Tho team wa (elected by a poll of Coaches Buck llnminor of Klamath. Justin Weakley of Grants Pusc, Frank O'Neill, of Ashland and Hill Howermun of Medford and Sports Writers Bill llulen of Medford, Jim Welch of Grants Pass. Lorry Hunter of Ashland mid Bob Leonard of Klinnuili Kails. The I IM1 eleven combines power, deception, passing, weight and speed with 172-pound over age line and 1. IS pound buckficld. Love) Captain Gene Love. Klamath's veteran fullback, was named cuptaln wllh five out of u possible eight votes. Listed on tho first string arc Jack Mitchell, Jock Rich, Phil Blohm and Love of Klnm Hlh. Curt Hopkins, bill Wall, Hud Mayfleld, C'ato Wray and Ike Orr of tho Tigers landed among the first eleven. Tackle Chet Fowler and Back Charley Jandreou of Ashland were the Grlizly choices. There wert three repeater from the 10-10 all-star In Jan dieau, Wall and Orr. Two Jun iors made the first siring Med All-Southern Oregon Loop Football Squad FIRST TEAM PLAYER SCHOOL Curt Hopkins, Medford Bdl Woll, Medford Buy Moyfield, Medford Chet Fowler, Ashland Jock Mitchell, Klamath Falls Jock Rich, Klamath Foils Phil Blohm, Klamath Falls Eugene Love, Klamath Falls Charles Jondreau, Ashland Cato Wray, Medford Ike Orr, Medford SECOND PLAYER SCHOOL Neil Mayfield, Klamath Foils John Bell, Ashlond Martin Hcrrin, Ashland Buster Vogel, Klamath Falls James Clenn, Medford Bob Mitchell, Medford Dan Winter, Medford Bob Stead, Medford Cliff Jones, Medford Bill Chrlstensen, Klomath Falls Bud Provost, Ashland HONORABLE MENTION Tockles: Russell Bigelow, Grants Pass, and Bill King, Klamath Foils. Guard: LaMar Ormond, Ashland. Center: Russell Hawk, Ashland. Backs: Bud Jerke, Grants Pass; Bob Snyder, Klamath Falls, ond Don Mast, Klamath Falls. Tulelake Honkers Divide Cage Pair With Bonanza TULELAKE, Dec. 4 Tulelake to the Invaders' 28, the second high school Honker A and B hoop squads divided honors evenly with Bonanza in the first round of tho most strenuous court session Hint tho Honkers have ever faced when they met the Bonanza Antlers here last week end. In spit of the fact that Coach Clyde Frlshholz played everybody but tho water boy, his first line string lost by a six- point margin, the final tally be ing 28 22. Frlshholz while not alibiing for his squad said that the Honkers were completely outclassed by the tallest men that his boys have met In many a day. Tule lake led until the fourth quarter whon the Antlers turned loose a barrage of shots that dragged them from behind the fence to finish In spectacular style. Score at tho half was 14-8. In tho curtain-raiser the B sfinurl mnrlB a neat figure of 36 Rooms ford' Mayfleld and Klamath' Blohm. Three Klamath's May field and Chrlstensen and Med ford' Jones earned tpot on the second team. Captain Curt Hopkins, Tiger left end, polled the highest point total of any grldder. He wa named on six first team and one second string for 13 point. Both Love and Orr polled 12 points. Backfleld Tight In the backflefcl, the race for all-conference honors was tight. Jundreau and Wray each polled 1 1 points to 10 for Ashland's Bud Provost and Medford's Bob Stead. Among the ends the competi tion was equally bitter. Big BUI Wall with 10 points barely nosed out Klamath' Nell Mayfleld who scored nine. John Bell of Ash land, tho other second team wlngman, polled seven. Mitchell and Rich of Klamath totaled 11 points each to slip In ahead of Medford's Jimmy Glenn with 10 and Bob Mitchell of tho Tigers who polled nine. Mayfleld and Fowler scored 11 and 10 points respectively to edge Ashland's' Herrln and the Pelicans' Vogel with eight and seven. Blohm easily outscored Dan Winter of the Tornado, 11 to 8, for the center berth. The Mall-Trlbune, as In the past, will Issue award card, to all the player elected for mention. POS. WT. CLASS End 160 Senior tid 192 Senior Tackle 195 Junior Tockle 152 Senior Guard 1 45 Senior Guard 160 Senior Center 200 Junior Back 180 Senior Back 137 Senior Back 142 Senior Back 163 Senior TEAM POS. WT. CLASS End 160 Junior End 150 Senior Tackle 190 Senior Tackle 180 Senior Guard 193 Senior Guard 1 68 Senior Center 171 Senior Back 161 Senior Back 166 Junior Back 174 Junior Back 162 Senior string Honker squad being a bit too coy for the visitors who had hard luck on long shots. Frlshholz has cornered a game with tho KUWC and a number of other non-conference teams. More SAMlAff per bottle in Sunny KENTUCKY STRAIGHT If When the drinks are on you, trust Old Sunny Brook to please the taste of everyone That oltl time Kentucky bourbon flavor, so smooth and mellow, mikes a bit everywhere. ' "CHEERFUL AS ITS NAME" Captain 7yp"'i, ; v', Can Love, backfiald main stay of tho Klamath high Pall cans, was named captain of tha 1941 AU-Southarn Oregon con ference squad in tha Medford Mail Tribuna's eighth annual poll ralaasad today. County B Hoopers Open Slate Merrill, Henley, Chiloquin Eyed As Eight-Team Circuit Starts MERRILL Klamath county B school conference hoonsters go into action this weekend in the annual struggle for the county crown. Gilchrist, In the north end of the county, gets into action In earnest this year to bring the lineup to an eight-school cycle. Malin, Henley, Bly, Bonanza, Chiloquin, Keno and Gilchrist have all laid nets for Merrill, holder of the 1940 title, with coaches expecting Chiloquin. and probably Bonanza, to shine on the top of the court ladder. Chil oquin was runner up last season, bowing to the Huskies at the end of the season. Merrill last year took 13 wins, losing only to Bly. The locals went on to take the Klamath Lake title but lost to Jackson ville in district play at Ashland The Huskies open the season Saturday night against Gilchrist on Merrill's court, the game to be called at 7:30. Prior to that, M lin plays Bly at Bly, Bonanza plays at Chiloquin, and Henley at Keno, all game being sched' tiled for Friday night. First and second teams play in each round. County hoop coaches have kept prospects pretty well to themselves but several squads have lost stellar tights, either by the season to run from last week end' to the last of March and the county play-off. With still a few open dates in January, the coach still seeks likely competitive ma terial and has put in bids for games with Grants Pass and other Oregon squads. With his men largely inexperi enced this year he hopes to build a rock foundation for next sea son and will welcome any pros pects for court workouts. The first conference game in which the Honkers will play two out of three with Dorris for the local title comes late in the sea son. Starting lineups for the squads follow: r A niek Crawford, center: Tom Waldrlp, Boh Baker, forward ; Drnt-ood Dihle. Harv ard Bitter nd John Coulson. BUirdi. BJohn Cron. etntr; Jim Woodman and David Lagan, forward! i Wilbur Ed vnrda and !tr Ctifthtnat), guard. Tha Matoo afhtdule hat also hMO ra laaard to Infludn canifa with Maltn, Da- fmbar 4 at Malln : twood at Weatwood. Ptpfnibfr is; ftmanvllln at 8uianTtlle, p--fmbrr 13; KUWC at Klamatb Fallt, Janu ary 1. January 17, Alturaa at Tulalaka; Janu ary 10, Merrill at Tulrlaka; January U, Pummulr at nunimulr: January 51. Mt. Shaata at Tultlakt; Frhruary 6. Vreka at Yrrka: February T. Ctdflrvtlla at Tutalaka. Fflbruary IS. KUWO at Tulalaka: Febru ary so. lorrl at PorrU In tha tlrat con. fertnea aamt: February SI, Fall Btver Mill at Tulelake, March S Dorrla at Tulelake: March IS. McCloud at Tulelake; March ?0. eant-weat playoff, place to ha determined by outcome of t'o conference game,; March 87, county playoff. Ul lll' 4 old Tsa a i Brook Il Iff I BOURBON WHISKEY SlfSdS 3 I IB fT Ju are i s Duck Cagers Overwhelm Rubes, 42-22 EUGENE, Dec. 4 UP) The Univerlty of Oregon had no trouble disposing of Rubensteln's Oregonlans 42 to 22 last night for the Webfoots second win of the season, but the team wa un impressive. At the half the WebfooU led 26 to 9 and stretched that at one time to 22-point margin. Jack Butterworth of the Oregonlans wa high scorer with 11 points, followed by Bob Wren of the University with 10. NO CHANGES SEATTLE, Dec. 4 (P) Coach Jimmy Phelan took no chance on any of his University of Wash ington seniors being overlooked by the Shrine game 'committee for the East-West game at San Francisco January 1. Asked to recommend his top-flight seniors, he named all 14 of them. Friday graduation last spring or by age limits. Merrill has lost three men, Tommy Chatburn by grad' uation and Jack Fleck and Wil. lie Moor, both of whom passed tne age limit In high school com petition on December 1. Coach Clifton James, who punted the Husky football squad to county fame this year, still ha a few tricks up his sleeve. however, with the return of Joe f otheringham, center; Leo Mc Koen, guard, who has played some grand games in both Malin and Merrill; James Hodges,' for ward, and Billy Waldrtp, truant. James has also on the floor. Clyde Hunnicutt, Charles Snapp and Earl Taber, all mighty like ly championship material. Stiner Silenced By Laryngitis PORTLAND, Dec. 4 m Laryngitis conquered Lon Stein er, coach of the Coast Conference Champion Oregon State football team, but his assistants presented members of the team to Portland fans at banquet last night. A group of dignitaries headed by Governor Sprague heart As sistant Coaches Jim Dixon and Hal Moe Introduce the players. WAITE HIGH CARDED PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 4 (UP) The Portland football champion next year will play Waite high school in Toledo, Ohio, at the close of the regular season, it was announced Wednesday by Ralph E. Dugdale, school super intendent. R. (DICK) MAGUIRI Realtor Ral Estate Sales Rentals Loans Property Management Automobile, sin, Oaaualty Interim k tool sin Dial Itlt tut . 1 WFs as Trojans Cut OSC From Schedule LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 IIP) University of Southern Califor nia won't meet Oregon State's Rose bowl football team next fall. It won't have a home game next October nor will it be on the road in any other of the four football months. Those are some of the quirks VvX VaaaSar aU ' f5 Illustrate"' - mum -1 1 r iifeiil mi pay ism IMeill II "-if vkJ Check S 5lM5 AT 5UC GLASS SUSPENDERS BOXED SOCKS BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS TIE CHAINS BOXED JEWELRY CLIPS KEY CHAINS Fur Lined Gloves Men's Fitted Cases Silk Shirts Pants' Hangers .... Luggage Rayon Dress Shirts and Tie Sets .. Famous Wilson Bros. Shirts . Ore Klamath's Credit Clothiers December 4, 1941 on the Trojan schedule, announc ed today by Willis Hunter, ath letic director. Oregon State is being dropped for the sole reason that the Tro jans must play Montana, under a recent ruling of the Pacific Coast conference. Another new opponent will be Tulane, which opens the season here Sept. 26. Substitutes for silk for para chutes Is likely to be solved by the use of nylon and related synthetic fibers. fRER HERE'S YOUR CHRIST- B suit .ri for h LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS Fine new winter suits fabrics ond patterns, and double breasted . . . for men and young Fine cut and tailoring you would expect to pay more for. A complete range, in shorts, stouts, and regulars. OTHERS $24.50 to $34.50 The most complete we ve ever offered. new styles, all the new ma terials, coverts,- herringbones, camel hair, Harris tweeds, you'll find them here. All sizes and the best value in town! OTHERS $24.50 to $29.50 CREDIT! Use your credit ... we knew credit It especially welcome at Christmas lime. You can make all your purchases of work er dress clothing en Oregon Wool en t Easy Credit plan . . . and it doein t cost you ONE CENT EXTRA! No ire terest, no carrying charges, no red tape. These Gift Suggestions"""-! k ssia a mm al V PLASTIC GLASS BELTS PLASTIC SUSPENDERS BILLFOLDS TIE RACKS INITIAL LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS SILK OR WOOL SCARFS WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS UTILITY BRUSH (Clothes Brush, Spot Remrerr Shoe Horn) .. S3.S0 $2.95 .........$4.95 ,..$1.00 . $2.95 Up $2.50 $2.00 Silk Pajamas $4.$S Qlass Belt and Suspender Sett ....$2.00 Men's Initial Jewelry by rswank" :..$1.00-$1.S0 Famous "Columblaknlt" . Sweaters $4.95 Bedroom Sllcpert $1.2$ Up - "Alligator" OH 811k Hunting Jackets and Bag $5.58 sogd Wooltein) tore- PAGE THIRTEtN Bill Bowerman Called to Army MEDFORD, Ore., See. 4 CCrP) Bill Bowerman, Medford Mfh school football coach, went te Seattle Wednesday tor service with the U. S. army at Fort Lew ton. Bowerman, who was (rant ed a year' leave of absence, will be replaced by Ruse Aebeeen; present basketball and assistant football coach. t? 1 men. that much size slims topcoat All the mm AT f 8th ond Main BgJ EOin'Ml.tlal laf i'U""" eWUttliW JWIJ)! Avian , mmmwMMjmim