rmbnr 4, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'AGE. ELEVEN Madzeti and Qincuicial ST HELD DOWN NKW YOHK, Dec. 8 T) Stock run into enouuh profit rsahli'tf ond tax soiling- today tii stein the morkot a rising lido, While favored Imluatrlala mliiiuKcd to cling to fractional Imorovoincm, and isoiatod is ms were up as much at 3 or ,L,nn early extension of the recovery wlnK flattened out nlW midday nnd cloning trends were moderately Irregular Hail were hesitant from the start. Thoro wore frequent alow- (luwua hut speedy flurries were plentiful and transfers for the lull proceedings were around f.lSu.OOO (hares. It wa the third aucceaalve eulon In which volume exceeded the million- ahare mark. The principal bulllah newi fi the puasage hy the houiie Mnle Wcdneaday of the antl itrike bill although an offaet hrre win the fear the meaaure would he ahot full of holea In the senate. Cliiriinu uotiitlona: Air Heductlon 81 Alunka Junenu A I Chem ie Dyo Allia Chalmers Aiiierlrun Clin Am Car Kdy . Am Had SI Sim Am IOll Mill Am Smalt ti Kef Am Tel k Tel .. Am Toh "B" Am Water Work Am Zinc I. tt S . Anaconda Armour III Atchison Aviation Corp ilnld Loco llemftx Avla lleth Steel Boeing Airp 21 130a 27s 75 201 41 Hi SB 144 40J 3t 41 271 31 281 31 131 38H 801 20 i 211 201 181 918 Ai 14 Burden lorgo-Wamer Calif Packing ( nllnhnn Z L Calumet Hec Canada Dry Canadian Pacific .................. 41 Cat Tractor .. Cctanese .v- Chea k Ohio ... 40 Twmi' 221 38 Chryaler 821 Col Caa & El 1 1 Com! Bolvenls 8 ( omm'nvv'ltli & Sou i Coiuol Aircraft .. 23 Conaol Edison ...... 141 Conaol Oil 81 Conll Can 30i Corn Product! 401 Crown Zcllerbach 1U CurtlM Wright 81 Doug Aircraft 70 Duponl Do N 1441 Ktutmnn Kodak 133t Kl Pow & Lt la (ieneral Klectrle 201 General .Foods ... General Motori doodrlch - uodycnr Tiro ... til Nor Ry pfd . Greyhound llllnolR Central . 301 38 i 211 171 231 14 71 lOt Inap Copper lot Harvester ..... 481 Int Nick Can ....... Int Pop it P pfd Int Tel Sc Tel Jnhm Mnnvllle ... Konnccott I. lb O Ford Lockheed Loew's Long-Bell "A" MontgAmery Ward Nash-Kelv Natl Biscuit Nnt'l Dairy Prod .... Nnt'l Dit National Lend ... N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co .. Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otii Steel Pnc Amer Fish .. Pnc Gas & El OCX MARKET PROFIT TAKING Qic Tel St Tel 104H .y 'T? ' : r j j jm BUY MEN'S GIFTS AT A MAN'S STORE I liJIiiafiBi i,l f r Mm rJAMAS i rrTSWEARi nJfTi 'tWll L l U f G,VI HIM KoADCC0LOTH $1.29 "0Q?e5AJACKETS $2.98 -WHY NOT ym lm:& r ' " I & wvfcT&r, novelty, satin itl OC all wool CT OH A S WMM .J.n ' yy -ssu "ARROW SHIRTS" trim broadcloth 4 I. leisure coat...:.. ?.VJ new tAOK sj MMJK I WM,W GEN. BEACON QC GABARDINE ,r Fur FELT 95 ' iilfH P. 2 OMBRE BATH R0BE4O.y3 SPORT SHIRT........ 4X.3 .HAT MqQMBI lnl1l'li(WDilll; STORE Packard Motor 21 Pun Amer Airwayi lHi Paramount Plo 181 Penney (J C) 801 Penna R R 208 Phelps Dodge ... 201 Phillips Pel 48 Proctor 8t Gambia 641 Pub Svc N J I4i Pullmun 224 Radio a Hayonlcr l i Rayoulcr pfd 25 Republic Steel J71 Richfield Oil Oi Safeway Ston-a 454 Seara Roebuck 84 i Shell Union 154 Socony Vacuum Oi Sou Cal Kdlson 21 II Southern Pacific 124 Sperry Corp 3H Standard Uranda 41 Stand Oil Calif 248 Stand Oil Ind 3211 Stand Oil N J 401 Stonu Ac Wcbater 81 Studebuker 41 Sunahlne Mining 44 Texan Corp .. 451 Trans-Amrrlca 41 Union Carbldo 73 Union Oil Calif 141 Union Poclflc 874 United Alrllnea 134 United Aircraft 354 United Corporation 518 United Drug 81 United Fruit 78 U S Rubber 251 U S Rubber pfd 97 U S Steel 824 Vanadium 201 Warner Pictures . 8 Western Union - 25 i Wcstlnghouae 771 Woolworth 271 8. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4 (1'MFcd. Stuto Market News) Hogs: tulublc 450. Fair ly active, 8c higher; good 170 235 lb. barrows and gilts SI 1.25 to mostly 11.30, soma good and choice of light fill up to $11.45; medium and good 240 285 lb. and 140 188 lb. $10.78 80; good i o w mostly $8.78. Lata Wednesday: some good and choice light filled 170-238 lb. $11.40. Cattle: salable 100. Small supply mostly cows; trado rath er slow but about steady; Con ner and cutter grades $5.00 8.78, common and medium quotable $7.00-8.00; medium and good sausage bulls salable $8.00-8.00. Calves: salable none. Calves and vealers quotable steady, medium and good grades $9.80-11.00, choice vealers to $13.00. Sbeeni. .salable 700. Trade rather (low, mostly steady; some good around 82 lb. lambs sold at $11.28, medium to good grades quotable $; slaughter ewe salable steady, medium and good largely $4.50- 5.25. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., Dee. 4 (AP- USDA) HOGS: Salable 400. to tal 900; market steady to strong with Wednesday's close; spots 10 cents higher; bulk good-choice, 175-215 lb. drive-In, $10.75; one lot $10.85; 230-250 lb. weights. $10.00 25: odd head light lights $10.00; packing sows slow, about steady at $7.00-75; butcher sows to $8.50. CATTLE: Salable and total, 125; calves salable and total 35; steers and heifers steady; off grade cows slow to weak: scat tered lots good steers, $10.50-11; medium grades $9.50-10.00; com mon down to $8.00; odd lots good heifers $10.00; common-medium grades, $8.25-9.50; thin dairy type heifers down to $8.25; odd good cows, $7.50; medium grades $8.75-7.25; common cows, $8.00 78; canner-cutter cows $4.28- 121 Baasonebl. Ratesl V r w Vr, - v. , TV . & SI V' Ch.n.r Wrlflht Dress Texas Class All Key Orasa Boxed Fancy I Glass I Silk I Felt Glass Above -iclfl :.".'Z.'.-... 81 CUMMINGS Silk Tl.s BrUfs Sox B,lti L.ath.r chalni Susp.n- Susp.n- Soeto Wallet Ties, Hat. - Susp. . - : ; SI vmmmm !.. ill Belts Rottieot den aeri I ' . ari -mm EEE niifSf'SiM 39 29 225 50 50 $100 35c 50. .'I95 jfr 8.78; medium bulls $7.78-8.00; good grades quotablo to $0,00; good-choice vealers $11.80-13.00; common down to $8.00. SHEEP: Salable and total 100; murket fully steady; several trurked-ln lots, good-c h 0 I c e lambs, $10. 00-50; few fall shorn luinbs, $11.05; good slaughter ewes, $5.80 down. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Dec. 4 (AP-USDA) Domestic wools were receiving a little better demand today In the Boston wool murket. Moder ate quantities of fine French combing length territory wools wcro moved at $1.10-1.12, scour ed basis. Graded French comb ing one-half blood territory wool sold at mostly $1.08-1.08, scoured basis. Good 12-month combing Texas wools brought $1.10-1.13, scoured basis. W. Pfennlnger, an anglneer In Switzerland, has constructed a lightweight glider weighing but 05 pounds and having a wing span of 29 '.i feet. 1 s Sensible GIFTS 50c Up Ties Shirts Socks Sweaters Robes Pajamas Topcoat Hat Garters Suspenders Belts Shoes i . ftlET RftV -FREE- GIFT BOX FREE -GIFTS THAT LAST ALL WOOL ttO OC PULL-OVER SWEATER 4X7af SHIRTCRAFT l JL C DRESS SHIRTS 4leO7 HEAVY RAYON CO A Q ZIPPER SWEATER 3AeHl7 DRESS GLOVES $1.45 RAYON CREPE (CO CA DRESS SHIRTS , PX.VW f . ' , .. :. ;. ', ;,. .. ... , ,v:';g PROFIT SALES HALT CHICAGO, Dec. 4 fP) Profit taking checked the wheat mar ket's climb today after prlcca hod gained about a cent a bush el, reaching highs for the past two months. Prices of other grains, which were at or near thn best levels In about a month, weakened with wheat while early gains of mora than 3 cents in soybeans were roduccd. Wheat closed 1-4 cent lower than yesterday, December $1,171, May $1.22!-i; corn l ie down. December 751c, May 81 4c; oats unchanged to Ic higher: rye unchanged to Ic up; soybeans I- 1 Jc higher. Report from the southwest that some producers showed more Interest In redeeming wheat held under government loans attracted attention. Tra ders expressed bolief that the recent advance of prices in most winter wheat belt market to levels above loan rates would tend to limit the amount of grain HERMAN'S MEN THE STORE OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT iriW "".'".tor r Wf,V: ' ml V THE ............. H US B AN D ' ; f ml I ; ' ' ' fJOl . the "!Z!ZZ!."father Anfi &B$&it2wkL. THE UNCLE BUS'S J V W-'laSgS THE BOY AT CAMP fSiW7 V J C'',' ; THE EMPLOYEE 7-- ; i'. ...... stored under loans in these areas during the final month of such activity. The deadline for ob taining loans is December 31. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 3 Oregon, 1 Idaho arrived, 18 unbroken, 17 broken cars on track, 1 cor di verted; market steady; Klamath Russets No. 1, $1.00-2.00, few best $2.10; combination grades, $1.50-1.75, few $1.40; No. 2s, $1.25-1.50; dark soil, few $1.18. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 (AP USDA) Potatoes: 8 California, 4 Idaho, 1 Oregon arrived; 54 un broken, 30 broken cars on track; 4 cars diverted; by truck 1 Ore gon arrived; slow demand, mar ket about steady; no Oregon quotations. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Dec. 4 (AP-USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 63; on track 342; total US shipments 382; sup plies moderate, demand light, market for Idaho Russets firm on best quality, offerings other sections all varieties market steady; Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1, $2.20-40: Nebraska and Wyoming Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.30-35; Colorado Ed Mc- -THE GIFT STORE FOR MEN- THE STORE OF THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED LONG AFTER THE HOLIDAY SEA SON HAS PASSED GIFTS PURCHASED FOR A MAN FROM A STORE THAT CATERS TO MEN AND KNOWS JUST WHAT THEY WANT THE YEAR ROUND. ' OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL WITH A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF QUALITY GIFTS T POPULAR PRICES. SHOP EARLY MAKE THIS A CHRISTMAS OF USEFUL GIFTS Clures US No. 1, $2.30; Minne sota and North Dakota Bliss Tri umphs US No. 1, $1.25-85; cob blers US No. 1, $1.25-88; Wis consin Katahdins US No. 1, $1.40-421. Roth Quartet to Appear at Ashland Monday Evening The Roth string quartet will present its only southern Oregon concert In Ashland, Monday, De cember 8, at 8:15 p. m. The Roth quartet, sponsored in Ash land by the Southern Oregon College of Education, la one- of the most outstanding organiza tions of its kind in the concert field today, being much in de mand all over the United States. They have recently appeared FREE At Carlisle's $5 Grocery Order with each cash purchase amounting to $27.50 or over (tax included.) All fair-trade items excluded. 1008 Main St. , CHRISTMAS SPIRIT In the eighteenth festival of the International Society for Con temporary Music, held in the United States for the first time this year, and at a series of con certs at the University of South ern California at Los Angeles, Stanford university and the Uni versity of Kansas City. During' the summer they were In Holly wood, where they appeared In a picture based on Schubert's life, directed by Alexander Korda. if- t - , TORE -GIFTS 15. WOOL . GABARDINE SHIRTS NOVELTY TWO-TONE ' SWEATERS ALL LEATHER AVIATOR STYLE JACKET- ALL WOOL rPLAID : "': ZIPPER BLAZER ALL LEATHER ' ROMEO-SLIPPERS MAN AND MOUSE ' . CAMDEN, N. 3., OP) Waiting quietly for a bus, Phillip Cio cesse, 19, caused street corner uproar with frantlo screams and dashed across the city's main street heedless of traffic. 1 , . Two filling station attendants on the other side caught him and removed a mouse from Ma trouaer leg. j. ., Read the Classified page,.' TMTCWNIHCP l Gloves , Matching Handbags ..' ; " Costume Jewelry . : Hosiery Lingerie) Gl FT BOX FREE GIVE HIM . . A GADGET $100 Chip Rack Tie Rack .. 1 Pullman; -' Slippers ' Cigarette Bar Comb and -', Brush Set V. .. Brush and Holder l-VT Perpetual; : -Calendar Ash Tray Toilet Set' Handy Kit GIFT BOX. -FREE- THAT LAST- $3.95 $1.98 $9.85 $4.95 $2.25