Daeemb'tr I. ltlf PAGE TEN THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON If MabtUa 2ai Gama &.4ai A very clever gift . . . And lt't already famous through out the Eastern states ... Is the Sawyer View-Master . . . It's little gadget through which you can see natural color pictures In third dimen ion . . . Sort of like the old fashioned stercopticons. '. you can buy all sorts of "reels" for the View-Master '.J . All the national parks (in cluding Crater Lake) and a lot of famous American scenes. The gadget, with one reel, costs $1.50 . . . Extra reels re 88c each . . At Van's Camera Shop. 1jot Stoto 9tc - You may remember that last week I remarked on the thousands of things at Your Store . . . Well, you'll find many toiletries there, too, such as: The Corday line of Imported perfumes, colognes and pow ders . . . From $1.00 to $7.90 . . . Wrlsley's soaps for men and women from SOc to $5 . . . And .Cbamprel cologne and bubble bath perfume to match, SOc to $1.00. - - And the exclusive "His" line of toiletries for men only. CuVUHi fa 2Mfl . There's a camera at Cur tin's which would overwhelm some camera fiend . . . Be 1 cause it's the kind newspaper photographers use, with all the gadgets and things that are needed to take the best pictures. - -. It's a Speed-Graphic . . . With a f 4.5 Kodak Ektar lens ... A Supermatic shutter ' with speeds from 1 second to 1400 second ... And also a , focal plane shutter with speeds up to 11000 of a sec ond . . . A range finder, de ley ed action shutter, double extension bellows, etc. . . It's- $133. (Others are from . $1.00). ' GaUOf Well, here I am on the sub ject of Cal-Ore again! . . . But why not? ... 1 enjoy my visits there, and so does every one else . . . Just ask them. . And it's so nice to have a quiet, restful place to run down to for dinner . . . After rushing -around madly in the bustle of crowds ... . Although, of course, if you eat a very leisurely dinner and haven't finished by the time the. 9 or 10 o'clock crowd starts coming in, you'll probably want to make a whole evening of it. , Gwtiua Jo jbhufi If. anyone should happen to give me a certain bottle of Luden LeLong'g Jabot per fume that. I saw at Currin's, 1 know I couldn't stand the excitement . . . The bottle is the kind that dresses up any dressing table ... It looks like a misty jabot with a half bow for a stopper . . , And both bottle and perfume were imported from France before the "difficulties." ' In fact, Vance Vaupel showed , me the original ship ping carton in which it cross ed the Atlantic on the "lie de France." . . . It's the perfect gift for the lady who loves unusual' bottles and lovely perfumes . . . It's $28. Md-jbeUcUeutty ' You'd better hurry and get your, permanent appointment if you want to look your best during the holidays . . . And while you're doing it remem ber . that the Medical-Dental Shop gives those wonderful Creme-Oil .machineless per manent for only $6.00. v Of . course, you can get cheaper ones than that there ... . Another very good oil shampoo Is $9.00 . . . And other permanents are lower still . . . Phone 3448 for that appointment. SUaw Station Planes have changed our writing-paper styles . . . And gone are the heavy vellums that once were so popular . . . Instead you'll find paper so thin that you can write a long, long letter and still send it by airmail for only 6 cents. Shaw's has a big stock of this new lightweight paper . . . In the soft shades that are getting more popular each year . . . Even if -the only color is in the lining of the white envelope . . . Boxes of Eaton stationery are $1.25 to $10 ... Crane's are $1.00 to $7.50. V Qatceloni For friends who "have everything," you might select Spode floial service plates for $2.85 . . . Spode fruit plates at $2.25 . . . Gold trimmed service plates from $1.25 to $5.00 . . . Which you will find at Garcelon's, of course. The bone china after-dinner and tea cups and saucers are charming ... And for col lectors there are bone china miniature cups and saucers . . Or choose gold-trimmed tea sets, tid-bit servers, salt and pepper shakers and serving bowls. 4 . - Or how", about an electric cocktail shaker at $4.05? 1ati Gam&ia Shop. If you have a camera fiend on your Christmas list, you'll need a few suggestions . . . Like the gadget bags for $5.00 that I saw at Van's Camera Shop . . . He can carry a lot of equipment in it. Or maybe your camera man (or woman) would be tickled with a hand flash outfit that costs only $1.00 . . . Or a collapsible metal tripod that will set you back $4.75 . . . But if you'd, like to go still stronger, how . about an en larger? Van's carries both Craftsman and Federal brands at $22.50 and $26.50. . MatjaAeyl Seed If s a lot' of fun to give Christmas gifts to your dog ... And in shopping for our two I've come across all kinds of things at Murphey's Seed Store at 422 Main St. Dog beds are $1.80 to $5.00 in sizes for toy dogs up to cocker spaniel length and breadth . . . And worth twice the price by keeping furni ture and rugs free of hair. Murphey's has the cutest rubber toys for dogs . . . Lamp posts .. . . Hydrants (with bells Inside) . . . Balls . . . Etc. . '. . Dog collars, harnesses... And lots of other things. Gummitufl Qui '' Fur coats always have been the epitome of luxurious Christmas gifts . . . But this year they are more than that . . '. For a fur coat, bought now, is going to mean a lot more to you in a. year, when prices will be so much higher. And it's important to buy your coat from a store which is here permanently to give you service . . , Like Cum mlng's Fur Shop at 115 South 7th St. ... I like it, too, that the price on the tag Includes the tax. GuVtini. jot Ibluyl . I have found a gift deluxe that some gal in the Klamath country is going to go into ecstacies over . . . Although It hasn't been sold yetl . . . It's at Currin's ... A white leather traveling bag trimmed with maroon leather . . . It's 17 by 13 by 6 Inches in size. And inside it is a separate maroon leather case, trimmed In white . . . Which she can take out and carry if she wants . . . The smaller case is filled with 13 different Coty items, including the new Coty skin treatment, 1 full ounce of L'Aimant perfume, rouges, eye make-up, compact, lip stick, etc. . . . It's $35. jotal Bedjackets are the ideal gifts for gals who read in. bed . . . They're so easy to slip on and off, and are much more comfortable than robes at such times. You'll love the quilted satin ones at Long's . . . For only $3.95.. . . And will want to snuggle yourself in the "kid angora" lightweight wool bed jackets that are so beautifully soft . . . They're $7.95. And, of course. Long's has gorgeous (but many Inexpen sive) nightgowns and pajamas . And lovely robes, too. If you have a cold corner in your house why don't you carry in the radiator and plug it in the wall outlet? You can if you have one of those Elec- tresteem portable radiators that you've probably seen ad vertised in the Saturday Eve ning Post. It's light enough for any one ' to carry around from room to room . . . Just fill it with water occasionally and plug it in . . . What's more, it costs only about 21 cents an hour to operate . . . And you'll find it at F. R. Hauger's at 515 Market St. guu Smitu , The Stewart -Smith store (Chet Smith's to most people) carries many things besides shoes, you know . . . Some of the cutest sweaters I've seen can be found there . . . And the sets, with knitted caps to match, are just that much cuter. Chet Smith has the biggest selection of anklets I've come across . . . Every color of the rainbow . . . And all kinds of sports clothes . . . Jackets, jerkins, skirts. Not to forget Inexpensive handbags thai; look like a million. Maei Goimeticl Have . you been by Moe's cosmetic department during the last week or so? ... If you have you must have noticed the bewitching frag rance of Charles of the Ritz "Moss Rose" toiletries. And the packages are de lightful . . . There's one shaped like a mandolin, con taining individually blended powderi cream rouge and lip stick for $7.50 . . . And have you seen the big bottles of "Love Potion" perfume In the same line? . . . They have a cupid's head for a stopper . . . And cost $10. KimlaM QlaU Those, of you who will be choosing a mirror as a Christ mas gift mustn't forget that December 15 is the last day on which Kimball's Glass Shop will take orders on made-to-order mirrors ... At 527 Walnut St. So if you have a friend who has been yearning for a mir ror of the right size to go in a certain place, here's your chance to surprise and delight her. Incidentally, the Klmballs tell me that there Is no rise in price yet on mirrors or glass. E LIGHT CONTEST RULES EYED BY PTA'S Members of the various Par cnt-Teachers association districts met at the Fremont school Wed' nosday afternoon with the Jun lor chamber of commerce home lighting committee and discussed plans for the forthcoming Christ- mas lighting program. Through the cooperation of the PTA, the rules and methods of procedure were worked out and they will act as judges in the various PTA districts throughout the city. Each PTA organiza tion will judge some other dis trict besides its own, thus show' ing no partiality to any entry, Only those living within the city limits are eligible to enter this contest. All entries must be up and ready for judging by December 20 and all lights in such an en try must be lighted from the hours of 6 p. m. until 10 p. m, from December 20 to December 25 Inclusive. All entry blanks must be in the hands of the judges by 1 p. m. of December 15 and all judging will be based upon the adaptability to the sea son, article value, originality, beauty and setting. As brought out in previous articles, there will be two distinct divisions, an unlimited and a limited class, the former having no restrictions as to material costs and the latter a limit of $5 for material. A contest is planned for school children with prizes in each PTA district and a grand prize based on the number of entries ob tained for the Christmas lighting contest. The grand prizes will be boys' and girls' bicycles. Any public school child living within the city limits and being irom the first to the eighth grades inclusive Is eligible to en ter. Entries are not limited to the district In which the child may live and may be secured from any home within the city limits. If an entry Is submitted more than once, both the display and the child entrant will be eliminated, so care must be ta ken by the homeowner not to sign more than one entry blank. Entry blanks will be in the hands of the children, Monday. December 8, and they will have one week In which to get these signed and returned to their schools. The cooncration of the residents Is asked In order that the children may get these back in time. (Complete rules for the contest will appear tomorrow.) Increased Output Of Cheese Talked At Henley Meeting A small group of interested dairymen met at the Henley grange hall December 3 to dis cuss dairying problems, particu larly the manufacture of cheese Fred Rueck, chairman of the county USDA defense board, pre sided and he and C. A. Hender son, secretary of the board, ex plained that present prices being paid for butterfat going into but ter and butterfat going into cheese followed a wide spread of from 15 to 18 cents per pound more returns to dairymen from the manufacture of cheese, Rueck pointed out that the U. S. defense progra mwas asking for further increases in cheese pro duction for shipment overseas. John Reber, manager of the Malin cheese factory, and Harry Wilson, chairman of the board of directors of that concern, ex plained that their cooperative cheese factory at Malin could handle up to 10,000 pounds of milk a day in addition to their present supply and that if dairy men were interested a route could be established from the CHANEL EAU DE COLOGNE With the sparkle of lumhlne, and Chanel Eau dm Cologne If a new experience in refreshing , fragrance. Perfumed with No. 5 Gardenia, Russia Leather, or No. 22. H.f.U.I. P.M Plus Tax . Main and Fifth I upper part pf the valley to the factory. After general discussion meet ing adjourned with request from the dairymen that the defense board write, all dairymen In this regard asking definitely If they wish to try out the cheese factory and if sufficient response Is re ceived a milk route be estab lished. 80 Attend Banquet For Footprinters There was an excellent attend ance at the annual banquet ar ranged by International Foot printers association members at Lakeshore inn Wednesday night. Places were set for 80. Officer R. M. "Bob" Elder of the city police force, presided. ' Dr. George H. Adler spoke for one-half hour on the subject of, "Gunshot Wounds." Follow ing dinner and the program, dancing was enjoyed. FLIERS RECAPTURED LONDON, Dec. 4 W-Iwo civilians recaptured today two German fliers who escaped from a prison hospital in the north west two days ago. V 1 WHETHER IT'S SILK I A OR NYLON..., A EVERY PAIR IS .WI PERFECT AT WARDS It isn't just 'luck". Words hose look better wear better because every pair Is first quolityl Wards sell no "seconds"- no "Irregulars". Youll usually find the biggest selection of colors end sizes In town ot Wards, tool In nylon In I silk some with long-wearing re inforcements of . lisle or rayon, iilk from 69c to 1.2S Nvloni from 1.50 to 1.95 VES "iV . . . YOU CAN STILL IUY ON WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN tl thlnf ton want TODAY . . . aor them whit yea art paying for rttra s Unit (tea month. You will M ska Ftdtnl .filiations of Inatallmant Buifag Imt. aot lacmstd the montblf paymints fen nak am Moaigomt ty Ward's connnient payment plan. Let as Mil you bom this simple way to buy til your needs. NINTH STREET, Corner Pint SIX OFFENDERS UP T Six offenders appeared In the Wednesday aftomoon traffic court before Police Judge Leigh Ackerman. Robert Grant Cornell, 1819 Earlo street, running atop sign, violation basic rule, fined $3. Loyd DcLap Jr., 844 South Stop That Cough ing- and Stop It NOW Pour youra.tr iapoon of Rural.' rANADIOl, Multiracial II II. an your ton- fu a ntom.ni m.n itiim aKiwiy. F..I Ha ltiloa pitfrrrful .ffllt. arlliin apra1 Ihrmiih Irtrual. h.ail anil rtrtwrlilal tub.,. Aria tlaa a flaah. Rlfltl avay tl aUrtl to li.wn llilfl. rlHhlttt phl.tni and nn on fhiKfrd hronrtital tuhra. itw 10 mlllkitl hotli'a fold in raid wintry t anaila. A alnfla alp will tall you why. hpanri 4. cant today at Kvtrtvdy'a Drill Stora or any drill itora tor a bottla or Uucilay'a ( N ADIOL Mil' tur. BUY NOWI FOR YOURSELF... FOR CHRISTMAS... WHIll STOCKS ARE COMPIETEI I Riverside, running stop sign, $3 bail posted. Dernice Meldcniann, 135 North Seventh street, no operator's li cense, dismissed. Frederick P. lltihhnrd, Bontty, no operator's llrnuso, $10 or flvo days. Thomas Overen, route S box 145, running slop sign, $2 ball suspended. Otto Smith. 3225 Garden ave FOR TH CONVENIENCE OF OUR GUESTS the opening of San Francisco's most modern (jaragt directly adjacent to Edraond A. Rltdtr, Gntrtl MaUMjfr JAN FRANCISCO SO POPULAR... YET SO LOW-PRICID AT WARDSI It looks like mink I H feels like mink I lut It's long-wearing conty, cleverly dyedl Smart 24-Inch lackets to wear any time of the day or night with practi cally every dress and suit you own. And come Winter, you'll slip Its warmth over unlrlmmtd coals. Sites 1 4 to 20. Full length striped coney, kii 12 to 40.... $44 EXTRA NICE RAYON! 5.49 SLACK SUITS nue, no operator's license, $5 or a 2t dnya. " $25 REWARD Will be paid by the rnanufa. turer for any Corn or Callous QREAT CHRISTOPHER Cora Salve cannot remove. It never (alls. $5o and 60o at ETcrbedr'e Cut-Rat Drugs. Phone 3121. 901 Main St. Long and Short Sleeve Fitted and Boxy Stylei 3 80 What a price! on In novelty poplin! ntylfdl What Expensive ray. gabardine and fabrici! Rayon Each one's cce of tine tall Action . backs! Hurry! Sonsa lowjjrlcal. mnntorpl orlngl Zippcral tlonnlly ottmnr 7S Buy EVERYTHING for Christmas on Wordi Convenient Monthly Payment Plant Small rt Down Payment . . ; pciy Balance Next Yeorl , '"' :; '. '. TELEPHONE J18I