m ncombor 8, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Oregon Snorts Notes Dy mCD HAMPBON Associated Praaa Slid Wtlttr Oruon Blolo's Hose-bowlers I in vo predominated tlia sport nawt so much since lust Satur day thul It mlKlit bn a good idea to Ignore them fur mln- to or two In (uvor o( ti'inn ,-hlch lit tlx orbit hm boon J cut outstanding. Couch Charles McUuinnnns' The Uulk-a hllli school eleven walloped a powerful Medford and miik I) no inlauiko Hint MVidford wmn't a whole of a football tetim lual Frldny nlllht, 2B-0, and won tha major ilnlm to Ilia alula prep cham pionship. Hern's what Medford Couch 11)11 JJowurmnn anid about The IJiilIca after ho recovorcd: 1 'Tim Dltllca bus lliu beat fool htll Kgiti I but Medford bui played alnce 1 attirled couching ill southern Oregon. Further more It's tho first learn this enr that hua been able to atop i-iir running nttiick cold. T'Voil pcuplu of The Dalles the vu tiilklug to Dulles Chron icle Sportster Hod Flnnoy) have born wutching a finlahcd prod- Ort iroin cnu iu cnci ana irom . I flunk to quurterbnek to full- buck, kvcry mnn Handled his imiigmncnt and handled It well." Aledford's buckflcld coach, Kd Ktrtley, win just n oxtruva limit In prulso of tbe mid-Co-lunibla eleven: "If ever I've 0 e n a hlih school tiuiu tbut looked like a college outfit, Oils la It. The Diilli-a could iluy ulnioat any lionhinun college wtnid In the country and brut them, on well. In all my 10 ycura aa buckflcld c until at Medford this la the bent-balanced buckflcld I have ever wnlchod perform. The tlm 1 1114 and precision were perfect. "Our passing attack waa slopped bt-cuuao The Dulles line rhurged ao hard and ao faat that ('a to Wrny (passer) waa ruahed to find a mcclver. Then, too, Tha D.i lb-a lino waa ao atronu it could tiM! a six-man defenac and still lot tha Indian second- dry stay far back and cover re-t-lvers." Coming from men like Dow erninn and Kirtley, that makes The Dulles aound a wee bit ter rific, and acta one to wondcrlnit how many of thoso McGulneas players are aenlora and where they will matrlculuto. During the late ahlft Salur cloy night when couchoa, news men and radio staffers wore waiting and hoping for a Rosa bowl opponent for OSC, one hroudaistt-r was preparing some stuff for tho air. "What's Chaves" (OSC guard) nickname?" he asked Coach Stlner. "I dunno," replied tho weary Hcnvcr grid chief, "I didn't know ho hod one." "Oh sure," persisted tho scrip man, 1 know he's got a nick name. What Is It you - usually coll him?" "Hummm," reflected Stlner, "When he's having a good day Ocn 11 him Mnrtln. That's his rat name. When he's having a bnd one, t call him Mister Choves," Oregon State Hears of Rose Bowl Selection WF 1' w -' v aw- )fr" t f,- i ' -IT, ' t - .1': r . Coach Lon Stlner (left), announced to Oragon Stat atudenta at a rally ai Corrallla, Or., that thair football team had boon aelectad for tha Roae bowl game at Paaadona, Calif. Student Body Proaldent Andy Landforca ia at Stinar's right. Stlner later said tha turn probably would leave for Paaadona about December IS. Survey Reveals Grid Winners Pay Off in Box Office Figures NEW YOrtK nor 9 fAPI All the world loves a lover or la winning football team. The Auociutcd I'rraa' annual survey of football attendance discloses that thorn- trams which had the ability to gather in more touchdowns and victories also reaped more dollars at the box office. Unbcati-n Uiiqueane played to 7D.7B0 fans this year in five homo iiumn as contrasted witli 44,322 a year ago in four con- testa; Duke hiked its total from 57,000 In five gamea lost year to 117,000 in four tilts this fall, and Missouri's aggregate hoppod from 00.3U3 a yt-nr ago to 73,548, with four home games each sra son. The reverse also wos true In most casea. Nebraska, good enough to be chosen for the Hoau Dowl a year ago but defeated fivo times in a row this fall, dropped from 144,000 to 126,000; Uoston college skidded from 105,000 to 171.000, and Tcnnea see came down from 112,000 to 110,000. Both Nebniskn and Hos ton college had the same num ber of games each season but Tennessee played eleven home gomes last year to six in the campaign Just closing. The survey shows that attend e.nro figures for the 74 schools reporting climbed four per cent over a year ago despite the Pa cific coast's drop of almost 19 per cent. The 350 home games listed had a total attendance of 8.455.002 or an nvcragc of 23.555 ns com pared with 8,139.700 and 22,673 a year ago. The south showed the greatest attendance hike, 15 per cent. The southwest was next with 10, fol lowed by the east with nine and tha midwest, where the weather wos adverse much of tho woy, with an Increase of two per cent. Scientific Game Program Advised By Governor CORVALLIS, Dec. S (AP) Now Is tha time to start a scien tific development program, Gov ernor Sprague told the Oregon Wildlifa federation Monday. "It Isn't enough merely to con serve," ho said. "It behooves this stnta now to Inaugurate a sound program of wildlife management . . . for game birds, big game, fur bearers and game fish as well aa for fish of great economic importance. "Wo can crop our game the some os we crop our fields and forests, when there Is a surplus to be harvested, if we leave suf ficient seed stock for replenish ment," tho governor laid. OThe big gnmo kill In Oregon ds season was the largest In years, Gome Supervisor Frank B. Wlro said. He reported the a .1. .aaw Tenpin Topics By John FosUr (owhn Editor) Travel Aid for Soldiers Devised at Grants Pass GRANTS PASS, Dec 3 (AP) "Got tho soldiers, sailors and murines off tho highways beforo Christmas." That might well be the motto for the plon devised here by Mrs. C. J. Moser, and endorsed by military men, chambers of com merce, travollng salesmen, the local county court unanimously by everyone the local "hospital ity hut" chairman has contacted. Mrs. Moser saw, like other Oregonians, scores of boys "In uniform hitchhiking In the rain and dark along the highways. Like others, she didn't want to take chances in picking up "stronger." But unlike others, alio thought of a remedy. That is to make chambers of commerce the meeting depots for service men and travelers. A soldier, sailor or marine who wants a ride calls at a chamber of commerce and registers his name and "dog tag" number for identification purposes. Travel ers who want to help the boys do the same thing. The chamber of commerce keeps a record of the drivers and passengers, "Just in case." Tho local chamber and county court unanimously endorsed the proposal yesterday. The Rose burg chamber secretary, Harry Plnniger, got word of the plan and started putting it in opera tion immediately. From a col onel at a football game to a pri vate thumbing his way, military men sold it was workable. But to really work, especially in time for Christmas furloughs, the program has to be at least statewide. Mrs. Moser has writ ten to Governor Sprague, gen erals at Fort Lewis, and travel ers' associations to enlist their support. HEXL FIND OUT CAMP BLANDING, Fin., W Sergeant Cunner Stokes of com pany H, 167th Infantry, tells how a private came up to him brandishing a piece of ' leafy vine. "What kind of plant Is this. Sergeant?" he inquired. "My gosh, that's poison Ivy," the sergeant yelled. Bark came the bland response: "Well, don't get excited, I'm not going to eat it." There were 262,482 visitors, in 76,721 private automobiles, to Crater Lake national park in 1940. . CLOSE CALL , EVANSVILLK, Ind,, (P Mra. Minnie Herron, 69, walking across Pigeon creek on a Chicago and Eastern .Illinois railroad trestle, looked back and' saw train coming. '": - She lay down flat on the tlos, was knocked dangling between two of them and then was sucked by the air brakes up between the first and second - drive wheels. Soventy minutes later res cuers extricated her unhurt ex cept for soma scratches on htr knees., . , , Read the Classified page,.' Chemists May Solve Problem of Lignin in Wood Manufacture SEATTLE, Dec. 3 (AP) En igmatic legnin, the earth's sec ond most abundant organic mat ter and its greatest industrial waste, may be giving up the key to Its mysterious nature. From the University of Wash ington comes the announcement that three new types of lignin have been created in the labora tory to serve as a key for un locking the chemical mystery that has defied science for more than a century. Dr. A. J. Bailey, assistant ' chemistry professor, who has su I perviscd the experiments, nor-' mally hesitant in predictions of ; scientific success, commented: "It is expected that research I now in progress will eventually lead to the successful use of this huge lignin waste." Utilization of lignin would be AI KUmilh dictation AlUya COMMIRCIAl LEAOUI Lamm Lumbar Go. M. Smith IU H IU S lUmploa rv 17 171 4 flaky m io im as; J. Mullli " II IU t! Until I'll SIO IH. lUntllrap , 74 74 74 ttt I7 Sit tOD LmI Rlvir Oilry IM 141 flft " IAS IM 471 A IM SI su i:s iu m 16.1 17 101 Ml u u u las a godsend to the Pacific north west, where it is wasted in vast quantities in the lumber Indus try. Lignin constitutes one fourth of the weight of wood. It is found in all common plants. The university announcement said that one large industrial concern already ia developing lignin commercially in the plas tics field. Lignin already is uti lized as a source for vanillin, the flavoring for vanilla, but Dr. Bailey said only a minute fraction of the available supply is used. The lignin mystery has con tinued because chemists could not learn its structure. Reagents used in attempting to isolate lig nin have changed the lignin pre parations so drastically as to make them chemically inactive and insoluble. GRAND OPENING Thursday, Dec. 4th BAGBTPS General Merchandise 4429 Shasta Way -k Groceries k Hard wo re Meats A" Feeds "YOUR EVERY NEED IN A FRIENDLY STORE" - n7.'try K-III, Stelnirim . M SI Morrt Johnsoa THford . Inii.l.l )4 H4 M VZl Stanford Paces Conference Offense for Second Year SEATTLE, Dec. 3 (UP) For the second successive year Stanford is the leading offensive team of the Pacific Coast con-1 n, ferenco but tho Cords failed in their drive for the ranking of the beat defenaivo club and their letdown may hove had much to do with their loss to California last Saturday and the loss of the conference crown. In Tuesday's American football statistical bureau release, Stanford held a wide margin In total offense, with 2641 yards In nine games and a game average of 203.4 yards. Nearest compet itor was Oregon Slate's Rose Bowl eleven with a 248.8 yard average. Stanford's total offense overage a year ago was 2R8.4. While California walked off with the best defensive record only 170.1 yards per game against thorn Stanford man aged to hold to second place with an ll.B-yord average. Oregon, the 1B40 defensive leader, drop ped to seventh place at 222.8 yards. Completion of only two passes against California dropped Stan ford to second place in forward passing offense, as UCLA gained the top rank with an average of 102.6 yards per game. Forward pass defensive leadership went to Idaho, which held opponents to 41.2 yards per gomo. aiiak a Idbttrf Crvn H'Iiiim rvrgituin Handicap Whlla Sir VIM trr - ua a&a 117 165 131 41A W l 171 aw : i vi m ma .sa H I44J. 131 I7 40a , 13S IS4 iza 7a Hamilton Kllfir Fralnr IninM MK'omack Handicap . I.U 47 l 423 lift S4 04 IK ten as sis :i M Comae 4 Talfortl 'H 15 IM 419 11S I4 171 44 ' IM 149 440 17 10 144 4 I4S IU 170 4W a a ai Ml Ml 903 vm RollBUB Grtaaa MandFrvilla KnnwW Jlandiraji. aaTnrar Starta l no ia 4H 144 M 1X1 S70 ISO 1M ! -liS 175 15S 417 110 Itt 4,lt ioi i 4o: IU ISi 7S Ul Ml MWl Mrllanltl riarhrr KaHlutr. Uandlcap 747 IM HIM 14H Cartar'a Nna Pooda IU IM 104 S75 III 129 109 442 119 99 1X9 SM 129 llll 90 XM 171 IM IU 499 151 151 151 451 btl 799 l Xm A DISASTROUS HO HUMI SPOKANE, VP) A Hollywood "colossal" Is an appropriate ad jective to describe Clifford Mun son's yawn. It sent him to a hospital with a dislocated Jaw. elk kill was 3741 and the ante lope kill 1378. Oregon Is second among the states in tho number of black tailed deer, third in tho number of antelope and fourth In mule deer, he added. riM.ulUKTS THE BBST OLD OSCAR PEPPER A XKe.Wl S-Z! VXl 91". M J Old Oscar Pppr Irand-lourbsn Whlikay Hand 86 pmf-il itralght u hiikltt, 49 grain tltulrwl spirits Vrtnk. ortDlslillsrtts,lc,,Llnrillt&Baltlmm. $ 1.15 n $2 25 QT. MM Mm " I AUTO PARTS IEFT WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (AP) The justice department announc ed Tues'day that FBI agents had seized 30 men in Detroit, Chica go and Now York in connection with a stolen auto parts ring al leged to have taker! millions of dollars worth of materials from the Ford Motor company. J. Edgar Hoover, director of tha federal bureau of Investiga tion, said that the total value of parts stolen from Ford plants had not been determined, but that information now available indicated that the ring In opera tions thus far In 1041 had net ted "at least $1,000,000" and that tho figure might "run as high as $3,000,000 or $4,000,000." The seizures were made early Tuesday on a complaint obtain ed secretly in Detroit where the operations of the ring centered, a statement by the justice de partment said "Two fences alone, who are not the largest operators In the ring," the statement said, "ad mitted to FBI agents purchasing stolen parts this year valued at more than $900,000 which were transmitted out of the state of Michigan." STRONG TEETH A Roman clockmakcr, Dante Bottarinl, pulled a largo automo bile containing six passengers 300 yards up a hill with a rope held In his teeth. JAPANESE ORBS The "Lido eye operation" Is becoming popular In Tokyo, whero one surgeon Is prospering because Japanese women want their eyes to open wider and give them' a "soulful look." Hlrkctl . UaLtiry . Ainrrllnf MrUnrait lavrnlrk Handicap Knlgttla ot Oolumbua , , !' IM 10 471 104 150 45.1 191 I7S 49ti 155 140 4rt2 iri5 107 1(9) M2 . 64 44 64 204 S41 (03 S57 2000 Naw Oltr laundry rrank Martin 1T7 itt IU 414 R. Thompaun ia loo 525 Tjrlar I.V IM 155 4 51 Cod Martin no 177 149 411 Olairr 150 185 439 Handicap 145 145 455 913 937 950 2706 n'mlund Fill, Clark lll.fhlT Wnkrman Handicap Klamatn Maatt, 4t Ua. ' ISO 171 443 150 199 47 li 101 497 154 101 179 49X I97 109 Wra. Smith . IV. Shaflar M. Hunt Cook rowi.n Handicap 195 500 59 50 a9 177 551 HI 903 3057 a l IM tIT 409 12 in 119 473 167 133 100 450 150 Its 120 404 1IW 171 15! 41 13l 131 1S4 403 907 304 914 3035 Whan In Madlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modtrn Jo and Anna Earlay Proprietors B00ITIR 110111 Saat 9 Ida BIM. 107 1(1 4 150 tsa U3 A1.T Rnhfnaon rVrkrni. D. Malioncjr, J. Hmfdnn Handicap Klaniath Hlftt 172 101 10 .142 169 111 425 U2 150 1? 492 .170 ISO 170 42 .133 190 131 474 S3 S3 9 S3 341 930 Ml 2032 Knaland Hull llrcmar Ollllnta Hrtnlnxfrit Handicap 1 119 170 4IW .170 190 167 527 .124 123 120 X7 1U 147 127 3V2 !21 14 101 400 I2$ 123 125 375 niabrr llimta McFilroy . Hickman I. Mllno Handicap ml 633 70 2535 I 100 119 130 391 124 100 104 394 105 01 139 325 170 131 110 437 I30 124 203 lS 14S 115 145 435 79! 750 807 2443 KLAMATH CITY LEAOUI Ilka Club Van Born 154 ll ixs 419 Shaffer 130 157 129 422 Rawllna , 167 160 201 ft4 Irteoll 17a 171 332 SInllla 147 154 147 - 452 Walker Munacll Kothvrll (Jrecnwajr Book Handicap Mtlna llcLury Clarka Mahoney Handicap Baltlcar Motor Co. 120 ISO 144 394 155 10O 120 33 127 133 UI SSI 163 US 1.13 440 12-1 140 151 419 170 170 170 ill) W IM Ml 2527 Band-Portland Truck 161 152 4tt -14S 141 150 445 -145 1-9 144 4-3 -191 99 16 410 - 79 79 70 237 720 069 071 1000 Forfeited. A sti worth Schantol . Peteraon Sehendel . Gardner Handicap Kraft Chana Co. Vanity Barbara 165 171 162 4 IM 105 133 460 143 235 534 " 150 1S7 521 179 191 lit 553 SO 0 SO 240 921 911 B65 2S17 WELL MAPPED There are more than 200,000 maps, one of the most valuable collections of maps in the world, in the possession of the British war office. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page Go eaat in lunirious comfort aboard the Empire Builder. Take your choice of Luxury Coach, Modern Tourist or Standard Pullman : alecping car. From your car window or amid -the cheerful aurroundinga of the Club Observation Lounge view the magnificent acenery of a route that includes 60 daylight miles along Glorious Glacier Park. - Go into the Dining Car where the attractive . appointments provide a delightful setting for famous lireat nortnem meaia. mi ui -menu you'll find a wide variety of taaty, aub-. atantial diahea at prices that are extremely moderate. For details aik: . j . H. I. Wayne, General Agant G. N. Station Phone 4101 -Tj A. 7? RIDE THE 4fiW EMPIRE BUILDER THROUGH TO CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANOfJ "a1 aJ&aWV , . . where the mar pros pect of a tempting snack made him faal Ilka a new man. Remember us for after the movies! . rci ijoxi(riiiv3g oxm Folks! Here's something you ought not to miss It's Seagram's you'll sip it with bliss The taste is so rare It seems lighter than air And you'll drink bottoms-up . . . ispp 5rtj jsnf yji-i j THE 5 iltlWrtTriV d, e5' a" 'OUpHN ' ovr & Crown Blends, jjj aM j! OsrmSf V Fxtra Pleasure's made millions of friends, HI afAArtj. f mjl , J And5&own,wethink, 1 fc $ S4! Is the smooth kind of drink jj ff nil - -7" That every good friend recommends. J ZLi.J liLsjl ' Seagram' 3 Crown Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 72V2 grain neutral apirits. Seagram-Pi'tillers Corporation, New York