December 8, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Midland Cmpine '41 TULELAKE BEET TULELAKE Harvest of the J 041 (Hilar beet crop was com pleted Saturday and prospects for the 1042 planting were out lined In a weekend meeting of groweri by George Wright, gen eral manager of the Sacramento division of tho Sprecklei com pany. Wright was accompanied here by A, L. Knudson, labor su perintendent for the lame dlvl ilon. About 70 growart and pros pectlve grower! were In attend ance. Contract! fur next season's crop will be avallabla at the of fice of W. H. Anderson, Slskl you county agricultural commla iloner, on December 8 when a reprcacntallve of the Sprecklcs aompany will be present to ai ilat those planning on a beot acreage. Labor problem!, both peat and future and tho possibility of an IncreaM In Income to the grower nnvl unrn tnkrftn urt nt It, meeting. A minimum guarantee of 8.40 per ton, of which 12 per ton li the government benefit payment tax la announced, ac cording to Clark W. Fenaler, local repreaentatlve of the lugur compuny. The price la based on an 18 per cent auger content Poaalblllty of an Increaae over the minimum la advanced, the Increaae hinging on action of con greaa thli week In regard to In creases In benefit pnymrnts on tho crop. All acreage restriction! have been lifted by the administration and a much larger acreage la an tlclpated for 1042. Approximate ly 1100 acre were harvested this season. While the unfavorable leaaon cut acreage yields illghtly, data on tonnage and sugar content now being compiled at Sacra mento la expected to show favor able returns. The company la prepared to distribute leed to all old and ai many now groweri as are Inter ested and throe planning to plant beeta next year will find the newly opened office of Anderson In the Hudy Jeiek block. Tulelake Boyi of tho Honker football squad, senior and Junior girls and member! of the high school faculty will be gucsta of honor at a banquet Friday evening In the high achool at which mem bers of the Girli' Athletic asso ciation will be hostesses. A foot ball theme Is to be carried out, there will be brief talks and musical numbers and the guest! will bo feted following the din ner at a dance planned by Can by Cross Masonic lodge. Marie Chlarucci la faculty advisor for tha dinner. The Chrlstmai party of the Wlnema club will be an event of December 2 at the home of Mn. Lee Dixon. Momben will bring small gifts for the an nual exchange. Assisting Mn. Dixon will be Mn. E. W. Staun ton, Mn. C. G. Falrchlld and Mn. John Tnkaca Jr. The band of the Tulelake high ichool assisted with the big Chrittmai opening In Klam ath Falli Inst Saturday. E. L. Preaieau, 18, visiting here from Cottage Grove, Ore., drove Into trouble here last weekend when he tried driving an automobllo down Main street while under the influence of liquor. Apprehended by Chief of Police "Frank G. Rhodes he ap peared before Police Judge John Cortex to plead guilty. Half of hli $100 fine wai suspended. SUGAR HARVEST ENDS ! KrnivnnJiiMM 1 aic I ijiiKffflJSSES- I Former Dorris Resident DUs At Ashland DORRIS A former resident of Dorrli and Macdoel, Mra. Efflo Jane Smith, passed away sud denly at Ashland, Ore., Friday night. Mrs. Smith had not been well for a few daya but had thought she only had a bad cold and waa doctoring herself for It. Friday she felt worse and went to a neighbor'! houie where she died a short time later. Mn. Effie Smith wai born In Mlsaourl and Interment li to be In Huatonla, Mo. The body wai accompanied eaat by Mr. and Mn. Eugene Smith and Mrs. Viola Mulllni. Mn. Smith leaves to mourn her passing her mother, Mrs. Sarah Sewell of Sweet Spring!, Mo.; three sons, Ruben Smith of Ashland, Archie and Eugene Smith of Dorrli; three daughters, Mrs. Viola Mulllni of Sedulla, Mo., Mrs. Lucille Krouae of Ash land and Mn. Mildred Godard of Klamath Falls. Weyerhaeuser PTA To Hold Meeting WEYERHAEUSER A ihort business mcoting, square dancing and a box social are on the pro gram for the December meeting of Weyerhaeuser Camp Four PTA. The data is changed from Thursday to Friday, December 8, for the convenience of work Ing men. Tho hour la 7:30. Art Cooper head! the commit- j tee of men members serving as hosts for this meeting and Mrs. Bill Stacy, recreation chairman, is helping with arrangement!. Toys will be accepted for the Klamath Kalis firemen's collec tion. Women are aaked to bring box lunches for auction, funds to be used by the local PTA. Everyone In the community ia Invited to this Christmas party. Reibens Leave For Sons Wedding TULELAKE Mr. and Mn. George Relben left this week for Seattle where they will be pres ent on December 4 at the mar riage of Ann Crandlemerc, Am hurst, Mass., to their eldest son, Thorben Relben. The service will be read In St. Luke's Episcopal church at four o'clock. Attending tha young couple will be Mr. and Mn. Gilbert Os borne, Tulelake, Intimate friendi of Mr. Relben, who met his bride several months ago while em-' ployed in Boiton. The groom, graduate of the school of engineering of Stan ford, li employed by the Boeing Aircraft company. j They will make their home In Seattle for the present i ARMASTEEL PISTONS 17 LICHTER THAN CAST IRON-FAR TOUGHER THAN ALVMINVMI I. Sldewslli era extremely dot able, without annoceaeary tniCKTlAM. neiniorceaiem , troplated anrfaoaa protaot against scoring. 4. Foal plalon rlnca provide battar eompree alon and ImproTa oil economy. DELIVER OUTSTANDING PEP AND INCREASE ENGINE LIFE! Another itep forward In motor oar development! A brand now material for platonal Ife light-mlght Armaafee, produced by General Motora for uie In tha Dieiel looomotlvea of tranaoontlnental etream llned tralni, and now adopt ed for automobile uie In "TfiAM" apptj 0 down pajmanfa. afoitfMr pjmn(i ara araa6e. yOU CAJf A T.WAYS COVST OAT ULDSMOBILE ITS The Big Oldi Towar JlewA CHRISTMAS SEALS MERRILL Lettors containing 10 4 1 tuberculosis Chrlstmai scala have reached Merrill homes and evarynne who can possibly apnre a bit of cash is asked to respond to the call, It was an nounced this week by Mra. War roil Fruits, local chairman of the drive. Merrill's envelopes mailed to Mrs. Fruit! by Mn. Burt Hawkina, general chairman, to tal 170 and the return envel opes may be mailed either to headquurten In Klamath Falls or to Mrs. Frulti at Merrill. Through an error envelopei aent to this community bear the return address of the Klamath County Public Health associa tion In Klamath Falls but since it will make It more difficult to check on the results of the local campaign. It Is requested that Mrs. Fruits' address here be sub stituted. Each envelope contains $1 worth of penny stamps which this season bear the replica of a lighthouse. School to Close On December 19 TULELAKE Schools of Tule lake will close Friday, December 10, for the Christmas vacation and will reopen for classes on January 5, It was announced this week by George Rciben, high school principal. A sophomore party with an ex change of glfta and Christmas program Is planned for the offer- noon of December 10. A number of the faculty members plan trips to homes at a distance for the holidays. Future Farmers to Hold Banquet LAKEVIEW The Lakevlew high school HMOT-FFA banquet will be held Thursday evening, December 4, in the basement of the Methodist church at 7 o'clock, according to Miss Jennie June Hatch, advisor of the HMOT club. Committee chairmen for the banquet are: Menu and cooking, Dick Dollarhlde and Mary Pi per; hostess, Dnrlene Brown and John Harry; entertainment, Na lene Greene and Bob Ramsdell; decorations. Morgarct O'Connor and Jim Ogle; serving. Mary Singleton and James Vincent, FOR RENT TRUCKS and BICYCLES You D-toa Move Youraeli Save tt Long and - Short Trlpa. STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 Eaat Main iTorviiV zzralS"!'!' mi in ' ' li i -y. I OtrWATnJ UaWaKT TO CMAM4I WITHOUT NOT ICR Otdamobile'a famoua Econo Maater Engines both the 100 H. P. Six and the 110 H. P. Straight Bight. Come In and try the alert, de pendable performance of the Oldsmobllo B-44. And for even greater performance efficiency, try Hydra-Mario Drive optional at extra cost. QUALlTr-BUILT TO JLAST Dick B. Miller Co and table letting, Alice Branch. Each member may Invite a parent to the banquet. Jim Ogle, president of the Lakevlew FFA chapter and Ruth Stevens, president of the HMOT club will be toastmaster and toaatmlstress. Speakers of the evening are Bud Garrett and Moya Ball. Bly Ladies' Aid Holds Dinner The Bly Ladies' Aid held Its annual dinner and bazaar on Sat urday evening, November 20 In the school cafeteria. A turkey dinner with all the trimming! was served cafeteria style. A large crowd attended. After the dinner an enjoyable program was given in two of tho ichool rooms. During the evening a fine dis play of funcywork was sold. Oth er attractions were a fishpond and a home-made candy booth. The following committee! were in charge: Planning and preparation of food, Mrs. George Elliott, Mn. I. Robins, Mn. Herb Johnson and Mn. O. Hlrengen; soliciting, Mrs. M. Cllne and Mn. Lem Houston; clean-up, Mn. M. Varnum, Mn. J. Wallli, Mn. D. Lowe. Other members offered assistance on this committee. Miscellaneous booth, Mra. R. Shepherd and Mrs. T. Sha: kitch en booth, Mrs. W. Osborn and Mn. Fred Stone; fishpond. Mn. R. Harris; candy booth, Mn. C. Raupak; quilt tickets, Mn. C. Deerlng. I. .I. mil. IVI UWIUIHIIII SAVINGS PLACED HERE BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH - - ZoAt TbUddeadl AS OF THE lit! Insured Savings and Better Return 3 (CUr.RENT DIVIDEND) First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. of Klamath Falls Member Federal Saving! and Loan Insurance Corporation 6th tt Main Ph. S19S PERFORMANCE! . OUR No. 1 JOB IS DEFENSEt . Alrplana eannoo and -Mflf artUlary ahall are now tolltng off Olds prodne Hon lints. With rainalning faell Itlaa, Oldsmeblla la building a llmltad nutnbar of quality can. Hmt iookimo, Imn Laitino, tarn) Btrot Than Ant Oiea IN 44 YiausI t Seventh & Klamath "V BOBr BBBBBm ' fC t j ls"" CAST HOMED FOR DORRIS PLAY DORRIS The play to be given by the Junior class of the Butte Valley high ichool on De cember 8 li "Meet the Folks," and the cist hai ihown unusual promiie In the rehearsal!. Those who will have part In the pro duction are Ruby Do vis ai Mn. Smith, Joe Stringer ai Pa Smith. Ellawanda Wallace as Mary Jane Smith, Jack Branstetter as James Smith, Jean Mouchen- bacher ai Parker, Leroy Mengei as Chuck Sage, Lena Belle Lybrand as Jewel Cartwright, Herbert Badger ai Harold Wat- ion, Ruth Cavener ai Hedy Har rington, Betty Wllklni as Marts Davli and Richard Winfleld as GUly allien Water. Play to Be Put On by Juniors TULELAKE "Skidding" and no foolln' there are ikids under this three-act comedy that the Junior class of the high TaWfflf 100 Irlnci Maoolnaaa Aohnol Doth. Cuddly Teddy Baore and others . . from 1 0 to 98c laky Ml. Beautifully dressed and raollttlc. . . from 47c to $2.91 efca. Tha best loved chil dren's elastics . . from 1 0c to S9e Oetl Ceniafea. Miniature earrloaas and baoch carta, from $2. 1 0 to $3. 1 9 Mackankal Tors- Always omuslna, ruooadly built . from 10c to $1.98 Military Toys. Soldiers, tonka, plonei, artillery. .. . from 29c to $6. 19 Mattoel Tera. Tops, drums, even a tuned xylophone I . from 1 0c ta 9 Sc f ' CHRISTMAS DICORATIONS for home or tree ... 5c p A attfM mmy mot Have aaarr tor etctarad, bat U hair mmy atkan. , All aublact to stock on hand. GIVE RCA Uctntti, Vuitrwritm Approvti Two-Band Console A really BIG gift at a" low pricel Gets foreign and American sta tions with ease. Separate built-in antenna for broadcast and short wave bands. Illuminated slide-rule dial, full range tone control, accoustically designed wal nut veneer cabinet, six tubes. WU34 7-Tnhe" AC-DC They'll really appreciate thli beautiful wood cabinet table ear, with complete personal ton control end big set perform ance! Continental type aliae- rul dial makes snarp tuning easy. . . . Automatic volume control ond electro -dynamic speaker assure pleasing enter tainment. w22t Including Rctmr EASY TERMS "On Give . of SAFE ALL MERCHANDISE SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND Wl RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ichool will present on Decem ber 18, according to those who have slipped In on the cast In practice. The scenes center around a home In Idaho where most of the action develops and Judge Hardy's ambition to attain the nomination for a convention delegate, together with the ef fort! of his family to aid him are responsible for some funny situations. Characters and students tak ing part Include Andy Hardy, David Lagan; Judge Hardy, Davis Tedden; Mrs. Hardy, Pat ty Johnson; Marlon Hardy, Phyliss Snyder; Grandpa Hardy, John Cross; Aunt Milly, Laura Haynes; Wayne Trent, Lyle Haley; Mr. Stubblns, Eugene Gresham; Mary Hardy Wilcox, Jean J o n e i; Estelle Hardy Campbell, Patty Gentry. Save 20 On Memorials By Calling at Klamath Fall! Marble and Granite Works 11B So. 11th St and Making Your Own Selection WESTERN AUTO nine To Please Everyone.Priced To Please You for Girls and Costless, Please Ajnarlcon-iBorfa Offta . . . two to . . . tr4 far Oavtnaa . . . Visit Our fafera4 Toy Dtpmrtmmnt ana Many Mora Toys than wo Have Roam fa ManHoa Mara. Point, Crayons, Chalk Sets. Large assortment of colors, from 1 0c to 89e Toy Pistols. Popguns and harmless rubber dart shooters, from 25c to 98c Pull Toys. Trucks and funny mov ing dolla . . rromXJe Riding Toys. Great variety, from. . . . 47c to 1 1.95 Skill Gome. Card games, mar ble shooters, etc 10c to $1.98 Target Game. Darts, bows & arrows, etc., from 25c to $1.98 - Train. Mechanical and elec tric. . from $ I to $15.75 WESTERN ROYAL S9T95 Radio her feat oil ooy - f -f"&PnY , Baaeoe" Weaker or."-ld , r Iff Iff ilfl" ,yr ":.:kHm, drudgery. Permanan... dom iron. "L-niam functions w iin-.- oll,trruogdhorua Baocon" g f- aQC ostowo . J. Jj,h iter Orlvan Pump, ST4.M kLd.1 -691 P". lllustroMd, with Mow M" . ,,, Blaarator for mony yeors . "Westorn Royel "T,'?.L..ina cost . . . P T. cooing . EASY TERM rrvaW-s fnaaakTVaaaBaaaaaaaaaai A 11 II li, aVTO, t,. iiTTiirffiinrrtrtBiit 1038 Main ta--4t t U Sam I ii L"' srfa - American automobiles andlmlles during 1940, according to trucka drove a total of 30 trillion I estimates. Boys Morell BAD 10 i . VAT L. farrask.' ' 4 BF'S IX mi ssa m. a tern, mi fft- GIVE a "Western Flyer" Bike! Smart, speedy, and full slie) for men or women. Spring fork and balloon tires combine to give maxi mum riding comfort, with less handlebar shock. Diamond chain, kick stand. New Departure Brake, famous make saddle, headlamp, rear reflector and pockoga carrier. MANY OTHER MODELS PRICED LOW, INSURANCE for On Year ogalnst total loss by fire or thaft ......... i. STEERING WHEEL clamps firmly on rim or spoke. B4278 . . . a 1. "SPARTON" TWIN HORNS. Pleasingly blended S109 tones. With brocket and relay. B4S72 . . . OTHERS .... 91 ep 3. 6- DEFROSTING RUBBER BLADE AUTO FAN. Two speeds, oil-less motor. Switch, wire. 45 10 4. "SILVER KING" AUTO HEATER. Top value in $095 the low priced hot water heater field ! L706O . ' 1. EXHAUST EXTENSION. "Aircraft Silver" finish, Jf 05 red Jewel. A sporty others 2. SPORTS GOGGLES. Meniscus ground and polished q p" lenses. Shell frame. C4039 TO OTHERS ....IS- 3. AUTOMATIC LIGHTER. Pops out when It Is hot. $ 00 16653 (Deluxe, as shown, $1.49) . . . . , 4. ZIPPER KEY CASE. key hooks, license pocket. B208I MANY OTHER AUTO SUPREI m in. . v-n :?iMS4wiviM4i ' 11 i mJmioum wWi "Shock-la"'" Spring Pork $2995 a1 TaM 50c HANDLE. Chromed base Am $30 addition to any car.K3208 . a . . , imp Genuine calfskin with six 59c OTHERS ... 4 IP ACCESSORY GIFTS PRICED LOW! All IOW Prlcd, Svr ta Pfaaaal WEJTIRM OIANT TIRES or gifts thot show rool thought . . . tor, whan you glv "Western Giant" vou alv both prld of ownership ond SAFETY I FINN SU'RIMI MOTOR OIL will b mighty welcom be- miiu I, la M I M a f 35c per ouort ells, but prlcad PS ?an much lower. WHTISN aiANT tATTtRItt glv double the life ond up to 70 more power. Fiberoloa Insulotloa l-Yaar euoranfeel ei ens . Phone 5514