Docemher 8, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON - PAGE rorc Lutflsk Plana ar mnterlnllz big (or tlx lutflak dinner on Sat urday, December 13, sponaored by the Ladles Aid of the Flrat Covenant churi'li. Besides the dinner the sowing circle will place hand made needle work on ale. In order to accommodate a larger number of paoplo at one lime the dinner end mile will be held In the Flmt Methodist church, corner of Tnnth mid High streets. Serving will be from 0 to 8 p. m. The menu for the dinner includea: lutflak, po tatia korv, i o 1 1 e d potntoea, rream gravy, freah fruit and vegetable salad. raa and carrota, pickled beeta, rye bread, rykrlsp. butter, Daniah dessert, cookies and coffee. AetlvltUe The following re port of November nrtlvltlra was accepted by the city council Monday night aa submitted by David S. Brldgo, recreation offi cer; Junior police court, II; Junior police traffic, B; boya pntrola, 10; inveatlgntlona, 21; interviewa, 81; meetlnga, 12; attended Fill school In Eugene, blkea recov ered, 3; llcenaea laaued to date, 1207; total amount received, 304. Circle Tho Congrcgutloiml I Community clrclo will hold its regular bualneaa meeting Friday, December S, In the community hall on Ciarden avenue. Potluck luncheon will be served ut 1 o'clock with Mra. Churlea M. Reynolda In charge. Election of officera will be held at thla time. All mnmben are urged to be preaent aa Important business will be rilacuaaed. Meeting The Ladiea Aid of the Flrat Covenant church will hold tta December meeting on Friday, December 8. Frlenda will pleaae notice that the date la one week earlier than uaual. U la a no-hostess' meeting and the ladle are requeated to bring something for refreshments. Membera and frlenda are wel come to attend the meeting. Ooea South C. A. Pauley left Monday with threo carloads of cattle for California. He will loin Mra. Pauley, who haa been visiting In Akron. O., and Los Angeles. They will return the laat of thla week. Visiting Mrs. Melvln Brew aler and daughter, Beverly, of Sprague River, are spending thla week In Klamath) Falls before they leave December 20 for I 111 nola for visit of several months with friends and relatlvea. from Salem Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Love have returned to their home, 2922 Whlto avenue, from Salem, where they visited for 10 days with Mrs. Love's brother and family, Mr. and Mra. Walter Bromley. Weekend Here Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mlsson of Salem, spent the past weekend visiting at the heme of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mitchell, 817 East Main street. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. I Joe Bally and two aons, have re turned home from a week's visit in Cottage Grove and Lebanon with their parents and other relatlvea. present U ' ffiroucty , a superb,gifi.,.ln,making l.W. Harper t r i cor is no l.W. HARPER 'The Gold Medal WhiskeyJ From Salem Mujnr George Sandy, assistant to State Select ive Service Director Col. Elmer Wootnn, was in the city Mondny and Tuesday on business. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3 (P) The heaviest prcclpitution of tho aeoHon, ranging up to 8.00 Inches ut Sodu springs In tho high Sier ras, visited northern and central California In the past 24 hours, tho federal wenther bureau said today. High winds accompanied the rain in several areus. A slide blocked Northwestern Pacific tracks noar Eureka and fallon trees closed the Redwood high way for a brief time In the some sector. The rain turned to snow In parts of the Sierra region ond temperatures dropped below freezing at Tuhoe City, where 4.77 Inches of precipitation was recorded. Blue canyon had 4.40. New Store Opens On Shasta Way Biigvtt's General Merchandise, a new store, will open Thursday at 4420 Shasta way, according to Bert Bogctt, proprietor of the new concern. Bogctt has Just finished the building, a frame structure 28x30 feet, which will house the new store. He will carry complete . lines of meats, grocerlea, hardware and feeda. Bogctt came here from Snow mass, Colorado, last August. Motor Registration Expected Higher SALEM, Dec. 3 OP) About 430,000 motor vehicles will be registered in Oregon during 1042, Secretary of State Earl Snell sold today. The 1041 reg istration was 437.000. Snell said 1042 license plates ore being moiled Immediately on receipt of applications. The new plates may be used beginning December 18. VITAL STATISTICS ESGATE porn at Hillside hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., December 3, 1941, to Mr. and Mra. Wallace Esgate, Shasta way, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 2 ounces. CARD OF THANKS , To the many kind frlenda and neighbors of Klamath Falls who were so thoughtful and helpful to us at the time of death of our dear son, Wallace Stanfleld. We desire In thla woy to express our heortful gratitude. Also for the many floral offerings and the kindness of Ward's Funeral Home we are very grateful and also the church, L.D.S. The lov ing spirit and kindly benevolence of all has softened the rough places and helped us to bear our sorrows. Mr. ond Mrs. Wollacc Coffey and daughter, Carol Ray. ooecr e"eti HEAVY WINDS tl RAIN ON NORTHWEST Br The Associated Press High winds and heavy rain fall In the Pacific northwest yes terday Interrupted commerce and communication from south em Oregon to Canada, endanger ing shipping and indirectly cauaed the death of Seattle motorist. Throughout Oregon rainfall waa continuous and heavy with Med ford reporting 2.33 Inches in 12 hours, Eugene nearly 2 Inches In 04 hours and Salem 1.24 inches In tho same period. At Cannon Beach, Oregon, an B foot, 7 Inch tide was swept Into the village by the wind, cutting off electric service from 2 a. m. until noon while fallen trees blocked nearby highways. United Airlines pilots reported encountering 00 -mile winds which cut almost an hour off the Oakland to Portland flight but slowed up travel the opposite direction correspondingly. In Washington heaviest rains wero reported at Aberdeen where 2.73 inches fell In the 24-hour period ending at 6 p. m. while wind blew with a velocity that sometimes reached 84 miles an hour. Olympic likewise was buffet ed by a 50 mile gale which blew down trees In a wido area and caused numerous power failures and blocking of a number of roads. Seattle pedestrians were sent to cover as rain fell in sheets and wind reached a veloc ity of 40 miles In gusts. Numer ous landslides were caused. In cluding one which wrecked a newly completed restaurant building on Sand Point way and menaced nearby railroad tracks. Telephone polca were down at Everett and power service inter rupted and as far east as Spo kane the effects of the storm were reported. In the Inland city rain fell the heaviest report ed In any hour since November, 1000, oa an even quarter inch dropped between 4 and 8 p. m. The lone fatality reported traceable to the storm was that of Arthur W. Rex, Seattle, killed on the slippery cobblestone pav ing of Aurora avenue when his automobile skidded into a big bus. British Columbia residents also felt the storm and residents of Squamish, 40 miles north of Vancouver, were working today to clear debris left in the streets by flood waters from the Mam quan river. A railway bridge, and a high way were washed out at Squa mish and power and telephone connections broken as the Mam quan backed up before a high tide. GX50O36 ?r By C. H. RBBVBS DiiltM Frttfil mnd Pm-mgtr Aft THE trouble with being s rail road train Is tliat you never grt to an anywhere! Here I've got a paaa and plenty of trains to ride, but there-! o muc'i business m ot Ing now that I hare to keep my none right on the grindstone. But If I had the time If I could take a week or two off rloht now here'a what I'd do. and you might think about it. too. I'd board the Ortaonlan In Klam ath Falls some morning at TiSU. I'd alt bark In a soft seat and for get all my troubles while the engi neer drove ma over tha Cascade Mountains to California. I'd are the construction work on Shasta Dnm (the train goes right by it) and pull Into San Francisco-at TiitO p. m. that night. I'd sen ome,. of the night spots of San Fran cisco, then next morning I'd get on board the Poytiphi, which is the most beautiful train In the world no fooling. And that night I'd be in I.ns Angeles. In Los Angeles I'd see Holly wood and some of the big . radio shows. I'd sit In the shad of a palm tree and tak It easy until I had to gt on a train to go horn. Anyhow, It'a nice to think about. Hut the trouble with being a rail road man la that you never get to go anywhere. Mr. and Mn. Nlek lonp, awnert of "honp't Apparrl," mjoy tht comfort and rtttfulltuti of our ' tralnt, itptelnlly in bad wtathtr. From tlm to time, I'd Ilk to toll you something about th boya in our offic her In Klamath Falla. Tak La Car ter, for Instance, who Is our Chief Clark. La haa bn . Sherman County Couple New Owners Of Cres-Dell Lodge Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Root, new owners of Cres-Dell lodge, on the Willamette highway near the Crescent Lake road Junc tion, were in town yesterday, shopping, and visited the cham ber of commerce, to which they belong. Mr, and Mrs. Root were for merly wheat ranchers of Was co, Sherman county, but had been looking for a lodge for some time. Hearing of the com ing sale of Cres-Dell lodge they examined and purchased the 400-acre property, on which there la also a portable fir saw mill. The lodge, built of logs, Is situated on the highway, with hotel rooms and dining room. It is the official stopping place for stages traveling the Willam ette highway. Behind the lodge are cabins, on the banks of Crescent creek. All are modern, Mr. and Mrs. Root have extensive plans for improvements to the property, of which a unit of three new cabins and an apartment build ing for their help have already been nearly completed. Cres Dell lodge remains open all night and Is the only place where meals can be secured after midnight between Klam ath Falls and Eugene. Knudsen Fails to, Understand Strikes In Defense Work NEW YORK, Dec. 3 MP) William S. Knudsen, co-director general of the office of produc tion management, asserted today before thousands of industrialists that he "can't for the life of me understand how, in a declared unlimited national emergency. such foolishness" as strikes "can go on." An applauding audience; pack ed into the grand ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria, heard the OPM chieftain declare: "As to labor we have been through another rather difficult period. With production gener ally on the upgrade, we have been subject to a test of strikes which culminated In the coal strikes In November, not in most eases for wages or working con ditions but the usual demands for closed shops, union shops, preferential shops, or" what-not. "Here we are in a very good position on wages and working conditions irt practically every field of industry. "We have all kinds of work to do and then we have to stop and argue about Jurisdictional dis pute, organizational dispute, and God knows what." RECORD RAIN World record rainfall was In July, 1911, when 46 Inches of rain fell in the Philippines witn In 24 hours, and 88j inches with In. 4 days. V her In Klamath Falls sine 1923, and as evrirvbodr knows, his nickname Is "Buckskin" Carter, on account of his un canny ability to baa his limit of deer, ducks, quail, geese or anything else that runs or flies. That't all for ffn. JTwf Hma yoa'ra planning a.fWp, drop In and M what n-4 haw to offtr. Our addrut It Spring and Oak and our ItUphon itumoar it Sill. GOING TO PORTLAND? Tht letver Lt. KLAMATH FALLS Ar. PORTLAND . . . J:4S p.m. Tht Rlamttii Lt. KLAMATH FALLS tlOm. Ar. PORTLAND . . . 9:00 fun. The Wtit Coast Lr. KLAMATH FALLS I0i.0p.rn. Ar. PORTLAND. . . 7:50 e.m. On Rttn4 vay ' trip Tourist fare . Lower Rrrth Cotfh fire . 17.41 1)4.10 . 1,80 ll.M . 1.90 IP.M GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO? . The OretonUn Lv. KLAMATH FALLS 7:25 tun. Ar. SAN FRANCISCO . 7:30 p.m.'( The XUmath Lr. KLAMATH FALLS , 7:20 p.m. Ar. SAN FRANCISCO 8:30 a.m. On Rpuni troy trip Tourlit fere , 9.90 - $18.HS Lower berth. '. , 2.10 . 4.20 Coach fare . ... 6.60 ' 11.90 S-P . Th FrUndly Southern Pacific For Your Information WEATHER NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: Clearing and much cooler to night, with fog in low places; Thursday fair; strong northwest wind, decreasing tonight off coast. . WASHINGTON AND ORE GON: Showers and colder to night, with snow over the moun tains; Thursday partly cloudy; strong northwest wind off the coast and fresh to strong west erly over Inland waters of Washington, decreasing by to night. MAIL CLOSINO TIME (Effective September 28. 1941) Train 17 Southbound) 8 a. m. Train 20 Northbound: 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Southbound: 5:45 p. m. Train 16 Northbound: 9:00 p. m. Rsbskah Meeting A meet ing of Prosperity Rcbekah lodge will be held Thursday evening, December 4, at 7:30 o'clock at the IOOF hall. There will be initiation and election of offi cera, according to Mrs. Herbert Munsell, noble grand. All mem bers and visiting members are invited. Social Club Party The East ern Star Social club will meet Friday afternoon, December 5, at the Masonic temple when there will be a Christmas party and election of new officers, it is announced by Mrs. Mclvin Henry, president. The club meets at 1:45 o'clock and all Eastern Star members are in vited. Nil Party Mambers of the Klamath Falls Nile club and their husbands will gather at the Elk hotel on Friday eve ning, December S, when they will enjoy the club's annual Christmas dinner, toy gift ex change, music and old-fashioned dance. Mrs. Leo N. Huls is gen eral chairman of the affair, and her committees have concen trated this past week toward making this year's party one of I the- most outstanding. I Rummag Sal Winama club, ; Pythian Sisters, will hold a rum mage and fancy work sale Sat-! urday, December 6, in the old I 11--- " east T IWB....::-.:::::::-5 Sr:r.-"Ss 1 II ! ;. 2Si SSm EESm y.w-w 'Eihi'nfW" 11 In the Thick of ft THEN AND NOW DotJg contfnutt to abiorb oil of your do fonto oiilonmMt and to moko delivery to your Government promptly on schedule , . . When you decide to buy a new Dodgo motorcar or trued, you actually anltt In the maintenance of this vait and onentlal production lyitem for National Defense She 424 So. 6th I telephone building on South Seventh street. Csrd Party The regular Vt- erans of Foreign Wars auxiliary card party will be held Thurs day In the KC hall. Lunch will be served at 1:30 p. m. by Er- madee LaBargc, Cloe Shipman, Mazcl Kimscy and Grayce Crump. Playing will be started immediately afterward, with prices to be awarded. The public is invited. VFW Auxiliary The regular meeting of the VFW auxiliary will be held In the library club room Thursday at 8 p. m. All members are urged to attend and bring their Christmas gift for the hospital. Postponed The meeting of the Catholic Daughters Study club will be postponed until Fri day night owing to the bazaar at Merrill Wednesday. Dgre of Honor The Dgr of Honor will hold regular busi ness meeting and election of of ficers Monday, December 8, at 8 p. m. in the KC hall. Birthdays of the past six months will be honored. Members are urged to attend. Forty-two women .who have successfully completed the Red Cross home nursing course will meet at the armory Friday night for finishing exercises. The 30-hour course is designed for women interested In further ing health conditions in their own homes, and is taught by graduate nurses registered in the Red Cross. Three classes will have com pleted the course by Friday, and will celebrate with a potluck supper and a play presented by members of the class. Earl Redman, chapter chair man, and Dr. Peter H. Rozen dal will speak. Hail, hail, gang's all her. Keep 'em happy Wialand'a Br. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Jantsen "Antlers" Sports Swatr $9.95 DREW'S MANSTORE 733 Main TALK ABOUT PROOF OP PIR FORMANCEI Here's an All-Amerlcsn record that take some of the guess work ont of economy and a tamp Dodge the champion In Its class. It gives yon an Idea of what you may expect when you buy that new Dodge, the one you ought to buy today. 720 NEW DODGES 600 DIFFERENT CITIES 77,747 MILES (Th rfat Tut that Oav th Wkate Trvtfc) Yea, on algnal, they all went out on the earn dayi each covered one hun dred miles of normal driving) they travelled a combined distance equal to three times around the world) they met with all kinds of driving and weather conditions; they used ordinary standard (Tim paymMt traia o . LOME AEHD JEFFERSON STATE "State of Jefferson," secession ists have a secession movement of their own to reckon with, In the Northern Counties antl-jef-ferson committee. The commit tee stated its case in the follow ing letter to Governor Sprague: "Although many citizens of Yreka, California have been car ried away by the fervor of the 49th state movement, the major ity of the population is opposed to any such rebellious action. "Do not be misled by a few men who pretend to speak for the majority. They are but a minority composed of disgrunt led office seekers. "At the present time these leaders are considering using the red shirt as the uniform of the "State of Jefferson." This will not be the first time such a group has used the red shirt for their emblem. The latter group is now waging war against the nazis. Other members of that group are distributing copies of the "Daily Worker" to the masses. 'The' 49th state movement is just another attempt to' keep' our country in upheaval. "Do not let these men mislead CHARM BEAUTY 2248 So. 6th St. NOW OWNED BY MYRA EGGER Assisted by Four Competent Operators . ' Mary Loo Thompson Luclll Parkar Laura Hurlbut Neva Lowell THIS COMPLETELY, REMODELED, ' ' REDECORATED, MODERN SHOP OPENS FOR BUSINESS THURSDAY, DEC. 4th Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M SPECIAL PRICES TO CHILDREN AND SCHOOL GIRLS On Permonents Mochine or Machineless . .. ' TELEPHONE 4303 fuel; they carried witnesses with them who swore out affidavits afterward. THE GRAND NEWS ... THE GRAND AVERAGE Th grand national average waa 21.4 miles to the gallon. All the individual records clustered aomewhere around that figure, and the affidavit are, of course, all open to your Inspection, There's nothing new In this to th people who already know the new 1942 Dodge, with Its ALL-FLUID DRIVE, and Its POWER-FLOW EN GINE. But It Is th kind of proof that all current buyers of motorcar ar entitled to. It's the moat complete dem onstration, and the most reliable evi dence we know of. MFUIIODBiW POVJEKl- FLOW ENCIUCS the good people of Oregon. W of California sincerely disown them." , ' BARKING BIRD ' The Island of New Caledonia boasts of a peculiar large bird which barks like a dog. The spa des is found nowhere else In that world. Coughing Here's Easy Time-Tested Way To Get Relief Oet after those dlstresamg epalls of coughing and eaaa misery of the cold the widely used Tick way . . . Boll some water. Pour It Into a bowl. Add a. good spoonful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then breath in the steaming medicinal vapors. With every breath you tak VapoRub'a medication soothe irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and breathing pas sages. FOR ADDED BELIEF... At bedtime rub Vlcks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Ita poultice-vapor action wot lea to bring you comfort while you atoap. SALON Next to Piggly Wiggly Phone 3136 m m