Dxccmhnr 8, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREf CHAMBER HAS MANY TRYING EXPERIENCES Did you know thnt Klamath Fall linn a shipyard? Well, of course It hasn't hut someone, somewhere, thinks It him because the Klmiintli cmiuly chamber of conimrrco hud a letter recently unkind about conditions In the local shipyard. Ii there an old road, or wai there once an old road leading from the Palrchlld ranch, near Dorrls, and -crossing the Little Shaita river? Perhaps you did not know about the road, or even thnt there woi a Little Shasta rlvrr. But the chamber of com nwee Inquired around and found nut and annwered the letter from Chlco asking for thin Information. Chamber officials Mild there once win Kuril a roiid but It no lonKcr exist. Could you give a brief history of Kliimnth county, If aoinoone asked you to do so? Fow could, but thnt In one of the innlii In qulries of tho 2fi or ao thnt tin; chamber of commcrco receives weekly, year In mid your out. At certain season of tln year let ter! from school children pre dominate. Letter such us one from Baron June M (ink In, of Kort Bldwell, who la atudyinx Klnm nth history. Slio not only wrote for Information but when iiho re ceived the courteous pcrsonol letter aent her In reply, Sarah Jane wrote and thunked the chamber of commerce. And why not, pcrhnpi some dny finrnli June may row up and decide to leave California and live In the Klnmnth country, herself. Member Initiated Into Brownie Troop During November, ID girls wers Initiated Into the Pelican Brownie troop. . The girls, surrounding a fairy pool, were presented with the brownie pin and cap which were made by Mrs. Allen Bates, the assistant leader. The visiting mothers served tho girl refresh ments, and an attractively decor ated cake was brought by Mrs. Knglehardt. E Numerous requests received by tho city council and Building Inspector Krnney In an effort to condemn or raze dangerous buildings and structures within the city resulted in the passing of an ordinance providing for the elimination of such property at the Monduy night meeting of tho city council. Krnney advised the council thnt in the past no city ordinance hud been passed providing for QUALITY FURS at Fair Prices! (Liberal Terms) Expert Remodeling at Reasonable Ratesl CUMMINGS Fur Shop US So. 7th Phone 8425 S 19 h Mir i run THE FAMILY 10 QUARTS MOTOR OIL DELUXE HEATERS RADIATOR SHIELDS ALL-WOOL AUTO ROBES 1 8 Worth I2.2S 100 p u r Pennsylvania Winterize with Sears perfect motor oil' Q9S A Real Burl Fits all cars , . . complete with motor and Illu minated switch. 89 Frost King P r ot e e t your motor this win ter with these Inexpensive, ef ficient shields. Large Site U5 SO x 70 Inches. Snug and wnrm. Soli resisting color. tjOUX lb TIRE CHAINS Heavy 098 Duty Cose hnrdened . . . will lnst longer, grip bet ter. For all ears. hfy I ft ALLSTATE I W' J TIRES IB j Mile of Dependable Service ALL-STATE PRESIDENTS First-Rat Non-Skld Tires ALL-STATE RIB-TREAD SiOO le 11 SiSOx 17 4i75x 19 $8.55 Guaranteed 24 months . . . Safe and dependable. Excise Tax extra. 6:00 X 10 9 40 8:80x17 V a 4i 4:75 x 19 $7.35 A Flrst-LIn Tire with All State dependability. Excise Tax extra. America's Leading Low Priced Tire ALL-STATE CRUSADERS P45 '.,; 4:7Sx 19 SS.25 Guaranteed for 15 months. A tire you can trust. Excise Tax extra. 6:00 x 16 7 ALLSTATE TRACTION GRIPS Eliminoro Chains Q40 In Mud and Snow (6:00 x 16) V ASK ABOUT SEARS NEW LOW PRICES ON TRUCK TIRES At Least Half the Price ot Other Leading Batteries! Cross Country CAR BATTERY ' Long-Lasting Dependable ' 48 Heavy. Duty plates, wear rubber separators . ,-, Super nctlvo oxides. , Also other batteries for every make and model of car. CHROME FOG LIGHTS lIFROSTEl . "EATER RADIO v " ' L " ; ' M -f-S1ARTIN0 1 Warns tin 'IffriQk 65 ysmmyfi F as Wlg'gf gf'Stfi mV . V,.u.- i.- it. sii . m - mmxxi 2" Ifflss 69 v'n ' J such an emergency. The ordi nance was first introduced No vember 24. The purpose of the ordlnnnco is to Include any building or other structure which, for the want of proper repairs or by rea son of age and dilapidated con dition, or by reason of poorly in stalled electrical wiring or equip ment, defective chimney, defec tive ga connection, heating ap paratus, or liable to fire, is so situated as to endanger any other building, property, or human life. The term also covers any build ing or structure containing com bustible or explosive material, rubbish, Inflammable substance, especially liable to cause fire, or structures deemed In insanitary condition liable to cause the spread of contagious or Infecti ous disease. When such conditions exist, a public hearing will bo granted by the council, and notice shall bo mailed to the owner on record advising him of the hearing, councllmen stated. Reconditioning Shop on Wheels Stops Over Here A complete used car recondi tioning shop on a Chevrolet 11 ton truck arrived here this week for an extended stopover at Turner Chevrolet company, where a reconditioning training school will be held for the firm's service personnel. Manning the truck Is an official Chevrolet reconditioning Instructor, E. O. Owen, a thoroughly qualified service expert, schooled In Chev rolet's modern approved proced ures. Carrying complete supplies for used car reconditioning, the truck bears in addition a series of training programs designed for use In the school to be con ducted In the Turner Chevrolet company. 40-Mill Limit on Taxes Advocated PORTLAND, Dec. 3 (P) A limit of around 40 mills on prop erty taxes was advocated yester day by the Oregon, Taxpayers' federation. If loss of revenue should re sult, a 2 per cent sales tax was suggested. Claude Buchanan, Corvallls, was reelected president; I. E. Kcldson, Tillamook, Ernest R. Fatland, Condon, and H. A. Dry- er, Portland, vlqe president Cheater A. Moores, Portland treasurer: Mrs, Ann Krugetj Bcaverton,. secretary. Read the Classified page. yW, Jfcultfatuk An ALWAYS OUT IN FRONT! HauKboM tadis loujhm hsndi. V - Main's LoHon-wcrr day many tlmat 1 day-to help kwp m, f"lj ChamMaln'i 1-oMon ! clM. widen, driet wl convenient quickiwM. Gat Cnambailaln S Lotiol Buy II at oil ' Tol!.l Coodl Count. I "J homLerlain's Oil II if C rf1 t HT? - JSLlTA l TUBULAR I fnBhiUlJ PEDAL B,KE Iyf W f jlVS ' i ' S'i-lnoll Artlllary Irpa i '(i'JJ II'.' ' - haKt. Rubbar tlraa. Ul I Jt J'MJ-'',, ' - SaS and lar. 1.1 a 1 .. 1 & a aa,a m 11 1 4L mV " M . sasajam sk U, . -v'V. - A Swell Xmas Ciftl 71 r ) ALL STEEL VELOCI PEDE $2.50 Worth A49 Value 35-INCH SCOOTER FOLDING DOLL BUGGY 84 179 A Heal Buyl 149 ELECTRIC BURN SET j 98 $2.50 Value XA -1 ll Ittal . . Rad and . , , Ita thln, , Wood . bumlns and Sdluatabla handlabara. "W'l anamolad will, Gold Poll Sat. AM I. aaddla. Sail bcarlns parkins aland. II In. rour Htlla pri tela ranafara. Pan suaran- Ironl ahaal. IS. ) 'a m. Chrlatnua I ' taad. Fri. and Sat. Onlyl SNIPPIE SHEARS Safel Electri cally op-rat-ad. Complete with package o f cutouts. Reg. 9 8 e. Fit., Sat. Only. ..' Sea them -demonstrated dallyl 66c Shop at Sears for Wide Assortments -BIG SAVINGS BOYS' LITTLE PAL S1.9S Valuel All Steel Wagon with S-in. double disc wheels, '.i-in. rubber tires. One piece 20 x 10 body. if r 1 Surprise Tour . Little Girll . 26 inch BABY DOLL Santa Suggests "FLYING EAGLE" $6.00 Valuel 445 One piece All Steel Wagon with steel sleeve bearings and -in. rub ber tires. - What a gift for your boyl v., t 1 .-v A'7 VSW v aflav .r sVfl lit mm t) Just What H Wantsl DELUXE F0UIPPED ELGIN BICYCLES Blcyda luf -11 4v,n nualily and most 01 Hires ot nign' - Elgins! .; DIS uiv. for Chrlstma t .1 3 OR BOTTLE TOT 1 1-INCH DOLL WITH LAYETTE Kasilr worth $3.98 Adorably Dressed! Cudtfly, ' lovaMt Dabr rtolM to eritp. daintr tfrtasM . . Rubber wet ling dotta mtb lay titw . , all aorta or dolla from wMct. to oeti your iittia fflii t Xtnaa girt. 198 j s x y a .' '';.- '- r -xri r a s :. .jut 32" VTl Jzf ' m a. an- ar- X VtaJ UJtST X "VUSv r e a 1 1 sa ii -a I ffv. v rir v xajaioasa W great worth giving Liberal Trade-in Allowance For Your . Old Bike! S3 Automatically Couplesl ELECTRIC FREIGHT TRAIN Worth $11.95 O50 A Real Buy for Xmas New steam type locomotive with re mote control switches .... 2 New Style uncoupling track sections. 48 H inches long , . Mechanical I FREIGHT I TRAINS I19 no. 4 uni,J I VSi This ii the Bicycle They Have Bean Begging Fori "Collegiate Bikes" For Boys and Girls! What a lot of riding, what a lot of fun at such low price . .. . All the best features, ot higher priced bikes are in cluded in this Bicycle Bargain! BUY on Soars Easy Payment Planl IP ft 29.95 Values 95 AlSO ; Terms IT'S SEARS FOR SKATES If your children have written to "Santa" for skates, here's your chance to fill that order with a patr of Super-Streamlined, 1 Super-Strong Flyaways or tho long-wearing Ad Vance model. Either one for Christ mas font :.; Flyaway Special EXHAUST EXTENSIONS 133 So. 8th DIAL 5188 i........,.i.Ti.,.i.,.i,i,ruriTi.iTiniTnill.l.iim.lllpjl)ll.l..l I ll r V mm m Sap S S SUP BfBBaBPBSVVBIBSSIISHHBBMSMMiaaV 133 So. 8th Phona 8188