PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON S December 8, 1041' ONE DEATH IN CITr REPORTED FOR NOVEMBER ' Ona person died In the city as the result of a traffic accident, bring to six the total for the year, according to the November month-end report submitted to the city council Monday night by Chief of Police Frank Hamm. Robert Thome, 14, bicyclist, was the victim, it was stated. Bails and fines reported col lected by the police judge - totaled $669.80, considered quiet month In comparison with other months of the year. A total of 193 persons were ax- rested during November, bring ing the figure for the year to 2623, Frank Hamm stated. There were 110 automobile accidents reported, with seven injuries. Total number of injuries for the year thus far reached 56, the chief stated. Following is the bal ance of the report -Bobbery, 1; burglary, 5; lar- t, ceny, over $50, 5; under $50, 21; auto theft, 10. Liquor violations, 6; drunken ness, 116; disorderly conduct, 8; vagrancy, 36; drunken driving, 4; violation road and driving laws, 24; violation parking regu lations, 1; traffic laws, 12; prowlers and peeping toms, 3; all other offenses not above, 5. Beauty Shop to Reopen Thursday Myra Egger has purchased and will operate the Charm Beauty salon, 2248 South Sixth street, according to an announcement made Tuesday. Mrs. Egger, who formerly operated the North western Beauty college here, is well known in the beauty field in the community and has been engaged in this type of work for many years. The Charm salon has been completely remodeled and re decorated by Mrs. Egger. The in terior is finished in rose and ivory, and booths for individual service have been installed. Mrs. Egger will have four operators to assist her, she said, and for mal opening of the new shop is set for Thursday, December 4, with an informal preview of the new shop Wednesday evening, HIGH SCHOOL News Notes and Comment foj. ODDITY If avocado blossoms appear in April, you have to wait until July of the following year to pick the fruit,-and then only if laboratory tests show it is ripe enough to pick. SWEET STICK Commonly used in gpaln. the azucarillo is a stick of harden ed sugar candy, which fla vors, stirs and sweetens a drink at the same time. By MAURICE O'CALLAQKAN Wednesday report cards were distributed and grades were af fixed to most of them. It is now the third or fourth day of the third six weeks and the members of the student body have only a few more six week periods left. if every one takes advantage of the opportun ities that arise these next 24 weeks, there is lots of fun and knowledge to be gamed As the winter draws nearer the social season marches forth in all its glory. Parties, meetings, drives, and dances will be on the calendar before the year Is over. Each year the Hi-Y gather and distribute over $1000 worth of food stuffs throughout the Klam ath basin. The high school is proud of this organization, and the community should be too. The local chapter is nationally known for their unselfish work each yuletide season. The boys have started this year's campaign and are setting last year'i mark of $1200 worth of food stuffs and are hoping for a much higher amount. To assist the boys, , give them the things that will aid so greatly in furthering the enjoyment of the folks of the Klamath area. Well, the Boys' alliance carni val is sneaking up on us with a rush. The affair in the big gym will be grand and gala party, fun and prizes for all. Come on- boys, girls, moms, and dads. The high school has never seen as much fun packed into one room in several years. A small admission will be charged and once in, the booths and dancing will faclnate you 'till the last couple has left and the last prize is starting on the road home. For more fun than you've had in years dont miss the carnival. Everybody welcome. Educational movies were shown Tuesday to the Spanish and chemistry classes of KUHS. A short picture, "Arts and Crafts of Mexico," was shown to the Spanish students and ec classes. "Oxydation and Reduction." was shown to the chem classes. The Mexican picture showed pottery and glass blowing and other occupations carried on in Mexico. Virginia West stated that the picture was very interesting. The chemistry picture was scientific and concerned oxyda tion and reduction, what ever they are. Several more classes will see LICENSE FEE FIXED A license fee of $300 was set by the Klamath Falls city coun cil when an ordinance licensing "penny arcades" passed the third and final reading at the Monday night session of the city fathers.- The ordinance was first introduced November 24, and was druftcd when several in quiries were received concern ing the establishment of parlors using coin operated mechanical forms of amusement. No license will be granted for the operation of such a business on Main street, it was decided by the council. The ordinance goes Into im mediate effect, however licenses will be Issued from the date of January 1, running throughout the calendar year. There are no amusement par lors of this sort at the present time, councilmen stated. HEAVY. HEAVY SEATTLE, (F) Uncle Sam's soldiers in Iceland are taking no chances on chilblains. Marvin Wickstrom wrote home from the north Atlantic Island outpost: ""e wear so many clothes on guard, jvist In case it gets cold, that we get tired just standing still." the same type of picture through out the rest of the year. NLRB Hearing at Lamm's Scheduled As National Labor Relations board representation hearing on bargaining rights for over 200 employe of the Lamm Lumber company mill at Modoc Point will be held here Friday, union sources disclosed Tuesday, The hearing was called by the NLRB on a petition by the Inter national Woodworkers of Amer ica (CIO). The Lumber and Saw mill Workers union (AFL) Is Intervening. It was believed that the hoar f) Ing will result In board-ordered election usual NLRB procedure In comparable cases, ' i The United States air -corps will seek 8P0 to 1000 reserve of ficers annually. i52? people yMctotefl 03 f innd to vour budget, too. 18 this smoother, mellower whiskey! Try Old Hermitage... fine Kentucky bourbon, as smooth, mellow and deli eiw anv vou'll ever taste lor the mode'st price you'll pay. KBNTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKBY Nitloiul DluilW Product, Corporation, Nw Yort, N. Y. ma oik m&hzA F mm " rprfi"yiHri.i) (J i . A -tVi AiVMr ' V 1 AH new, improved! You'll want th satin-smooth, mxfil C Lim V ivV .v l 1 ! warp-resistant wood slat blinds for your dressier M lfiiml ' rSl Pvyl' 1 rooms. And the flexible, chip-proof, warp-proof ' -"XtO VlW-SS!" ' p")V-l ' J&-&&XK-W'"&ft' : 1 curved metal slat blinds for your kitchen and bath. I . i) -T&tw&'js f.3tx- M I Xiri -v4 A i Both have rust-proof, automatic mechanism, fascia hr -rT-X rrfe'A MyXiW,l WJS I? top. eaualizing cord clips! All colors! vk i h XSX. VA W'r jK Stunning pastel or deep M I JfrTYtStJtdW . . II I! J ! II if I 'ftl I hit., .WW: fsv f I 2? I UJJ ZHC i isiwmMm mym I W S&aMC WK&M&i. Ill' IIIMIMJBfe.1 Hurryl $..98 Quality tv. -wmj i mm W .. . styles. Some Wrth sequin, or ' frrMi WM , , embroideryl Sizes 12 to 44. " SJO s5sj5l Jftlla . " WMt' " W00A" EXCITING CREPES Jf WMlll $6.98 in many stores! ; ' Ktt rfvH Royon romalne and flat 1 1 1 1 1 F " 'flUlU li A Vnit ?v ."SiVyS Wl erepes. Atony two-tones with ' II I 1 VMUij', Because these fine draperies have matched fast-color Dec k XtSy ','. expemive triml Sizes 12-44. 'MmM 4 j .... . . IK o-S ' ,3.98 to 5.98 I I I' VWW W oratorPattern8'm'rners, m tf"' J 111 A 'WM Ready-to-hang. 46 inches wide, 84 inches long. S NINTH STREET, Corner Pine ' TELEPHONE 3188 'T , U" V' , y it ZZ NINTH STREET, Corner ' , ' ' ' ' " Special Purchase! Savings Passed On To You! Wood or Metal Vmttfisami . Ileg. at Wards 30o sq. It. q. ft. IPirnscBnllDcms i These beautiful finished cushion Dot Priscil- i. las are rare bargains even at Ward's regular price I AH made of fine sheer marquisette 44 Inches' wide," 84 inches long! All with double ruffles. . Textured DRAPERIES YES YOU CAN STILL BUY ON WARDS CONVENI ENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN Got . the things you , want TO DAY . .'. enjoy them while you re paying for' them a little each month. You will find the Federal Regulations of Install t'jment Buying have not Increased the monthly' payments you i mahe on Montgomery . Ward's ;, convenient payment plan. Let -r us 'ieh. ou about this .'simple way to buy all. your needs. ' TELEPHONE 3188