THE EVENING. HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 30 Real Estate fof Sal 30 Roal Ettate For Sal 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive Docc-mbor 2, 194f FOR SALE 4 Room House and 6 Acres Irrigated land, tome outbulldlnui. Price $2500. Term. Will tnko a nnw or used car In trade. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main Street O CLASSIFIED INDEX ApirtmtnU For Kent Automotive -., Buslneiie Oppnrtunltlca Educational Financial For Salt or Tradt Oanoral Notlcea Health Htlp Wanted, Female Help Wanted. Mala Houses For Rant - Livestock and Poultry .. Lost and Found Miscellaneous For Rent ..... Miscellaneous For Sal Miscellaneous Wn tiled Real Estut For Sulo Real Estate Wanted Room and Board Rooma For Rent Servlcea Situation! Wanted To exchange Transportation Personals 24 .34 .48 .12 .41) . 3H .. 4 ..13 .14 .18 .28 . 44 .. 2 . 2H 3(1 .42 . 30 . 32 . 20 ..22 .10 . 18 . 4(1 . II o Lost end Found LOST Bed roll on Merrill high way. Howard. Inquire Herald- j News. 12 3' LOST One nark of clover need on road to Merrill mills He ward. John MrKall. HI 1. Ronanra, Ore. 12-5 LOST Fox fur collar, sailor1 ityle. Reward. Phone S42H 12 2 LOSTViclnlty Milli addition, golden cocker ipanlel, name Skipper. Reward. Phone 43(17. 12-3 LOST Brown leather bill fold containing currency, eard. etc. Liberal roword. Newt Herald office. 12-3 General Notice SILVER GLEAM The silver polish that makes your silver ware gleam like new. Re moves tarnish without scratch ing. Uie on . chrome, wind ahlelda, mirrors, windows, etc. Sold at drug stores. 12-28 TRAPPERS! Top prlcea paid for fun. Hnllli Noonchenter, 323 Eait Main. 12-18 Personals MEN, WOMEN OVEH 401 RUN DOWN, LISTLESS? Stlmu lanU, tonics In Oatrex Tablets nut new activity In bodies lacking iron, vitamin Bl. cal cium, phosphorus Get new nap, test 11.00 site now only 80c. Call, write Whitman Drug and all other good drug stores 12-13 Transportation GOING TO KANSAS CITY De cember 13. Room for com pany. 839 Lincoln. Phone 8807. 122 10 Service CABINET WORK Shelving, etc. Quality workmanship for less money. Phone 3730. Wm. B. Powell, Builder. 1-1 REROOF Right over your old roof. Quickly, safely and eco nomically, For an cstlmnto phone 3730. Wm. B. Powell. 11 REMODELING and REPAIRS Wm. B. Powell, Builder. Phone 3730, 1 1 RHOADS WINDOW CLEANERS for dcpcndnblo service. Dlnl 4788, U-20 DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, buckles covered, alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allondcr, T31 Main, Room 218. Phono 7283. 12-16mtf SAVE" MONEY by having your furniture re-upholstorod We guarantee It to look liko new. Full Una ot latest fabrics. Es timates gladly given CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERING CO. 7J8 Main Phone 4S10 12-10 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Reymcr's Associated Service, Fourth and Main. ' 12-3mtf CURTAINS home laundered, stretched. Reasonable Phono B847, 12-Smtf FLOOR SANDING and rcflnich Ing Clifford Goldon Plume 3022 12-30mtf RUN-POWN BATTERIES HE CHARGED In 30 minutes. Jim Kaler's Union Station, Main and Conger. 12-8 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machlno nnd vacuum clrouirr parts for all makes. Merit Washing Midline Service BY OWNER 10 Service GLASS Duplnte unluty uluss, window Kliim. pluto and mirrors, resll vrrlng. Klmbnll'i Glaus Shop. 327 Wnlnut Phone 7378. 12-8mtf HA V HALL Your Electrolux drniler dale! and service 813 Koieway Drive. Phone 7187. 12-6 I WILL obtain your delayed birth curtlflcata tor you. Chas. Hathaway. 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 12-30 KLOoirsAlJoftdrFiNisinNO Wo generate our own pow er. C. DuKour. Phone 3008. 12-31mt( MATTHKSSKS renovated and re covered or your old cotton mattrcM converted Into 210 coll lonempring. All work liunriiiited Free estimates, pick up and delivery. One day mrvlce. CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTKRINfJ CO. 1710 Minn Phone 4510 1210 PICTUHK FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, MS Main. 12 24mtf RESPONSIBLE PERSON will care (or children. Phone 7512. 12-7 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller'i. 230 Main. 1214mll CARPETS, ruga and furniture cleaned. Doremui Rug Clean ers Phone 8878 2012 Or chard. 12-3 FLOOR SANDING Old floori reflnuthed. Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. 12-24mlf PAPERHANGING, painting, kal somlning. Dial 6848 Melvln E. Frost. 12-13mtf It. L. Brown. Phone 4228 PAINTING, KALSOMINING 12-19mtf CHILDREN CARED FOR, days - or evenings.' Reasonable rates. 931 Conger. 12-25 C A. KONSELLA Painter, decorator Phone 8086. 12-3 SAWS REPAIRED The right way Bodcnhamer's, 383 E. Main. 12-10 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 013 Klamath Ave Phone 3883 lOOmtt ACCORDION LESSONS Pro fessional, fl.00. Mrs. Victor, 36V8. 12-8 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic same location 833 Main. Dial 7218 12-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Woman for general housework. Phone 8243. 12-4 GIRL OR WOMAN for house work. Room, board, wages. 800 Broad. 12-4 WANTED Woman not over 80 to take full charge of modern home for working couple Good cook. Room, board and wages. References required Write News-Herald Box 3688. 3888U WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 8388. 12-3 GIRL for general housework and rnro of children. Cill 805 So. 8th St. after 6:30 or Sundays. 12-3 16 Help Wanted, Mile FOR JOBS In airplane factor- les, apply Mr. Llstal, room 201, Wlllits building, 12-8 WANTED Farm nand. Single, exnorlenccd. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 4788U WANTED Experienced bell bnv. Hotel Elk. 13-S It Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phono 7884. 12-8 SIIIPMAN'S Boarding Home for Children. Good food, school busses to door 3802 Blsbee, south Altamont. Phono 7368. 12-3mtf 13ABYLAND Caro of bnbics and children, Hour, clay or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 12-12mtf YOUNG MAN,1 exempt from army, wants position as cat sklnner or truck driver. Four years of construction exper iencc. References and recorrt mendntions furnished. 2233 Patterson. I2"2 WANTED Typing and slerio. graphic work. Phono 8207. 12-S SAFETY TESTED CARS The exceptionally fast trading on the New "B-44" Olds has brought us some very fine late model cars in good con dition. This is the place to SAVE when you TRADE for a LATER MODEL "40 Olds "70" Trg. Sedan $850 '40 Hudson Trg. Sedan $825 '39 Cadillac Club Coupe $950 '39 Olds "70" Trg. Tudor $675 '39 Chev. Dlx. Trg. Sedan $675 '38 Olds Coupe . $585 '38 Ford Dlx. Sedan $525 '38 Nash Trg. Tudor $495 '37 Plymoulh Coupe $435 '37 Chrysler Trg. Sedan ...$ 49 5 '37 Nash Trg. Sedan $475 "37 Plymouth Trg. Sedan $450 '37 Chevrolet Dlx. Trg. Tudor $465 '37 Olds Coupe $515 '37 Ford Tudor $375 '37 Dodge Trg. Sedan $495 '36 Chevrolet Coupe $325 '36 Terraplane Tudor $245 '36 Ford Coupe . :.$295 '35 Olds Trg. Sedan $325 '35 Ford Tudor $235 . '35 Plymouth Trg. Tudor ....$225 Several low priced cars in good running order $65 and up. Dick B. Miller Co. OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC The Big Olds Tower Of 7th and Klamath 18 Situations. Wanted EXPERIENCED Janitor wpin steady work. Best of r. ences. Phone 3230. SEWING WANTED Call tv4. .1Ur4 WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1021 Washington. Dial 3380. 1217 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM Home privileges. Gentleman pre ferred. $35.00 month. 700 Mitchell. 12-8 GIRLS Board, room. Twin beds. $35. 220 Washington. Phone 7885. 12-8 BOARD AND ROOM 407 No. 0th. Phone 9010. 4888tf BOARD, ROOM 1018 Wash ington. 12-8 GIRL Nice room, good cook ing . 803 Jefferson. 12-9 ROOM AND BOARD for two men. Mrs. Oberg, 433 High St. 12-2 ROOM AND BOARD Lady or gentleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 8848. 12-2 ROOM, BOARD 814 Walnut. 12-2 BOARD, ROOM Private home. 332 N. 9th. 12-13 22 Rooms For Rent WARM BEDROOM In modern home. Close In. $3. 411 N. 3rd, 12-8 NICE ROOM FOR RENT 134 North 3rd. 4891U MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Low weekly rates, 80c to $1.00 per night. 12-11 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1026 Jefferson Phone 6834 12-3 FURNACE HEATED ROOM Private family. Close In. Phone 8478. 429 No. 9th. 12-3 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with now Inncrsprlng mattresses Froc parking. 12-13mtf WARM ROOM for working man. Bath. Cnll 3524 after 6 p. m. 3S3Utf HOUSEKEEPING 1304 Wordcn. ROOMS 12-11 ROOMS 1034 High. .. 12-5mtf SINGLE ROOM Phono 8838. 923 Grant. 12-4 ROOM for gentleman. Modern home. Phone 4667. 12-8 SLEEPING ROOMS 618 Com mercial. 12-S 114 Apartments For Rent t I IV.WPMII WIU.MWIWW.II..II.I HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 920 Lincoln. Phone 7613. 3961U JACOBS APARTMENTS Va , cancy. Pine and Cedar. 4701tf VACANCY 11th Street Apart ments, 333 So. 11th. 12-4 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed apartment. 2018 Oregon Ave. 12-8 FOR RENT Three small rooms and bath. Furnished. $20. 423 N. 1st. 12-3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM Close in. $2 week. Phone 7088. . 12-2 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed apartment. $20. Wood and water furnished. Electric stove. 2126 Reclamation. 12-3 VACANCY 900 Owens. 12-3 FOR RENT Two furnished apartments. 4806 So. 6th. 12-3 FURNISHED APARTMENT 801 Market. 124 APARTMENT, unfurnished ex cept refrigerator and range. Four rooms. Very nice Hot and cold water, heat and re frigeration -furnished. $40.00, Dial 8480. Inquire 431 N. 7th. 12-3 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 12-2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, wator, gas. 419 No. 10th 12-24mtf VACANCY Rex Arms. 12-12 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 12-9mtf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room modem apartment. Inquire 2119 Applegatc. 3745tf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshcd apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phone 7268 or 4827. 413tf TWO-ROOM. modern apartments, furnished cabins. Reduced rates for winter. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-4 ONE-ROOM llRht housekeeping. Everything furnished. 109 N. Broad. 12-4 VACANCY Park Apartments, 1842 Esplanade. 12-4 LARGE comfortable housekeep ing room. 248 Broad. 4677tf THREE-Room apartment. 2043 White. 46B1U RIVERVIEW-rJTour rooms nice ly furnished- with 2 bedrooms, $30. Phone 8817, 12-2 THREE-ROOM modern, furnish ed house In Lenox addition, Phone 7802. 12-3 WANTED - Good Late Mode USED CARS for SPOTCASH First Class Prices No Delay for Your Money Douglas Motor Co. USED CAR LOT 1131 FLASH! Buick Offers '41 Bulck Scdqn, '40 Buick Sedan, '40 Bulck Spec. Coupe (8 pas.), '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan like new, '38 Buick Spe cial Sedan, '37 Dodge Coupe, '37 Packard Sedan, '36 Buick Sedan (Special), '36 DcSoto, '35 Ford Tudor, '34. Hudson Brougham, '34 Ford Sdn., all priced right. Stop. FLASH NO. 2 TRUCKS and Pick-ups '39 Chevrolet Panel 1-ton, '38 GMC i-ton Pick-up, '37 '4-Ton Mack Junior, '36 Dodge i-ton Pick-up, '37 Chev. 4-ton Cab Pick-up, '37 Chev. 1 i-ton Cab and Chassis, '36 Ford 1 'i-ton Flat (new tires) at Buick and GMC Headquarters, 1330 Main St. 24 Apartments For Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 3886U DUPLEX, also two 1-room apts. 1143 Pine. 12-3 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment; also garage. 142 River side. Phone 5721. 12-2 VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 12-31mtf 26 Houses For Rent 3-ROOM COTTAGE, furnished. Water and garage. $18.' 255 Broad. 12-6 FOR "RENT Dec. 1, five-room partly furnished house. 1500 Crescent Phone 5084. 3743tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304 12-7mtf FURNISHED 2-ROOM CABIN Hlghley's Market, Summers lane Phone 8078. 4632U FOUR room duplex, oil circula tor, electric range and water heater, basement, garage and laundry. Phone 3050. 4675U ONE bedroom modern furnished house. 305 Lincoln. 4678tf FOR RENT 4-room modern, nicely furnished house, $25. 1518 Siskiyou. 12-2 FOR RENT Four-room house. 1022 Lytton. Inquire 2036 Worden. 12-6 FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, I acre good land. Lawn, trees. $300 cash will handle. Phone 3004 after 6. 12-6 FOR RENT Furnished house. 1727 Oregon after 11 p. m. 12-4 FOR RENT 2-bedroom house, $28 month. Ida M. Odell, 116 No. 8th. 12-5 FURNISHED one -room cabin. Phone 6744. 12-4 FOUR-ROOM furnished modern house. Frigidaira and washer, garage. $30. 3138 Cannon. Inquire 3128 Cannon. 12-3 THHEE-ROOM completely fur nished house. Electric stove, oil heater. 1735 Johnson. 12-3 FOR RENT 3-room house, part ly furnished. Lights, water, garage, woodshed. $18.50. 2512 Pershing way. 12-3 Miscellaneous For .lent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building, cars, trucks, machinery, what have yotl? Call at all hours Phone 5115 12-9mtf 80 Real Estate For Sale BUILD-REPAIR Remodel. Pay by the month. Material is pic'ntiful, good labor available. Payments easy, Why put off those needed repairs. Call us today. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co. Phone 4816, 12-4 I WILL help you plan, finance and build your new home. Lloyd W. Rusk. 1608 Austin, off Shasta way, 13-25 FOR SALE 86-acre farm on Tula lake. Buildings. oouu. M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. . . 12-2 WANTED HOME What have you for $1800 down? 2111 Halley, Apt. 4. 12-3 For First Class Cars See Jack Morris, mgr., at Main Next to Elk Hotel 12-31 30 Real Estate For Sale EQUITY in 4-room house for sale or trade. News-Herald, Box 4418. 12-3 34 Automotive FOR TRADE $700 equity in '41 Ford for '39 model car. News Herald Box 4874. 12-4 UNFURNISHED trailer house. 1766 Fargo. 12-2 TRADE EQUITY in 1941 Pon tiac Streamliner for late model car or pick-up. 1905 Etna. 12-2 1935 V-8 COUPE Radio and heater. An excellent buy. 2023 Darrow, Apt. 2. 4360tf WILL SELL equity ir. '38 Ford ' 4-yard dump truck. Cheap. Call at 2023 Madison! 12-2 1941 STUDEBAKER pickup. Overdrive, heater. Bargain. 3128 LaVerne. 12-3 AUTO GLASS Replace that broken glass in your car at Rewey's Glass Shop, corner Elm and Broad. Phone 5716. 12-6mtf FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet, 16 inch wheels, radio, heater, anti-freeze. Phone 3955. 12-3 FOR SALE '34 Chevrolet, coupe. 826 Mi. Whitney. 12-3 FOR SALE '37 Chevrolet Town Sedan. Good condition. 920 Lincoln, Apt. 5, after 4:30 p. m. - - ... 12-3 36 Miscellaneous For Sale CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, -including suburban sections Block number indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price. 20c For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in. Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3205 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.28 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. 12-17mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204tf FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 5704 Avalon. 12-3 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co.. 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 12-9mtf SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD $8 cord. Phone 3787. 12-4 GOOD FIR BODY WOOD Phone 7832. 12-7 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 128 cubic foot load $4.25 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 3852. 12-19mtf BIKE FOR SALE Excellent condition. Real bargain. Phone 3612. 12-2 FERTILIZER for farm yard. Lawn dirt. Phone 6817. 13-13 FOR SALE Red cinders. Phone 3681. . 12-4 Klamath Falls Transfer & Storage 101 Klamath Phone 8672 Moving Local Long Distance Storing Furniture Merchan dise Crating Packing . Shipping "WE HAUL ANYTHING" S-U ARE you interested In lower prices? Shingles 73c bundle, wallboard 31c loot. Our spec ialty, all classes FHA loans. You can own your home for monthly payments less than rent. Suburban Lumber Com' pany. Phono 3301. 3903tf FULLER BRUSHES for .Christ mas. Bristle combs $2.43. De Lux bristle combs $3.95. R. V, Morgan. Phono 3348. 1985 Benson, Clem Joyer,- 2220 Wiard. 13-8 FUR COAT Silver grey Broad tail, size 38, Al condition, $40. Call evenings after 6, 1739 Arthur St. 12-3 FOR SALE Shoe ice skates. size 8. Phorfc 38R2. 12-S 36 Miscellaneous For Sale 38 Miscellaneous For Bale TAVENNER and PURDY ' ' Licensed SALE BARN Where Buyer and Seller Meet Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Horses and Mules, Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Etc. Auction Every Saturday Miscellaneous 1.30 Livestock 2:30 Beginning December 6 3 miles South of Tower Theater on old Midland Road We strive to make this a market that will merit your support. And we appreciate your consignments. Coma and inspect our new up-to-date salo pavlllion where, we can hold regular auction sales every Saturday. Rain or Shine. DON SHIPLEY Auctioneer 703 North 9th St. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale PING-PONG TABLES Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 12-4 PHONE 7543 Cash Wood Yard. Wood from the woods. Across from the Tower theatre. Fir body, seasoned. Lodge pole, better than limbs. Pine body, dry. Fir slabs, seasoned. 12-8 FOR SALE Hotpoint electric range,. 3 burners and deep cooker. Good condition. Phone 3619 or call at 534 No. 9th St. 12-4 FOR SALE Red fryers, 23c lb. live weight. Crystal's, Merrill Lakeview junction. 12-3 WEATHER STRIP and door bot toms. Keep out the cold drafts. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4818. 12-4 FOR SALE Hawthorn bicycle. used one month. Cost $31.80, price $20 cash for quick sale. 2518 Shasta way. 12-5 NAILS All standard sizes. No limit on quantity. Some odd size close-outs 3c lb. Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4816. 12-4 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 4885tf DOOR CHIMES Throw away .your old doorbell Nu-Tone chimes as low as $1. Easy to install. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co.. Phone 4816. 12-4 FOR SALE 8-foot windmill with 20-foot tower, $13. Also 1 horsepower air-cooled en gine with pump Jack. Cost new $60. Used 3 months. Sell ing these because have now put in electricity. Otto C. Freese, 1 mile east Bonanza. 12-2 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 12-31mtf KEEP COLD AIR OUT with Protex weatherstripptng. Esti mate free. H. S. Rathe. Phone 6341. 13-4 FRAMED PICTURES, 89c. to $2.99. Goeller's, 230 Main. 12-11 MIRRORS, $125 up. Goeller's, 230 Main. 12-11 WRAP your Christmas packages in wallpaper irony uoeuers. Across from Willard. 12-U WOOD BURNING SUPPLIES GoeUer's, 230 Main. 12-U FOR SALE McCormlck dairy milker. Latest model, port able. Double unit and alter nating action. Stainless steel pail. Used 4 months. 2746 Kane. 12-5 FACTORY built trailer house Reasonable. Altamont Trailer Park. 12-2 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Small home close in as down payment on new or nearly new 3-bedroom home. Box 1540, News-Herald 12-4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Kllifer chlsler. John McFall. Rt. 1 Bonanza, Ore. 12-5 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 3713. our ax pense 12-llmtf WANTED Small cocker span lei punny. Phone 6953. 12-3 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Cheap. Chester White boar, one year old. Rt. 3. Box 421C. 12-8 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-16mtf WE ARE TAKING ORDERS for double registered Poll Here ford weaner bulls from Idaho for December delivery. Call at sale yard, 3 miles south on ' old Midland road, or phone evenings 8428. Tavenner and Purdy. . . 12-3 Sales H. K. TAVENNER Manager , Phone 8428 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore.. Box 145. 11-28 FOR SALE Aberdeen Angus bulls. Two coming 3 years, one coming yearling. Also plump dry land rye seed. C. V. Barton, Poe Valley. . FOR SALE OR TRADE For ewe yearling, Corrledala buck. Lloyd Gift, Bonanza, Ore. 12-5 FOR SALE Guernsey, Jersey cows and heifers. Route 2, Box 498, So. 6th. . 12-2 BILLYGOAT, $18. Egyptian Nu blan. Parents both registered. 3209 Hllyard. 12-8 FARMERS ATTENTION High. est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam- L ath Packing Co. Phone 8361. Midland road. 12-31mtf FOR SALE Colored fryers. corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. . ' j 12-8 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT MOORS! S WATS TO OFT A COXSCMBM CASH IOAK raoss . WRITS . COM I Tea Mrt so oo-ilgn.n r t&don.rf to tot cotuumtr. loan whthtr Jou u marme or iingi t THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-INCOMB LOANS On your not only. Jfo Wf ! naU 'o co-tigotrt. . XO. FURNITURB LOAXS Tour character la moM haportaat, than tb furaUart ltif. NO. -AUTO LOANS SM to 9500 cuh loan and rctl anclog. CONSUMERS CREDIT. M-SU s-t Phone -1711 Ullratt 720 Pine St L . O- A N S OX TOUR AVTOMOBILl Cash . At Once! Tour Cu Vt-tl Not B. Tullj ?I4 For . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION lit South tin St.. Klftnfttll hilt , Phono !!U ME1 It-Slmtf See . Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING ; Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY lit K. rth We. M I7I . Won. MIS' It llmtl Equitable Loans . cost you less and get you Out of Debt. Lower Interest Rates Prompt Service CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 . Ill N. Dth St. Phone. 4584 Tu-Fr-tf SMALL LUNCH ROOM Steady year round trade. Low over, head, good lease, good equip ment. Best class trade estab lished. A real moneymaker Owner must quit work. Call 135 N. 4th St. 12-4. WANTED S250 loan to buy equipment to work placer gold mine. Will pay good interest and percentage of gold. R. McCabe, 837 West Palm, Med ford, Ore. 12-3 48 Butlness Opportunltlet 'ijL FOR SALE Service station anil garage. News-Herald Box 3S55. 124 COCKTAII LOUNGE, danct) hall, club room, 13680 cash, including stock, fixtures, 11 ' censes. -: Profits amount ap proximately $480 month. Lo cated in northern California. Box 4882, News-lfrald. 12 I) 811 South Sixth. 12-31mtf