.' .- ft' t--- r', . ." . It): ' SERIAL STORY LADY BY BY HELEN R. WOODWARD 1 TBI) STORTl I loaa my tnfcer ttaar. of ,OO0,OOO If I ot mmrrr r t"a t1m I am V" T" fcaaaao-aa para Carl, ramona writer aa rnmmeatator, la lHana Tacktr, Itkm aanr aaa Impnl- , alrtaraa, aa aaa tola ar rmnloTar : Rleaard Tliarpa o kava aaptnrea Iila faacj-. "Will ; yov -aarrr ma for alx wontha aaa tlo.Ooof aa aa. cola on o x alala laat laa womaa aa lo-rra la lurried ta another man. Diana la maaed, Anallr aonalilrra Ma onr a a knalneaa proposition that will aalra the problem of tlndlnff a Joa ao that aha nil! not haT la re turn to her dowaatata farm home, t Cart aaka her to come with him I to meet his atepmother, Kllen , rart, wha must paaa JudmeBt om A CHALLENGE TO ELLEN f CHAPTER V : TJ7HEN Stephen Curt ushered! " her Into his stepmother's! presence Diana thought, Thlsi Isn't real. It's a play. Old ladies like that are only on the screen. It's make-up that causes her to; look like that!" ' But when Ellen Curt spoke there was no mistaking her genu ineness. "So, Stephen, you've come to your senses at lastl I didn't think you'd let the money get away from you. Sit down, both of you, and tell me where you found this girt." Diana sank Into a small, an-' dent, overstuffed chair, but Ste phen strode restlessly about. Mrs. Curt sat on a straight-backed sofa as if she scorned anything soft and yielding. ' She was small and fat, but there was an alertness about her that centered In her little twinkling black eyes. Her hair was gray and curled neatly. Her gown was gray, too, of a stiff, rustling ma eorfni and on her tinv feet were twirl ffrav satin slippers. I "Well, begin, Stephen! Tucker,, you say the girl's name is who, is she and where did she come from?" Disconcerting, being discussed as if you weren't present. Diana didn't like that She sat forward! on her chair. "You'll let me tell; you, won't you?" Diana glanced at Stephen, saw him stop his pacing to watch her face. She hoped she wouldn't say; too much, but she couldn't lie to this clear-eyed old woman. "IVe followed your stepson's work for a long time," she said lowly. "Both I and the members of my family have admired him greatly. We think he' a very great man." ' "Of course he's a great man," Ellen Curt repeated, tapping her little gray slipper. : "Today I met him for the first . time." j She thought the black eyes; opened wider, and for a moment: khe expected an outburst of in-; idignation, but after a short pause; the old woman sam imperiously,; "Goon." "Mr. Curt was in the office; where I worked when I lost my1 lob. I think he must have felt korry for me. And so he explained! the terms of his Inheritance to, me. He asked me to marry him. That's all. I see you're greatly surprised, but I don't see whyi you should be. After all, he's be ing forced into a marriage that! means nothing to him. Do you think that s fair?" a a ("ILD Mrs. Curt gasped. Could the girl have suspected that it was she, herself, who had per suaded her late husband to insert) that clause in the will? Anything,; she thought, was better than hav ing him fall prey to some adven-. turess. Many brilliant men dldj especially when the woman they; loved had married someone else,! and had their careers ruinedl thereby. Stephen rould be saved! that. She meant to choose his wife herself. But this girl whomi he had brought for approval was1 (something quite outside her expex rience. i "It's nothing to you, young lady,, whether what I do is fair or not It may not have occurred to you that I have a very good reason' In wanting to secure Stephen's happiness. His father was con cerned only with his welfare." "But didn't think enough of his Judgment to allow him to choose a wife for himself!" "That's enough. Evidently you've agreed to the proposition,, or you wouldn't have come here." ."Not at all," Diana answered coolly. "Stephen said you wanted Ho look me over, and I certainly klaim the same privilege. I have Inot made a decision one way or (the other." ' Stephen's eyes were dancing Idellghtedly. Not in years, he knew, had anyone spoken to Ellen Curt in Just such a way. He rather lauspected that old Ellen was en ttoying the tilt, too. From the way her eyes snapped, from the way; Khe little gray satin slipper tapped (the floor. ' "Oh, I suppose then you'd have (to approve of me?" "Certainly, You wouldn't want! someone in the family who: wouldn't like you, would you?" "Humph! Well, then what do you think of me?" Suddenly Diana smiled. She had seen beneath the forbidding exterior. "I think," she said, "you could be rather a darling if you'd let yourself." Old Ellen Curt actually looked embarrassed. It had been so very many years since anyone had called her a darling! She did not ee a great many young people and Diana Tucker was like a breath of springtime. Pretty, the aid woman thought, and like Stephen she recognized the strength of character in the girl' face. Stephen had been a fool for picking a girl at random like this but surprisingly, it was going to REQUEST NIA SCRVICC INC. THEY talked together for long time Diana told about her people and the farm and old Ellen nodded wisely, "Good, plain stock," she muttered, and at last she said, "You'll do. You must marry Stephen at once!" But Diana answered quickly, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to talk to my father about it first" "Very well," Stephen said, "when can you leave for home?" "Tomorrow." "That's Sunday. How long would you want to stay?" "Until about Wednesday, t think." "All right Give me Instructions as to how to get there and 111 drive down for you on Wednes day. I can get back for my broad cast Wednesday night" "Yes, I'd like that We could talk to my father together." And so it was arranged and old EUen Curt sat on her straight sofa and watched them go. Her little black eyes were alight with interest Nobody's fool, that girL No cringing before her, either, suing for favor. Straightforward, honest Already Stephen was at tracted to her going down for her on Wednesday. Old Ellen was smiling as she went to her room for the night Stephen drove Diana back to the rooming house and it had never looked so shabby before. He held her hand warmly at the door. "You're a good sport, Diana Tucker, for even considering it" he said gravely. "I shall see to it that you're not sorry. Thank you and goodby until Wednesday." When he had gone she went .slowly up to her little room and THIS CURIOUS WORLD BeSoT a "fCF" L,TTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray hJr&'i' - -V-C W . MM'$!&&BllBSDaesl r aoEEts is" jj? all right, 'no' no' mot j? ""3 r cutt gottTS' bbb FI'KA- f'l- ' l ' I TCHl TCH! POOR T SO YOU HAVE THE NAME. MR. , 1 OR. ELD6EN- fij'i CRUSHED AS SHE VS ALL RIGHT. 1 HATHO IT TO YX HUT U. V0O 1 'SSS'Ll ' iCVt THE TIME Of , B CHLO DELIRIOUS YOUR OWN WARBUOS-HA! HA b LETS HURRY" I'lj IS-THATS WORK HERE-OPEN I DOC I WAR&XKS! IDtOTl WE WWSMT J J5 V X iCTr 1 THE lIBST g HYPODERMIC "IT HOSPITAL RIGHT I RECOGNIZED YOU fl HERE I'LL V'vit! FOR TRAIMEO HANOS- I UP-ONE S06- I GEE THIS MOLL GOT HER INS106 I y WOEi-D WAE f 9 WILL EASE HER , HERE. EH. AT ONCE FROM A CARRY f ONE OF MY BE AN OLO LADY YET" Kl flk WW ENOUGH J PAIN THERE-THERE! I DOCTOR-" ! MX1R PICTURES. R, ANNIE hj I ASSISTANTS COME XVrTrMl 'j"f T?' BSFOBE SHE GETS Jl vM,7Jlil-IECICA3iAS i i now rr wont hurt doctor? ofcourse- : C J i will lead )'' '4 'S;ii,o'i'.' cureo-wtth r-rri' 0T AND HER BUDDIES 3- By Martin ANSWER, i Charles Pinckney, American statesman. T VjP J Jt -rii. f l I j) JSJI l AtV I . 'A' Z- . -'"-' . i, -ww j." j i u i .iunMa'rigl o I SCENIC WONDER WASH TUBBS By Crqn. HORIZONTAL Answer to Prevtons Pnxsle 14 Noncommls- ( I'VE BEEN X t.EaWst'how' cam'V ' 1 f ni& TRUE. VOU'UE STAVEP HOME ?1BEEM V "you TjaplimJ ) " OH.HOW woNDERFULt BUT waiti 1 hAvb A 1 1 Pictured U.S. 'fclc-lllla L ,lr-,k,V,ll sioned army I A HECK OP VOU SAV SUCH THiWfiS TJ Wi&HT AFTER NI&HT WHILE IVE TWU6HTLeiS W 7 I BSTTCR IDEA! WHy UOTCOMPROMteBf WHY national dE-'fc Sr?fe ggftfa officer (pL). AHUSBAND, hFrjL.l S BEEKJ OUT LOOKTlW FOR EXCITE AM' 6ELFISH. V" V7T TAKE TURN ABOUT AMD COME HOME J HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U.S. national monument in Wyoming. 1) Mollify. 12 Saw for perforating the skull (surg.). 14 Excessive tension. 16 Aid.- 18 Feminine name. 19 Encountered. 21 Bushy clump. 22 Incursion 24 Artificial positions. 26 Boundary, 28 Gallon Answer to 41 Grand- ' parental. 42 For example (abbr.). 43 Measure of cloth. (abbr.). Ai Western 29 Tissue (anat) cattle. 60 Engaged' In 31 Division (abbr.). S2Eject 33 Camel's hair cloth. 86 Verse; 37 Indisposed. 39 Neither. 40 Compass .point driving a team S3 In foreign countries. 55 Pacified. 86U. S. national monument In Utah, JSEMY QrNBUDjENNYI, EE c arqsIwa Tin m c855& TEASTCtTNfr Hp" StMTON SriO NTTaWF jp DUOOmi 5ANC"OgOUf rqHioiRtfJnAErsL, Be rig gig alls! j ifs 21 d Ool m 5 scije AJP Bs u s 0k n HI 5mE EPQ ATffLnGE N i EllD "-IaIlIlIeIsIoHi IcIaH-IyT' jl 2 13 14 15 16 p & S IQ !T ' I I llb r "Tig 2o" 21 H 1TZ3 fl " 27 is" 13 n51" a 3T 43 1 I I nun i, " . I 44-145 47 46 49 I I" 1 5C ! 51 52j " jb3 54 Jb ' j"""" 'H-l I 1 I H I 1 I l.H. begin to' put some of bar thmga Itnto suitcase. Then she called her landlady, . Tm leaving tomorrow," aha isald. "I dont think I'll be back. IBut will you keep my trunk until II call for it?" Why had aha said that? she wondered. Had she already mad up her mind? (To Be Conihraed) More than one-half of the world's rubber and from one half to two-thirds of Its tin comes from British Malaya. The United States sends most of Its exports to the United Kingdom, and most of its im ports come from Canada. Miami Beach has banned strip-tease in burlesque shows. Oh, well, the bathing beaches will be open as usual. Headquarter for Bicycles Tricycles Wagons Lionel Trains A Small Deposit Holds Anything Until Christmas POOLE'S BIKE SHOP 222 S. 7th. Phone S320 Previous Puzzle 14 Noncommls stoned army officer (pi.). 15 It is well known to s. 17 Journeyed. 19 Volume. 20 Prolific. 23 Lava. 25 Viscous mud. 27 Palm lily. 30 Consumed. 34 Exclamation. 35 Measure of area. 37 Four (Roman) 38 Musical note. 41 Species of poplar. 43 Wriggling 45 Tantalum (symbol) 46 Recede. 47 Make a mistake 48 Boy's name. 49 Baglike part 50 Color. 51 Males. 52 Editor fabbr.) 54 From. 55 Calcium (symbol). VERTICAL lRun off the rails. 2 Antelope. 3 Lode. 4 Wayside hotel 5 Lieutenant (abbr.). 6 Size -of shot . 7 Money of. account 8 Opposite of east 9 Kind of salt 10 Invaded. 11 Right (abbr.). -13 Nova Scotia (abbr.). OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Willioms , - OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major HoopU 3 fciir-NM- Y rr hurts mb -to do this, V and i Wism A f ''this IG MY LAST WAGING, V DEAR ME.QUILK, COME ON,"1 ii ii'i.W BUT SH6 ALLUS lectures 1 I WAS MORS T I MOOPLE .' WANT THE A HOVvl EVCITlMS.' DO I y' MAJOR , S' b3kv' MB ON HOW NEAT ARG' OF A UM-'. V- V 60 X PUT N YOUR PIPE- H GATHER FROM YOUR ( WE'LL BE tr.f ETrSk';! HOW POLITE . HOW CLEAK4 NOW WAIT.' noc&M iMvicKlTiriM TUic UVfiTERICAL HONKING IV LATE- FOR I ' i 1 Wa;TALOOE w,l!ya? i OOT GO ' I INTEREST AMD LAWYER S V P6-'-HERE 'sGlUMMV ill I WISH I WAS MORE k IN FEE5- PAV T OR VOU'LL A 100 BILL YOU f DATE j f 1 SK OP A GENTLEMAN. Jr--- I rrr, ' GET YOUR CHRISTMAS X MAY KEEP TUB 5 V. (WITH THC I & -1 Btl frS BUT --S S ll yX" DINNER ON ATlN. PLATE ) CHANGE AND BUY J vIM AYOR !J m IpT : T I'XXVW1 Vui 7 'SHOVED fVS YOURSELr-A CTT - I, iV1 YG;J. l ( THROUGH A JCtf' ( PACKAGE- jsSj. T7 fii Sal UtlllF f ' iiSi' ADDS A CHERRV iiWVfK NN 5,1-2 UmBaTSf" HEROES ARE MAPE.NOT BORN J jTO THE gUNDAg. i, ML ! .1 1 J 4 J RED RYDER By Fred Harmon gTEiR. cs!i ' 1 ajT ""IS oHOST MN& H5 ) j 1 ( WHM ARC f JL ll 1 W ait&i'u. ti? "W rVS THE Pjcvw S I v I ' fi, &i C carol j i, i J ow I'M comim' I ' Tlfrl OSOVl CXr JJif- !! ttl 1 home Ei(?y 1 y that's FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BV Blossei ( Who are- you comma f " 11 " eur BEFOREf r Thats L LISTEN TO HIM OR HE'S NOT 60NMA BS So YOU'RE OACKIN' 1 OO. I'M COMMA CALM! WMAT .V I, ME? X TELL YOU, HP MINE EITHER' OUT . EH ? WELL X TURN THIS JOWT J DOWN, YOU TMlNK .' vT TS AIM'T. MY SON I V oiMcrv , voulONT MARR UPSIDE-DOWN WW , ")?y, IV AC$ - I A OUY WHO DONT . y YOU AINT U &. V r rSJ : -Z i-2S MV W0R0 "slp - ALLEYOOP ' ByV.T.Hamfin (f BUT OOP, VOU CAM'T HOPE ' -Y THE MAM'S MAD..BUT 1 f ( HMm THIS MUG'S ALL WRAPPED Y NOW WHAT CAM BE THIS 2. I TO BEST WOPPO THE -JSOU'T FRET SEEIW3 AS HOW HE'S J I'M NOT SO A I UP INTIN. MEBBE, INSTEAD OF 1 UWARMORED BUMPKIM'S I I BLrTCHER.WITHOMLy YERSELVES ABOUT 1 TAKING ALLTHE SURE ABOUT I N- AM AX, I SHOULDA MISSIOM! SURELY HB A STON6-TIPPBD tN ME...DU GUVS J RISli.THE LEAST THAT, COUWT ' IJl BROUGHT ACAKJ J CAKI'T BE CONSIDERIkJG 1 A ( CLUB FOR. A V OUST DO WHAT WE CAW DO IS HE'SAKIOST 1 . . 4T OPBMER. CHALLEKIOINO ME TO i)rS V WEAPOM jTVi-Y I TOLDJUH.' J FOLLOW OUT HIS EXTRAORDINARY - V- SIM6LE COMBAT r- , , J N- -y f? J TLe PLAMj CHAP. V'KMOT - tflUl tl 1 pJ r l ..l. .iwtr'wrAr ' ' ' ' ' " .''.''.. ,