Doeembw 1, 1041 THK EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON aar Annual Haioor Pinns nre now complete (or tlui unmiiil nil diiy program Hnttinliiy at St. Paul's pariah houao by members of llio church. Blurting nt 10 a. m. b children's iirourmn will l)i held Including n movie, pup pet show, hurdy mirdy and (lh pimd. festivities, to be lii-ld In the now bMrrornl under tho auprrvlalwi of tcnchera, will end nt 12 o'clock mid ileaacrt Inldiii- will ntiiit lit 1 o'clock I Willi ii limit of 20 tnhlra mudc ' There will be booths fur tho mile of hoi Uliiy treat nnd noerilo work. Supper will bo lervecl In tho evenlnu with eunla for tlm ffilhcm imd those women iinnblc to nltend Iho 'iifternoon party. Meinbern of troop 1, Hoy Scnuta, will be on blind In niit during Iho day. Co South Mr. nnd Mm. Hen ry Moe left Moodny by motor lor I'nniideiiii, Ciilld, whi rr they will reside this winter. They will tnko up rrnideuco lit tlm Alexander Courts, iiccordlnK to Mra Moe. The fmnlly ban lived In Klnmiitn rutin iiliice ahorlly nfter the first World wiir nnd tl.eir iminy friend regret their departure, from Out city Their homo on Waahlnatnn street haa been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Heeder who moved Into ','ieir new re'lileme this week I cod Weakly Auctlona Auction alrn will be held each Saturday at the Sale turn on Mldlund road. It was nimoimced by II. K. Tavenner The firm of Tnven rer and Purely huve Just com plcted construction of a new heated snlea pavilion with a ape clnl room for furniture nnd household Kooils. lie mild Doll Shipley In iiurtloneer. Improving Utile Sully Ho huatrll. yoimit dmiKbter of Mr. nnd Mra. Guldo flobuatell, 1 a patient at Htltnide hospital w here he submitted to nn emer jrency operation for the removal of her appendix hut week. Her condition w reported sood Monday. Improvlna Walter l!pendnhl. mechanic employed at the Ore gon state highway department shops In Altnmont, la reported Improved nt Klamath Valley hos Jpltal where he la receiving treat ment fur back injuries received while working at the shops last week. Study Group Membera of the drnmn study group of AAUW were to meet at 7 o'clock Mon day nlidit nt the home of Mra. Joseph C. O'Neill. 1130 Mon Claire atrret The group la di rected by Mra. B. B. Blomqulat and meets the first Monday of each month. In Hospital Gordon Kandra, 1H month old, la a pntlent at Klamath Valley hospital, having been brought to Klamath Falls enrly Monday morning from his homo in Maliu. Haa Surgery Howard Mul len, 2020 Oregon avenue, sub mitted to major surgery at Klam ath Valley hospital Monday. He Is employed nt Kwiiunn Box com pany. f) "1 sut7wmLiotvn CHRISTMAS RUSH By EARL WHITLOCK Tho storea have hired extra help to servo your needs. The Post Office ia staffed, to the ca- ; pneity of the I building, ready iam?p. I for your Chrlat So now. It a v up to you to to make things J caaier lor your- J se If. for the merchant, for bis salea people Ul nnri for Iho &Mm ha rd-working poatnl cmployeea by doing your Christmas shopping now, when Blocks are fresheat, when the rlerka are not too tired out and before tho Post Office gets pwnmped with tho Inst minute rush. The Poat Office takea pride In promising, every year that all Christmas parknges will be delivered by Christmas day. They mako good on that prom ise, too, against unbelievable tonnage of mall. You can help to Insure that It will be easier for them to do bo. Do yoiff Christmas shopping early. Wrap parcels securely. Address litem clearly. Moll them now. Not only our own Post Office atnff, but also thoao In all the cities to which your parcels go nnd nil tho men on nil the trains that enrry them, will rise up nnd cnll you blessed. Next Monday Mr. Whltlock of tho Earl Whltlock Funeral Hoiun will comment on "To JThe Good Drivers." Married Lulu A, Tultle, for mcrly of Lungell valley, and al so Khiimith fnlla where aha wot a nurao, and Erwln Penner, Oak land, Calif., were married In Memo, Nev., November 21), ac cording to word received hero. The couple will reside In Oak land where Penner la with the Weatern Pacific Itailroad com pany. Mr. and Mra. Levi Mc Donnid of Merrill, long time friends of the bride, attended the ceremony. Ir. Penner haa been living In Oakland. Her parent ware pioneer resident of the vnJIey district. Cooking Claiaaa Two com munity cooking ilnaa'ca will be held In the suburban area Tuea day. At 2 p. m. Mra. P. D. Schroecier and Mra. Herbert Landis will demonstrate low coat (ooda at Shasta school cafeteria, and at 2:to p. m. Mra. Fred Kletcher mid Mrs. Hen Hticp purd will give a aimllar demon stration nt Altnmont achool cafe teria. There la no charge for these clauses mid samples of the fooda prepared, as welt aa re cipes, will be distributed to the classes. The public la invited. In Miami Corns have been receive from Mr. and Mra. C, S. Kobcrtaon who arrived Sat urday In Miami. They spent Tiieadiiy in New York City, left Wednesday for Washington, D. C, for a atay of acveral days, and continued south from there. Mra. Hobertson reported ideal weather during their daya of aight seeing In New York. Goes North Dnvtd Tottcn, formerly employed In the of flee of the Oregon utate high way department shops in Alto mont, left this weekend for Salem where he has accepted a position with the department in the accounting division. Ilia family will go north Inter to make their home. Return South Mr. and Mra. Krnest Leslie of Santa Clara, Calif., returned home Friday night after spending the Thanks giving holidays with their son-in-lnw, llownrd F. Dunn, their grandchildren and two great granddaughtera, Joan and Phil Ma Maddax, Return Mr. and Mra. Stew art Jtloorc returned Sunday to their home in Portland af'er visiting here at the home of their daughter, Mra. Frank P. Drew of Eldorado street. Mra Moore has been here for quite aome time, Moore joining hi family on rriday. Improving E. R. CardweH. Henley rancher, who suffered painful hurts when he fell down the stairs at the Gun atore on Friday, was reported resting comfortably at Klnmath Valley hospital. Leavw Hoapital Ruth Ctil deater, daughter of A. J. Chides ter of 2721 Altamont drive, was able to leave Klnmnlh Vnlley hospital Saturday after having received treatment there. , Returna N. H. Jones, super liitendent of the Oregon state highway department shops at Altamont, returned by bus from Medford Monday after apendlng the weekend in tho valley. CARD OF THANKS This is to thank the dear friends for their many acts of kindness during the long sick ness and death of my dear hus band, William T. Garrett, and for the many beautiful flowers. Especially we thank the choir for the lovely music and Broth er Bradshaw for his comforting words and prayera. Mra. W. T. Garrett and Clarence D. Garrett and wife. One More Splash V. 8. S. Woodstock another de atroyer added to Uricle Bam'a grow ig Navy htta the waya at San Francisco, J BEND KEGLERS FAIL 10 OUST GAL LEADERS Bend gal kegleVs only rollers of the weekend in Oregon Bowl ing congress play failed to displace any of the leaden Sat urday and Sunday on Kern al ley a here. Sauter came closest In Booster singles when ahe rolled 414 aeriea, three pint short of the 41? previously potted by Klam ath Falls' Alice Adam. Results: ,Oaala team (Booster), 1032, Gregg'a Banner Bread team (Claaa B), 2118. - C'laaa A Slnglea Duncan, 482. Claaa B Singlea Brown, 478; Pivinaki, 458; Lcmke, 378; Alt, 468. Claaa B Doublet Alt Dun can, 018; Plvinekl-Lemke, 813. Booster Singles Wllaon, 35S; Little, 353; Carpenter, 384; Rog ers, 35B; Sauter, 414; Roberta, 312. Booster Doublet Brown Sauter. 80D; Wllaon, Little, 772; Carpcnter-Rogera, 723. For Your Information NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Cloudy, rain In extreme north portion tonight and over the north portion Tuesday; valley fogs; mild temperature; gentle southerly wind oft the coast. WASHINGTON and OREGON Occasional rain tonight and Tuesday, and valley fogs, lit tie change in temperature; mod erate southerly wind on south ern Oregon coast and strong elsewhere on coast and inland waters of Washington decreas ing tonight. MAIL CLOSING TIME (effective September 38, 1941 Train 17 Southbound: a. m. Train 20 Northbound: 10:00 a. m. Train 18 Southbound: 5:41 p. m. Train It Northbound: 8:00 p. m. Reamea Election Members oi the Reamea Golf and Country club will elect officers for the coming year Tuesday night fol lowing a dinner at the club. A stag party will follow the bal lotting. To Entertain The Junior Ma trons of the First Methodist church will entertain the newly organized men's class on Wed nesday, December 3, at 7:30 p. m. in the church parlors. Mrs. A. R. Hansen -will be In charge of the program. DBE to Meet William Pitt chapter, Daughters of the British Empire, were to meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. C. Milkey, 823 High! street. j BPW Dinner Members of Klamath Falls Business and Pro fessional Women's olub were to meet at 6:30 m, Monday for dinner in the Willard hotel at which time the initiation and emblem pageant was to be pre sented for the benefit ot 30 new members. To Meet The tadiet of the Immanuel Baptist church wilt meet for their regular meeting at the church on Tuesday, Decern-j ber 2, at 1:30 p. m. Isabel le Gates, Christian Friendliness missionary will be guest speak er. Miss Gates spent several months during the summer working among the migrants. All members and friends are urged to attend the Tuesday meeting and hear about Miss Gates work. Members are asked to bring their gift boxes. Eagles Members of the Ea gles auxiliary will sponsor the second of a series ot pinochle parties at the Eagles hall Tues day at 2 p. m. Hostesses will be May Eck,1 Paulin Fleenor, Kitty Davis, and Agnes De Chalneau. American Legion The regu lar meeting of the American Le gion will be held Tuesday, De cember 2, at 8 p. m. In the Le gion hall. Blue Monday The Blue Men day club, women of the Moose, were to meet at 7 p. m. Monday in the Moose hall for drill prac tice. All members were urged to attend and to turn in uni forms for Inspection. Knights The Knights ol Co lumbus, Mt. McLaughlin chap ter. Council No. 2255, will spon sor a "kid" party Tuesday, De-j cember 2, at the KC halt. The party ia open to members and their wives and sweethearts only. All must attend in "kid" attire, it was announced. Games and dancing will start at 9 p. m. Rend the Classified pg When la Mtdford Star at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Madera Jo and Anne Earlay . Proprietors Big Bag of ''xf fr- ,Jt .V -- ZP lit. IVaSi ' "t'iVi.' "Si 't-trtmi ' 1 -Vr. " """" ' - ..2.1K,Ayt isnMShaataifAiiii?! mrl r - ...... n &jt j This flabby creation la a fighter for Uncle Sam. The li. S. rubber industry haa orders tor 1If bil lion dollar worth of the barrage balloons for guarding vital defense industries. British claim they do the job. General officials standing beside balloon give an idea of its size. NQTES REVEAL F. B. FORECAST C0KFL1GT By O. HAROLD OLIVER WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 UP) The White House disclosed to day that five months before Ger many invaded Poland President Roosevelt expressed the belief that Adolf Hitler a third reich was committed to a program of- "world dominance" without: limit. ! Mr. Roosevelt simultaneously said that Franca and Britain had decided then that the nazi pro gram must be halted, and con sequently Germany was "square ly" on notice that, if one more nation was Invaded, the respon sibility of war would be Ber lin's. The chief executive made the "statements to a press confer-: ence at Warm Springs, Ga., on March 31, 1939, but advised re-: porters at the time it could not be attributed to him. Selected stenographic excerpts from this and other press inter views he had in 3939 and 1940 were made public by the White House today in advance ot their appearance tomorrow in book form, along with other public papers covering Mr. Roosevelt's entire second term. Press con ference material for the years 1937 and 938 was made public yesterday and permission grant ed to quote from it directly. Five volumes embracing the president's two New York guber natorial term and his first four years in the White House were published several years ago. Pro ceeds trom their sale go toward financing the Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park, N. Y. California Couple Killed by Gas in Seottle Apartment SEATTLE, Dec. 1 UP) A Long Beach, California couple were found dead in their bed today In their gas-filled apartment, apparently accidentally asphyxi ated while they slept Saturday night. The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parks, were discovered when other tenants in the apart ment house smelted escaping gas fumes and broke down the door of the apartment. One jet of a gas stove oven was partially open and coron er's deputies said it had appar ently been accidentally turned on. Parks, a Boeing Aircraft com pany worker, was 34, his wife about 35, the coroner's office reported! Mrs. Parks was for merly Phyllis Patterson, daugh ter of Mrs, Leonora Patterson of Long Beach, Calif, FUNERAL Ems lABflt CASSELL The funeral service "for the late Effie Sabre Cassell, who passed away in this city on Saturday, November 20, will, take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 935 High street, on Tuesday, December 2, at 10:30 a. m., the Rev. Oecil C. Brown of the First Baptist church officiating. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. Commitment service and Interment will follow in the Mountain View cemetery, Ashland, Oregon, Tuesday after noon. BWAYBACJC HOGS The Chines consider the bel ly the most valuable part ot a hog, so they purposely breed swayback hogs with corres pondlngly large bellies. H. R. (DICK) MAGUIRE Realtor Baal Eaiais Sales Rantala Loans Property Management . AutstMkffa, rtrt, etwsttjr luaaiaiwa . tax Mm - aiat ant am , Wind, but a Doughty Defender Wilikie's Client WlBtas Bchneidermann, seeretsry of the Communist Party ot Califor nia, boae citizenship was resrotol by two Federal Courts, wtil be repre sented by Wendell L. WHHtle when his appeal Is considered by the United States Supreme Court in Its January terra. MATH MILLS GET CONTRACTS WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 W The war department has award ed the following contracts: Shevlin-Hixon Co., Minne apolis, Minn., for manufacture at Bend, Ore.), lumber $3500; Willamette Hyster Co, Port land, trucks, $5980. Ivory Pine Co., Inc., Klamath Falls, Ore., $3775 for lumber, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., New ark, IJ. J., $7000 for lumber (for manufacture at Klamath Falls), Delivery and completion dates were not disclosed. Coast Guards Buck Heavy Seas to Tew Disabled Vessel KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Dee, I WP) Fighting heavy seas and a 30-mile headwind, two coast guard cutters were towing the disabled Alaska Steamship com pany freighter Bering slowly toward Ketchikan today. The Bering called for assist ance Saturday when she lost both her mechanical and hand steering apparatus in a 50-mile-an-hsur wind while en route from Seward to Ketchikan and was aboBt 125 miles southwest of Cape Spencer in the Gulf of Alaska, A Jury rudder was subse quently picked up yesterday by coast guard cutter Bonham, A second cutter was dispatched later when the Bonham radioed she was having difficulty. Australia now la the leading foreign purchaser of United j States motor cars. I if-" ' - . n DECEMBER LIST OF STAMP ITEMS GIVEN Sixteen food items, Including j pork, butter and fresh grapefruit, are on the blue stamp food list designated for the month of De cember by the U, S, secretary of agriculture, Claude R, Wiek ard, it was announced by M. Louis Belangie, area supervisor lor the USDA surplus marketing administration. I Following is the complete list which stamp plan customers may purchase with blue food stamps during December (which is the same as November's with grape fruit added): Pork toil cuts, fresh, including chitted or frozen, salted, cured, smoked, but not cooked or packed in metal or glass containers); butter, corn meal; shell eggs; raisins; dried prunes; hominy grits; dry edible beans; wheat and whole wheat graham) Hour; enriched wheat flour; fresh grapefruit; fresh pears; fresh apples; fresh or anges; and all fresh vegetables, including potatoes. The 4900 food retailers; who handle stamp plan business in this area which covers; the state of Oregon, should have the new list on display beginning Decem ber 1, M. Louts Betangie stated. The blue stamp food list plays an important part in federal ag ricultural programs which are assisting farmers ia the food-for-deiense production drive now in progress, he pointed out. "In addition to the nutritional value of blue stamp foods to families who are unable to buy the food necessary for adequate health, the list helps to stabilize prices which farmers receive for then total production of blue stamp commodities. "The added market among tow-budget families, and price stabilizing effect ct blue stamp sales, amounting to $10,000,000 monthly for the nation, are en couraging farmers; to meet pro duction demands now upon them under the food-tor-defense pro gram." Charlie BMHEJT EddyDUCtilH ' Tommy WCKtR & Johnny MESSMR Q Benny 606DMAH ???? Saturday night, for fait half hour, Caea-Cola puis the tpauat on ute band which, according to oar eat weekly tabulation,-made the recording that eulaMd saj other. tYfr MIGHT HCtn tSKBM Mutual Network KFJI 7ilS p. m. This waak Ifr-tip , , . Christmas Seals Mailed In Klamath County Drive Letters bearing th! season! tuberculosis Christmas seals i will begin reaching Klamath i county resident on Tuesday after mailing of about 5000 on Monday by Mr. Burt E. Haw kins, general chairman, and Mr. Don Drury, matting chair man. Not only do the long envel opes contain a packet of bright seats depicting a lighthouse shining forth in the night, but also a letter from Mrs. Hawkins stating their purpose, in behalf of the Klamath County Public Health association, seat sale sponsor, and a blue self-ad-dressed return envelope for sending in returns. Thousands of Klamath people have been supporting the tuber culosis campaign annually to reduce the mortality rate from this disease, highest in cause of death in, the nation. This; year the national tuberculosis association urges that there be no let-up in the campaign inas much as it, too, is considered a vital defense bulwark that must not be allowed! to lose any ground gained by years of ef fort. During recent months Mrs, Hawkins has visited, all points in the county, contacting sub chairmen a fid outlining plans i or in year sate. In this work ahe hax hn ffmitlir as sisted by Rev. Eugene V. Hay- nee, visual education chairman of the Klamath association, who has shown moving pictures on tuberculosis at numerous schools. Afcsistinc the zeturat chair. man In various communities are Mra. George Elliott, Biy; Mrs. own ppie, Bonanza; Mrs. Warren Fruit. Merrill- m Rigor, Malta; Mrs, Joe Foster, rveno; uien tts.le, Gilchrist, Contact have also been made with Chitaaain- Klamath Am- cy and Sprsgue River. Dae to inis counsy-wiae assistance, Mrs, Hawkins stated that a large mailinz list haa bsn hnill and an effort is being made to contact more people than ever before. Mrs. H. Stone of Hager fa in charge of radio publicity dur ing the sale and has scherfiilmt several intarertine Mb lh first to be by Principal Arnold viratapp ot Klamath. Union high school, who will be heard on sale, from KFJI at 8:15 o'clock. Mis, Percy Murray again ac cepted the chairmanship for the ExpMBtfsg hTY fnSxht tasi paawnsar train acroa tin Redqr Mountain to th Jsb of this ssm th-Rtt Bit-eictric nft, Ita 4jm heanapeimr ia aaauraac acaJnaC flttIJack h th Riria. That 'Bottleneck" Scare The Defense Effort, as everyone knows, has been sSowed down tn tpota by "bott'taecks. A was to be expected, the peace-time production of a peace-minded Nation couidat be adjusted overnight to the mass prediction of the implements cf mcdsra warfare , But ixday vpheels are whiriL'sg men are working "bcttlenccia" are being b'asttdJ American Sweat. American Genius, and American Capital are on the , job? Railroads were not catteel upon to fashion nestf product a were many other industries. Their job . was to produce mora trantporlation to carry bigger load than ecer More, Beside providing Ar the normal requirements of the country, they were eaQeE upon almost over eight to transport un prectdtn ttd quantititi of vital Defense materiala. Upon their ability "to de'iver" depended the success of the whole Defervsa program. Yea, there were those who said the raSreada couidnt do it. There were seme, of course, who hoped the railroads couldn't da it. But the railroads did do ft they are stH! doinj it and nothing short ot denying them what they needT to maintain and opera tt theif tsetUttet wilt present them from continuing tJoU, . In the pursuits of normai business, or in defense Industries, nof a tingle hour of production ha been last through any fattttr of the Great Northern Railway SmA Co&grestmas Clarence F. Lea, Chairman et the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, apeaking recently to the House cf Representatives: "In aft the world, no fob h being better done today than by the American Raihoadt." Great Northern Railway school csla this year, n stresses that no child wilt t allowed to tell the tuberetslaste seslsv but may purchase tharo from the, various school it! their own use. This is done, aha stated, to aid in the edueattaik of youth on tuberculosis, lit cause and prevention. In regard to part InquiriM on the Christmas seal csmpstgs and the American Red Crcta, the general chairman issued th following statement: "The double-barred cross of the anti-tuberculosis ChrtsteH seal campaign and the Amer ican Rest Cross are not to same. In 1920, by HiuJaai agreement, the alliance mad several years earlier between the Red Cross and the Nation el Tuberculosis association wa dis solved. Since then the double tarred cross has appeared en alt the National Tuberculosis association seals, which are turn known as Tuberculosis Christ mas seals and not a Red Cross seals," Klamath Doctor Invited to Chest Course at U of O Klamath eomttv rf,vtmc -- been invited to attend th ond annual postgraduate session tn cnen diseases at the Uni versity of Oregon mmf Si-st vtwil December II. 12 and ia. wttm ; courses are designed for daeteM is general practice as welt as those who specialize la chest dis eases, Otftstandinsf Paeifte wlksnt doctors in the field will make up the tsculty with Dr. L?o EIoe ser Ih Stanton -h medicine as guest lecturer, Th session is given by the medteel school In cooperation with flu Fseififi nnri hwt rhanlpr American College of Ch! Fhysietans. HEAVY PRESSORS When water solidifies fat closed container, the ice that forms exerts a pressure of 13 H tons to the square inch. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS A Tie Rack a ie ar Mrtf SS to SS BREW'S MAN STORE