The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 29, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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    November 2ft, 1041
Church Service Read
Before White Altar
wtwy;iyyw'll''''lW"iiM.ini'H iij n.iyiyji wawf
Pre-Holiday Party
Event of November
Merrill Matrons Entertain Tuesday With Gay Af
ternoon Affair in Library Club Rooms
MERRILL Bowls of bronzo chrysanthemums, pyracantha
berries and holly were used as a background In the Merrill
Library clubrooms Tuesday afternoon, November twenty-fifth
for the pre-holiday dessert bridge and pinochle at which Mrs.
E. E. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Homer Heaton, Mrs. A. J. King, Mrs.
C. E. Sharp, Mrs. Claud S. Moreland, Mrs. Mclvin Bowman,
Mr. Lewis Kandra, all of Merrill and Mrs. Lee Dixon, Tule
lake were co-hostesses.
Luncheon tables were cen
tered with miniature baskets
holding corsages of yellow
button chrysanthemums and
all other appointments car
ried out a yellow and white
High score in bridge went
to Mrs. Scott McKendree, sec
ond high to Mrs. Terry Ed
wards and third prize to Mrs.
Clifford Shuck. In pinochle
high award went to Mrs.
John Takacs Jr., second high
to Mrs. Charles Hamilton and
third to Mrs. O. T. McKen
dree. The guest prize was
taken by Mrs. Earl McNeeley,
Klamath Falls. Guests were
present from Merrill, Malin,
Tulelake and Klamath Falls.
Invited for the afternoon
were Mrs. Kenneth Colwell,
Mrs. Maurice Shelton, Mrs.
Jack McLain, Mrs. D. W. Fer
guson, Mrs. R. H. Anderson,
Mrs. E. W. Staunton, Mrs.
Christine Brown, Mrs. C. A.
Taylor, Mrs. Overton M. Cas
tleman, Mrs. Clifford Shuck,
Mrs. Perry Haley, Mrs. P. G.
Wilson, Mrs. George Fischer,
Mrs. Lawson Bramrd, Mrs.
C. G. Fairchild, Mrs. Leland
Pope, Mrs. P. C. Bergeman,
Mrs. Jess Smith, Mrs. Donna
Robertson, Mrs. Clyde Barks,
Mrs. Barney Cox, Mrs. Leon
ard Bowman, Mrs. E. T.
Crawford, Mrs. L. E. Stewart,
Mrs. Earl McNeeley, Mrs.
Scott McKendree, Mrs. O. T.
McKendree, Mrs. Hugh
O'Connor, Mrs. Paul Maudlin,
Mrs. Dan Cashman. Mrs.
Lloyd Scott, Mrs. Terry Ed
wards, Mrs. Robert Cannell,
Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. R.
W. Steele, Mrs. J. R. Steele.
Mrs. O. V. Reeves, Mrs. H. C.
Bradbury, Mrs. E. A. McCol
lum, Mrs. H. O. Cox, Mrs.
Ted DeMerritt, Mrs. Gene
Hill, Mrs. Guy Sheldon, Mrs.
W. H. Holmes, Mrs. John
Takacs Jr, Mrs. Robert Nebi
ker, Mrs. John Kandra Jr,
Mrs. Marvin Thomas, Mrs.
Clarence Hundley, Mrs. Ray
Oelerich, Mrs. George Frey,
Mrs. Clark W. Fensler, Mrs.
Almo Newton, Mrs. Tom New
ton, Mrs. Walter Robison,
Mrs. J. C. Stevenson Sr,
Mrs.. James C Stevenson Jr,
Mrs. W. C. Bailey. Mrs. Wil
lard L. Smith, Mrs. N. H.
Bogue, Mrs. E. T. McLaugh
lin, Mrs. J. A. Lidell, Mrs.
Merle Loosley, Mrs. Sarah
Welsh, Mrs. Thomas W. Chat
burn, Mrs. Uel DUlard, Mrs.
Luther Taber, Mrs. Jack Rat
lift, Mrs. John O'NeiL Mrs.
Charles Hamilton, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Ora Fox, Mrs. Dan
Barry, Mrs. Earl Kester, Mrs.
R. L. Dalton, Mrs. Hazel Lilly,
Mrs. Jerry Ferrier, Mrs. War
ren Fruits, Mrs. W. J. Grove,
Mrs. Elmer Stukel, Mrs. H.
J. Hcndrickson, Mrs. T. W.
Laird, Mrs. Robert Barry,
Mrs. J. B. Kidwell, Mrs. F.
E. Trotman, Mrs. W. C. Dal
ton, Mrs. Alonzo Hodges,
Mrs. Annice Anderson.
Complimenting Mrs. How
ard Bales, a stork shower was
given Monday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Howard A. Burk
hard, 4867 Harlan drive.
Games were enjoyed with cof
fee served at a late hour fol
lowing the presentation of
Honoring Mrs. Bales were
Mrs. Walter Lundsten, Mrs.
Vesta Stiles, Mrs. E. A. Nichol
son, Mrs. Carl Ferrell, Mrs.
Ray Williams, Mrs. Gene Tep
. per, Mrs. A. E. Bergloff. Mrs.
Don Brazee, Mrs. E. A. Tepper, (f
wtsiii ouuunigen, mrs,
Syd Prairie, Mrs. Wayne
Peters, Mrs. Ord Crow, Mrs.
Harry Wiard, Mrs. Clayton
Wiard, Mrs. Luella Ross, Mrs.
Ruby Roufs, Mrs. Guy Shelby
and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Par
kins of Klamath Falls an
nounced the wedding of their
daughter, Shirley, to Mr. El
mer Carmichael, Saturday, No
vember the twenty-ninth, in
Carson City, Nevada.
The young couple plan on
making their home in Klam
ath Falls after a short wedding
Versa group members,
League of Western Writers,
will meet with Mrs. Will
Wood, 255 . Pacific Terrace,
Thursday, December the
fourth at half past one o'clock
for dessert and the annual
Christmas party. ,.
Club Meets
Mrs. Dearborn's Home
Scene of Valley
Mary Dearborn and Mrs.
Grace Dearborn delightfully
entertained the Langell Valley
Women's club at the former's
home on November the twenty-seventh.
The meeting was
in charge of the president,
Mrs. Bessie Campbell. The
club decided not to have a
community Christmas tree this
year. The annual Christmas
party will be held on Decem
ber the eighteenth when Mrs.
Rhea House and Mrs. Edith
Jones will be the hostesses.
Members will exchange fif
teen cent gifts and have a tree.
The club is sponsoring a silver
shower in honor of Mrs.
Buck Boley. the former Miss
Madge Fitzhugh. All of
Madge's friends who wish to
join the club are asked to con
tact Mrs. Betty Pepple at
Bonanza and Mrs. Lela Mur
ray at Lorella, the gift to be
sent before Christmas. Mr.
and Mrs. Boley were married
on November the seventh in
Ohio, at the home of the
groom's parents. The young
couple are well known in
Klamath county. Madge, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ly
man Fitzhugh was a 1941
graduate of Bonanza high
Mrs. Lela Murray and Mrs.
Bessie Campbell reported on
the Red Cross donations which
totaled $79. The club will
start their Red Cross first aid
classes after the first of the
year. Classes are to be held
every Wednesday afternoon at
the parish hall. Everyone is
cordially invited to the classes
under. the supervision of Mrs.
Hazel Meyers, a Red Cross
The club ordered a plant for
Mrs. Bessie Frazier, who has
been very ill. Also gave a fare
well gift to Mrs. Ethel Sulli
van, who is leaving soon to
make her home in Los Ange
lei. At the close of the, meeting,
the hostess served delicious re
freshments to Mrs. Cora Tich
nor and Mrs. Betty Pepple of
Bonanza, and Mrs. Mary Lei
dy, Mrs. Theresa Teare, Mrs.
Viola Dearborn, Mrs. Florence
Botkins, Mrs. Genevieve
Smith, Mrs. Lela Murray,
Mrs. Edith Jones, Mrs. Nonie
Pepple, Mrs. Mae Gale, Mrs.
Alice Peatross, Mrs. Grace
Revell, Mrs. Bessie Camp
bell, Mrs. Cora Leavitt, Mrs.
Madge Monroe, Mrs. Effie Gil
man and Mrs. Virginia Thom
as. An auction was held In the
afternoon with Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. Leavitt winning the
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dear
born were hosts to over a
hundred friends and neighbors
when they gave a wedding
dance at the community hall
on November the twenty
sixth. Treats were enjoyed
during the evening and danc
ing continued until a late hour.
Music was furnished by Bill
Noble, Merle Brewster and
Francis Lilly. Refreshments
were served at midnight.
11 V
This fine young man Is John
Dale Warner, seven-month-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dale Warner Sr., of 2434
Reclamation avenue.
W Ms'
him &3 ki
To Elect
Date Announced for
Club's Annual Holi
day Party
The Sojourners held their
regular meeting on Wednes
day afternoon at the Willard
hotel when officers elected for
the coming six months were
Mrs. Matt Rauw, president;
Mrs. Ramon Kent, vice presi
dent; Mrs. A. J. Myers, treas
urer; Mrs. Sanford Selby, sec
retary. Wednesday afternoon, De
cember the tenth, was chosen
as the date for the annual
Christmas party and Installa
tion of the new officers. Out
going officers will preside as
hostesses for that afternoon,
including Mrs. Marshall Far
mer, president, Mrs. C. A.
Lundy, Mrs. C. S. Elliot, Mrs.
Dale Smith, Mrs. Hans Nor
land, Mrs. Thomas J. Orr Jr,
Mrs. Glen Jones and Mrs. W.
B. Yates.
Cards followed the business
meeting with honors going to
Mrs. W. L. Whytal, Mrs. H. R.
Coulam and Mrs. R. F. Mc
Laren. Guests for the afternoon in
cluded Mrs. Marvin Nerseth,
Mrs. Jack Watkins, Mrs. W. R.
Cabaniss, Mrs. M. Enell, Mrs.
R. F. McLaren, Mrs. E. C.
Schweiker and Mrs. G. Har
mon. Greeted as new Sojourners
were Mrs. C. W. Wilson and
Mrs. A. H. Dennison.
Appropriate to the holiday
season, members of the Past
Noble Grand club will hold
their annual Christmas gift ex
change at the December meet
Ing on Tuesday, the second, at
the IOOF hall, preceded by the
usual one o'clock luncheon.
Hostesses for the day will be
Mrs. Marguerite Smith, Mrs.
Charles D. Garcelon, Mrs. Ma
bel Foster and Mrs. Ed Propst.
Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones will
be hoste-i at a quarter to ten
o'clock Tuesday morning to
members of Delta Gamma
chapter of Delphian at her
home, Second and High
streets. The leader will be
Mrs. K. G. Cummlngs, the
topic, "Science and the Mod
ern World."
Miss Grace Bundy, who Is
an active member of the Busi
ness and Professional Women's
club, is leaving Klamath Falls
for Florida where she will
spend the winter with friends.
A number of Informal affairs
have been given for her during
the past week.
Members of the Church of Latter Day Saints gathered together Thursday eve
ning in the Pelican party room where they made plans for the spring construc
tion of the new Klamath Falls church. They hope to break ground for this
city's latest church early in April. Master of ceremonies was Mr. E. Burrows.
Picture by Wesley Gudcrlan of Herald-News
MuUcai Jfaiei
NEW YORK Just off the press is the book "Favorite
Recipes of Famous Musisians" (Prentice-Hall, Inc.) and your
correspondent can testify that there are some wonderful reci
pes contained therein. Pre-publication Information came from
watching the book develop for its author Is Charlotte Morris.
Not only are there delicacies of the rarest sort described, but
plenty of recipes are suggested for making everyday fare truly
glamorous. Some 100 of the most outstanding nftisicians of
today have contributed their favorite dishes. Lawrence Tib
bett, Lily Pons, Eugene Ormandy, Albert Spalding, John
Charles Thomas, Jose Iturbi and the others have all added
comments to their recipes and these make the book interest
ing reading. There is a short biographical sketch for each
artist and also a picture and signature so the book is a good
reference volume for the music lover. A special chapter written
by Moses Smith, director of the Masterworks Division of Co
lumbia Recording corporation gives ideas for using recordings
as a background for the meal and there are lists of recordings
given for menus made up from the book. There is a chapter
written by Marcia Davenport, giving a menu such as Lena
Geyer would have enjoyed. The book ends with ideas for
after-the-concert dining by Virginia French, whose husband
heads Community Concert Service. The hostess who is a music
lover will find "Favorite Recipes of Famous Musicians" a val
uable source of supply for unusual entertaining.
Igor Gorin, well known baritone, likes to mix music with
his food. In his contribution to "Favorite Recipes" he says,
"Sometimes the music helps to make me forget the food, and
sometimes the food helps to make me forget the music!" That
is his philosophical attitude toward eating while on concert
tours. But his pet dish is broiled chicken a la Ohio, a recipe
from his mother-in-law's file.
Tenor James Melton likes southern specialties. "Shortenln
Bread" is usually called for at a Melton concert and he knows
how it really should be sung, as well as cooked. The midnight
suppers prepared personally by "Jimmy" for his friends are
justly famous, for he Is one of America's foremost gourmets.
Like a majority of those who take particular interest in the
culinary art, Melton likes simple, well seasoned food.
"We like all Russian dishes!" says the renowned piano
duo, Vronsky and Babin. But when Russian food is beyond our
reach, we like the various foods of countries we are visiting,
provided they represent the best type of local cooking." Their
contribution to "Favorite Recipes" Is the delicious "Beef a la
Stroganoff" (beef with sour cream gravy). Here is a dish to
sharpen the most jaded appetite.
ALTAMONT Seven mem
bers of troop eight of the Cub
Scouts met Tuesday night at
the Altamont Elementary
school with their leaders, Mr,
Foster as submaster, Dale Gil
son as den chief and Mrs.' Nel
son as 'den mother.
The boys answered the roll
call by displaying articles
they've made and their hobby
collections. The group sang
three sons. Reverend Eugene
V. Haynes gave a short talk on
cubbing, and Ronald Gulley
and Frank Cochran entertain
ed with tricks.
The four parents welcomed
were Mrs. Jean Leverlch, Mrs.
Dea Barkdoll and Mr. and
Mrs. Gulley. y
Honored At
Oregon State
Virginia Ellen Smith, stu
dent at Oregon State college,
was one of sixty women stu
dents honored by Alpha
Lambda Delta, sophomore
women's scholastic society for
outstanding scholastic records
In high school.
SAVE 15--
Wa Give S kH Green Stamps!
An Added Savings!
1453 Esplanade CLEANERS
ir a
Club Plans
For Holidays
Music al Program
Heard by Mothers
On Thursday
An exceptionally flno at
tendance was noted at the
Thursdny afternoon meeting
of the Mother's club of Sacred
Heart academy this week,
when a delightful musical pro
gram was presented In the
school auditorium.
First number to be heard
was, "Allegro," by Ten Have,
presented by Dean Abbott,
violin, accompanied at the
piano by hi sister. Miss Elaine
Abbott. A play, "Adventures
in Bookland," was given by
seventh and eighth graders,
followed by a song, "The Wo
man In the Shoe," by the girls'
trio. The next number was a
play by third nnd fourth
graders, "Books and Beatrice,"
with a number of the girls'
glee club, "Glnnnlnn Mia." A
song. "Ah. Sweet Mystery of
Life." by Victor Herbert, and
sung by the boys' and girls'
glee clubs, closed the delight
ful program.
Plans were then discussed
for the annual Christmas party
and shower for the Sisters of
the academy, to be held Thurs
day, December the eighteenth,
at half past one o'clock In the
school auditorium.
A social hour followed the
business meeting and tea was
served by the hostesses, Mrs.
R. A. Peterson, Mrs. Phil
Rrlck, Mrs. J. A. Mahoney,
Mrs. W. C. Canton, and Mrs.
S. A. Pleser.
Women of the Moose held
a chapter meeting Tuesday
evening at the Moose hall on
Pine street, when chairman of
the library committee, Frances
Waits, and College of Regents
chairman, Fonnle May Thomp
son, gave a short chapter night
program at which Mrs. Wnlts
talked on the alms and Inten
tions of her committee for the
coming months.
Mrs. Thompson discussed
her chairmanship duties, after
which members and guests
were entertained by a number
of piano solos by Miss Etta
Costella. A potluck supper fol
lowed the meeting.
Dial 4471
Veril Southard Becomes Mrs. Harold Yancey in
Ceremony Hold in Eugene November Fifteenth
Before an altar banked with white chrysanthemums and
palms and lighted with tnll white candles. Miss Veril Houthard,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Snmuel F. Southard of Eugene, be-
enmo the bride of Mr. Harold Yancey of Klnninlli Fulls In a
beautiful ceremony rend at eight o'clock Saturday evening,
November the fifteenth, In the Lighthouse temple. Eugene, by
the Rev. E. J. Fulton.
Just before the reremony
IJoun nnd Janet Hedner, wear
ing bluo orgnndy frocks, light
- - - el tlio cundles. During the
Ci I Huhtlng a violin duet, "Ho-
r Pnnflr niimco," wn played by Miss
Ult,"ul Hetty Morris and Miss Ruth
Monday, December 1 Plinlr of Eugene. A solo, "Be-
Annual chicken dinner and cause." was sung by Mrs. Ruth
bazaar at SI. llnrnnbus' Chamberlain, and Miss Walllla,
church. I.nngell Valley. Pub- Hushnell. nlno of Eugene,
he Invited. Serving to start played, "I Love You Truly,"
at fl o'clock. on the vlbraharp.
Eulalona chnpter, DAR, Doth Lohengrin's proces-
with Mrs. D V. Kuykendnll, slonnl and Mendelssohn's re-
Callfornla avenue, at 8 p m. cesslonul were played nl the
The executive committee ol plnno bv Mr. Kvcrntt Kulton.
Klamath ITA council at Fro- T),0 bride, given In marriage,
monl school, 2 p. m. by her father, was lovely In a
Foreign policy study group, white satin gown embroidered
League of Women Voters, In at the neckline with seed
the afternoon at chamber of pearls, the long sleeves end-
commerce. Ing In a point at the wrist,
William Pitt chapter, and a full train under the lace
Daughters of British Empire, and net veil which was caught
to meet with Mrs. W. C. Mil- at the head by a coronet of
key, Has High street, 8 p. m. pearls and rhlnestnnrs. The
HPW dinner meeting and In- bride's only Jewelry was a
illation, fl ;iU p. m. Willard strand nf small pearls. Her
hotel. shower bouquet was of sweet
Tuesday, December t heart rosebuds, gardenias and
Delta Gamma chapter, Del- very small white chrysanthe-
phlnn, with Mrs. Wilbur A. mums.
Jones, Second and High M1 Margaret Conant of
streets. Mrs. K. G. Cummlngs, Kugene was the bride's maid-
leader. Topic: "Science nnd of honor. Her floor length
the Modern World." (rock of blue Inffcla was of
Afternoon book section, prnCeM style and she carried
AAUW, with Mrs. Don Drury. , K1,rd,nla corsage.
HOI Pacific Terrace. 2 p. m. Bridesmaids were Miss Ger-
Mrs. Robert Thompson to re- (ril(r Nyback. Mrs. Stanley
view "Keys of the Kingdom." Redner and Mrs llerford Hy-
by A. J. Cronln. att, all of Klamath Falls, and
Annual Christmas gift ex- Mrs. Elmer Peterson of Lake-
chunge to be held by Past view. All wore similar frocks
Noble Grands at IOOF hall, made with full, noor length
followed by 1 o'clock potluck skirts and carried French bou-
luncheon. quels. Miss Nyback wore pale
Meeting and 1 o'clock no- yellow, Mrs. Redner. sister of
hostess luncheon of Klamath the groom, wore rose taffeta,
Falls Nile club at Elk hotel. Mrs Derford was In pale green
Wednesday, December 3 and Mrs. Peterson In peach taf-
International Foot printer feta.
dinner dance. 7:30 p. m.. Lake- The Rev. Roy E. Southard,
shore inn. Guests must bring brother of the bride, was best
toys. man. He Is formerly of Klam-
Royal Neighbors of Amer- nth Falls, now residing In Def
lea, IOOF hall, election of of- Moines. Iowa,
fleers. Ushers were Mr. Herbert E.
Mrs. George Wlrti hostess to Southard of Eugene, brother
ANW club. of the bride, Mr. Stanley Red
Thursday, Dacember 4
Verse group with Mrs. Will
Wood, 235 Pacific Terrace,
1:30 o'clock dessert, annual
Christmas porty.
Klamath Lutheran Ladies
Aid dinner and bazaar at
church. Cross and Crescent
Venture club annual bridge
party at 8 p. m., Willard
Friday, December t
Eastorn Star Social club to
meet at Masonic temple at 1:43
o'clock for Christmas party
and election of officers.
Saturday. December (
Dessert bridge and bazaar
by St. Paul's parish In parish
Monday. December 8
"Christmas on the Old Plan
tation,'' presented before Li
brary club by Professor An
thony F. Blanks of the Uni
versity of California. 2 p. m.
Meeting of Alpha C h I
Omega Alumnae club, Mrs.
Mitchell Tlllotson's home,
1832 Earle street, 8 p. m.
Wednesday, December 10
Sojourners club to hold an
nual Chrlstmos party and In
stallation of new officers at
Willnrd hotel.
Thursday. December 11
AAUW Christmas party,
Willard hotel, 0:30 p. m.
Saturday. December 13
Annual Christmas bazaar
given hy Women's Council of
First Christian church at First
Federal Savings aad Loan
company building, Sixth and
Main streots.
Monday, December 13
A playlet commemorating
the 180th anniversary of our
Bill of Rights will be pre
sented by the League of
Women Voters at 2 p. m. in
city library auditorium, to bn
.cantalnvr i -cool
' end thirdr
ai e 13th ttnttirf
' urtlo'
mi i.IJ.i', ii nn i
9th and Main
1 t; I , ..,.' s?t a
f ' IS' f Vi V '09'oe o Ihe
I 'VCfs'ti. WlvSl lltlU lug, St AF
I - W- f I s bean Ih. unm
it t XT 11 I I t A "0 ' o men',
i J ;--m M
'"'MSI i fftrf .
Klimith'o Orus and Owttir
ner and the Rev. Daniel B.
Anderson of Klamath . Falls,
and Mr. Elmer Peterson of
Flower girls were Arlene
and Marlene, fmir-year-old
twin daughters of the Rev. and
Mrs. Daniel B. Anderson of
this city. They were charming
In floor length pink organdy
princess frocks. The ring bear
er was Master Larry Southard,
nephew nf the bride.
immediately after the cere
mony a reception was held at
the home of the bride's par
ents for members of both
families nnd the attendants.
The bride cut her cake which
centered a beautifully appoint
ed table.
For her going away costume
the bride wore a nnvy blue
twill tnllleur with beige acces
sories, her flowers a corsage
of gardenias and rosebuds. Fol
lowing a honeymoon In Cali
fornia, the couple returned to
Klamnth Falls to reside.
The grpom Is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank L. Yancey,
long time residents of Klamath
Royal Neighbors nf America
will meet In IOOF hall Wed
nesday, December the third
for the election of officers.
followed by a tea honoring
new members.
Thursday, December It
Annual Christmas party and
shower for Slslers of Sacred
Heart academy by Mothers
club, 1:30 p. m.
Friday, December 19
Christmas party to be en
Joyed by Past Matrons club at
Masonic temple.
Saturday, January 17
Mld-wlnter carnival dance
slated by Winter Dancing club,
Willnrd hotel.
From Hie clean Highland
lh faint icenl of heath,
ar It reminiscent of the
Country of the High
landers. Saaforth Ii Ihs
choice of particular
man all over Ih world.
Dial 4514