November 20, 1941 PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Final Plans-Made For St. Paul's Party All Day Affair in Parish House Slated by Women Of Church on December the Sixth ' The annual Christmas baiaar to be held by St. Paul's Episcopal parish will bo open all day Saturday, December sixth, et the parish house. Eighth and Jefferson streets. En tertainment and gay plans have been made for every member of the family and many parties have been planned by moth ers of the children's morning hour between ten and twelve o'clock. Bazaar booths will be filled with dainty aprons, tea towels, gift novelties and English plum puddings will be on galo. There will be dessert at one o'clock with Mrs. R. Henry Anderson and her committee in charge. Assist ing Mrs. Anderson will be Mrs. Frank Tarr, Mrs. D. E. Van Vector, Mrs. Howard Per rin.. Mrs. W. W. McNealy has made clever table dec orations for the tables. In charge of the bridge play to follow will be Mrs. Horace Getz, Mrs. Joseph Piland, Mrs. Percy Webb, Mrs. Ralph M. Stearns, Mrs. Delos Mills, Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas, Mrs. John : Hess, Mrs. Marshall Farmer, Miss Hazel Morrison. Reservations for the after noon affair made through Mrs. Lucas, phone 4298; Mrs. Horace Getz, phone 5269, or Mrs. Piland, 7233. Early res ervations arc requested as play will be limited to twen ty tables. Those who are unable to come to the afternoon affair are invited to come with their husbands to the eve ning supper and card party arranged for seven o'clock. Mrs. P. O. Schroeder and her committee of Mrs. William R. Hibbs, Mrs. Dale C. Smith, Mrs. Charles Woodhouse, Mrs. L. E. Meade, Mrs. O. C. Rawl ings, Mrs. William Yates and Mrs. Paul Jones have com pleted plans for a gay eve ning climaxing a day full of entertainment. Reservations for the evening may be made with Mrs. Schroeder, phone 3928, .. Mr. Wyatt Padgett, phone. 3858 or Mr. Percy Webb, phone 6400. .Mrs. Roy Lee, chairman of the children's hour in the morning Invited all children in the community to come to the entertainment. Mothers may. bring the children and leave them in charge of the committee knowing they will be well cared for. Among thb attractions for them will be -a sound Christmas movie, a fortune telling booth, a pup pet show, a hurdy-gurdy and a quarter past eleven o'clock Mrs. Emile Buzaid's accor dion band will play for the party. Home made candy, pop corn balls and penny candies will be on sale. Mrs. John B. Cashin will have charge of the fish pond. Mrs. Lee will be assisted by Mrs. W. R. Hibbs, Mrs. Dale C. Smith, Mrs. John S. Cop page, Mrs. John Shaw. Mrs. Harlan . P, ' Bosworth, Mrs. Edward Livingston and Mrs. Hans Norland are bringing a brand new puppet show for the: entertainment Members of the Girls' Friendly society are assisting. Decorated with Christmas greens, booths will be pro Bided over by Mrs. W. B. Hendrickson at the sewing booth, assisted by Mrs. Leroy Tyrrell,. Mrs. Milburn Adkis son, . Mrs. Mable Listoe and Mrs. Ralph Hopkins. Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, in charge of the cooked foods, will have Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. p.. F. Konschott, Mrs. Melvln Henry, Mrs. L. B. Hopkins, helping her. A white elephant booth will hold many interesting gifts according to Mrs. R. E. Benoist and her assistant, Mrs. John Keating. .. . BETROTHAL MADE KNOWN IN PORTLAND Of great interest to their many friends in Klamath Falls is announcement of the betro thal of Miss Bemice Irene Steelhammer, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. H. W. Steelhammer of Portland, to Mr. Thomas H. Radcliffe, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Heber Radcliffe of Klamath Falls. ' i The betrothal was made known during the Thanksgiv lng holidays in Portland. The young couple have set Decem ber the twentieth as the date for their wedding which will take place In Portland at St. Michael's and All Angels Epis copal church. . Miss Evelyn Hayworth of Hayward, California, spent Tuesday evening at the home et Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, on High street. Miss Haworth was enroute to Cor vallis to visit her sister at Oregon State college and to spend a few days with her parents in Parma, Idaho. She will return to California early In December. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter WIesen danger left early Saturday morning for Eugene to meet their daughter, Joan, a student at Qregon State college, and to attend- tha Beaver Webfoot lama, ..- ' Klamath Maid Weds Church Ceremony in Washington Read Re cently Miss Dorothy Templar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Templar, and Mr. Archibald Diment, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Diment of Sioux City, Iowa, were married in a cere mony read at high noon Tues day, November the twenty fifth, in the Presbyterian, church of Vancouver, Wash ington. The Reverend J. W. Pressly officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length frock of deep brown crepe brocaded in blue with matching accessories. Her or chid and yellow rosebud cor sage was worn at the shoulder. Mrs. Ermel H. Hosley of Chiloquin, sister of the bride, was the attendant. She wore a frock of green crepe with brown accessories and her cor sage was of gardenias. Mrs. Templar, mother of the bride, Wore blue crepe with black accessories and rosebuds. Mr. Donald Diment, brother of the groom, was best man. Vows were exchanged be fore an altar banked with yel low chrysanthemums and lighted with tall tapers. 'At tending were members of both families. A wedding dinner followed at the Old Heathman hotel in Portland where the bride cut the traditional wed ding cake. Mrs. Diment attended Klam ath Union high school, and was graduated with the class of 1939. Diment is assistant manager of the- Wagner Drug company in Corvallis where the young couple will reside. MISS SMITH " . HONORED -AT MERRILL MERRILL Baby Patricia Smith, who with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Smith of Dallas, are guests at the home of the little girl's pater nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Smith, was with her mother introduced to friends of her grandmother, Tuesday afternoon at a pleas antly planned affair. Invited in for the get-acquainted hour and refresh ments were Mrs. R. S. Hop kins, Mrs. R. W. Stampley, Mrs. Layton Stevens, Mrs. W. I. Tingley, Mrs. Herbert Me laas, Klamath Falls; Mrs. Oli ver Whiteman, Mrs. Roscoe Barkhurst, Mrs. Alvin Adair, Mrs. Luther McAnuIty, Mrs. Almo Newton, Mrs. N. Cor penning, Tulelake; Mrs. N. H. Bogue, Mrs. Mary Robinson, Mrs. Mary Pierson and Mrs. Levi McDonald, Merrill. MRS. PIKE HOSTESS TO DINNER GUESTS Mrs. Edward Hall Pike en tertained for a group at din ner in the Pelican cafe on Fri day evening Just before the Robeson concert. Covers were' laid for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reed and son Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood, Dr. and Mrs. George H. Merryman Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harlan P. Bosworth, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Geary and Mr. and Mrs. William Howe of Spokane. Mrs. Stephenson On Visit Here Friends of Mrs. Vera Steph enson of Orland, California, arc greeting her during her. stay at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Tillotson, 1832. Earle street. They regret, how ever, that Mrs. Stephenson is suffering from a fractured right ankle which she received in a recent fall. She will re main in Klamath Falls until she has fully recovered. - 4 Here from Medford to spend the weekend and enjoy. . the Robeson concert Friday night were Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lemery and daughter, Linda Lou.- They are houseguests of Dr. and Mrs. F.. Cecil Adams, Del Moro street. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sanders, Medford residents, Journeyed over the hill. Friday to enjoy the Robeson concert at the Pelican. t u : " u -r . f- f V ' RECENTLY MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Diment of Corvallis were married this past week in Vancouver, Washing ton in the First Presbyterian church of that city. Mrs. Diment is the former Dorothy Templar of this city. Football Fans To North-South Games Many Drive to Gridiron's "Gig Games" Played In Eugene and Palo Alto This Weekend Scores of Klamath Falls folks journeyed to Eugene to witness the Homecoming game at the University of Oregon, or chose to go south to enjoy the Stanford-California "Big Game" at Palo Alto, and other football fans glued their ears to the radio as this weekend saw a wind-up of gridiron classics along the Pacific coast. Evenly divided were the Oregon State and University fans who sat in the chill No vember air at Hayward field and watched the traditional battle. Among those going north this weekend were Mr. and Mrs. William Hagelstein of Dorris, Mr. Charles Mack, Mr. Haarby Bechen, Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Olds, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver, Mr. Kenneth L. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Igl, Mr. and Mrs. Mahr Reymers, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Mal colm Epley, Mrs. J. Truman Runyan, Mr. and Mrs. James Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin K. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Rahlen C. Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Humphrey who are now .residing in Medford, the Andrew Colliers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gerber, Robert Morrison, and Robert Leon ard, the latter two planning to ski at Timberline lodge this weekend. Those planning to see the Stanford-Cal game include Dr. James M. Hilton, Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Rugh, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Blocklinger of Chiloquin, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Barnhisel, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voye, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schallock. OPEN HOUSE AT STANFORD SATURDAY "Open house" at the Delta Kappa Upsilon fraternity on the Stanford campus saw a number of Klamath Falls people, and former residents of this city, enjoying a get-together before the Big Game Saturday afternoon. Guests of Joe Voye, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voye of this city, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Henry of Lodi, California, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Bell of Santa Maria, California, and the Voyes. .' . WHAT A BIG WORLD! '" Round-eyed little Geraldlne Watt had Thanks V. giving here with uncle and auntie, the Wilfred . Lamms, at Modoc Point, She is the young daugh . tcr of Mr, and Mrs. Rolland Watt of Prineville; ,....vv. ,r., .... Kennell-Ellif, Students Entertained Joe Voye Honored During Visit With Par ents Joe Voye, home from Stan ford university for the Thanks giving holidays, was honored at coffee Saturday afternoon when his mother, Mrs. A. J. Voye entertained a group of college friends at the family home on High street. Hours were from half past three o'clock until half past five o'clock, and those enjoy ing the gathering were Miss Janice Bubb, Miss Joan Good run, Long Beach, California, and houseguest of the Bubbs, Miss Helen Moore, Miss Mar garet DeBolt, Miss Eleanor Collier, Miss Rosemary Sloan, Miss Barbara Johnson, Miss Phyllis Foster, and Dick Drap er of Portland, holiday house guest of the Charles L. Moore home, Don Kirkpatrick, Mel vin Cummings, Jimmie Coon an, Hugh Campbell, Don El lingson, and the host, Joe Voye. MRS. ELLIOTT HONORED AT FRIDAY PARTY Mrs. James Swansen Jr., en tertained at her home, 1708 Eldorado street, on Friday at one o'clock at a prettily ap pointed luncheon compliment ing Mrs. Robert Elliott. Fol lowing luncheon Mrs. Elliott was presented with a number of gifts from the guests, mem bers of the teaching staff of St. Paul's Episcopal church school. Covers were laid for Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Victor E. New man, Mrs. Edward P. Living ston, Mrs. Harlan P. Bosworth, Mrs. Harold Shaffer, Mrs. Phil Schroeder, Mrs. Frank Tarr, Miss Hazel Morrison, and Mrs. Swansen. Sorority Pledges Aid Gifts To Be Sold as Benefit for Hostel Fund The last meeting of the Klamath Falls alumnae chap ter of Alpha Chi Omega, was given over to reviewing the national sorority's work in the last World war, and to discus sion of the national council's plans for the defense program and relief work in tho present crisis. Always interested in altru istic work, the group adopted one hundred French war or phans during the last war, and assumed sole support of them throughout the war until 1921. In addition they gave much time, labor and money in many ways. At the national convention held in Pasadena of July this year, Alpha Chi Omega studi ed defense and relief work thoroughly and elected to as sume support of a hostel In England for bomb shocked children, tho responsibility to carry on for one year. Infants and small children are tho most pitiful sufferers of bomb shock, it was observed, and In shelters with adequate food, medical care and facilities for reeducation, the resultant symptoms are successfully combattcd. Active and alumnae chap ters and clubs of Alpha Chi Omega have been called upon to do their parts In financing this work. Each member of the Klamath Falls club has given cash contributions and the group members are making and offering for sale pomander spice balls for holiday gifts, these to be sold through the courtesy of a local store. The place where they may be found will be announced later. Exact duplicates of the po mander balls were made and sold by one of New York's most exclusive stores this past year. Entire proceeds from the spice balls will go toward the support of the hostel, it was announced. Mrs. James Kerns of this city. Northwest province presi dent, is now on her first offi cial tour, leaving Tuesday for Eugene where she was tho guest of the University of Ore gon chapter, spending this weekend in Portland with her mother. Mrs. Anna Cook. She will visit during the week in Seattle at the University of Washington chapter, return ing home about the sixth of December. OLD TIME CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DUE ' "Another old fashioned Christmas program" was the promise sent to Klamath Falls Woman's Library club mem bers by Professor Anthony F. Blanks of the University of California who will be the guest speaker at the library here on Monday, December the eighth. The program Is scheduled for two o'clock sharp, accord ing to Mrs. Matthew H. Rauw, program chairman. Dr. Blanks' topic will be, "Christmas on the Old Plantation." Dr. Blanks Is not unknown In Klamath Falls, as he is coming again at the request of members who enjoyed his previous program. COUPLE WED IN CHRISTIAN CHURCH HERE' At a ceremony at the First Christian church of this city on Wednesday, November the nineteenth, John Wesley Kafton of Disston, Oregon was united in marriage to Miss Helen Maxlne Miller of Klam ath Falls. Members of the immediate families were guests and the sister of the bride. Miss Audrey Miller, and the brother of the bride groom, Mr. Hugh C. Kafton, attended the bridal couple. The Rev. Victor Phillips, min ister of the First Methodist church was the officiating min ister. The single ring cere mony was used. INVITATIONS ISSUED TO HOLIDAY TEA A number of Interesting af fairs are cropping up on the December social calendar, and one of the largest of the pre holiday parties is the tea to which Mrs.' Avis McConncll and Mrs. Edward Hall Pike, have invited guests on Fri day, December the twelfth, from three to six o'clock. . The tea will be given In' the party room of the Pelican, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Water man Humphrey were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Rahlen C, Hastings from their home in Medford, They enjoyed the Robeson concert and later drove to Eugene for the Home coming game. : Y R 1 i r I iv .rwM si BRIDE Mrs. Francis W. McReynolds is the former Dorothy Peter son Simonson of this city. Her marriage was an event of November the sixteenth in Medford. KcnncllEllls. Bride In Ceremony Dorothy Simonson Weds in Medford On November Sixteenth At a quiet ceremony read Sunday night, December the sixteenth, in Medford. Miss Dorothy Peterson Simonson, duughter of Mrs. O. II . Tlco of Medford and Mr. Ture E. Peterson of Hcppncr, became the bride of Mr. Francis W. McReynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ward McReynolds of Medford. Rev. Sherman L. Di vine, pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Medford, read the service. The bride wore a suit of dclph blue with accessories of saddle tan. Her corsage was of talisman roses and bouvardla. The bride's only attendant was Miss Roma McReynolds, sister of the groom, who wore a black costume suit and a corsage of gardenias. Mr. Aaron Ayres Jr. was best man. The service was read at the home of the Rev. Divine, 27 Ross Court, Med ford. Mrs. McReynolds is a gradu ate of Medford high school and for the past four years has made her home In Klamath Falls where she is employed in the office of State Representa tive Horry D. Bolvln. Mr. Mc Reynolds is a graduate of Phoenix high school and is em ployed In the engineering di vision of the Oregon state highway department in Klam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. McReynolds will be at home at 430 North Fifth street. MID-WINTER CARNIVAL DANCE SLATED Plans are being made for the second of a series of par ties planned by the Winter . Dancing club for Saturday, January the seventeenth, in the Willard hotel ballroom. The hosts and hostesses will be. announced within a short time. This will be tho first party of the New Year slated by the group. A mid-winter carnival Idea will be offered the committee In charge and It is hoped that the, dance will be as success ful as tho "V for Victory" dance which opened the year's schedule. KLAMATH MATRON TO BE HONORED Mrs. Annlce Anderson, who will observe hor eighty-seventh birthday anniversary, on Sunday, November the thir tieth, will be the honor guest at' a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Dan Colwell, 617 North Tenth street, Sunday af ternoon. Five generations will be rep resented at the affair, GAIETY CLUB ' MEETS ON THURSDAY Mrs. Charles Falrall enter tained for members of the Gaiety club at her homo on Auburn strv -t Thursday even ing at eight o'clock. Two tables .wore In play followed by a late ' supper,- The group will meet during December for the annual Christmas party. Members of William Pitt chapter, Daughters of the Brit ish Empire, will meot at eight . o'clock Monday evonlng with Mrs. W. C. Milkcy, 828 High - street. Many Affairs Given During Past Week Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Moe Complimented at Parties Prior to Leaving Klamath for the South Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nicholas Moe, who hove resided for a good many years in Klunmlli I'ullii, Imvo bwn compli mented at numerous affairs during the past fortnight prior lo their departure for Pnsadena where they will spend Iho win. ter months. Their many friends slncorely rvgiut tluitr lenv lng and have entertained extonnlvely for them. The Moos plan to Iohvo Monday by motor for tha south. Que of the largest iiffult'i Ch ristmas Party Plans Nile Club to Give Annual Holiday Af fair Friday Final plana for the annual Christmas dinner and party will bo made at the meeting of tha Klamath Falls Nllo club to be held Tuesday afternoon, December the second, at tho Elk hotel, opening with a no hoatcss luncheon at one o'clock. On the hostess committee for the afternoon are Mrs. E. H. Balslger, chairman, Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, Mrs. Ray Oldenburg and Mrs. Char lotte Martin. Elaborate plans are being made for the Christmas party next Friday evening, Decem ber tho fifth, which is one of the club's most outstanding af fairs of the year. Husbands are guests and there is a toy gift exchango (these toys later be ing sent to the Shrlncrs hospi tal at Portland). This year an old-fashioned dance will add to the enjoyment of the occa sion. Mrs. Leo N. Huls Is general chairman on arrangements. Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill is In charge of music, assisted by Mrs. George A. Massey. Mrs. Ted Snoop Is making dinner arrangements, assisted by Mrs. Charles Gilbert and Mrs. R. D. Ellcr. On the decorating com mittee are Mrs. J. H. Poppy, Mrs. Huls and Mrs. Jerry Ricker, and Inasmuch as dec orations at holiday festivities are part of the enjoyment, It is believed that this committee has something special up It respective sleeves. "WHO'S WHO" , CLAIMS LOCAL STUDENT Miss Patricia Gallagher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Olds. 448 Riverside, who will receive her AB de gree from Whitman college In June, is among those students who will be listed In tha 1941 42 Issue of "Who'f - Who, Among Students In American' Universities and Colleges." The book will bo released In January or February. The annual publication Is published through the cooper ation of over 800 American un iversities and colleges. It Is the only means of national recog nition for graduates which Is devoid of politics, fees, and dues. Several students from accredited colleges are select ed each year, by an unpreju diced committee, for their bi ographies to appear In "Who's Who." These books are placed in the hands of hundreds of companies and others who an nually recruit outstanding stu dents for employment. The purpose of "Who's Who" Is to serve as an Incen tive for students to get th$ most out of their college car eers; as a means of compensa tion to students for what they have already done; as a recom mendation to the business world; and as a standard of measurement for students. Miss Gallagher Is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor ority at Whitman college, was vice president of the Junior class, president of Associated Women Students, vice presi dent of the sorority, manager of the choral contest, and president of Mortar Board. Miss Gallagher Was graduated from Klamath Union hlfh school In the class of 1938. Book Review SlaUd Monday "Keys of the Kingdom," by A. J. Cronln, will be reviewed on Tuesday afternoon, Decem ber the second, at two o'clock' before members of the after noon book section of the Am erican Association of Univer sity Women, when they meet at the home of Mrs, Don Drury, 1401 Pacific Terrace. COOK BOOK FREE! One of America's most popu lar "The Household Search light" Froo with new ot renewal subscription to the Household Megaztnel R. L. FOWLER, Cascade Hotel, Apt. No. 204 (Until Dac. 6) was tho dinner and uiinia given for Mr. and Mrs. Muu on Tuesday evening ut ('i-l-Ore lavern with Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Slilvo und Dr. nnd Mrs. George II. Mcrrynmn Sr., us the hosts. Covers were . laid for twenty-four guest. A delightful uTfalr of this weak, honoring Mrs. Moe, was tho luncheon und bridge giv en Wednesday afternoon nt one o'clock in the party room of- the Pelican when Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt und Miss Marie McMillan, Invited thirty guests as an an ravolr courtesy to Mrs. Moe who received with the hmtesse. Guests were seuted ut small tables centered with copper and bronze chrysanthemums, with huge bowls of the love ly fall flowers used about the room. Mrs. Moe received a guest prlio ond awards were given at each uible following cards. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Moe were to be compli mented at dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Albert son. Covers were to be laid for eight. Thanksgiving eve the Mon's shared honors with Ur. Bu ford Hargus of Belmont, Cul ifornla, at a dinner party giv en by Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Smith at their home on Con ger avenue. Twelve were present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nokleby entertained Informally at din ner during the past week for tha Moe's, and Mr. and Mr. T. Sidney Abbott were hosts at dinner for six on Wednes day evening of this past week. On Thursday evening a large group of old friend en Joyed a no-host dinner ot Lakeshore Inn for Mr. and Mrs. Moe. Sunday morning, at ten o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Guy . Hancock have Invited twenty . old friends of tha Moes for breakfast at their homo-on, Pacific Terrace. The group Iv made up of ten couples who have enjoyed Fourth ot July parties at the Moe summer home at Odell lake the past few years. Planned for Sunday eve ning Is a dinner party for. eighteen which will be given by Mr. and Mr. Charles I. Roberts at their home on Pa cific Terrace. VISITORS ' AT LAMM RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred E. ' Lamm entertained for a num ber of guests over tho Thanks giving holidays. Their daugh ter, Winifred, arrived Wednes day morning from Stanford university at Palo Alto, com ing north with Rose Macart ney who spent the weekend , with her parents, tho R. R. Macartneys of this city. On Thursday, Mrs. George Watt and daughter, Geraldlne, and Mr. Donald Grant, all of San Francisco, arrived to be guest of the Lamms, and coming also on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Rol land Watt and two children, Bradley and Geraldlne, of Prineville, and Mr. Henry Mo Court, Mrs. Lamm's brother,1 frorn Mowlch, The visitors loft ' Sunday for their homes', ' ' ' cowfoRT .. i.No.7 Htg -" WMU Ilk ! Ilk , Hi OriMh KM Irewn Mi Than mat bt hum wfey . DMtort rwsmmtnd th Ointllivar MMIt." Stewart & Smith 27 Main St.