November 20, 1041 TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN Classified Advertising Roto: 4 day run On dy .. per word 3o a day run 3 day run por word flo Week run 3 day run per word Bo Month run 20 DISCOUNT for Payment In Advance. Thia dis count given to do away with -book work and billing . . . on actual paid In advance ad only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Thia dis count given to insure prompt payment of ad charged on a monthly basis. . ... , 'Z' flarvlce RESPONSIBLE PERSON will care for children. Phono 7612. 12-7 PICTURE FHAMINa. Gooller's. 230 Main. 1214mtf CARPETS, rugs and furniture cleaned. Dorcmiis Rug Clean er Phone 5878 2012 Or chard. 2-3 MATTRESSES renovated and re covered or your old cotton mattress converted Into 2 10-. coll Inncrsprlng. All work guaranted. Free estlnintes, pick-up and delivery. Ono day service. CARLSON MATTRESS AND UPHOLSTERINO CO. 1719 Main Phono 4510 1210 WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner part for all make. Mrrll Washing Machine Service, ell South Sixth. ll-UOmtl FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnUhed. Normnn Krnley. Phone 4001. 12-24mtf PAPERHANG1NG, pnlntlng, kal somlnlng. Dial 6H4H Melvin E. Frost. 12-13mtf H. L. Brown. Phone 4226 PAtNTING. KALSOMINING 1210mtf CHILDREN CARED KOR. dity or evenings. Reasonable rates. 531 Conger. 12-25 PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 510 Main. 12.-24mtf POTATO CELLARS waterproof ed by oil treatment. Peyton and Co. Phone 51411. 11-20 C A. KONSELLA Painter, decorator Phone 5060. 12-3 SAWS REPAIRED The right way Bodenhamer's, 353 E. Main. 12 10 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE BIS Klamath Avo Phone 38B3 IDOmtf 13 Health RADIUM HOT SPRINGS Now open. Baths, blanket sweats, genuine Swedish massage nv graduate. Circulation, elimi nation, relaxation, slenderiz ing, rejuvenating Rhoumnt !c, etc. No charge for consul tatlon. ' For Information " nd dress J W Engwall, Cedar villa. Calif. 11-30 DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic same location. 53J Main. Dial 7215 12-7mtf 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTED Woman for house work and cooking, $35 per month. Call 8111 before 6 or 6966 after 6:30. 11-20 WANTED Woman not over 50 to take full charge of modem .home for working couple Good cook. Room, board and wage. References required. Writ New-Herald Box 3688. 3686tf LADY BOOKKEEPER Klam ath Packing Company, Mid land road. Phone 5361. 3818tf GIRL for housework must be neat, good cook. Good salary. Phone 8551 evenings and Sun day. H-20 WOMAN for housowork. Call at 307 Martin, Sunday. 11-20 IS Help Wanted. Mele WANTED Farm nand. Single, experienced. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 4798U WANT BOY to run crranda and keep place clean. 13 or over. Must have bicycle. Apply H. E. Hanger. Bulck garngr. U-29 1 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phono 7B54. 12-1 HOUR WORK 7904. 12-1 SHIPMAN'S Boarding Home for Children. Good food, achool busies to door. 3802 Bisbee, outh Altnmont. Phone 7365. 12-3mtf BABYLAND Caro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 12-1 2m tf MOTHER with child want work In motherles home. 450 Mar tin. H-29 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home. Phone 3788. 11-29 COLLECTOR WITH CAR, 10 years' local experience. Now employed but desire change. New-Hcrald Box 3843. 12-1 WOMAN want cooking Job. Ranch preferred. News-Herald Box 3802. H-20 WOMAN want steady house work. Farm preferred. Mr. Kern, Rt. 1, Box 778. 12-1 MAN, 88, unincumbered,' com- petent, good health, wants work. Timekeeper, caretaker, Janitor, dishwasher or com bination. CBr. Go anywhere. News-Herald Box 3020. 11-20 10 Situations Wanted WILL DO FANCY WORK, laun dry, crocheting, dressmaking, selling clothes on consignment. 1U21 Washington. Dial 8380. 12-17 20 Room and Board GIRL Nice room, good cook ing . 603 Jefferson. ' 12 0 DOARD AND ROOM Homo atmosphere. Good food. 220 Washington. 11-29 ROOM AND BOARD for two men. Mrs. Oberg, 435 High St. 12-3 ROOM, BOARD, LAUNDRY 340 N. 10th. U-29 EXCELLENT BOARD, room, laundry. $36 If 2 share room. Twin beds. 1834 Worden. 12-4 ROOM AND BOARD Lady or gentleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 5546. 12-2 HOARD AND ROOM 407 No. Uth. Phono 0010. 2210U ROOM, BOARD 814 Walnut. 12-2 BOARD, ROOM Reasonable rales. 1018 Washington. 11-20 ROOM and Board. Gentleman. 504 N. loth. Phone 6814. 121 22 Rooms For Rent CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4lh. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new inncrsprlng mattresses Free parking 12-13mtf WARM ROOM for working man. Bnth. Call 3524 after6 p. m. 3S3Btf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1304 Worden. 1211 ROOMS 1034 High. 12-5mU SINGLE ROOM 023 Grant. - Phone 8638. 13-4 DESIRABLE ROOM next to bath. Close in. Working girl Phone 6371. 12-1 WARM, ATTRACTIVE ROOM Also garage. 848 Eldorado, 121 MARS HOTEL1411 Main Low weukly rates. 80c to $1.00 per nignt. 1211 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room .adjplnlng bath. J026 Jefferson Phone 6834 12-3 GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Modern, furnished, steam heated. $27.00 and up Phone 8084 12-1 HEATED ROOM 020 Lincoln. 2B20U WELL heated, well furnished sleeping room, 1114 Crescent. U-29 ROOM for gentleman. Modern home. Phone 4687. 12-5 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Three-room fur nished apartment. No chil dren. Call after 6:30. 1828 Crescent. U-29 FURNISHED APARTMENT Corner Pine and Cedar. 1 1-29 VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.80 and up week. 144 Klamath. 12-2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 419 No. 10th. 12-24mtf VACANCY Rex Arm. 12-12 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel lervice. Day, week or mon(h. 12-Dmtf NICELY FURNISHED 3-room modern apartment. Inquire 2110 Applegate. 374Btf VACANCY Adults. 400 Oak. 12-1 FURNISHED APARTMENT 801 Market. 12-1 VACANCY Esplanade Court. Furnished. ll-30mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phone 7266 or 4827. 4138tf THREE-Room furnished apart ment. White Pine Apt. U-29 3-ROOM furnished apartment, $18 month. Zlgler Apt., block south Pelican City school. 11-20 TWO-ROOM APT Clarcmont Hotel. U-29 CLEAN APARTMENT . only. 2023 Darrow. - Adults U-29 TWO-ROOM modern apartments, 'furnished cabin. Reduced rate for winter. Altamont Auto Camp. 12-4 1-ROOM APARTMENT 1143 Pine.. U-29 THREE ROOMS, unfurnished. Water and wood range. Garage-woodshed, Phone 4787. U-29 ONE-ROOM light housekeeping. .Everything furnished. 109 N. Broad. 7 12-4 VACANCY Park Apartment. 1842 Esplanade. 12-4 IS E Ciaddtfced Ada 24 Apartment For Bent 30 Reel Estate For Bale CLEAN APARTMENTS Every thing furnished. $3 to $8 w5-ek. 2 Main 1 2-1 You can see a new home ! in El Dorado Heights, ready THREE-Room opnrtmcnt. 2043 jor occupancy, that we are White. 4H5UI ,llre you w) like. Modernly o . -. i ,.,i."u planned, pleasantly designed. CLEAN a-room apartment with COMPLETELY bedroom. 213 Cedar. 1120 RutomI1"ll;. Th, H. C. Little NICELY furnished houiickecp- oil floor furnace even lights Ing room for one. 248 Broad. iU own fire. Thia new home 12-2 include! a $200 Bendix Auto- , matlc Laundry. Buy It like RIVERVIEW Four rooms nice- rcnt, but see it this weekend. ly furnished with 2 bedrooms, S0. Phone 11817. 12-2 11 1 " "' "" Howard E. Reeder 28 Hot" EL DORADO BUILDING UNFURNISHED 8-room house 01)iPANYD, A for rent. 821 Oak. Inquire B31 1 E1 Dord Blv- Oak. -l FOR RENT Dec. 1, five-room 11-29 partly furnished house. 1500 cr...r, Crescent. Phone 8084. 3743U "OTJP RINGS- iwoom TRUCKS FOR RENT You cement basement, suitable for drive; move yourself, save i. 2 cars. Hardwood floors, fire- Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 place Phone 3608. 2857tf East Main. Phone 8304 KOR QU1CK SALE Save $400. aaBBBBxaxsia Leaving Oregon. Need cash. 28 Houiw For Henf Will sacrifice on my equity . .n. ---t . n two-bedroom house, 14 block 3-ROOM COTTAGE-Furnished off Maj D,a, 3841 m Water and garage. $18. 255 Broad. 11-20 14-ACRE FARM Good build- . . - ings, 5-room modern house, FOR RENT OR LEASE Small aw fruit tree plenty w,. modern house. Completely fur- t(,r prlccd t(J c No lra(Jej nlshed $40 month. Phone clo(. (n Qn pavcment. News. 7B28- 1WB Herald Box 3891. 12-1 FURNISHED 2-ROOM CABIN HOUSE FOR SALE 2215 Or- Hlghley's Market, Summers chnrd wm uke $125 d(Jwn lane. Phone 8075. 4652tf nd , Jcricy CQW or chevrolet 855 ELDORADO Eight rooms, car for our $350 equity. In- fireplace, hardwood floor, new quire 3250 Bristol Ave. 11-29 furnace, full cement basement, AIRPORT ROAD two baths 238M( ' Beautiful home and acreage. SMALL modern furnished cot- " you are Interested make us tage. Utilities furnished. 2125 offer on payment or will take Blehn. U-29 some trade. SHASTA WAY FIVE-ROOM furnished house Four room home and acreage. $50 month. 328 Lincoln. Phone Really worth $1800. For quick 5727. 12-1 sale at cash, $1275. FOR RENT - Partly furnished , 4fJ80 3-rooms, close in. Inquire 720 N. 9th. H-20 : TT EBERLEIN STREET FOUR ?Mhoi Beautiful home, law lot All Inquire 208 Gage road, past n,ady tQ move mto"you can brick yard. iw live ,n th)g home for on,y J29 e6 FOUR room duplex, oil clrcula- per month Including taxes. Small tor, electric range and water down payment, heater, basement, garage and E. Gray, Real Estate launclrv. Phone 3050. 4675tf 118 N. 7th Rea. Ph. 4680 11-28 IB Miscellaneous For ilent . ."iT"., " . - ,. ...w,..w..w WANTED HOME What have 40 ACRES on highway, free wa- you for $1500 down? 2111 ter, electricity, new buildings, Holley. 12-2 near schools. Ada Buck, ..,... , Kerby, Oro. 11-20 EQUITY In 4-room house for sale or trade. News-Herald, DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas- Box 4416. 12-3 cade Garage building. Cars, ' trucks, machinery, what have u n. -. you? Call at all hours Phone ,M1 pLUID DRIVE Dodge car. 8115 iz-Bmtf Good condltlon- Mileage 3706. 30 Real Estate For Sale 5850. 4009 Homedale road. 11-29 FOR QUICK SALE Practically new duplex on pavement with TRADE EQUITY In 1941 Pon- $65 monthly rental. Full price tiac Streamliner for late model $4000, and only $700 down. car or pick-up. 1905 Etna. Also . , 12-2 NEW 4-room home with large v g COUPE-Radio and lot a 1 In heavy lawn and com- h An excellent buy. pletely fenced. $3000. $600 2023 Darrow. Apt. 2. 4360tf . down. : BARNHISEL AGENCY WHY let amateur mechanic re- 112 So. 8th Phone 4105 pair your car? Bring it to 11-29 Leo's Garage and be safe. 136 -r: Main. Phone 6338. 11-29 TWO new 2-bedroom homes. One handy to Weyerhaeuser and 1941 BUICK club coupe. Will Kesterson mills, one In Mills consider cheaper, car. Terms addition. D. W. Starkcy, build- on balance. Sacrifice. 2219 er of homes. Phone 4481. RadclUfe. , 12-1 H"29 BUD WARFIELD, expert motor I WILL help you plan, finance tune-up mechanic, now with and build your new home. Leo's Garage, 136 Main. Phone .Lloyd W. Rusk, 1808 Austin, 6338. U-29 QffShasU way. 128 ,34 CHEV. TRUCK Flat bed. FOR SALE 86-aere farm on Mechanically OK. Good rub- Tule lake. Buildings. $6500. bcr. $200. 2229 Blehn street M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 12-1 12-2 AUTO GLASS THREE-ROOM modem house in Replace that broken glass In Rlvervlew addition. Bargain your car at Rewey'a Glass for cash. 631 Main. Phono Shop, corner Elm and Broad. 3200. U-29 Phone 5716. 12-Bmtf STRICTLY BUSINESS by McFeatter II MUriMM ,1.17 . . , "Padded expense account ' but this on' are bad enough, Murgatroyd, overstuffed) 34 Automotive WANTED -Good DOUGLAS USED CAR LOT 1 1 3 1 34 Automotive WILL PAY CASH for good two wheel trailer. Phone 8231. 12-1 WILL SELL- equity in '38 Ford 4-yard dump truck. Cheap. Call at 2023 Madison. 12-2 1941 STUDEBAKER pickup. Overdrive, heater. Bargain. 3128 LaVerne. 12-3 36 Miscellaneous For Sale CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block number Indicated. In dex keyed to map. Price. 20c. For sale at Carmlchael'i new stand, chamber of commerce Ernie Plluso's Drive-in. Ever body' Drug, Lee Hendrlck'i Drug. Louie Polin's, Poitoffice new stand, Robinson' Food store, Shaw Stationery, The New Herald, Vic's Signal Service. 3208 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 2896tf WOpD -Planer epd at Long " Bell "Lumber company mill See Mr. Keegan on the hill. . . 12-1 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $2.25 at mill. Phone 8383. Conifer Lumber Co., on Weed highway. 12-17mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve ning or Sunday. Howard Graham. 3204U FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. 8704 Avalon. 12-3 STOVES REPAIRED All part stocked used furniture, iioves bought- OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. ll-30mtf FIX THAT RADIO Our busl nes is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 12-9mtt SEASONED FIR BODY WOOD $8 cord. Phone 3787. 12-4 GOOD FIR BODY WOOD Phone 7832. 12-7 DRY PINE FACTORY MILL BLOCKS 126 cubic foot load $4.28 delivered. Metier Bros. Dial 8852. 12-19mtf BIKE FOR SALE Excellent condition. Real bargain. Phone 3813. 12-2 FOR SALE Circulating heater. Burn wood or coal. 329 Roger. 12-1 FERTILIZER for farm yard. Lawn dirt Phone 6817. 12-15 FOR SALE Red cinder. Phone 3681. 12-4 FOB. SALE Man's grey wool overcoat. Cost $30. Sell for $8. 438 Pacific Terrace. U-29 ONE USED boy' tank model bike $17. One used junior boy' bike $20. Montgomery Ward & Co. U-29 WRAP your Christmas packages in wallpaper from Goeller'a. Acros from Wlllard. 12-U FRAMED PICTURES, 69c to $2.99. Goeller'i, 230 Main. 12-U MIRRORS, $1.25 up. Goeller'a, 230 Main. 12-U KEEP COLD AIR OUT with ' Protex weatherstrlpplng. Esti mate free. H. S. Rathe. Phone 6341, 12-4 WOOD BURNING SUPPLIES Goeller's, 230 Main. 12-11 FOR SALE McCormick dairy , milker. Latest model, port able. Double unit and alter nating action. Stainless steel pall. Used 4 month. 2746 Kane. - ' 12-8 FACTORY built trailer house. Reasonable. Altamont Trailer Park. 12-2 34 Automotive USED CARS for SPOT CASH FIRST CLASS PRICES - FOR FIRST CLASS CARS No Delay for Your Money - See Jade Morris, mgr., at FLASH! Buick Offers '41 Buick Sedan, '40 Buick Sedan, '40 Buick Spec. Coupe (8 pas.), '39 Chrysler Imperial Sedan like new, '38 Buick Spe cial Sedan, '37 Dodge Coupe, '37 Packard Sedan, '36 Buick Sedan (Special), '36 DeSoto, '35 Ford Tudor, '34 Hudon Brougham, '34 Ford Sdn., all priced right. Stop. FLASH NO. 2 TRUCKS and Pick-ups '39 Chevrolet Panel j-ton, '38 ' GMC i-ton Pick-up, '37 -Ton Mack Junior, 36 Dodge 1-ton Pick-up, '37 Chev. H-ton Cab Pick-up, '37 Chev. U-tonCab and Chassis, "36 Ford ltt-ton Flat (new tires) at Bulck and GMC Headquarter, 1330 Main St. 38 Miscellaneous For Sale SACRIFICE General Electric car radio, $7. 9x9 umbrella tent, $15. Skis $2. Phone 7646. U-29 38 For Sale or Trad YOU CAN now build the home you have been wanting in c Summers Park .for almost no down payment and monthly payments less than rent. Every lot on pavement. For details " phone .Cal Peyton, 3025 or .5149. U-29 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense " 12-Umtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 8361, Midland Road. ll-30mtf WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 12-16mtf WE ARE TAKING ORDERS for double registered Poll Here ford weaner bulls from Idaho for December delivery. Call at sale yard, 3 miles south on old Midland road, or phone evenings 8426.. Tavenner and Purdy. 12-3 FOR SALE Feeder pigs and sows. Haley Bros., Bonanza, Ore., Box 145. 11-28 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. Also grain and alfalfa mixed. L. D. Tucker, 1 mile west and t mile south Spring Lake school.' 12-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE For ewe 'yearling. Corriedale buck. Lloyd Gift, Bonanza, Ore. 12-5 FOR SALE Guernsey, Jersey cows and heifers. Route 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 12-2 R E G I ST ERED quarterhorses and Palominos of top quality. Stallions, mares in foal, colts. Have both quarter and pa rade type Palominos. Duard D. Wilson, Vernon, Tex. U-29 4B Financial LOANS ON TOOK. AVTOMOBIU Cash At Once! Vour Cir Xfil No B Fully r1d . ror . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance . CORPORATIOS IIS South th at.. RUmatb rll rtom ttas ' ii-tss n-son SMALL LUNCH ROOM Steady year round trade. Low over . head, good lease, good equip ment. Best class trade estab- . lished.. . A real . moneymaker. Owner must quit work. Call 135 N. 4th St! 12-4 34 Automotive ' MOTOR CO. Main Next to Elk Hotel : 38 MUcellaneou For Sale 36 Miscellaneous for Sal" Repossessed rurniture Priced to Sell Today At Our Pine Street Warehouse ' . . .i'-.I,Vi?''."(;1" ;'' Four-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite v.; $50 Davenport and Chair, wine color ,V-$85 Davenport and Chair, wine color ; $50 Davenport, burgundy ' . . . ; ; $35 Five-Piece Oak .Dinette . -. . ;.;$I5 9x 1 2 Rugr ; . . $ ,; "7 " -.7 : ' :t;$25 Coil Spring- . ?. - . . "5 hCJ$ 5 I nnerspring Mattress . $10 Cotton Maftress v.v . .7''$ 5 Montgomery Ward TAVENNER' and PURDY ; ' Licensed ! SALE BARN Where Buyer. and Seller. Meet: :l' Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, . Horses and Mules, Farm Machinery, Household-Goods- Etc. . Auction Sales . Every Saturday - Miscellaneous 1.30 Livestock ' 2:30 "--j Beginning December b, :l 3 miles South of Tower Theater on old Midland Roady We strive to make this a market that will merit jrouir1 support. And we appreciate your consignment.' Com' and inspect our. new up-to-date 'sale pavilllon where we can hold- regular auction sales - every Saturday,,, Rain or Shine. ' . .. ; DON SHIPLEY . ' , v - H. k! TAVENNER Auctioneer . .? ':: Manager'' 703 North 9th St. Phone 5426 ' 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS WAT TO QBT A COHSDMIM CASB LOAM . reoin . wwTi : com w V" You nS no eo-iltnn or nforim to nt a eoocnnmt lout whether yon ar mimed or tras't THREE 'LOAN PLANS No. I INCOMB tOAKS On yen not ooly. Ko wag it1D latnU. . Ko XMlinr. . NO. ft-rCRHITUM LOAK8 Tour ehraetr to nor Important -Winn Ui. (oroitur tUtlf. NO. I-AUTO LOANS fM to 500 tub loui 'and rtfln-aPw-lnf. CONSUMERS CREDIT, M-SM 720 Pine St. -ss-vy Phone 7711 ...... ii-Kmtr Equitable Loans cost you lest and get you Out of Debt. Lower Interest Rate Prompt Service: . CHILCOTE' S SMITH Since. 1809.... ' 111 N. Bth St. Phone 4S84 Tu-Fr-tf 34 katomotlve " ; Late Mode 11-30 46 Financial " v9 " Sea Dinty Moored AUTO LOANS W ? REFINANCING, o . C .; Locally Owned - ... ' Motor Investrrient - COMPANY 114 K. Ith ' , Lib H T7J rbetl SSM . .... IktfUntt FOR SALE Small going groc ery Can be. handled for very , small amount of cash. Would be nice opportunity for elderly . couple to make satisfactory living For further- Informa tion call 7280 day..-'.-V4218 WANTED To-borrow -about ' $3000, secured by first' mort gage on nice suburban hob.e. : News-Herald Box 8844:' 12-1 48 Bullous Opportanitlee ' COCKTAIL LOUNGE, - dance hall, club room $3680 cash, including stock, fixture li censes. Profit amount ap- proximately $480 Thorirl:,Lo cated In northern California. Box 4862, Newt-Herald. 12-$