SERIAL STORY : ' ' " ' LADY BY REQUEST BY HELEN R. WOODWARD COaYmOHT. I4t. NBA RVICC INC TOI STOMN It " Alt rtt7V raal-aalr IMa Taahar knd tale Iir Rlaaar nH ta I ta aarll. aiaTaaa treat ala tfli-nt wkat aaaat fcaaSaaaaa Slaaaaa oart, hum arrttar aa roatmaatalar eaafer rtaa wltk nam at a tlaaa. kin tkaaaat af ker eaiaaratt aarmr. It m Dlaaaa laat ar arltk tka In. Hartae nautml rarvaa aaartaraa. waaaSaa kla vaalty, aaa kaa alraatr baaa arraaa atlea. aaw waadarad It aka aaalS aa etkar work la Ika eltr. ar If aAa woaU kava to rata to kr ffarat fcama. Ska la aaaaaaaS af fear akaw af taaapaiv Jartdaa ta va ara aaa apalaataa. aaacta Srcakaa Tart ImtIh tka baUaUar. Ha kaa tatlawa bar. kla tataraat raa tare kr tka keaatlral, aatr ' a a a i DDfNER WITH STEPHEN! CHAPTER, in aaT7HY are you going back?" . " Stephen Curt asked, his gaze sweeping over her flushing face. "Forget something?" Diana, hearing die low, sure note of his voice, felt that she was listening to all authority and' Understanding. "I was going back to apolo gize," she said simply. "Don't do it," he commanded,, and drew her aside from the! crowd. "Thorpe deserved every! word you said. I happen to know; he s somewhat of a bully, so dont spoil your little victory byi retrenchment" "I'm afraid it wasn't a veryi ladylike thing to say," aha ad- nutted wistfully, and aaw him! snake with laughter. .rXadylikei" he chuckled. "So you were reared in that tradition, were you? My child, you would make a fine museum piece to be viewed on Wednesdays and Fri-! days only!" "It's not nice of you to laugh at1 me," sha said reproachfully. He sobered instantly. "No. it isn't. But then, perhaps I was not taught your sort of kindliness.; And-we can't stand here in the; crowded lobby forever, exchang ing confidences. Come have din ner with me." ; 'But for heaven' sake why?" Diana demanded in utter aston ishment. . ' "Because I want to know more of girl who thinks it a virtue to be ladylike." ;,"Tob dont know my name." "You can remedy that with two. words you needn't tell me your, middle one." He continued to; si i in highly amused by her fenc ing. .' - Tin not sure ifs proper," she' said stiffly. "I'm not accustomed' to dining with strange men." - . '.' Tm sure you're not. As far; aa that goes, you know quite wen who I am." Diana waa completely bewil dered . From her knowledge of' . Stephen Curt, brief though it was,, gleaned from his writings and the glimpse of him in Thorpe's office,, be would never have believed' ma me sort of man to seek a dinner date with a .discharged stenographer. Be waa definitely act ine type. TIE was regarding her with m-M- concealed amusement, his blue yes crinkling with, laughter. "Have you summed up . all the reasons why it would be profitable for; you to- dine with. me?", he asked slyly. Diana flushed, wondering if -to addition to his other accomplish ments, ha could also read minds. She retorted, "Exactly. I hope you choose a much better place than the one to which I am ac customed!" 'He took her arm and guided her toward the doorway. "Ill do: better than that 111 let you select' the place." - Then let's make it the Savola, she suggested with the audacious eagerness of a child. Tve always wanted to go mere." "Right" - Moving along the snowy street oesiae Stephen Curt, Diana was Alan HPIII laai fA. vaallva bat sha liked him tremendously, Kea tne wu be (went imrv. ing oei ore mm, majang people aa OB wanted. Kmra, mm ntf I the eitT h hnA tint mM man menhad not ham In tha wt,t puces, so she had only her father ma -jam Jackson and Richard -to measure Stephen br. r-'ffer father was always saying, r-ivune ior turt," and hovered Bear the radio, grinning broadly, isaying fondly, "It'i a wonder fcomeon don't bump that fellow ami- : ru n j n. i. . (Proud her parents would be to (know she was dining with Ste phen curt. They'd think sha was doing all right in town! In spite : Ming out 01 a jot). Stephen said, seeing her amlla. "Your thoughts must be worth nore than a penny." -They are. I was thinking of rawer, ile i one of your spe- aamtrers. He'll be glad to w. i met you. , M A I A . . . broadcasts?" Diana laughed. "Afraid not I Was usually setting the table for' jsupper , when you were on the Wr." ' . Ha llVarl that A .. Mn he knew would have assured1 pim of her undying interest and lattentlon. Wait," Diana said suddenly, land stopped to buy a long green pencil from a toothless old crone in disreputable rags, ri "Do you encourage every street beggar you see?" he demanded, (half disapprovingly, r She flushed again. "I'm afraid: u'm a sucker all right," she ad knitted apologetically. . "You'd better sterilize that pen-: lefl before you use it," he growled.. I' She looked at it, startled. "II hadn't thought of that," she said,; Und as they were crossing the Wreathe saw her let tha pencil) fall against the curb. A creature iof impulse, he decided. The Savola was all that she had Imagined it . Many people knew tones, and stared at tha pretty girl who accompanied him. When they were seated, Diana glimpsed her make-up hastily in her com pact, saw that she looked quite all right But aha still did not believe that it was really she, din ing in style at the Savola with Stephen Curt TJX ordered an excellent dinner from a waiter who called him by name, and then during the wait that followed turned to Diana and smiled, "Well, then Ifor the purpose of the record, what is your name?" "Diana Tucker." "Nice name. You were right when you were thinking that I dont go in for this sort of thing usually." Diana wondered uncomfortably ;tf this man knew every thought that crossed her mind. "Then why did you insist on bringing :me here?" she asked. Tor a very definite reason," he surprised her by answering, "but it's a story that will have to be led up to gradually and gently, else those ladylike sens ibilities of yours will be definitely shocked." T think t can stand a few more .Jolts," she answered dryly. "So proceed with your story." Stephen Curt fixed her with ithat steady blue gaze before he answered. He saw character, a iflannlta look of good breading, aa well as a delicately etched beauty which ha suspected might one day i become warm and glowing. -; "You'll do," ha said. . Tor what?" ' "YouU be looking for another Job, I suppose?" "Of course. I have to work or go back home." "Home?" "My people live on a farm in 1he lower part of the state." "I see. You dont want to go back to the farm, do you?" "Decidedly notl" Diana an swered fervently. "Then you neednt!" (To Be CoittluueaD OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla Human hair is half aa strong as the stcd used in structural work. There are more than 200 va rieties of holly. I 'i'l i maw team am' ( it was MCAuSk 1 - "W CTrXHTBO FLVINO & 500 OR. V7e, MB. MR. I 1 MHrr V IIomB j - r VOOR KITB ITH A MILLION- rAOTHlNS fCWGTOA,. 1 . JIST KINO COMS -i AROUWP WATER ' I ' OOLLrVPt VilNO NONrJ SO0 fJ $POTT-TT.'-m' ) ;I-V akjl 1 1 BAltSiSv J f ff ' Li w v" might SAciwce TV cam vou t--CC25 , , fiOiTAki'r. srTlT" ;y TW& irENTTlOM F0 wipoo 1 SRftNT US A ( : IT'S A, Hf oiPKl'T.' ; g I VJE. DON'T KMOW WHETWBR J 8RIEP TIMB ( "STEAL, BUT kf!' " Ik . r ' - L':. IT6 A MU6MROOM OR A 1 TO DIGEST 1 WE'LL TAKE IT.' . 'i. V T FVf? . I TOAD6TOOL, BUT WE'LL RISK Kvoua - rf uu.MAJeVOU I W '0 I I UJ V &0-OR MOTMIMS.'I- (OFFER f L THE CASH ,, "i I Lr hz T7 ; Krvr3--' -n -xl 7, wandy ? hrn Wagons Jb mack im I Lionel Trains red ryder Bv rr.d Ha,mon A Small Deposit Holds I X 1 LIDf SSPD'1' V 5" T f AM0 I I - VE i I f3 l)Vt ftAvf.R LH4 S Anythln. Until ChrU,m &gg eg Xggfi k"3HT &) 500fi I fh - proceed with yourstory," II I I'l i 'ANDr5 N VTV II " U kv tw-l . VVriS STJ . .niiK i y - ' t i tty? n.aa i i l l .aMar i.-tT i nt ' i m ;nt i - mv cg i i - i t i THIS CURIOUS WORLD yjgff 1 rVOtT1- UJJ J LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray I A STIPULATED SUrW fZZg S Af 3v WHATS THE T ER WELL- VJ HM-M T HARD TO SAY. 1 WELL, WE PERHAP6- rTB 1 f CT'. i Of SILVER IP HE IVSLy ,'"" MATTER. PILOT? I THE RADIO T PRETTY THICK I 61R. WITHIN 1 HAVE PLENTY HARD TO 6AY- I f AH-GOODTHE tt I PERFORAAED V R Jr.' -Vi IS SOMETHING I SEEMS TO HAVE I OUT, ISN'T I A HUNDRED Ms.ES I OF GAS, HAVENT WAITHERE I 1 BEAM--tTtS A SMALL L I JtAXaTA. i 7 WRONG? I GONE QUITE I IT? GOT ANY I ORSO IVe I WE? WE CAN WE ARE THE I V?J FIELD. BUT I KNOW IT I I WIV0e XtaX 1' 'Mz- k J DEAD. SIR IDEA WHERE I BEEN TRYING TO I RIDE THIS OUT. RADIO 16 ON I n'ffV WELL-tF WE CAN FC I OflfiWATOA.,. -SfcKVw fcnmnmm!SllQt AH-THERE IT I WE ARE? J PICK UP A I CANT WE? AGAIN--WE I "M JUST HOLD THE BEAM Fi H BUT IF THE p XCsXX Ei 71 f, W?KSiK4ffl COMES IN FOR J , Ji BEAM A - jL MAY BE a K. J WELL SET HER DOWN H - iTLl .l I HV INTO THE WIND ' yWaaaat fSstffa -3 ltXZ2& " t S If, 1 Y-rf- E fi-i V1 I 'i, Lil , a jaj I I li'-iSU IITTi liui BEFf B00TS AND HER BUDD, By Martin ' ' ' "Nl V mmmmmi a.ll.llal.amifaHjiuSi' "" TV f, ' ' " ' in n,. - , ak . S .:-J pct LIKE MUIU OU M'W f OVD Vk t.o TjOJ IaIOT UJr v.iSft.- tM VMCKJOU"- CJ&&m lr 'ff: sswc SAH FRANCISCO APVTV BASE ' I B' f ' j i , ' ii-J - i SwH SSf. ? ' f PLACE WHERfJ noU-FISHTS M T V 'If' TA SfVMOJTrOTjaS R'' '-X&W ?7 j ANSWER: An Army base in San Francisco. " 1 Wjijlfl TX-j''1' lY HZ? f 'i:jf' '';' ; LATE COMEDIAN i kirM lfe--Jlr , , 1 r-r jr l "iL..! r : WASHTUBBS ' BtfCrar,i) I HORIZONTAL Answer to Prerions Pnnle 21 Sham. ... Varan isAThfeNrpt-LNgV ,?"eaft (a1a1;JWWNCARThTHJ ( BWTT2uS.c V WIM 1 UMOeRiTAXjrO SUPPLE A LOT e V rP,eND5 vohoV aaScHcrWi feriS i K1 25 Doctor I r..:.-.,.?01-1 He JI 6ECCWB A HOOSB WS . . I 1 THE WAV WASH 14. W TTHAvie H0U46CATS aud Ponw f nourl rACCfcfB'JUSMaAK (abbr.). 1?' '? 1 UPiajMTW. 1 . LA- HE MARRIED. BUT . II LIKE OLD NELLIE. BUT x DAI AMD 1 I at l"l ' 5 'Ja"BUl?. l-'E. Er'l 27 Large casks. EsV. wr ..jr" ?7.E.T.5"EB, r ;, Tll HE STILL LIKES A iT V f. -7 II IMTEUP TO KEEP HtP. Ta TuSxai tup I kkreklWMSc ABMnRUlcrl 28 Crow' Pt" M P ft fk APDY.' I X E A & ''a1 JJ"l L4. MP 0F EXCITEMEWTAji. W L VrOI wav PEEL ABOUT WAShmV PEAR l?MajKHsw9Rfel 29 Collection of mft J1 ivI VXl ES A GUN V fijir)Ljk tZK- s-'-llf affl WOULDWT 6IVE A HCOT WHAT lQPLIPL1 LT-MLTJQrjPaLTJ 'acts. lfr.jaw7a575J TSf'l rse in pxSv" rTlTTTr1 L TV r I people saorthimv. womb op 3AEQLTpCTl 30 2000 pounds. laJ.VSf, '., . J .SS' ' " Vf U Ef J-a 4 fiP!l I M jJtJHEiRPPATTEP BUilklESS. SSSSi?1. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS pv Rl," ' belL , I -v - ' 48 Fetid. I 1 DONT IfNCW jt1 And if mb DONT MARaY You, I J Cm I I BE Quibt.LARd Twbll.hb's "VUlfTK-il 49AMcomb. 't'i, ..Aw BRsrTMWGYoo wont wavi- mvsbuf a cutb 7 f fa j WANT TO ' VStiWl form)"""' &oor&AT ocgo oTl STEP-SISTER t HFAR US ? roNE PURPOSE i - i I r:,-- ( even's-- rv if&i'L r wNm &ire J WWi .l.i a V. aaa. "fTaVS.. wn-i- find our "v v v' r?. ME s Tpyiwo Tl3 y! -v-ii-T- "feTurTJm!0' Wil JslM Ta, SWift I - HORIZONTAL 1, 4 Pictured late comedian. 10 He became i stage an early age. M Age. IS Dexterous. 18 Story,. 17 Atmosphere. 18 Extreme fear. I 19 Munitions. 20 Writing table, f BTurl (pL). 23 Top of a wave. 24 Editor (abbr.). 38 Tone D (music). 87 Part of foot 28 Provides refreshments. 31 Sour. 82 SaUor. it Soon. it Greater quantity. . 7Fale. 3D Abrupt natal sound (pL). 41 Symbol for calcium. 42 Hawaiian bird. 43 He worked up an act at the age of 17 Rove. 61 Portico. 82 Satellite of Jupiter (astron.). 84 Sheltered side. 6$ Canvas shelter. 68 Be present 60 Anger. 61 Units of work. 62 He with Joe Weber, 63 Dowry. VERTICAL 1 Conduct. 2 Great Lake. 3 Embroilments. 4 Obese. 6 Day of the Roman month 6 Mistake. 7 Domineered. 8 God (Sp.). 9 Street (abbr.). 10 Fixed look. 11 Weight allowance. 12 Anything given gratuitously.' 13 Remainder. 1 Z"-" 4" 15 16 17 18 IS I '0 H Ii2 1)3 iv is"-" T"""""? "7 29 33" j 1 I3' f 1 I tit lii 14 - LJL-L- J6 37" jT V Al 3?"40" 43 144 145 K 46 1 47 HO 149 150 EZZZ" "" 55 56 157 158 59 "" ?0 mJ I I- 1J6H 1111 I fH; ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin (c'Sw-NloN lETL?2ii,'-D DO,T'S..X'..S ft IN'HIiBLMK V OUDMBWN A PUSH- r ,;T1 W IVa L '. .'.'Z'S f "Z S ' LeLSH.MT' v mow.' n-r)- . TJil ?--sgfr-'vv -Ja W 1 ai ' MP.1t4l SWELL) TAKB WOPPO.THef BUTCHS.' 'HE BBST THO MOST PBaQED MAM IN BMQLAMD,..LSADBROP A 8AMP Of MBRCILBS.4 MSRCSNAttlBS, .JOHN'S WfcSaT TROOPS FIRST... ANO TM RBSTU BB EASY.' MJm V I