November 28, 1041 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINB 1 FLEET TO ADVISE Stitch Vegetable Garden On Towela W7 SAN DIEGO! Collf., Nov. 28 0D Initoad of retiring from the pltine-biilldliiK field if Ills Inter est In the Consolidated Aircraft corporation U acquired by the Vultee Aircraft, Inc., Major Reu ben H. Fieri Intcndi to stay on In the "even bigger" Job of ad visor to both cumpnnloii. 'I'll la decision, Major Fleet laid In a statement, not only repre sent lila own choice but fulfill! a government request. "I con sider It my patriotic duty," 'the C'onsalr president remarked. Kletit's statement followed an announcement that Vultee, of Downey, Calif., and Aviation corporation, which owns an In terest In Vultee, were negoti ating to ncqulre, probably through an i-xi'hunge of stock, the controlling shares in the great Snn Diego bomber building plant held by fleet and member! of his family. "By no mrani am I withdraw ing," he snld. "The Job before me Is oven bigger than before. Turning over management de tail! of ConiHilldntcd to younger men nnd brcomlng an adviser to both Consolidated Alrrruft und Vulleo Aircraft, will enable moj belter to servo my country in this period of need than has been posslblo previously . . . ." Consolidated builds long-dls-Innre land and sea bombing planes for thu United States army , nnd navy and for tho anti fascist nations abroad. It employs mora j than 30,000 at It! San Diego' plant und hoi present controcti exceeding $730,1100,000. Vultee, In training planes and small fighters, holds soma $153,000,000 in military and naval orders. us1 Nj Household Do Motif UK W UOUMHOl MTf. MC PATTERN 7039 vviint vegetable will you have todoy? There are ilx kinds here lo embroider on your tea toweli and the larger ono In each may be appllqued, if you like. Pattern 7039 contains a transfer pattern of fl motifs averaging 7x7s Inches and applique pattern pieces; materials needed; llliis tratlons of stitches. To obtain Ihli pattern !cnd 10 ccnti In coin to The Herald and Now!, Household Art! Dept , Klamath Falls Do not send this picture, but keep It and the num ber for reference. Bo sura to wrap coin securely, ai a loose coin often slips out of the en velope Requests for patterns should read, "Send pattern No to joilowed by your name and address. Sample This Swedish Food Recommended By Stylist Bids on Shasta Dam Fish Hatchery To Bo Delayed SACRAMENTO. Nov. 28 jf) Postponement of the opening of bldi for construction of addition al facilities In connection with the Shasta dam flih conservation program was announced by tho US bureau of reclamation todoy. Tho bureau was scheduled to open bids today for building a batchory on Battle creek In southern Shasta county, and oth er offen tomorrow for an adja cent warehouse and garage. Pro posals for both projects will be opened December 8 Instead. Ilurcau officials said the post ponement wai due to a change In the wage icale effecting an In crease in pay for carpontors who will be employed in the con struction. At tho same time, they announced bids will be opened December 18 for six resi dences at the hatchery site. The fish control program Is designed to provide salmon a "detour" to an Insurmountable . obstacle Shasta dam Itself-fto their annual migration from the i Pacific ocean to the upper reaches of the Sacramento river and tributary streams. Vyvyan Donner, American news reel fashion director, does most of her International dining in Swi-dlah restuurants. She hus a prlza collection of recipes based on Swedish dlihes and her favor ite form of entertaining la to Invite friends In for a Sunday night supper of Scandinavian foods. Mibs Donner says the Swedish dishes produce an ele gant and expensive-tasting meal for little money. Swedish meat balls and Swedish ham omelet are two of her most popular recipes. SWEDISH MEAT BALLS (Serves 4 to 6) One-half pound of chopped beef, 1-3 pound of chopped veal, s pound of chopped pork, 2 eggs, suit und pepper, 21 cups of milk, 2 tablcspoonfuls of finely ground onion, i cup of bread crumbs, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls of butter, 1 cup of boiling water. Mix the meats together and put them through the grinder twice. Mix eggs and milk, beat ing well, add bread crumbs and let them soak until they swell. Fry the ground onions until golden brown. Mix meat and bread crumbs thoroughly. Add onions, season with salt and pep per to taste. Form Into small balls and fry In butter until brown. Add cup of boiling water and allow to simmer 10 minutes. SWEDISH HAM OMELET (Serves 4 to t) Three eggs, 2i cups of milk, 1 cup of ham cubes, salt and pep per, 1 tablespoonful of butter. Mix eggs, milk and butter, beat thoroughly and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place hum cubes on carefully buttered plo plate, then pour liquid mix ture over the cubes. Put in a moderate oven until mixture sets lightly. Serve on large platter garnished with greens. Swedish housewives Import baking powder from America for their Sprit Kakor (butter cakes). We return the compliment by using their recipe, as given in "Around the World Making Cookies," a handy guide to' cookie baking. SPRIT KAKOR (Butter Cakas) Sift together 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup butter, creamed, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, unbeaten. Add the sugar to the butter and mix well. Add eggs, one at a time, and mix well. Add flour gradually and mix into a smooth dough. Put the dough through the cookie press and form cakes Into small rings. Bake at 400 degrees F. until light brown. MENU BREAKFAST Orange Juice, oatmeal griddle cakes, molasses, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON Cream of tomato soup, wholewheat crou ton!, hot gingerbread, whipped cream, teu, milk. DINNER Swedish ham omelet, mashed potatoes, but tered greens, hearts of celery, squash pie, coffee, milk. Oregon Gas Sales Zoom in October SALEM, Nov. 28 VP) Gaso line soles In Oregon during Oc tober totaled 27,377,378 gallons, largest October figure In history, and a gain of 4,162,433 gallons over the same month last year. Secretory of State Earn Snell said Tuesday, Sales for the first 10 months of 1941 were a record high of 251r 324.777 gallons, a gain of 31, 102,338 gallons over the similar period of 1940. Gas tax collec tions during the 19 months were $12,566,239, a gain of $1,555,116 over the similar period last year, and more than the collections for all of 1939. Read the Classified page CUMBERLAND, Ky., Nov. 27 (AP) Two 18-year-old boys who were arrested In the slaying of Ward Loveless, 31, Washing ton attorney, were returned to Virginia Thursday, several hours after their capture. E. D. Helms of the Lessburg, Va., police department, laid the youthi, Paul Bernard Hoback, 18. Bluefleld, W. Va., and Tom mie Peterson, 18, Lcciburg, had been charged with murder. Accompanying Helms and the two boys back to Leesburg are High Sheriff S. T. Alexander, Commonwealth Attorney Charles S. Harrison and Police Sergeant L. E. Thomas and Patrolman E. B. Mitchell, all of Leesburg. The party left here In Love less' automobile which was found at Cumberland yesterday. The two boys were arrested shortly before dawn at a hotel In Appalachia, Va. Cumberland Patrolman Jim my Johnson quoted the boys as admitting robbing and beating Loveless but denied knowing the capitol lawyer was dead. John son said both boys admitted "some shots were fired" during a scuffle. At Leesburg, Va., Claude Hon icon, partner of Loveless in his agriculture interests, disclosed meanwhile that Hoback had been employed as a farm hand on the Loveless estate but said he had been discharged five weeks ago "because he was sul len and wouldn't work." Johnson said both boys were unarmed when arrested but that police found several loads for an HERE'S QUICK RELIEF a AAt nnstuw II lw TONIGHT Try S-earvoMVa-tro-noL It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irrita tion, (3) relieves transient nasal con gestion . . . And brings great- jptyCK o breathing Comfort. nmwm 3r You'll like It I Follow Z .SSzSL. directions in folder. VA'TIO-NOl Portland Expects le Fire Year Largi PORTLAND. Nov. 28 (P Portland will suffer its greatest fire loss In a decade this year, Firs Marshal Fred W. Roberts said Monday night, Sunday's es- j tlmotcd f200,000 blaze at the Arden Forms company building carried the year's total so far over $000,000. Losses during 1940 totaled only $430,581. HAS LANDED BOISE, Ida. (P) Six time! William K. Hodge traveled to tho writ coait seeking enlist ment in the marines. Six times In Portland, Seattle and other points, they turned him down. Mo made a seventh trip. The folks have a wire from San Diego, Cnllf. Wllllo's in. . X.'MMt Dillclau nourish lag any on of hundred different dishes, Spand.lats tint In th kitchen with flonuln 'RIL-LIT5. Ask your tracer today tor FRIL ilTS, cellephsn wrapped. GENUINE PYREX CASSEROLE Vt qt, cipaclty. Top alio pie Plata or a dish. . . , Send Ui 10 Potttr Brand .eft nnd 3!!e, In celn.noitneM. Mmltedauantltv. Of ftp. 12-J1-41 ttwrMttttw am iMmu-scAnmu kacmoni co, rorusp oil C and H Can Granulated SUGAR 10-Lb. 25-Lb. Bag WW. Bag 57 100-Lb. .09 I Bag O LET CARTER'S SUPPLY FOOD NEEDS 7TH and PINE STREETS - FREE DELIVERY DIAL 3138 PRICES FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY EGGS. GRADE A MEDIUM . . . DOZ. 36c EGGS, GRADE A LARGE .... DOZ. 39c Crater Lake DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR ;:9Lb 49c j:9Lb 1.99 SWANSDOWN DIIJDIlivl ri Club rumrnin Softer Cake Flour . ill'. 23c Brand D C A C Roral Club. rEA3 Dainty Dimple All Brandt in Stock MILK 3 for 27c Cos 4.09 RICHTEX PUREX SSH Pur Vstbl Shortening 2la23e - 2"ct27c ..... Can 57c Quart ..Bottle 15c SWANSDOWN FAMILY FLOUR 25-Lb. "I fQ 49-Lb. AQ Bog .. I .VI 7 Bag ... 1,7 7 COFFEE All Popular Brands Your rsvorlt. 1 - 2-Lb. X A - Can UV( Grind Lb. .7 PAR GIANT SIZE 69 Th soap that contain glycerin to protect your hand loch Ofanr Sis Package Confan fofery FINE QUALITY MEATS HAM ENDS Pound 25c Pard Dog Food 3 for 25c Mco Pat 2 303 cans 19c Royal Club Sweet Potatoes No. 2Vi can 23c Cosmos Apricots No. IVz can 23c Tang Lunch Meat Can 29c Creamed Honey Carton 21c Tenderlsed Hams One-halt hams ...Lb. Loin Pork Roast RIB BOILING BEEF FRESH GROUND BEEF .. LEGO-LAMB FRESH BARREL KRAUT Fresh Drcned Turkeys Hens and Fryers End Cuts Lb. 33c 25c Lb. lSe .2 Lbs. 35c .... Lb. 29c 2 Qti. 25e NEW CROP Navel Oranges 2 Dozen . 39c For Eating er Cooking Spitzenberg Apples 6 lbs. 29c Texas Pink Grapefruit ...3 for 25c Frosh Local Parsnips 4 lbs. 19c Fancy Portland ( Brussels Sprouts 2 bskts. 25c Cranberries Broccoli Grapes Cauliflower Baking Squash FREE -DELIVERY DIAL 3138 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 LARGE Q PACKAGES I C automatic pistol In their posses sion. The patrolman said Cumber land police were tipped oft to the two boys by an aunt of Mo back who read of the Loveless killing and noticed that the auto mobile bore the same license tags as those listed for Loveless' automobile in the newspaper story. Johnson said Cumberland po lice trailed the pair from there to Lynch and then across the Kentucky - Virginia state line to Appalachia where they enlisted the aid of local police In appre hending the boys. Plans Completed For Army Camp Near Albany ALBANY, Nov. 28 (P) Cap tain T. . Dittebrandt, construc tion quartermaster In charge of the Albany-Corvallis cantonment headquarters here, said last night that plans for the 40,000-acre project are practically complet ed, appraisals made and the way prepared for letting of contracts, Accordingly, Captain Ditte brandt said, the contractor-archi tect offices will be closed Decem ber 8, though a small staff will be retained to make any neces sary alterations. John W. Cunningham, con tractor-engineer, and Abbott Lawrence and F. S. Allyn, archi tects, Portland, and their asso ciates will leave. Captain Dittebrandt revealed that the cantonment plans pro vide for a power supply line from the Bonneville substation at Albany. He hag recommend ed complete electrical equipment for this camp, he added, and if these recommendations are ac cepted the Albany cantonment will be probably the first in which electricity is used for cooking, baking and water heat ing as well as lighting. Alternate plans provide facil ities for either one or two army divisions. British Slightly Mixed on History LONDON. Nov. 28 (Brit ish fuzzlness about American history cropped up again today in a story of a Thanksgiving celebration by American techni cians working for British forces. The story said "Lindbergh's Gettysburg address" would be DEAR RSAOSRl My hwMrt loot 117,000 Otttlnf on tho wrons twrto. Hll Ilt-f le qult hIwtm mr slwsy soltin vm tfls poimiwl from homos and holil. Should I so to mark to that wo will at lotlt hava am ataao oourse ot bwomat CON'UIID. See the Answer In "MARRIED BACHELOR" ESQUIRE - Sunday shown on movie screen as part of the observance.- SO GOOD SO INEXPENSIVE! Fine wines, in distinctive decanters... worthy of a place on your sideboard I SHERRY ' PORT TOKAY j ANGELICA MUSCATILI $1.95 Gal. 60 Ot. The t G. IYONS ft HAAS COMPANY V San ftandKO, CoWoml ' VOUR MONEY BACK if your whole family doesn't im n n nTL oft fifVi .. n 7n rr r?n I , rsw . m. M m l jsssiva. oT '- . Sa a" W 12 V "s&mgl AT LAST! . . a ready-to-eat oat cereal with these . v v oatmeal nutritional val- H ues: Vitamin Bt-Vitamin G- Calcium-Phosphorus -Iron! Tapioca and corn meal added for extra crispness and delicious new blended flavor! HERE'S the kind of breakfast food that America, ha wanted for a long timet One that supplies the important vitamin and mineral nutritional values of nourishing oatmeal o . . in convenient, ready-toat forml And a a second blessing to busy mothers CHEERIOATS makes a big flavor hit with young sters and grown-ups alike. No neod now to serve several different kinds of cereals to keep every body happy. Yes, CHEERIOATS is super-nourishing oat meal cereal . . . actually about 1S nourishing eesssxuts a m mm i amwt waa, bo, lT!3i Xfift s r- BS r j an 7 oatmeal 1 Then, for extra crispness and to crests a really new, exciting flavor . . . CHEERIOATS contain approximately 10 tapioca and 10 corn. Tests by General Mills against established ready-to-eat cereals showed a marked "all-family" preference for CHEERIOATS ... so much so that we guarantee your money back if any member of your family doesn't like itl Just think! CHEERIOATS gives you Vitamin B, needed by growing children for normal growth, and by everyone for proper nerve functioning. Vitamin G, necessary for proper growth and weight In children. Iron for the blood. Calcium and Phosphorus for the bones and teeth. And aU in full oatmeal proportions! r-et a couple packages today, won't you? General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota! Vea'll say "Oh" f Chterleals' Motive. Ins aeushnvt sfieae Ms Intrisvlns MeatM flaver end lasting ariienoao In otllk eff SeMr1t (Vfl Sltfreivvsj Mf tmtrtatl sMf htl W3- "H